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CLOSING OF NOMINATIONS MANY RETURNED UNOPPOSED. ALL LISTS NOT YET COMPLETE. Nominations for election to most local bodies in North Taranaki and several in Central and South Taranaki closed on Wednesday at noon. An analysis shows that in many instances sitting members who have offered themselves for re-elec-tion will be returned unopposed. In at least one riding of each county, however, an election will be required, and there will be elections to decide who shall sit on the borough councils of New . Plymouth and Waitara.

There will be a straight-out contest for the Mayoralty of the borough, of New Plymouth. Mr. R. W. D. Robertson, a former councillor, opposing the present Mayor, Mr. E. R. C. Gilmour, who defeated Mr. H. V. S. Griffiths,-the previous holder of the office, at the last election. Mayoral nominations are: *E. R. C. Gilmour (nominated by J. R. Murch and F. Louden). R. W. D. Robertson (nominated by W. W. Thomson, J. H. Quilliam, T. Merron and Jessie Merron). Mr. J. Hine has been returned Mayor of Waitara unopposed. It is probable there will be a contest for the Mayoralties of Inglewood and Eltham. Nominations not included in the lists below will close at noon to-day. The difference in closing dates has left the nominations for seats in several bodies incomplete. Six of the present eight New Plymouth borough councillors have presented themselves for the poll, in addition to a Fitzroy Ratepayers’ Association nominee, Mr. H. Lester, and 'four Labour Party nominees, Messrs. W. Falconer, G. Fleming, B. Thome and R. S. S. Richardson. The two members of the present council not nominated are Messrs. T. P. Anderson, who did not seek re-election, and S. J. Smith, who, it is understood, intended to stand. The nominees are:— . *F. Amoore (nominated by W. George, O. W. Sole, E. Elliot). *J. Brown (nominated by T. Merron and Jessie Merron). *J. W. Darby (nominated by T. Merron, Jessie Merron, L. T. Aylward?. ■ W. Falconer (nominated by R. Fulton, H. Christianson). G. Fleming (nominated by G. E. Roper, R. Fulton). * *F. S. Grayling (nominated by O. Johnston, C. H. Weston, W. H. Skinner). • *F. J. Hill (nominated by T. McPhillips, F. iL. Hartnell, M. J. Marsh). H. Lester (nominated by C. H. Burton, G. Giddy, C. E. Morshead, W. Abraham, W. G. Lock, C. Woodhouse, A. J. Chaney, L. N. Fairhall, P. S. Yeates, J. E. Abraham). R. S. S. Richardson (nominated by G. E. Roper, R. Fulton). *P. V. E. Stainton (nominated by T. McPhillips, W. H. Skinner, S. F. Burgess, F. S. Johns, L. A. Nolan). B. Thome (nominated by C. Ulmer, H. O’Donnell).


TARANAKI COUNTY COUNCIL. CONTESTS IN TWO RIDINGS. All seven members of the Taranaki County Council have been nominated for re-election, in addition to two other ratepayers, Messrs. W, A. Cartwright and S. E. Jlawke, who have created the necessity for elections in Waitara and Okato ridings. Cr. R. Wood is unopposed in the Mangorei riding and Cr. S. Vickers, the present chairman, in the Omata riding. Nominations are:— (Mangorei Riding—One required. *R. Wood (nominated by Messrs. W. M. McAsey, E. J. Pepperell, A. W. Busing and J. Swan).—Returned unopposed. (Waitara Riding—Three required.) *W. Hall (nominated by Messrs. F. V. Green, P. A. Openshaw, A. J. Old, G. H. Wray, F. J. Anndrews, F. W. Stanley, B. Anderson and A. Rowe). *L. G. Andrews (nominated by Messrs. F. W. Stanley and R. Guilford). *H. E. Blyde (noniinated by Messrs. C. B. Lepper and W. N. Ackland). W. 'A. Cartwright (nominated by Messrs. A. Rowe, G. R. Coleman, C. Hoskin and H. Sampson). " Omata Riding—Qne required.) ♦S. Vickers (nominated by Mr. J. Houlahan and Mrs. A. Fuller).—Returned unopposed. Okato Riding. *L. Carey (nominated Messrs. T. W. Morris and A. L. Richardson). *_W. A. Thomas (nominated’by Messrs. T. W. Morris and A. L. Richardson). S. E. Hawke (nominated by Messrs. C. Smith and R. A. Warner).

INGLEWOOD COUNTY ' - ; KEEN COMPETITION AROUSED. ■ ( ■ — CONTESTS IN THREE RIDINGS. With 15 candidates for nine seats on the Inglewood County Council, keen contests are expected There are contests in three of the four ridings. In the east riding Mr. J. W. Grieve has again been returned unopposed. The greatest opposition is evinced in the west riding in which there are seven candidates for the three seats. Nominations are:— i North riding (two required): * James Hunter, Arthur E. Winter, Joseph Stachurski. South riding (three required): *W. N. Willans, *Henry Jones, W. J. Byrne, E. A. Grigg. ' . East riding (one required): *J. W. Grieve (unopposed). West riding (three required) : *R. Stuart, L.i Gopperth, *G. W. Gibson, J. F. Duschenski, A. J. Dodunski, H. R. Marsh, A. Corkill.

