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INGLEWOOD MEETING RAIN AFFECTS ATTENDANCE. OLD COMMITTEE CONGRATULATED. Heavy rain somewhat affected the attendance at Inglewood, only about 25 being present. \ The annual report claimed a successful y/ar for the school. The examination results and the favourable reports from the inspectors indicated efficient work, 23 pupils gaining proficiency and two competentv. The dux medal presented annually by Mr. lan Grant was won by Sybil Grant. A.t football the boys won their section btf were l>eaten in the final by'West Eha. A* basketball the girls 'won the schools’ cl' an }PKmship, the Deare Shield and the assbOiatipn banner. Big strides were made in swimming, 56 certificates over distances froT) 50 yards to a mile and 21 life-saving ceiijfi ca t es being gained. • Considerable improvements were to the school grounds with unemploy<s labour, and were being carried out id. the basketball area. The school lost by transfer its headmaster (Mr. McKinney) and the infant mistress (Miss Evans). An effort was made in conjunction with country schools to have a high school established. A visit was paid by the Director of Education a little more than a week ago and the matter was gone into again. Connected with the school was the dental clinic, from which 117 Inglewood pupils received treatment. The cost to the Inglewood school committee per child attending the clinic was last year ss. 6Jd., but with more schools coming in’ the cost was falling. The cost was mostly covered by the charge made. Owing to the shutting out of children under six the average attendance had fallen considerably and was at the last monthly meeting of the committee as low as 241. Should the school fall below 240 it would lose a senior teacher. The fall in the average attendance would also affect the capitation received by the committee.

In spite of lower receipts from the board the committee had, with the additional funds raised and by careful administration, ended the year with a larger net balance than at the commencement. During the year funds were raised from mart £lB, concert £22 and ball £l7. The chief items in expenditure were cleaning £9l and books and stationery £22 10s. The balance at the commencement of the year was £23 Us. 3d. and at the end £44 Bs. 3d. The balance-sheet and report were adopted without discussion. There were 12 nominations for the committee, the election resulting as follows: A. H. Grant, I. P. Grant,. S. Wanklyn, S. G. Lovell, H.' S. Drake, E. Clarke, H. Patterson, E. H. Braybrooke, M. Sutherland. Messrs. E. H. Braybrooke and M. Sutherland are new members of the committee.

A recommendation was made to the incoming committee that a monster sports, meeting, all schools combining, be held. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the outgoing committee. Mr. A. .Grant, in returning thanks on behalf of the committee, said that the committee had always been ably supported by parente'-and teachers. . Mr. S. Lovell, secretary, thanked the chairman, Mr, A. Grant, for the capable way he had carried out his duties. These remarks were supported by Messrs. Patterson and Wanklyn. Mr; R. Brown/ headmaster, in thanking the' householders for their welcome, stressed the point that the -school had to have an average attendance of 240 to keep to the present grade, and as the roll number was only 251 this would be hard, but 'he appealed to . all to help by seeing 1 that their children attended a? often as possible. Mr. Brown stated that at present, owing to sickness, the average was low.

At a subsequent meeting of the committee Mr. A. Grant was unanimously re-elected chairman, and Mr. S. Lovell secretary../ Mr. Grant extended a welcome to the two new members,. Messrs. M. Sutherland and E. H. Braybrooke, who had previously been members of school committees.

Delegates elected to the dental clinic committee were Messrs. Patterson Braybrooke and Sutherland.

