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: THE LIVE STOCK MARKETS I • NORMAL ENTRY AT ADDINGTON. FAT SHEEP PRICES ADVANCE. Christchurch, March 9. Normal entries were forward at today’s Addington market, except in the store sheep section, in which there was a big increase. The store sheep entry was about double that of any previous store sheep yarding this season. Store lambs met with a free sale on the previous week’s values. Ewes showed very little difference, and country ewe fair rates were not maintained. Rape lambs, 10s to Ils 9d; medium rape, 8s to 0s 6d; ordinary, 6s to 7s 9d; backward, 4s to ss; medium ewe lambs, 7s 6d to 9s; extra good two-tooth three-quarterbred ewes to 20s; good two-tooth half bred ewes, 15s to 16s 3d; medium two-tooth halfbred ewes, 13s to 14s 6d; ordinary twotooth half bred ewes to 12s 6d; extra good four-year crossbred ewes to 15s sd; extra good four-year Corriedale ewes to 14s 3d) medium four and six-tooth crossbred ewes, 12s 3d to 13s 9d; good six and eight-tooth crossbred ewes, 12s 6d to 14s 6d; medium halfbred ewes, 9s 6d to Ils 6d; good s.m. ewes," 10s to 12s 9d; average s.m. ewes, 7s 6d to 9s 6d; aged and inferior ewes, 3s to ss. - Fat Lambs: 2500 were forward. Butchers secured the bulk for local needs, only one export firm operating. Extra prime to 20s, prime 17s to 18s 6d, medium 13s to 16s 6d, light 10s to 12s 6d. Fat Cattle. An entry of 312 head. Heavy cattle sold about the same as last week, but lighter sorts were better by 10s to 15s a head. Best beef*made up to 27s per 1001 b, good from 21s to 245, medium and heavy 18s to 21s. inferior 12s to 17s. Extra prime heavy steers sold to £l3 12s 6d; prime heavy, £9 10s to £ll ss; prime medium-weight £7 to £9 10s, medium quality £5, light to £4 15s, extra' prime heifers to £lO 7s fid, prime £7 to £9, medium £5 to £6 15s, light to £4 15s, extra prime cows to £lO 7s fid, prime, £6 5s to £B, medium £4 10s to £6, light to £4 ss. Fat Sheep: - .There was a small entry and a further advance in prices by Is fid to 2s a head for wethers and to 2s 6d for ewes.. Butchers secured the bulk for their week’s needs, their prices being above export rate?. Show wethers 28s, extra prime heavy wethers 22s 6d to 24s 4d, prime heavy 20s 6d to 225, medium weight prime 18s to 20s, ordinary 15s to 17s 6d, light Ils to 14s, extra prime ewes 20s to 24s 7d, prime 16s 6d to 19s, prime medium weight, 14s to 16s, ordinary 12s to 13s 6d, light 8s to Ils 6d. Fat Pigs: A medium entry met with fair demand, prices being much the same as last week. Choppers, 375: 6d to £4 3s 6d, baconers 36s fid to 42s 6d, heavy baconers 45s 6d to 50s, extra heavy 52s 6d to 59s fid, average price per lb, 3£d. to 4£d; porkers 27s fid to 30s, heavy porkers 32s 6d to 34s 6d, average price per lb, 5d to 6Jd. WESTFIELD MARKET WEAKER. SHEEP MAINTAIN LATE RATES. Auckland, March 9. A weakening tendency was shown , in beef at the weekly Westfield fat stock market to-day, and prices receded about Is per 1001 b on the previous week’s quotations. The yarding was slightly above the average, and the quality good. There was comparatively little demand for heavy bullocks. Extra choice ox sold to 20s per 1001 b. Choice and prime ox, 17s to 19s; seondary and plain ox, 15s to 16s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 10s to 19s; ordinary cow beef, 10s to 15s. Extra heavy prime steers sold from £8 10s to £8 15s; heavy prime steers, £7 to £7 15s; prime, £6 to £6 17s 6d; light prime steers, £4 15s to £5 17s fid; small and unfinished steers, £3 to £4 12s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £5 2s 6d to £6; heavy prime cows and heifers, £4 to £4 17s 6d; lighter prime cows and heifers, £2 15s to £3 17s 6d; other killable cows, £1 5s to £2 12s fid. Fat calves were in full supply, the major portion of the yarding being of good quality. .Butchers’ requirements were soon satisfied, and a depressed sale resulted with values considerably lower. Runners, 22s to 555; heavy vealers, 24s to 38s; medium, 26s to 30s; light, 18s to 225; small, 9s to 14s; rough and bucket-fed, 5s