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TARANAKI EXCHANGE THE LATEST QUOTATIONS. Following are the latest quotation? on the Taranaki Stock Exchange:— New Zealand Government Loans.

SALES IN OTHER CENTRES. Saturday’s sales as reported by the Pi-ess Association are:— Wellington: Mt. Lyell, 25s 9d. Reported sales: Electrolytic Zinc, ord., 27s 4d, 27s 6d; King Solomon, 3s 9d; Gillespie’s Beach, 2s 3d; Waitahu, 6s 6d. Unlisted: Woolworths, ord., £5 2s; Smith Wylie, 12s 4Jd; National Tobacco, div., 71s (two parcels). Auckland: Rural Bonds, 5 per cent., 1947, £9B '10s; Farmers’ Auctioneering, B pref., 19s; Colonial Sugar, ' £65; Gear Meat, 255; New Zealand Refrigerating, £1

paid), 19s 9d; King Solomon, 3s 9d; Waihi, 29s lid; Waihi Junction, 4s 9d; Crown Mines, 2s OJd; Broken Hill Proprietary, 44s 3d. Unofficial list: Snowy River, 2£d. BUSINESS AT SYDNEY. By Telegraph—Press Assn. —Copyright. Rec. 5.5 p.m. Sydney, Jan. 27. The latest sales reported on the Sydney Stock Exchange are:— Commonwealth 4 per cent, bonds, 1950, £lO7 2s 6d; 1953, £lO6 ss; 1955, £lO6 10s; 1957, £lO7- 2s 6d;, Australian Gas, “A,” £7 18s; Toohey.’s’i Brewery, 28s; Associated News, 21s 3d, pref. 225; British Tobacco, 37s 3d; Broken Hill Proprietary, 44s 3d; Dunlop Perdriau, 21s 4Ad; Goldsbrough, Mort, 35s* 74d; Lustre, 22s 6d. Investments later showed a weaker tone and trading in mining shares was light. Additional sales are: Commonwealth 4 per cent, bonds, 1938 £lO4 Is 3d, 1947 £lO7 Is 3d, 1959 £lO7 7s 6d; Carlton Brewery, 45s 9d; Bulolo Gold, £6 15s; Bulolo Deposits, (2s 7d; do (six weeks), 2s Bd. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. DOLLAR FEW POINTS STRONGER. British Wireless. Rugby, Jan. 26. The following rates on foreign exchanges are current, compared with the cabled quotations ;cn January 25 and

DOLLAR CLOSES AT 62.99. By Telegraph—Press Assn.—Copyright. Rec. 7.5 p.m. New York, Jan. 28. The dollar closed .at 62.99 in terms of gold currencies; sterling at 498 J, and the French franc at 6.22. AMERICAN WHEAT RISE. Rec. 7.5 p.m. Chicago, Jan. 28. Wheat: May 90J cents a bushel; July 88J cents; September 89 7-8 cents. The New York prices for cash is 100 5-8 cents. Yesterday’s prices were: May 88 7-8 cents; July 87J cents; September 88| cents; New York (cash) 99 3-8 cents. . GOLD CONTINUES TO RISE, London, January 26. Fine gold is quoted to-day at £6 12s 8d an ounce, compared with £6 12s Id yesterday. America bought £1,400,000 worth, believed to be the record amount offered. The following table shows recent fluctuations in the price of fine gold at per ounce:—