The headmaster was authorised to have the school piano tuned. The secretary, was authorised to have two broken windows and- goal posts repaired, in appreciation a donation of £2 2s was received from the Methodist Bible Class for the use of the school for their camp. ELTHAM SCHOOL ELECTION A RECORD ATTENDANCE. BIBLE-IN-SCHOOLS’ CONTROVERSY With the mild controversy concerning school affairs at Eltham recently it. was expected that there would be a' good attendance at the householders’ meeting last night. .This was fulfilled, and by 7.30 the room set aside for the'meeting was packed to overflowing. Shortly afterwards the corridor also was crowded. After some difficulty the large gathering was successfully packed in the room, members sitting on desks, standing in the aisles and around the walls and making a record attendance. One of the matters arousing householders’ attention was the decision of the committee some time back not to permit the ministers to gives Bible readings, in school hours. Another subject which caused a division of opinion was the refusal of the chairman to grant a special holiday on the occasion of the recent/ gala day. Mr. I. J. Bridger, who was elected chairman for the meeting, said that, the outgoing committee was to be congratulated on the large meeting they had interested. The committee had done its 1 best, and he hoped that the large number present would thank the committee for its good work. In reading the minutes of. the last annual meeting the secretary stated that 13 householders had been present. The secretary read a statement of accounts showing that the annual expenditure had been £346 3s 8d in the general account leaving a debit balance of £144 12s 2d. The special account showed a credit of £202 7s Bd, or a net credit balance of £57 15s 4d over the two accounts. Mr. Bridger commended the committee on its good work during the year, and the report and balance-sheet were adopted. . _ Prior to voting Mrs. H. Clifford Jones made an explanation that. she. was not approached by the gala committee or anyone else to contest the election but was influenced solely by a. desire to help the children. She. said that if the question of Bible-in-schools came before the committee she was in favour of it. Mr. F. Gawith said that it might be advisable to state exactly what the Nelson system of Bible reading was. Mr.Ryburn briefly explained that once a week 20 minutes of school, time could be devoted to Bible readings taken by the ministers. This system was being car- ; tied out in most surrounding schools. The readings were taken by various ministers, and there had been no clashing. Mr. J. Walsh asked if there was an exemption clause. The Rev. T. Coatsworth said he uqder-

stood the Nelson system was to give Bible instruction half an hour before school and not in school hours. If the committee • was sympathetic the instruction was given in school hours and if ■not it was given before. Mrs. J. A. Rankin said she would like to see the school give one musical performance in the town hall each year.

Mr. E. H. Linnell suggested that the committee should carry out a ballot amongst parents of children attending school on the question of Bible in schools. He moved a recommendation to that effect. This was seconded by Mr. J. D. McKay. Mr. Coatsworth asked whether such recommendation could be rejected if the committee elected was opposed to it Mr. Bridger said that the resolution was only a recommendation and could not be binding on the incoming committee. ’

Mr. Coatsworth replied that the recommendation would be useless.

Mr. Rybum said he favoured a referendum of the parents. He believed that Bible reading would be an advantage to the children, but he did not want to be a party to tying the committee’s hands. He favoured Mr. Linnell’s suggestion. Mr. A. E. Butt moved and Mr. F. Lynch seconded an amendment “that this meeting recommends that Bible reading be instituted in the school.” Mr. H. Taylor considered that the committee was being elected, and he thought should be left entirely in the committee’s hands. Mf- Butt held that they were within their/ilgrits in making the recommendaT.inb?ll added that he would like to see both Resolutions carried. Mr. J. S. M?Kay said he would move a further amendment that it be left to the incoming v Mr. Bridger: Y°u will have to give notice of motion a further amendment. "'‘X , Mr. Linnell’s amenaiP en / was carried. Mr. Ricketts said th& they were not sure what they wanted—’Whether it was the Bible in school hours', ® r . b . re * . Mr. Coatsworth: We want. m school hours. Ta Mr. Bridger, in putting Mr. A ll ,, r ®“ solution, said he took it that it <«uldbe adopted as an alternative to the taking of a ballot. ' n Mr. J. D. McKay moved and Mn- c - A. Wilkinson seconded an amendment that the matter be left to the new com/ mittee.

Mr. Wilkinson said he had every hope that the committee would know what to do, and that they should be trusted. Mr. Coatsworth: If we leave it to the committee we might be treated as we were last year, and turned down. The amendment was carried by 69 votes to 44.