to 9s; bobby calves, Is to 3s. Full numbers of sheep were penned, and sold under a good demand at full late rates. .Ewes were in better demand, and realised slightly improved prices. Extra heavy prime wethers, 15s 3d to 17s; heavy prime, 14s to 15s; lighter sorts, Ils to 13s fid; maiden ewes, 12s to 13s; heavy prime ewes, 9s 6d to 10s fid; lighter ewes, 8s to 9s 3d. Lambs were penned in average numbers, and sold under a good demand at late rates. Heavy prime lambs, 13s fid to 15s 6d; medium, 12s to 13s 3d; light, 9s 6d to Ils 9d. Pigs were offered in smaller numbers, and prices were rather better than last week’s. Choppers realised 20s to 455; heavy baconers, 45s to 495; medium, ,42s to 445; light, 37s to 41s; heavy porkers, 34s to 38s; medium, 30s to 335; light, 23s to 295. FIRMNESS AT JOHNSONVILLE. SMALL YARDING OF CATTLE. Wellington, March 9. Values of fat sheep and cattle were firmer at to-day’s sale at Johnsonville. A small yarding of cattle and an average penning of sheep were offered. Owing to the limited offering cattle were in keen demand, the market showing a firmer tendency 1 as compared with last week’s sale. The yarding comprised mostly good quality bullocks and a few pens of runners and vealers. No cows or heifers'came forward. For sheep there was a good sale at prices in advance of last week’s rates, wethers by. Is per head and good ewes fid to Is per head. Medium and poor sorts were on a par. Lambs met with a fair demand at last week’s rates. Prices ranged as follow: Cattle: Prime heavy bullocks, £7 15s, £7 IQs, £7 Bs, £7 ss, £7, £6 15s, £6 10s; medium bullocks, £6 6s, £6 ss, £6 2s 6d, £6; light bullocks', £5 12s 6d, £5 10s, £5; runners, £2, £1 17s, £1 15s, £1 13s; vealers, £1 Ils, £1 10s, £1 ss, to 14s. Sheep: Prime heavy wethers, 14s Bd, 14s 4d, 14s Id, 13s fid, 12s 7d; medium wethers, 12s, 11s 6d, Ils 3d, Ils; light and unfinished wethers, 10s fid, 10s; prime heavy ewes, 9s 6d, 9s 4d, 9s, 8s 6d; medium ewes, 7s 6d, 7s 3d, 7s; light and unfinished ewes, 6s Bd, 6s 6d, 6s; heavy lambs, 12s 6d, 12s, Us 6d, Ils; lambs, 10s 9d, 10s Bd, 10s, 9s lOd, 9s 9d; light lambs, 8s 6d, 8s 3d, 7s. VARIABLE VALUES IN OTAGO. BUOYANT MARKET FOR LAMB. Dunedin, March 9. Sheep were sold at increased prices at Burnside to-day, but prices for fat cattle were ( considerably easier. The]

lamb sale was very buoyant, due mainly to the operations of export buyers, who were present in large numbers. Included in the yarding of 200 fat cattle were a consignment of choice bullocks, and a few pens of heavy animals. Cows and heifers formed the bulk of the yarding, and heavy cows were cheaper by 20s a head. Heifers sold on a par with last sale. Heavy bullocks were 20s, and light bullocks 15s a head cheaper. One line of prime bullocks sold at £l37s 6d a head, which was the top price. Several pens sold from £ll 10s to £l2 10s. Prime light ,weights were worth from £8 to £9 10s. Heifers brought from £6 to £7 10s, and cows to £6. Prime ox beef sold on a basis of about 25s per 1001 b; plain, 23s 6d; prime, lightweight, 27s 6d; cows and heifers from 18s to 255. Nearly 1800 fat sheep were offered. Wethers were in very short supply, and no prime sorts were forward. There were several pens of prime ewes, but the greater part of the yarding consisted of aged light ewes. Owing to the small entry of prime sheep the sale opened on a line of ewes, which sold at an advance of 2s 6d a head on last week’s prices, while light sorts were disposed of at an average rise of Is 6d a head. As the sale progressed prices w- re higher, and in the last stage heavy sheep vere about 4s dearer, and lightweights about 3s better as compared with the rates obtained last week. Values were about equal to 3fd a lb for wethers, and 2Jd a lb for prime ewes. Heavy wethers sold from 17s 9d to 20s; medium, 14s to IC-s 9d; light, Ils t0,13s 3d; extra heavy ewesf, 14s 6d; heavy, Ils 6d to 13s 3d; medium, 9s 9d to 10s 3d; light, 6s 6d to 8s 9d. More than 1000 lambs were forward. The yarding was of good quality generally. Heavy lambs sold at 18s 6d, prime 16s and medium 14s.

