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” o *1 r JmßbmEwHb No Disappointments Here. Iry the AU Goo<Js as adv ertised in Stock. EVERYBODY SATISFIED mm <S W BE UP AND DOING Sale Commences Wednesday, 19th July Postage Must Accompany All Country Orders Men’s Suits Men’s Trousers Men’s Shirts Winter Woollies Boys Shorts Boys Pyjamas — . « . ~ • nnu< , . m , „r . i « •i tt 30 Pairs Boys’Tweed Shorts. As- 200 Pairs Boys’ Winter Weight J Here’s a Special Bargain—3o Mens 50 Pairs Men’s Dark Grey Tweed 10 Dozen Men’s Woven Striped Special Huge Reductions sorted dark shades. All sizes. Pyjamas. In regular Coat and CARDIGANS Salem*.; 2 /ii f^^Ln A dX P Price ■■■■■■ 7 /6 -cks-M sizes. PULLOVERS 100 Pairs Boys’; Navy School Py~ .“sto fit 15 Medium I Jght Shadow 6 30 Pairs Medium Grey Heavy Cot- SakPnCe •l_i. LUMBER JACKETS sate Price .3/11 I Price only. Sale Price.. 2/11 g I“'® ton Worsted Trousers. Cuff 15 Dozen Men’s Heavy Quality ■ 15 Dark Shades 29/6 bottoms. Sizes 5,6,7 only. We . Striped Drill Neglige Shirt’. 24 Men’s Fleecy Lumber Jackets. p . B , N g chool * sat-Tior Ouafitv Boys’Pyjamas. can recommend this trouser for which we regularly sell at 3/11 A heavy winter weight, and just AU Wool Indigo dye. A heat One Price 50 Men’s Tweed Suits. In Brown: Were 15/-. ea?h WonW value with the thing -rking wear 3/11 Dark and Medium Grey. Good SalePnce., B/H reinforced necks and a guaran- Sizes 36 to 40. Sale Price (,/ J J Sale Price ......4/6 1 cut and finish. All sizes. : — teed wearer. Sale Price 2/11 ■ - ================== ' Sale Price 25/- Pairs Men’s Railway Cord — 120 Men s New Zealand All-Wool — ' Working Trousers. Cuff bot- 144 Men’s New Self-coloured Neg- Lumber Jackets. Our complete Boys’ Overcoats Boys’ JerSCVS inn Worsted Suits In toms. Were 12/6. lige Shirts with Collar to match. stock to be cleared below cost. n ovs » an d Youths’ Tweed Over- « rum i K Fancy Browns? Sale Price 1 0 / 6 A ll the latest patterns in Blues coate. Made from good strong 30 Jersey" 8 to and Greys. These are wonder- and Fawns. Sale Price.. 3/9 wint erout erw ear at Give-away materia i s W e can recommend Cotton vnth 1 ful value. Sizes 3to 6. 60 Pairs Men’s Roslyn All-Wool Prices. Usually 19/6, 22/6, 25/-, for wear . Dark and Medium “ Navy bS FaX Sale Price 49/6 Tweed Trousers. Mediuip Dark 84 Men’s Plain Coloured Poplin n/11 i<»/c IE/C Grey shades. Sizes to fit Boys . We are clearing out I • Grey, Side and Hip Pockets. Neglige Shirts with 2 Collars to Sale Prices 9/H 12/6 15/6 from 7 years to 16 years. These e te. Weireel 40 Men’s Dark Tweed Overcoats. £uff bottoms. Sizes 3,4, 56 7. match A Job Purchase, and a All-Wool worth from 29/6 to 35/-. so g t his is an opportunity Good heavy materials Sizes 3 Sale Price H/ 6 Real Bargain. Sale Pr.ce . 4/6 Arctel Joi . 17/6 /procure a bargain Suitable to 7. Were Priced 39/6. —“— — —— ——— “Canterbury »aie jrnce 1//O for Girls or Boys. All sizes. Sale Price ' 17/6 45 Pairs Mcn ’ s Ncw Zealand All ’ 250 Superior Quality Men’s Neg- WnXn Milk” All Oualitv — ’■ , Sale Price• • 2/6 1 Wool Saddle Tweed Trousers. lige Shirts with Collar to match. Mfils. AB l7 Boyg! Black Rubber Coats, with . Dark and Medium shades. All These materials are all the lat- new m hi' Warm Fleecy Lining. Double- i r.2 Men’s Overcoats sizes. Sale Pricel3/6 ■ est designs," and we can guar- Y 1 ' 7/11 breasted with Belt all round. ?sDozen . Bo y, s rt ® ng ,’?!