The new committee elected was: *Rev. J. A. Rybum 129, *A. Kemp 110, *J. H.Barnard 106, *A. E. Benefield 93, H. J. Mehrtens 89, F. Lynch 80, Mrs. H; Cliffor Jones 80, *E. L. Bigham 79, J. C. Walsh 79. ' The unsuccessful candidates were: A.' J. Towers 76, G. H. Mann 70, E.-C. Butler 66, Mrs. Wilkinson 65, E. Newland 61, H. L. Libeau 60, W. J. Williams 49. The Rev. Ryburri was subsequently elected chairman, and Mr. A. R. Kemp secretary. ■ , i ~~ ' TAWHITI HOUSEHOLDERS SUCCESSFUL YEAR REVIEWED. PERSONNEL OF NEW COMMITTEE. The report of the Tawhiti school committee slated that the roll number at the beginning 6f the year was 206 and at the end of the -year 200, the average attendance being 183.6. The has been regularly visited by the board’s inspectors and on all occasions their reports have been of a highly satisfactory nature and reflected credit on the headmaster and staff. In Standard 6, of 17 presented for examination 13 gained proficiency, three competency and one failed. During the year the grounds have been well cared for, all the work being performed under the authority of the Unemployment Board. The school teams again had a very successful year. The. boys were successful: in winning their football competition. They then defeated- the winners of two other groups and were ■ narrowly-defeated in the Taranaki 'final.' The school was successful in winning the Dixon Banner. Many pupils again qualified this year for swimming certificates issued by the New. Zealand Swimming Association. A successful carnival was held; at -the close of the season and 'it was hoped by this ineans to encourage more children to take -up swimming next year., ‘

Keen interest was agalnr. displayed in the calf-rearing competition. Several prizes were won by the entrants, one pupil being successful in winning the championship of South Taranaki. During the year a committee was formed and a school orchestra and a band were formed. A highly, successful School concert was held at the close of the year and was well supported by parents. At the close of the year Mr. Stone terminated his services Wtlh the school, his place being filled by the appointment of Mr. N. H. Murray. -

The year commenced with the sum of £1 12s lOd in the -general account and £9 5s 5d in the special account. The board’s grants-for . the .year totalled £Bl. Expenditure in. the general account was as follows? Cleaning* £47'lls' 4dy repairs and improvements £55 14s, fuel and light £l2 15s 7d, books and stationery £7 18s Id, syndry expenses. £7 ,2s 2d, leaving, a balance of £6 2s ,10d. ..It was again found that the capitation. grant was not sufficient to run the school A ‘grant of £7 15s was made from the special funds of the committee,, and twice during the year it • was necessary to work on a bank overdraft. . The election •of a new committee resulted: Messrs. G. Dick (chairman), L. E. Barltrop (secretary), J. Smith, C. C. Coad, G. Cruickshank, F. Castle, H. Thrush. COMMITTEES APPOINTED. Rotokare: Messrs. J. Sulzberger (chairman), H. G. Sharpe (secretary), A. Styger, A. Treweek, A. Calder. Ngaere: Messrs. J. Thomas (chairman), J. Scott, H. Clough, D. JSimpson. The secretary is to be appointed later. Finnerty: Messrs. C. Schneller (chairman), A. Gray, (secretary), J. A. Adams, W. T. James, J. T. Kilbride. Mangatoki: Messrs. B. H. Parker (chairman and secretary), J. Anderson, C. W. Carlson, A. A. Hammond, J. L. Taylor. Opunake: Messrs. S. Boyd (chairman), L. J. Sharrock (secretary) # L. Brown, H. H. Gilshnan, R. Urbhan, D. Richards, C. Humphries junr., J. Johnson, T. Rikihana. Pihama: Messrs. J. S. Tosland (chairman), W. A. Sheat (secretary), V. Duffy, R. Hunt, H. Segar. Tokaora: Messrs. E. Tippett (chairman and secretary), D. Burrell, V. H. Mills, A. Riley, N. H. Wren. Ararata: Messrs. A. G. Larcom (chairman), T. Tarrant (secretary), C. F. Marsh, G. Ogle and K, Duckworth. Ohangai: Messrs. J. Kerrisk junr. (chairman), J. Dyson (secretary), O. Tidswell, H. Townsend, J. Trilford. Turuturu: The meeting lapsed for want of a quorum. Matapu: Messrs. A. J. Prestidge (chairman), W. T. Seed (secretary), H. Riddick, L. Cleaver, O. Robertson. Fraser Road: Messrs. J. K Moller