SLIGHT VARIATION IN SILVER. (British Official Wireless.) Rec. 5.5 pan. Rugby, Jan. 26. Silver is quoted at 16 5-16 d an ounce spot and forward. Yesterday it was spot and 19 5-16 d forward, and on January 24 19 7-16 d both ways. MS . - ■ :— .... BRITISH WAR LOAN SALES. (British Official Wireless.) Rec. 5.5 p.m. Rugby, Jan. 26. British 3J per cent. War Loan has been sold at £lOl ss. REPORTS FROM MINES. ' King Solomon (Gore): 1650 z lldwt for week* • Bell Kilgour (Cromwell): 50oz ISdwt for week. > Talisman Dubbo (Karangahake): The drive on No. 1 Talisman level was advanced 7|ft. The fade is showing 14in of high grade quartz. The leading stope has been beaten out a further 10ft in good reef 30in wide. Stoping has been carried on in two stopes, working two shifts, in reef of average value 16in wide. The rise for ventilation has been advanced 15ft, total above back of level 29ft. * This has been risen by contract work in reef 24in wide of poor value. SYDNEY WOOL MARKET FIRM HEAVY LOSS ON PRIVATE SALES. INCREASE SHOWN IN EXPORTS. Sydney, January 27. The weekly wool letter in the Sydney Morning Herald says: “There was no quotable change in values at this week’s Sydney wool sales. The offerings totalled 47,853 bales, of which 92 per cent, were sold at auction. The catalogues averaged in the vicinity of 20|d. per lb. The selections were not quite so attractive as earlier lots. “A regrettable feature of this year is that a number of growers sold their wool privately in the country at figures which enabled the buyers to make a profit of £6 to £7 a bale. Japan, Germany and France were vigorous operators during the week. The difference in price between fine and medium wools was not such as to adequately reward growers of fine wool. “From July 1 to December 31, 1933, the exports of wool from the Commonwealth totalled 1,682,373 bales, showing an increase of 144,291 bales compared with the similar period of 1932.”


SATISFACTORY LONDON SALE. STEADY RATES MAINTAINED. London, January 26. At the wool sales 11,170 bales were offered, including 4214 from New Zealand, and about 9750 were sold. The sale was satisfactory, British and Continental competition being sustained. Apart from some withdrawals of inferiors, steady rates were maintained. The best price for a New Zealand offering was for greasy Merino, branded Tipua, which made 19« d. The average was 15 5-Bd. LONDON PRODUCE PRICES CHEESE TREND FAVOURS BUYERS. BUTTER SHOWS A SLIGHT RISE. Quiet markets, with prices steady for white cheese and slightly better for coloured cheese and butter; is the information contained in the report received at Stratford on Saturday from Henry A. Lane and Co. Ltd., London. The cheese market tendency is in favour of buyers. White cheese remains at 425, states the report, and coloured cheese is 445, the market being quiet and the tendency in favour of buyers. The prices represent 44d a lb. for white and.4Jd for coloured, f.o.b. New Zealand ports. Last.week the prices were 42s for both white and coloured. The present London retail price for New Zealand cheese is 6d, the same as last week. . • Deliveries of New Zealand cheese in London during the week ended January 19 totalled 21,000 crates, compared with 19,000 the previous week, 25,000 the week before that and 25,000' in the corresponding period last year. In store on January 19 there were 26,500 crates, compared with 42,000 crates the previous week, 28,000 the week before and 27,500 in the date last year. Canadian stocks totalled 198,841 boxes, compared with 208,432 bbxes for the previous week and 132,826 for the week the previous year. New Zealand butter is selling at 68s, representing 7fd a lb. f.o.b. New Zealand ports, and the market is quiet. The price last week was 655-66 s and at this timelast year 795-80 s. The retail price of New Zealand butter' is still at 9d and Danish has dropped from Is to lid. Deliveries of New Zealand butter in London during the week ended January 19 totalled 2120 tons, compared with 2266 tons the previous week, 2700 tons tire week before that and 2100 tons the same week last year. In store on January 19 there were 3050 tons, compared with 2258 tons the previous week, 2721 tons the week before that and 6328 tons the same week last year. Importers’ advances to factories W’ere quoted at 6Jd for butter and 4d for cheese. BUTTER REMAINS STEADY. CHEESE SHOWS SLIGHT DECLINE. Latest 'reports from the London dairy produce markets show that quotations for butter remain steady, while a slight decline has occurred in cheese, both for white and coloured. Merchants’ reports are as follows:— Collett and Co. Ltd: Creamery butter, finest 67s to 68s, first 66s to 675; white cheese 40s to 41s, coloured cheese 41s to 4a Anglo Continental:—Butter: Market steady, 67s to 68s. Cheese: Steady, white 41s, coloured 425. A. S. Paterson and Co. Ltd. (J. and J. Lonsdale and .Co. (London) Ltd.). Butter: Market quiet. New Zealand 67s to 68s; Australian 64s to 655; Danish, market firmer, 68s f.0.b., 89s landed. Cheese: Market slow, white 40s to 41s, coloured 41s to 425. Newton King Ltd. (Messrs. R. and W. Davidson Ltd., Glasgow and London). Butter: The butter market has again commenced to rise and is slightly higher than last week’s. levels. The market closes quiet with an easier tendency. Salted 67s to 68s (65s to 665), unsalted 70s to 72s (68s to 70s). Cheese: The cheese market has receded slightly for white but advanced also slightly for coloured. The market closes weak with coloured firm on short supplies. White 41s to 41s 6d (42s to 42s 6d), coloured 43s to 43s 6d (41s 6d to 425). .....