„y”®H®'‘ 55 Men’s Tweed Overcoats. Good , antee the washing and wearing , ./"i// ? U late ° r ST including X latest Zip assortment of, Dark and Me- 75 Pairs Men’s Fine Navy Serge qualities. An Honest Shirt 60 only to be sold at- SalePnce. l2/6 Fasteners at the neck. All sizes, dium shades. Sizes 3to 7. Sports Trousers. Smart cut. Value. Sale Price 4/g Sale Price-9/11 — — ' 1 — Sale Price .. Vfi SalePrice 2s/- All sizes ’ 3to 7 ’ Were 19/6 ’ —— —■ 45 Small Boys’ Tweed Overcoats. bale Price • J/0 --—; SalePrice..lJ/6 200 Men’s Hardwearing Twist 2 50 Men’s New Zealand All-Wool Assorted Dark Grey, Heather q U ner Oualitv “Canter75 Men’s Overcoats. These are a - All sizes cdi Another Job Pur- as Xtvte wiftHalLbX bur^’’XMadXXlt selection from our large stock, 35 Pairs Men’s Sports Trousers. In Sae 2/11 chase from the Manawatu Size’s Oto 5 Were 19/6 Worsted yarn. Another Job and are good materials and a ll wanted assorted plain ; — ——■ and , C ? nterbU ?f Sale Prtee .. .. q/11 Purchase direct from the Milk wanted shades, including Navy, shades. Sizes 3,4,5,6. / 120 Men s Black Sateen Working dark colours. Usually sold at u/ 11 Dark Heather colour only. Brown and Fawn. All sizes, 3 SalePricell/6 Shirts. All sizes. 10/6 and 12/6. . *— , “Long wear in these.” This to 7. Were Priced up to 95/-. ■ ■; Sate Price2/11 Sale Prlce • ”7/11 40 Small Boys Fawn Gabeidine 8 qntePrirP : - Raincoats. Sizes 0,1, 2. Were S/n Z n/fi - —— —— —— s °° T loulers Me An stee r s' lWeal TW >a 1 120 Men’s Fancy Cotton Pullovers. 19/6. Sate Price 7/11 size 20 to 26. Sale Price 5/11 7 Men’s Fawn Gaberdine Rain- ; Sj® g pHee AU d/11 Men S Socks Medium weight and all new pat- — —• , . coats, with Waterproof Lining Sale Pnce • • • •4/11 terns. Sizes 36 to 38. 25 Small Boys Brown Tweed Over- Size 28 to 32. Sale Price-. 6/6 and heavy Woollen Adjustable ========== 50 Dozen Men’s Ribbed Woolen SalePrice••••2/6 caats - .§ n^?° l ’i We^ rea ?, ■ T inincr 4i-zp<s 3 4 5 6 Wp are . Working Socks. English make. .•-■■/•■ ' style with Half-belt. Sizes oto —r=== simnlv dvinff these awav Were Men’s' PyiaiHaS Heather and Grey only. — ' ~ 5. This is a wonderful line and mos „“ ,L.pL™. s - m “ Underwear m M.Prto.. 5/11 Boys’ Pullovers and '' ~- from a medium weight Flannel- Vonnv fnitnn 40 Dozen Men’s Fleecy-lined Sing- "" , lnvas r oats gi zes LUHier Jackets Men’s Sports Coats ette. All sizes. Sale Price 3/n Socks. Sate Price.. 5D a pair d W e£to Pa AU siz”s S °36 28in. to 48in. ■ Fit Boys from 7 2 50 Boys’ Plain Navy Pullovers. H .. ——■ ■ 0 Sp/teo 1/11 • years to .16 years. Don’t miss All-wool Worsted Yarn. A Spe< 20 Men’s Sports Coats. This is a 200 Pairs Men’s Pyjamas. In a , F «... , db, 4U. bate rncel/11 this like. Sale Price .. 14/H c ial Job Purchase from the f \ mixed lot, and are mostly size 4. heavy weight Flannelette. All 80 8 Pa " c f ar g e r a ®"e — —-— ~ “Kaiapoi Woollen Mills.” To To Clear, Sate Price .... 14/6 sizes.' Sale Price4/H o f patterns. We cannot repeat 100 Dozen Mens F teecj-linedS mg- w Girig , oacanvas Waterproof fit Boys from Bto 14 years. A ——— —— these lines again at this price. ! ets a "? Ql V” de ’? p flr us in Big- Capes, with Hoods. Sizes 22 to 10/6 quality for—--60 Men’s Sports Coats. Single and 350 Genuine Pyjama Cloth Men’s SalePriceQD, 1/. 