(chairman), L. A. Jennings (secretary), S. Death, E. Gibson, F. Dunlop. Okaiawa: J. Barclay (chairman), J., G. Meuli (secretary)/ W. Walsh, W. Williams, D.-Wards, J. Graham, W. Preece. ,-Mokoia: Messrs. W. J. Marsh (chairman), G. Smeeton (secretary), D. Johnson, H. H. Legge, S. S. Hunt.. Bird: Messrs. J. Parish (chairman), F.? Hunger (secretary), R. S. Death, F. Nolly, R. Macßae. Toko: T. T. Murray (chairman), G. W. Were (secretary), T. A. Rowe, J. Caskey, T. Needham. '• .' 5 -Radnor:. C. C. Davis (chairman), J. G. Vickers. (secretary), W. Vickers, Mesdames A. W. Watt and J. B. Hunt. Kapuhi: Messrs. J. Allen (chairman), A. H. Playle (secretary), C. G. Paterson, J. W, Cameron, J. W. Welham. . ■ , Otakeho: Messrs. F. H.< le Fleming (chairman), L. G. Mudford (secretary), L. Bell, A. C. Walker, J. S. GreenhilL There was an attendance bf 28. Waitotara: Messrs. H. J. Wilson (chairman), D. Blackie (secretary), W. Watson, C. V. Pearce, W. A. Hurley. Manutalii: Messrs. A. B. Muggeridge (chairman), R. O. Schwass (secretary), H. Cornwall, C. McQueen, G. Bills. Waverley: Messrs. R. M. Boyne (chairman), W. E. Bowden (secretary), S. R. Gardiner, W. A. Dalrymple, E. A. Aiken, C. H. Christensen, W. Wicks. . Harleyville: Messrs. R. -G. Seown ■ (chairman), D. Hurlpy junr. S. Adlam, C. Dunbar, A. Rodley. Cardiff: Messrs. L. Wickham (chairman), H. Hollands (secretary), W. Myers, W. Swindlehurst, Mrs. D. Brunton. Midhirst: Messrs. Ci Phillips (chairman), J. Jacobsen (secretary),®W. Platt* H. Jensen, D. Phillips. Stanley: Messrs. R. Wellington (chairman and secretary), R. A. Sangster, R. Borchart, G. Jones, B. E. Richmond. Huinga: Messrs. H. J. Kaye (chairman), H. T. Henderson (secretary), W. G. Loving, L. A. Gooch, W. Boyce. Kaponga: Messrs. C. H. Brewer (chairman), €. A. Corder (secretary), H. Norgate, C. N. Gofdge and J, Taylforth. ’ Awatuna: Messrs. H. Davison (chairman), L. Niccols (secretary), R. Pepperell, R. Alty and J. H. Phillips. • Rowan: Messrs. N. Lee (chairman), A. Jackson (secretary), T. Eden, A. Dunlop and A. Sattler. Hawera Main: Dr. W. M. Thomson (chairman), Messrs. H. Collier (secretary), H. Ackroyd, E. K. Cameron, L. J. Hall, G. C. Harris, F. A. Jones, J. D. Tait, E. J. Yearbury. Patea: Messrs. R. E. Moore (chairman), G. Marshall (secretary), R. Mays, N. Coad, D. Ansley, L. P. Clark, A. Langslow. ... Whenuakura: Messrs. T. Hurley (chairman), F. Parsons (secretary), C. Martin, W. Parsons, C. R. Honeyfleld., Alton: Messrs. A. J. Gibbs (chairman), , A. Illingworth (secretary), H. Hodge, A. J J. Leigh, E. GoU*.

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Taranaki Daily News, 2 May 1933, Page 9

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COMMITTEES ELECTED Taranaki Daily News, 2 May 1933, Page 9

COMMITTEES ELECTED Taranaki Daily News, 2 May 1933, Page 9