FROZEN MEAT IN LONDON APPRECIATION IN MUTTON. NEW ZEALAND LAMBS STEADY. By Telegraph—Press Assn.—Copyright. Rec. 6.30 p.m. London, Jan. 27. Following are the latest quotations at pence per lb. for frozen and chilled meat, with those for January 20 in comparison:— FROZEN MUTTON. New Zealand— Wether and maiden ewe Canterbury and North Island selected Jan. 20 Jan. 27

(A dash indicates none offering.) The weekly quotations are based oh actual sales of wholesale quantities of carcases of mutton or lamb, or of quarters of beef delivered to Smithfield market and/or London stores. They are compiled by the quotations committee, Smithfield. For the equivalent ex ship values on 6 farthing per pound should be deducted from the prices quoted above. Quotations given represent the average for the week and are not for selected lines, but for parcels fairly representative of the bulk of shipments now on offer. DECLINE IN SAVINGS. UNITED STATES’ FIGURES. .Savings deposits in savings accounts and certificates of deposit in banks and trust companies of the United States decreased by 11.8 per cent in the year which ended on June 30, 1933, to a total of 21,424,226,000 dollars. According to the annual report of the American Bankers’ Association savings on June 30 were held by 39,267,000 depositors—a decrease of 5,084,373, or 11.5 per cent., ip the year, notwithstanding that the population of the country increased by 671,000 in that time. Total savings deposits decreased by 2,857,120,000 dollars, bringing the decrease for the three years since June, 1930, to 7,054,405,000 dollars (£1,410,881,000 at par). The report attributes the decrease partly to hoarding, partly to the freezing of deposits in closed or restricted banks, and to the transfer of funds into postal savings, but largely to withdrawals for living expenses and burdensome tax levies. In three years the per capita savings have been reduced from 232 dollars to 62 dollars, the reduction in the last year alone amounting to 24 dollars: Since 1928 the number of savings depositors in the country has decreased from 53,188,348 to 39,267,733, or from 44.3 per cent, of the population to 31.1 per cent. ,