1/3 !F ®P eciall . y maae j° r f„n 36. For School wear these can- Sale Price -••4/11 Double-breasted styles.- Good Pyjamas. Made in 15 new pat- ' a rt r L-Pull win not be beaten. Were 19/6 and patterns. All sizes. terns and colours. This cloth A SDec i a l Purchase of English Silk thlre is no ex- 21/ ’- Sale Price 12/6 120 Boys’New Zealand All-Wool S alePri “ l7/6 is a Proved Wearer, and there A In lS wlrm W . __= Pullovers. Special Job- Pur — is no guesswork about its . different natterhs j US ai- nricpq All chase from the Canterbury 14 Men’s Khaki Combination Over- Value. , All sizes. SalePricel/11 2/6 sizes 36 38 40 Sale Price 7/6 MeilS UcHldkcichief S Woollen Mills.” All Best Qualalls. Sizes 3 and 4 only. Were SalePrice.s/H 1/11 sizes, 3b, \ 35 Dozen Men’s Plain White Hem- ity Pullovers m new plain; 14/6. Sale Price 5/11 - = Colonial All-Wool Socks, for better 25 Dozen Extra Heavy Winter stitched Handkerchiefs. shades. All sizes, 20 to 32. * — -— A Special Purchase of Superior everyday wear, in all the new Weight Fleecy Singlets and Un- Sale Price . 4 1/" u/11 12 Pairs Ladies’ Riding Breeches. Quality English Wool and Cot- wanted shades. These Values derpants. We can recommend — — ——- — — Smartly cut, and good wearing ton Singlets. Extra Winter cannot be beaten. this quality for real hard wear 20 Dozen Men’s Fancy Bordered 84 Boys’Pullovers. Assorted Fancy materials. Suitable for Riding, weight. Best make, with Rib- Sale Price 1 /41/6 -1 /112/3 e x^ra warmth. All sizesj Handkerchiefs.- Cotton. Reduced below cost to Mountaineering, or Hikipg. bed finish, Welts. Exceptional 36,38,40. Sale Price ... 2/11 Sale Price 4 or 1/3 clear. All sizes. Sale .Price —•;. Were 17/6 to 27/6. ' Value. Usually’6/11. ~T~ i " 7 ■ xr all T?ib — 1/11 2/6 2/11 3/6 Sate Pricel2/6 Singlets, Sate Price .... 3/H Men’s Coloured All-Wool Under- New Zealand AU Wool Rib- A Line of Men > s Woven ; Tr , * aip- 4/c flannels. !n aU shades. Shet- Brands Ribbed Striped Handkerchiefs. In new 60 Boys’ New Zealand AU-Wool . M,M ” 4/11 o»r”- s »' M ”-5/ii 5,1,1 n” ” 4/ - a“o“.?saw soia at /. b • J/D’ 10 Dozen Boys’ Fleecy Lined Sing- , ~ , ■ ~ , — . Factory Seconds in Men’s Large cleared. All sizes 24 to 32. '; — — lets, in good medium weight. size (20 x 20) White Hemstitch- Sale Price <7ll' to Dozen Carpenters Aprons. AU sizes in stock. Sate Prices- A, ed Handkerchiefs. Usually 1/- ■ .11 Purpo..., rri... !/■ jj. ...... TPs. Ou, l.rp. mJ i.l. “St ' S Dozen Men's Strong Working ISO Bogs’ AU-Wool Key College ///i/ ik’u/'" U) ’ Blue’lnd <loU°Aji M.““ot B " s TwS”: Sp T/ ,S‘t. Devon St., New Plymouth s... 6". i/- i/s 1/11 4« w. 5... p™. 2/3

SANDER & SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT heals cuts and wounds quickly, because it is the strongest antiseptic that can be used with safety and does not irritate as the common eucalyptus. Internally, for colds, headaches, flatulence, it is the recognised remedy. Insist on the GENUINE SANDER’S and benefit

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Taranaki Daily News, 18 July 1933, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Daily News, 18 July 1933, Page 10