EGMONT COUNTY ELECTION IN ONE RIDING. REQUIRED NUMBER IN OTHERS. There is only a contest in one riding of the Egmont ’County Council, there being five candidates for the three seats in the north riding. In the central and south ridings there are the required number of candidates to fill the vacancies. Nominations are:— North riding (three required): R. Cassie, R. B. Fleming, W. C. C. Green*, A. J. Lilley*, T. Wilcox*. Central riding (two required): G. Gibson*, E. G. Holmes, J. Young*. South riding (three required): E. A. Collins*, W. A. Sheat. J. S. Tosland*.

OPUNAKE BOARDS HARBOUR AND POWER CONTROL. NO ELECTION NECESSARY. For the Opunake Harbour Board Messrs. J. S. Hickey, C. R. Julian, G. E. C. Prosser, W. A. Sheat and R. C. Watson, five of the sitting members, have been returned unopposed, together with Mr. A. W. Wan, who replaces Mr. Looney, as Mr. Looney did not seek re-election. The five county representatives on the Opunake Power Board, Messrs. E. A. Collins, R. B. Fleming, G. E. Goodwin, W. C. G. Green and J. S. Tosland have been returned unopposed. TARANAKI HOSPITAL ELECTIONS IN TWO WARDS. EIGHT CONTEST FOUR TOWN SEATS There will be elections in two of the seven wards of the Taranaki Hospital Board. The districts affected are New Plymouth borough, where eight nominations have been received for four eeats, and Egmont County, where a single vacancy is being contested by two nominees. • All the present 11 members of the board are standing again and six ■ have. been returned unopposed, Messrs. S. Vickers and H. E. Blyde (Taranaki county), A. Corkill (Inglewood county), C. H. Barhitt (Clifton county), J. Gibbs (WaitaraInglewood boroughs), and A. J. Brennan (Opunake borough). There are eight nominations for the New Plymouth borough seats, the four present members, Messrs P. V. S. Stainton (chairman), E. B. Davies, R. J. Deareand E. R. C. Gilmour, three Labour Party nominees, Messrs. V. George, B. Thome, R. S. S. Richardson and a previous member, Mr. J. Brown. Mr. Young is opposed in Egmont county by Mr. N. R. Reardon. Nominations are:— New Plymouth—Four Required. J. Brown (nominated by S. Coad, E. R. C. Gilmour, T. Merron, Jessie Mer-

ron). *E. B. Davies (nominated by V. Duff, R. Ellis, G. C. Kibby, D. Le C. Morgan). *R. J. Deare (nominated by V. Duff, L. T. Aylward). ♦E. R. C. Gilmour (nominated by J. R. Murch, F.' Louden). V. George (nominated by G. White, R. C. Alsop, A. Huggard). R. S. S. Richardson (nominated by P. J. Clancy, H. Christiansen). *P. V. E. Stainton (nominated by J. McLeod, T. McPhillips, S. F. Burgess, J. Power, W. H. Skinner). B. Thome (nominated by P. J. Clancy, H. O’Donnell). Opunake—One Required. *A. J. Brennan. Waitara-Inglewood—One Required. *J. Gibbs. Taranaki County—Two Required. *S. Vickers (nominated by J. Houlahan, ' Annie Fuller). *H. E. Blyde (nominated by C. B. Lepper, W. N. Ackland). Inglewood County—One Required. •A. Corkill. Clifton County—One Required. *C. H. Bamitt.

ELTHAM COUNTY POLLS IN TWO RIDINGS. , OTHERS RETURNED UNOPPOSED. A poll will be necessary in two ridings of the Eltham county, Kaponga and Eltham, where the number of nominations exceeds the required number. In all other ridings the sitting members have been returned unopposed. Nominations are:— Eltham riding (two required): *J. L. Campbell, *R. J. Knuckey, W. B. Rob’ertson. Kaponga Riding (two required): *M. W. Barker, H. Hooper, *A.‘ V. Messana. South riding: *A. L. Campbell. Mangatoki riding: *W. E. Carter, *E. J. Gifford, *C. E. McGuinness. Omoana Riding: *P. R. Brown.

NO WAIMATE ELECTIONS COUNCIL RETURNED UNOPPOSED. REPRESENTATIVES UNALTERED. There will be no local body elections of any kind necessary at Manaia this year. \ The personnel of the Waimate West County Council and the county representatives on, the South Taranaki Electric Power Board, Hawera Hospital Board, and New Plymouth Harbour Board are unaltered. The council comprises Messrs. E. Long (chairman), S. H. Le Fleming, J. S. McKay, and F. Mourie (Waimate riding), and Messrs. T. A, Bridge, Hf H. Buxton and J. Leslie (Kaupokonui riding). The county representatives on the Power Board are Messrs. E. Long and J. W. Snowden, on the Hawera Hospital Board Messrs. J. S. McKay and S. J. Bennett, and on the New Plymouth Harbour Board Mr. W. T. P. Wells. The county council has been together for two terms so far, the youngest member, Mr. Le Fleming, having been elected in 1929.