The quality of the store cattle entry was not of the best. Several pens of young steers sold from £3 15s to £4 ss. Cows found buyers from £1 10s to £3. In the pig section 82 fats and 107 stores were offered. Prices' were similar to those obtained at last sale, good bacon pigs selling at £3 ss, and porkers £2 2s. Porkers were worth about 5Jd, and baconers about 4|d a lb. HAWKE’S BAY SHEEP VALUES. GOOD SALE AT WAIPUKURAU. Waipukurau, March 9. The weekly Waipukurau stock sale was held on Tuesday. No cattle came forward, an exceptional circumstance, but there was a moderate yarding cf fat sheep, and a large one of stores. Fat sheep and stores, generally, sold at prices consistent with recent vanes. The demand for lambs was keen, and these sold well. Fat Sheep: One hundred and two m.s, lambs, small but of good quality, 10s sd; six b'ig-framed wethers, light, prime, 12s 2d; 11 good ewes, passed at 7s 6d; 75 medium ewes, passed at 6s 7d; five small wethers brought 9s sd; five weighty ewes, 7s 3d; 14 good ewes, 6s 6d; 16 well conditioned wethers, 12s 2d; 27 medium ewes, mostly small,- 6s Id; seven good wethers, 10s. Store Sheep: Three hundred and seventeen five-year ewes, dipped, good ■quality, 9s 2d; 33 lighter ewes, 5-year and younger, 8s Id; 229 f. and f. ewes, on. light side, 5s lOd; 147 medium 5-year ewes, off Argyll Hills, 6s Id; 236 s.m. 5-year ewes, good line, 8s; 161 light ewes, 4s 6d; 174 wether lambs, mostly small, bqt good, 9s fid; 139 light 4 and 5-year ewes, 6s 2d; 137 light aged ewes, 4s lid; 147 good forward shorn aged ewes, 5s lOd; 163 small and light twotooth ewes, 8s 9d; 175 good wether lambs, 7s 7d; 143 medium five-year ewes, 5s lOd; 203 well-grown ewe lambs, 10s 6d; 14? good- wether lambs, 9s 6d; 148 similar, 9s Id; 133 good four and sixtooth . ewes, 8s 3d; 108 six and eighttooth ewes, 13s 9d; 76 four-tooth ewes, 14s; x lll wether lambs, 7s 4d; 83 fouryear ewes, 8s; 68 four-year ewes, 9s sd; 112 ewe lambs, 8s Id; 84 lambs, 7s fid; 91 forward lambs, 8s 8d; 120 lambs, 9s Id; 80 four and five-year ewes, 7s 6d; 27 four and six-tooth and four-year ewes, 9s 4d; 45 four-tooth ewes, 14s; 58 ewe 9s; 107 wether lambs, 6s 4d; 154 wether lam t>s,‘ 6s 7d; 64 ewe lambs, 7s 4d; 75 woolly wetfier lambs, 6s; 88 wether lambs, 7s 4d; 79 ewes, 3s 10s; 91 four and five-year ewes, 7s lid; 42 five-year ewes, 5s 2d; 70. two-tooth wethers, Ils fid; 112 wether 'lambs, 8s Id; 77 two-tooth ewes, 12s; 49 light ewes, 4s sd; 60' five-year ewes, 8s 8d; 35 ewe lambs, 6s; 30 black face lambs, 10s 3d; 35 wether lambs, 7s 2d; 51 wether lambs, 7s Id; 34 ewe lambs, 10s; 12 m.s. lambs, 4s; 19 ewe lambs, 6s Id; 41 light ewes, 3s 2d.; 36 two-tooth ewes,. 10s Id; 46 six-tooth ewes, 6s Id; 14 fiveyear ewes, 5s Id; 32 two-tooth ewes, 9s fid; 24 wether lambs, 6s 6d; 11 lambs, 8s; 49 wether lambs, 8s; black face lambs, 9s 2d; 55 b.f. lambs, 9s. Rams: 2 one-shear Romney rams sold, at £1 Is; eight shearling rams, £1 Is; two shearling S.D. ra- \s, £3 15s 9d; one three-shear ram, £1 Is; five two-shear Lincoln r--ns, £1 Is; three shearling S.D. rams, £2 17s 9d; four four-shear S.D. •rams, £1 6s 3d; one shearling S.D. ram, £2 2s. LONDON WOOL PRICES FIRM. READY CLEARANCE REPORTED. By Telegraph—Press Assn.