Buyers f s. d Sellers £ s. d. 4 p.c. Bonds, 1949 .. 101 12 6 — 4 p.c. ditto, 1940 .... 101 0 0 — 4 p.c. ditto, 1946 .... 102 12 6 — 31 p.c. Ins. Stock, 1Q3R-52 101 10 0 34 p.c. ditto, 1938-52 .. 101 10 0 — 4 p.c. ditto, 1940 101 0 0 — 4 p.c. ditto, 1946 102 15 0 4 p.c. ditto, 1949 101 10 0 — 4 p.c. ditto, 1955 • 101 0 0 101 10 0 Debentures. Wgtn. City, 4J p.c. •1943 101 0 0 — Wellington Gas Co. . 102 15 0 — ■ Wgtn. Racing Club .. 97 10 0 — Banks. Australasia 12 12 6 — Com. of Aust., ord. . — *18 7 Com. Bank Co., Syd. — 18 10 0 Eng., Scot, and Aust. — 5 18 0 National of N.Z. 4 6 0 4 8 6 New South Wales .. —I 35 0 0 Ditto, Sydney reg. 34 15 0 New Zealand ........ 2 7 9 2 8 6 Ditto “D” long term 1 12 0 Financial. Abraham, Williams, pref ■ 3 0 0 — Goldsbrough Mort & Co — . 1 16 0 Dalgety and Co — 10 12 6 Wgtn. Invest. T. & A. 0 6 0 — N.Z. Invest., Mort. & Deposit 0 4 6 6 0 General Finance .... — 10 0 National Mort. “A” — 3 5 6 Gas. Christchurch *1 9 6 — Wellington, ord. ...; *1 16 9 — Wellington, pref. ’.... —■ 14 3 Insurance. National of N.Z 18 9 Queensland 3 7 6 South British — 3 17 6 3 0 0 — Meat. 1 4 3 1 5 6 N.Z. Refrig., £1 paid *0 19 6 10 1 Ditto, 10/- paid .... 0 9 4 0 9 6 Southland 3 2 0 — Transport. P.. & 0. Defd. Stock 1 1 6 — Woollen. "Mnsrnpl • 9 5 0 Wellington, pref 5 14 6 Coal. Westport - Stockton pref 0 2 8 — Timber. Bartholomew 0 12 6 — Leyland-O’Brien ... 10 3 — Taringamutu Totara . 0 4 0 Breweries. 2 4 0 N.Z. Breweries 1 19 4 2 0 0 Staples and 'Co 18 6 — Miscellaneous. British Tobacco, Aus; — 1 17 9 Colonial Sugar — 65 7 6 Consol. Brick & Pipe 0 6 3 — Dunlop Perdriau .... 1 0 9 1 2 0 Electro. Zinc, ord. .. 17 1 1 7 6 Howard Smith, ord. . — 16 0 N.Z. Paper Mills ... 1 8 0 — Prestige, N.Z. pref. . 116 Sharia nd & Co., ord. 1 4 0 1 6 0 Dominion Fertiliser .. 16 0 17 6 Associated News .... — 1 2 6 Woolworths, N.Z. ord. — 5 10 0 National Electric .... 0 5 0 —- Wilsons Cement .... 17 6 1 8 0 Oil. Moturoa, ord — ,,0 3 2 Mining. Bell Kilgour — 0 10 Big River — 0 1 0 ... 1 18 6 Gillespie’s Beach .... 2 0 2 3 King Solomon 3 7 3 9 Mount Lyell 1 5 6 1 6 0 Okarito .' ■9 0 Waihi 1 9 H 1 10 3 Waihi Grand June. ‘4-' 7 Addison’s Flat 2 3 — Waitahu 6 0 -■ - Unofficial List. ' V Glaxo Manufac., pref. — 10 0 Taranaki Brewery & . » Cordials, 12/6 paid — 12 6 Taranaki Amusements •— 1 12 6 Invest. Exec. Trust, “A” deb 96 0 0 Ditto, 2nd “B’ deb. — 96 0 0 National Tobacco .... *3 9 0 3 12 6 Woolworths, ord. ... — 5 3 6 Smith Wylie (Aust) . 11 6 16 0 *Cum dividend.