CLIFTON COUNTY ONLY ONE RIDING CONTEST. SIX RETURNED UNOPPOSED. Six of the seven retiring councillors in the Clifton County are seeking reelection and the six are returned unopposed. In the Mokau riding the retiring member, Mr. E. A. Shaw, is not seeking re-election, and that is the only riding in which there is an election. There are two aspirants for the seat, viz., Messrs. John Jimmieson and F. W. Wardell. Nominations are:— Mokau Riding (one required): John Jimmieson, W. Wardell. E. A. Shaw, the sitting member, is not seeking reelection. Uruti riding (one required): *C. H. Bamitt. Urenui Riding (two required): *J. S. Phillips, *G. W. Rogers. Tikorangi Riding (two required): *H. A. Foreman, *W. H. Watson. Waihi Riding (one required): *F. Sarten. NEW PLYMOUTH HARBOUR TWO CANDIDATES UNOPPOSED. TWO BALLOTS ASSURED. Representatives for two constituent districts of the New Plymouth Harbour Board’s area are yet to be nominated, but of the four others in which nomi-

nations closed on Wednesday, two candidates will be returned unopposed and seven others will contest four seats. Four nominations have been received for the two New Plymouth Borough Council seats on the board, while Mr. E. Maxwell, the sitting member for the Taranaki, Egmont and part Inglewood counties will be opposed by Messrs. H. C. Sampson and S. Vickers. Mr. C. H. Burgess, who held the second seat for that district, is not seeking re-election. Mr. J. L. Campbell is unopposed for the Eltham and Hawera counties’ seat, as is Mr. W. T. P. Wells for the Waimate West county seat. The nominations for the Stratford and Whangamomona counties and the Inglewood, Eltham and Stratford boroughs will close to-day. It is understood Mr. H. C. Taylor will seek re-election for the former and Mr. D. J. Malone for the latter. , Nominations are:— New Plymouth Borough. *C. E. Bellringer (nominated by F. J. Hill, P. J. H. White, L. A. Nolan, V. Duff, C. Carter, H. V. S. Griffiths). *J. H. H. Holm (nominated by A. E. Washer, T. McPhillips, J. Kibby, N. A. Hill, W. G. Mander, C. A. Wilkinson). R. S. S. Richardson (nominated by P. J. Clancy, H. O’Donnell). B. Thome (nominated by H. O’Donnell, P. Berge). Taranaki County. *E. Marfell (nominated by Messrs. W. Binnie, C. H. Burgess, K. F. Andrews, T. Willcox, R. J. ’.V. Hancock and A. T. Moore). f H. C. Sampson (nominated by Messrs. H. E. Blyde and W. Hall). S. Vickers by Messrs. C. D. Chant and F. Baker). Eltham-Hawera Counties. ♦J. L. Campbell (unopposed). Waimate West County. ♦W. T. P. Wells (unopposed).

ELECTIONS AT WAITARA COUNCIL AND HARBOUR BOARD. MR. J. HINE MAYOR UNOPPOSED. For seats on the Waitara Borough Council and Waitara Harbour Board there will be elections. For the Mayoralty Mr. James Hine was the only nominee. Nominations are:— Waitara Borough Council (seven required): Arthur H. Ellis, ‘Ernest A.. George, ‘William B. Glasgow, ‘William Middleton, ‘William J., Reeves, Lewis H. Sampson, ‘Henry Spurdie, Thomas Taylor, ‘Harry Wakely. Messrs. Sampson and Taylor have previously been members of the council, and Mr. A. H. Ellis is offering his services for the first time. Waitara Harbour Board (six required): ‘James R. Bennett, Einnim A. Dugdale, ‘James Hine, ‘Edward C. Jones, ’lvor G. Prichard, ‘Henry Spurdie, ‘John Vickery. Mr. Dugdale has previously sat as a member and Mr. Bennett is standing for the first time.

TARANAKI POWER BOARD FOUR MEMBERS UNOPPOSED. / v • THREE COUNTY DISTRICTS. Four sitting members of the. Taranaki Power Board, representing the Inglewood, Eltham and Clifton county districts, . were returned unopposed. They were:— Inglewood district (one required); ’John Hobson. Eltham district (two required): *R. J. Knuckey, *C. E. McGuiness. Clifton county (one required); *C. Foreman.

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Taranaki Daily News, 26 April 1935, Page 14

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LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS Taranaki Daily News, 26 April 1935, Page 14

LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS Taranaki Daily News, 26 April 1935, Page 14