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PRICES MOSTLY MAINTAINED. FAT STOCK GENERALLY ADVANCE. Wanganui, March 6. Freeman R. Jackson and Co., Ltd., report as follows on their Wanganui sale: We had a good yarding in all sections and a very good attendance of buyers. Prices were on a par with recent sales, with good competition on good breeding ewes. Generally speaking the lambs yarded were very poor and mostly tailend lots, and in many cases will take a lot of care and attention to avoid a heavy death rate this winter. Fat sheep were a shade dearer than last week, while fat cattle and butchers’ pigs were at late rates. Top price of the day was for a pen of Mr. G. M. Currie’s wellbred Romney m.a. cast ewes, which made 365. , Sheep: Good two-tooth ewes to 31s 6d; small and inferior, 20s, 255; culls, 14s; good m.a. ewes (special), 365, others 19s to 22s 6d; fair four and five-year ewes, 19s 2d to 21s; full-mouth ewes, 16s to 18s 3d; fattening ewes (poor), 5s to 9s; medium ewe lambs, 14s to 15s 6d; culls, 7s to 12s; cull wether lambs, 6s 6d to 9s 3d; m.a. wethers, 17s 9d; prime ewes, 17s, 17s 6d to 18s Id; prime wethers, 24s to 24s 7d, lighter 21s to 22s 6d; prime lambs, 22s to 24s 6d, lighter 18s to 19s. Cattle: Fat Hereford cows, £4 6s to £4 15s; fat Jersey heifers (good), £3 16s to £4 12s; prime ex dairy cows, £3 5s to £3 17s 6d; fat cows, £2 to £3; light cows, £1 2s 6d to £1 17s 6d. . Pigs: Baconers, £2, £2 18s to £3 2s; heavy porkers, 28s to 31s; porkers, 23s to 27s 6d; light porkers, 18s to 225; choppers to £1 10s; forward stores, 18s to 20s; stores, 12s to 17s; weaners, 6s to 7s; small, 3s to ss. Vealers: Good P.A. runners, £2 3s to £2 14s; good P.A. calves, 245; good Jersey vealers, £1 3s to £1 11s; Jersey heifers, 20-month runners, £2 to £2 16s. WESTFIELD AUCTIONS EFFECT OF RECENT RAINS. LARGE OFFERING SUBMITTED. Auckland, March 6. The improvement in pasture conditions was reflected in the large offering of cattle at the Westfield fat stock sale today. About 200 steers, mainly of good quality, were sold under steady competition, with values fully up to those of last week. The offering of cows and heifers totalled over 700 and included a large number of fattened dairy cows. Prime heifers maintained recent prices, but medium and inferior cows were again a shade easier. . Extra choice ox beef made 25s per . 1001 b, choice and prime, ’2os to 245; secondary and plain, 16s to 19s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 20s to 245; other cow beef, 12s to 19s. Extra heavy prime steers made £lO to £ll 12s 6d; heavy prime, £9 to £9 17s 6d; lighter prime, £8 to £8 17s 6d; light prime, £7 to £7 17s 6d; small and unfinished, £5 to £6 17s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £6 10s to £7 2s 6d; heavy prime, £5 15s to £6 ss; lighter prime, £2 15s to £4 12s 6d; other killable cows, £1 5s to £2 10s. Calves were again in full supply, and although competition was fair for extra choice and small vealers at unchanged prices, heavier sorts suffered from the slacker demand and were again ear - '—. Runners piade 30s< to 675; vealers, 16s to 60s.

Sheep were offered in fewer numbers, and there were practically no heavy prime sorts in the market. Competition consequently very brisk and pri*e levels made another decided rise for both'' ewes and wethers. What store sheep were offered also met with a good sale. Prime wethers, 23s 6d to 32s 3d; unfinished, 18s 6d to 235; prime ewes, 18s to 25s 3d; unfinished, 7s to 18s. An‘average yarding of lambs sold well aid were very firm at late rates. Prime lambs made 17s to 26s 9d; unfinished, 10s to 16s 6d.

The' yarding of pigs was well below the average. The demand for baconers again eased, and last week’s reduced prices were barely maintained. Porkers sold under keen competition and showed a firming tendency. Store pigs, which were scarce, were in good request. Thern was an exceptionally good demand for weaners, reflecting the improvement in the milk supply. Generally, there was a sharp rise in values. Practically no large stores were offered. Baconers made 50s to 765; porkers, 34s to 48s; small stores, 20s to 235. Prices per lb: Baconers, sjd to 5-Jd; norkers, s|d to s|d.