par:— Jan. 26 Jan. 25 Par. Montreal, dol. .. 4.99J 5.01 4.866 New York, dol. . 4.941 4.97 4.866 Paris, fr 79 29-32 80 1-32 124.21 Brussels, belga . 22.55 22.56 35.00 Geneva, fr. .... 16.191 16.22 25.22 Amsterdam, fl. . 7.811 7.83 • 12.10 Milan, lire 59 13-16 59 13-16 92.46 Berlin, r.m. ... 13.24 13.31 20.43 Stockholm, kr. . 19 391 19.391 18.159 Copenhagen, kr. 22.40 22.40 18.159 Oslo, kr. 19.90 19.90 18.159 Vienna, sch 29 29 34.585 Prague, kr 1055 106 164.25 Helsingfors, mk. 2261 2261 129.23 Madrid, pes. .. 39 5-32 39 1-16 25.221 ■Lisbon, escu. .. 110 110 110 Athens, dr 545* 5721 375.00 Bucharest, lei . 530 530 813.6 Rio de Jan., mil. 41t 41 5.899d Buenos Aires, d. 36it 361 47.619d Montevideo, dol. 37t . 36J 51d Bombay, rupee 16 3-32 16 3-32 18d Shanghai, dol. . 14 14 1-16 —d. Hongkong, dol. 1511-16 15| —-d Yokohama, yen 12i 12 5-16 24.58d Batavia, fl ■ ■ 7.77 12.10 Warsaw, zloty . — 27.81 43.38 Belgrade, din. . 230 — 232 ‘Sellers. tSellers official.

£ s d January 3 6 7 6 January 4 6 7 6 January 5 6 7 6 January 6 6 6 11 January 8 6 6 8 January 9 6 6 8J January 10 6 7 1 January 11 6 ,7 1 January 12 6 7 2 January 13 6 7 11 January 15 6 8 6 January 16 6 11 9 January 17 6 11 6 January 18 6 12 10 January 19 ' .t. 6 12 10 January 20 6 12 9 January .22 6 12 11 January 23 6 12 9 January 24 6 12 10 January 25 6 12 1 January 26 6 12 8

48/561b 53 51 57/641b 55 53 65/721B 5 55 North Island — 48/561b ■ 53 51 57/641b 55 53 65/721b 5 55 Ewes: Under 481b . 48/641b ’ 41 4f 4 4 65/721b., 35 35 Australian— . Wethers: First, 40/651b 41 43 Second, 30/551b 43 43 Ewes: s 30/551b 45 45 Argentine— Wethers: First, 48/641b 45 5 65/721b — 45 Patagonian— Wethers and maidep ewes: First, 65/721b 43 43 Under 501b — — 50/601b.. "■I • — Ewes: 40/501b — — FROZEN LAMB. New ZealandCanterbury: 361b. and under ■■■ ■— 37/421b. — ■ 1 — 43/501b. — Second, average 321b. ... •—• — Other South Island: 361b. and under ........ 63 63 37/421b 6i 65 43/501b — — North Island selected: 361b. and under .71 7g 37/421b. 71 43/501b — — Second, about 321b. ..... 6! 61 Other North Island: First, 361b .and under .. 73 11 First, 37/421b. 7| 73 Second, about 321b 61 ■61 AustralianVictorian: First, 361b. and under .. 6 53 First, ■ 37/421b. 65 65 Second, 361b. and under 51 51 Other States: First, 361b. and under .. 6 6 First, 37/421b. 65 65 Second, 361b. and under 51 51 All States: Third, about 261b. ...... 51 55 Argentine— First, 361b. and under .. 61 65 First, 37/421b 61 61 Second, about 281b 51 53 Patagonian— First, 361b. and under .. — First, 37/421b — Second, average 301b. .. — FROZEN OX BEEF. New Zealand— t Fores, 160/2201b 2i 23 Hinds, 160/2201b 21 23 Australian— Crops, 1001b. and under 21 23 Crops, over 1001b 21 21 Hinds, 1601b. and under 35 31 Hinds, over 1601b. 31 35 CHILLED OX BEEF. Argentine— Fores, 160-2201b 3J 33 . Hinds, 160/2201b 53 53 FROZEN PORK. / New Zealand— First, 60/801b. . 61 63 First, 81/1001b 5i 53 First, 101/1201b. 53 53 Australian:— First, 60/1001b 6 6 First, 101/1201b 5 5

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Taranaki Daily News, 29 January 1934, Page 12

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STOCKS AND SHARES Taranaki Daily News, 29 January 1934, Page 12

STOCKS AND SHARES Taranaki Daily News, 29 January 1934, Page 12