—Copyright. London, March 9. At the wool sales 9746 bales were offered, including 3399 from New Zealand. Approximately 5672 were sold. Yorkshire and Continental competition was active and there was a ready clearance at firm rates. Quotations: Greasies, New Zealand, Turua top lOd, average Bfd; scoured lambs, Weka Downs, 17d and 16Jd. LONDON RAILWAY DEBENTURES. LARGE OVER-SUBSCRIPTION. London, March 9. The Metropolitan Railway issue of £2,000,000 5 per cent, debentures closed within half an hour, being largely oversubscribed. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE PRICES. By Telegraph—Press Assn.— Copyright. Rec. 8.58 p.m. Sydney, March 10. Wheat ex trucks at Sydney is quoted at 3s 3d and at country stations at 2s 7d. Other prices are: Flour, £lO a ton; pollard, £5 5s a ton; bran, £4 10s a ton; potatoes (Tasmanian), £lO 10s a ton; Victorian, £8 10s a ton; onions (Victorian. and. New Zealand), £l5 a ton; oats (white and Algerian), 2s 6d; maize, 4s. AUSTRALIAN SHARE MARKET. EFFECT OF STERLING’S'RISE. Rec. 5.5 p.m. Sydney, March 10. The sharp rise in sterling has been responsible for activity in Commonwealth bonds, most issues of which have hardened. To-day’s quotations are: Four per cent., 1936, £94 13s 9d; 4 per cent., 1941, £93; 4 per cent., 1947, £92 10s; 4 per cent., 1951-55, £9O 15s; 4 per cent., J. 951-53, £9O 12s 6d; 4 per cent., 1951-57, £9l ss; 4 per cent., 1951-59, £92; 4 per cent, 1951-61, £92 ss. Other sales on the Stock Exchange today were; South British Insurance, 58s

3d; Queensland Insurance, 455; Bank of New. South Wales, £29 ss; National Bank (£5 paid, Melbourne register), £5 10s; Colonial Sugar, £4l 15s; Goldsbrough Mort, 24s fid; Tooth’s, 25s 9d; Tooth’s (New Zealand delivery), 25s fid; Australian Glass, 34s 3d; British Tobacco, 30s; Broken Hill Proprietary, 15s fid; North Broken Hill, 67s 6d; Sulphide Corporation, 10s’ 6d. Sales at Melbourne were: E. S. and A. Bank, £4 10s; Goldsbrough Mort, 24s 6d; Australian Glass, 345; Dunlop Perdriau, Ils; Herald and Weekly Times, 42s fid; South Broken Hill, 465; North Broken Hill, 67s 9d. WOOL PRICES UNCHANGED. CROSSBREDS IN DEMAND. Rec. 5.5 p.m. Sydney, March 10. The offerings at the; wool sales today totalled .10,214 bales, of which 8296 were sold. In addition 1346 were sold privately. The market generally was unchanged. ■ Crossbreds were in strong demand. Greasy Merino made to 20 pence. SHAREMARKET TRANSACTIONS. Auckland, March 10: Sharemarket sales: Inscribed Stock, 1937, 5| per cent, £97 12s fid, £97 15s; Auckland Electric Power Board, 1945, 5J per cent, £97 10s; Bank of New South Wales, £24 17s 6d; Bank of New Zealand, £2 2s 6d (two parcels) ; New Zealand Guarantee Corporation (ord.), 4s; New Zealand Breweries, £1 2s 6d; Thames Theatre, 7s 6d; Waihi, 16s Id. Christchurch, March 10: Sales on exchange: E. S. and. -A.- Bank, £A 2s 6d (two parcels); Bank of New South Wales, £25 (two parcels); Bank of New Zealand, 42s 6d; New Zealand Refrigerating (10s paid), 3s 7d; Golden Dawn, 6s lOd (three parcels); King Solomon, Is 4d; Mahakipawa, 24d (three parcels); Okarito, 9s (two parcels).

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Taranaki Daily News, 11 March 1932, Page 12

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FINANCE AND COMMERCE Taranaki Daily News, 11 March 1932, Page 12

FINANCE AND COMMERCE Taranaki Daily News, 11 March 1932, Page 12