HEAVY YARDING OF FATS. RECESSION IN VALUES. Hastings, March 6. With a much-increased entry of fat cattle, numbering 350 head, values went back with a rush to the tune of 25s to 35s a head at to-day’s sale at Stortford

Lodge. Cows suffered the greatest decline, followed by heifers and bullocks in that order. Tire demand again was good, and although rates were considerably back, competition generally was well maintained, with top lines selling quite well. Medium prime bullocks made to £9, others from £7 7s; cows, medium to prime, £5 5s to £6 2s; others from £2 12s 6d; heifers, medium to prime, £5 17s 6d to £6 15s, others from £3 15s. An offering of 850 store cattle met good inquiry, with good prices being realised or all except inferior sorts. Bullocks made to £7 2s, steers to £5, heifers to £2 Bs, cows to £3 Is. An entry of 500 fat sheep met an easier market, prices on ewes showing a decline of about 2s to 2s 6d a head, with wethers slightly easier. Lambs were fairly steady. Medium to prime made 17s 6d to 20s 6d, others from 13s; wethers, medium to prime, 22s to 245, others from 18s 6d; lambs to 245. The store sheep totalled 12,000, and values were generally steady on ewes, with store-conditioned lambs and twotooth ewes slightly easier. Two-tooth ewes made to 23s 6d, five-year to 19s sd, store to 14s, wethers to 21s; whiteface lambs to 14s Bd, blackfaces to 16s Bd. ADDINGTON YARDS RATES GOOD SALE FOR STORE LAMBS. DEMAND FOR FAT LAMBS NOTED. Christchurch, March 6. Values were well maintained at today’s Addington market. Store lambs: Forward lambs sold well, but backward sorts were easier. Good ewe lambs made to 225; good rape, 15s 6d to 17s; medium, 13s to 15s; ordinary station, lambs, 9s to 10s. Store ewes: About 15,000 were penned, and last sale rates were maintained. Extra good two-tooths made to 30s 9d; good, 27s to 28s 6d; medium, 24s 6d to 26s 6d; extra good s.m., 23s 6d; good, 18s to 19s; medium, 15s to 16s 6d; inferior, Ils to 13s 6d. rat lambs: Three thousand four hundred penned. The export schedule has been reduced this week to 7£d and 6jjd, ana a good sale at revised schedule resulted. One of the export firms did not operate. Best lambs made from 25s to 30s; medium, from 20s to 245; and light flown to 16s 6d.

Fat sheep: Four thousand one hundred penned, and a slightly better sale. Extra prime heavy wethers made to 34s Id; prime heavy, 25s to 28s; prune medium weight, 23s to 24s 6d; medium quauty, 19s to 225; light, 14s to 18s 6d; extra prime heavy ewes, to 25s 4d; prune neavy, 20s to 22s 6d; prime medium weigm, 16s 6d to 19s; ordinary, 12s 6d to 16s; light, to Ils. , rai cattie: rour hundred and sixtyUve penned, very few prime cattle being included. iJ'or good sorts the market was better by 10s to lbs a head; others were unchanged. Good beef cost 23s to 25s per iOOlb; baby beef, to 27s 6d; medium, ZOs to 23s 6d; heavy, 19s to 225; and -other classes, down to Ils per 1001 b. Extra prime heavy steers made to £l2 12s 6d; prime neavy, £9 5s to £lO 10s; medium weight, prime, £8 10s to £9 15s; medium quality, £4 10s to £7 15s; light, to £4 ss. rrime heifers made £5 5s to £7; medium weight, £3 10s to £5; light, to £5;- extra prime cows, to £7 7s Old; prime, to £5; ordinary, £Z 15s to £4; light, and aged, 30s to £2 10s.

Fat pigs: A large entry and little difference in the market except that baconers were sligiitly easier.. Choppers made £2 to £4 13s 6d; baconers, 48s 6d to 55s 6d; heavy, £3 te £3 7s 6d; extra heavy, to £3 13s 6d (average price per lb, 5Jd to 6d); porkers, 30s to 34s 6d; heavy, 36s 6d to l 14s 6d (average price per lb, 6d to 6J). VALUES AT BURNSIDE ADVANCE IN FAT BULLOCKS. FAT SHEEP AT FIRM RATES. Dunedin, March 6. There were large entries in both the fat cattle and sheep sections at the Bumside sale to-day. The entry of cattle numbered 2ffl head, and comprised medium quality bullocks, with only an odd consignment of heavy cattle. The heavy cattle were keenly competed for throughout at an advance of 10s per head. Medium quality bullocks also participated in a similar rise. Young cows and heifers sold at slightly firmer rates. Extra prime heavy bullocks sold to £ll 12s 6d, prime heavy £lO 2s 6d to £lO 7s 6d, medium £7 7s 6d to £8 17s 6d, light down to £5 17s 6d; extra prime heifers to £7 7s 6d and prime cows to £6 7s 6d. Vealers comprised tire bulk of the store cattle entry of 220, and on account of the large supply current values were barely maintained. A pen of three and four-year-old steers realised £4 12s 6d. The usual assortment of culls and graziers’ lines showed no variation in price. An entry of 50 dairy cows, mostly of indifferent quality. Any good young cows close to profit met good competition, realising up to £6 10s. The entry of fat sheep totalled approximately 3000, and comprised principally ewes. Heavy wethers were in the minority, and on account of the short supply sold at firm rates. The offering of ewes included several consignments of outstanding quality, but as'the entry was in excess of requirements reduced prices from Is 6d to 2s 6d per head had to be accepted for this class, and over the final races the tendency for values to drop was even more pronounced. Extra prime heavy wethers sold to 295. nrime heavy 24s to 265, medium 22S to 23s 6d, light down to 19s; extra prime heavy young ewes to 235, extra prime heavy 18s to 21s; prime heavy 16s to 17s, medium 14s to ’lss 6d, light down to Ils. In the fat lamb section about 1000 were yarded. Export buyers operated at reduced schedule, and butchers entered into the market for all heavier grades. Extra prime heavy butchers’ lambs sold to 275, prime heavy 22s 6d to 24s 6d, medium 20s 6d to 21s 9d, light down to 17s. There was a yarding of 141 fat pigs, but the sale, although opening firm at last week’s rates, had an easing tendency. The closing prices showed a reduction of 5s per head for both baconers and porkA large yarding' of 147 store pigs sold at slightly reduced rates. . JOHNSONVILLE SALE GOOD DEMAND FOR FATS. PRIME HEAVYWEIGHTS WANTED. Fat stock met a good demand at Johnsonville yesterday, and sold at firmer prices. Wright, Stephenson and Co. Ltd. and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., offered an average yarding of bullocks. Competition for prime heavyweights was keen, prices being slightly firmer. Prime medium-weights showed no alteration, plain and unfinished were hard to quit. There was a smaller yarding of cows and heifers than usual, Prime heavyweights sold well at an increase of 5s per head on last week’s rates; medium and lighter sorts met with a good demand. There was a large yarding of runners and

vealers. competition for heavy sorts being keen, plain and small vealers being slightly easier. There was a small yarding of wethers of mixed quality, no heavyweight sheep being penned. Prime medium weights sold at late rates, whilst plain and unfinished were not in demand. There was a large yarding of ewes comprised chiefly of good quality prime heavyweight sheep, with a few pens of lighter weight sheep. Extra prime heavy ewes met with very keen competition and sojd at an increase of a shilling per head on last week’s rates. Prime medium ewes were firm with no alteration.

There were only a few pens of prime quality lambs yarded, the balance being light and unfinished sorts. Extra heavy lambs sold well at late rates, light and unfinished being slightly easier. Cattle: Prime, extra heavy bullocks, £9 15s (single), £9 10s single, £9 4s single, £9 single, £8 17s. Prime heavy bullocks, £8 12s, £8 Bs, £8 ss, £8 2s. Heavy bullocks, £7 15s, £7 10s, £7 6s. Extra prime heavy cows and heifers, £6 Ils (single), £6 single, £5 14s single. Prime heavy cows and heifers, £5 ss, £5, £4 15s, £4 Bs. Cows and heifers, £3 ss, £3, £2 6s, £2 2s. Runners, £2 15s, £2 10s, £2 9s, £2 7s, £2 ss. Vealers, £2, £1 12s, £1 11s, £1 10s, £1 Bs, £1 3s, 16s.

Sheep: Prime heavy wethers, small pens, 27s 2d, 26s 3d, 265. Prime heavy wethers, 25s 6d, 255, 24s 9d. Medium wethers, 24s 2d, 245. Prime extra heavy ewes, 22s sd, 22s 4d, 225, 21s 9d, 21s, 20s 6d, 20s. Prime heavy ewes, 19s 7d, 19s Id, 18s 9d. Medium ewes, 14s 6d, 13s 10s, 13s 6d, 13s. Heavy lambs, 22s 9d, 21s 2d, 20s 6d, 19s 9d, 19s 6d, 19s 3d (small pens). Medium lambs, 19s, 185.9 d, 18s 6d, 18s 3d, 17s 9d. Light lambs, 16s 3d, 15s 9d, 15s, 14s 6d, 14s.

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Taranaki Daily News, 8 March 1935, Page 14

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LIVESTOCK MARKETS Taranaki Daily News, 8 March 1935, Page 14

LIVESTOCK MARKETS Taranaki Daily News, 8 March 1935, Page 14