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RAHOTU METHODIST SHOW WEALTH OF BEAUTY AND COLOUR. FINE DISPLAY BY MRS. T. PUTT. Beautiful blooms in lavish profusion attractively displayed provided a wealth of warmth and colour at the Rahotu Hall yesterday on the occasion of 'the opening day of the Rahotu Methodists annual autumn flower show. As Mr. C. A. Wilkinson, M.P. for the district, remarked in opening the show, it . was surprising that such a comparatively small district could bring to-gether such a magnificent show. It spoke volumes for the skill and enthusiasm of the local floriculturists, for the whole of the exhibits were drawn from the district between Okato and Opunake. The show, added Mr. Wilkinson, must have an educative effect on tho children who saw it, for it must instil into them a love of the beautiful.

Not only in cut blooms but in every other section of the show did the entries and arrangement reflect the interest taken in it by both competitors and organisers. Mrs. T. Putt, of Glen Roy, Warea, exhibited extensively, and not only annexed the points prize for cut blooms for the second year in succession, thus winning outright the silver cup presented by Hughsons, Ltd., but also took the points prize in dahlias and phlox drummondi, etc., as well as specials in zinnias. In addition she showed the champion dahlia. Mrs. D. Mourie, of Opunake, scored heavily in gladioli, taking the special , in that class. " She also exhibited the most meritorious bloom, a lillium auratum. GOOD EXHIBIT OF CUT. BLOOMS. The judge, Mr. V. C. Davies, of New Plymouth; expressed himself as very pleased indeed with the exhibit of cut blooms, which he considered were Well up to the standard of this year’s shows. Owing to the weather, dahlias were not as good as they were last year, though there were some magnificent blooms, particularly those of Mrs. Putt, whose “Berengaria” was awarded the championship in dahlias. Mrs. McPetridge, of Okato, who exhibited in the novice class, was very successful. She showed the runner-up, a “Lady Stonehaven.” A feature of the show was the magnificent display of gladioli by Mrs. D. Mourie, of Opunake, but the judge held that the most meritorious exhibit was the, lilliuin auratum “Nubra Vittatum,” shown by Mrs. Mourie. This was awarded the championship, repeating its Opunake. performance earlier in the week. Mr. Davies regarded the flowering shrubs exhibited by Mrs. T. C. Street as excellent. He expressed his ' great appreciation of the excellent arrangement of the show and the manner in which the stewards carried, out their work. Included in the decorative section were some magnificent exhibits benched by Mrs, D. Williams, who took the principal awards as well as the points prize.


There was some particularly good work in the photographic section, but unfortunately one exhibit of 12 fine photographs forwarded by a young lady, Miss D. Tinney of Wellington, did not arrive in time for the judging, which took place on Tuesday night.. It was, however, awarded a special prize. In his coinments in the photographic section the judge, Mr. J. Swairison, stated that while few, the exhibits were exceptionally good. In most cases it was difficult to differentiate,- and he had to consider carefully every detail before making his award. The judge complimented the exhibitors on their work, remarking that it was a great credit, there not being an exhibit that was not worth its place.

The fancy: work was a strong section, some beautiful handicraft being exhibited. Miss 0. Dring, Waitara, and Mrs. F. Smith, Pungarchu, divided the points prize. A woollen floor rug by Miss M. E. Langton was a magnificent piece of work.

Numerous stalls, well stocked with articles both ornamental and useful, were the tangible results of the efforts of the members of the ladies’ guild, and they appeared to do good business. Messrs. Duncan and Davies, Ltd., had on view an excellent exhibit of cut ’blooms and pot plants, including as a special feature an Eryngium (sea holly) that attracted great-attention. The Rqv. C. W. Roberts, in introducing Mr. C. A. Wilkinson, M.P., expressed thanks to the members of the ladjes’ guild for then" splendid effort and on ’behalf of the guild thanked the exhibitors, judges, stewards and all who had assisted, to make the show such a success.

In formally opening the show Mr. 0. A. Wilkinson, M.P., referred to the excellence of th 6 various exhibits in every section, and congratulated all on the succe;» of efforts, paying a special tribute to the work of the president, Mrs. K. F. Andrews, and the secretary, Miss M. W. Hughson. Details are ae follow :~ CUT BLOOMS. Judge: Mr. V. 0. Davies, New' Plymouth; steward, Mies E. Shepherd. Section points prize, silver yup presented by Messrs. Hughson, Ltd, Mrs. T. Putt, won outright; asters, S. Topless, Urenui; . dahlias, Mrs. T. Putt; phlox, etc., Mrs. T. Putt. Champion bloom, Mrs. D. Mourie (Opunake) Lillium Auratum, “Rubra Vittatum.”

Asters, three varieties: S. Topless 1. Asters, six varieties: S. Topless 1. Asters, twelve blooms: S. Topless 1, Mrs. T. Putt 2.

Carnations, six varieties: Miss E. Gardner 1.

Collection of annuals, six varieties: Mrs. ,T. Putt 1.

Collection of perennials: Mrs. T, Putt 1, B. A. Layard 2, h.c. and c. Dahlias, single, three varieties: Mi’s. T. Putt 1 and h.c. and c., Mrs. McFelridge 2. Dahlias, collarette, three varieties: Mrs. T. Putt 1. Dahlias, double, three varieties: Mrs. T. Putt 1. Dahlias, cactus, three varieties: Mrs. T. Putt 1,2 and c., Mrs. McFelridge h.c.

Dahlias, cactus, six varieties: Mrs. T. Putt 1,2 and h.c. Dahlias, decorative, three varieties: Mrs. T. Putt 1,2 and h.c. Dahlias, decorative, six varieties: Mrs. T. Putt 1 and 2.

Dahlias, peony, three varieties: Mrs, T. Putt 1 and 2.

Dahlias, pompom, three varieties: Mrs. l, 2 and h.c. Dahlias, collection of twelve: Mrs. A. Rowe 1, Mrs. T. Putt 2 and h.c.

Dahlias, collection of six: Mrs. T. Putt 1 and 2.

Dahlias, miniature, Charm and Star Mrs. T. Putt 1.

Dahlias, stiff stemmed, 12 varieties: T. Putt I and 2. Delphinium: Airs. McFelridge 1, Mrs. 1. Putt 2,

Fuchsia, double, three varieties: Mrs. J. Williamson 1 and 2.

Flowering shrubs, six varieties: S. Topless 1, B. A. Layard 2 and h.c. Gladiola, one head: Mrs. D. Mourie 1 and special mention, Miss M. W. Hughson 2. Gladioli, three varieties: Mrs. DMourie I, Miss M. W. Hughson 2. Gladioli, six varieties: Mis. D. Mourie 1 and special.

Gerbcra, three blooms: Miss M. W. Hughson 1. Hydrangea, three blooms: Mrs. D. Mourie 1, B. A. Layard 2, Mrs. T. Putt h.c. and c. Lillium, one: Mrs. T. Putt 1 and 2, Mrs. McFelridge h.c. Lillium, three varieties." Mrs. D. Mourie 1 and champion, Mrs. T. Putt 2. Marigold, African, collection: Migs Mabel Hoc 1 on 1.

Phlox, perennial, collection: Mrs. T. Putt 1, Mrs. McFelridge 2, B. A. Layard 3.

Phlox drummondi, collection six heads: Mrs. T. Putt I, h.c. and c., Miss . r . W. Hughson 2. Roses, one bloom: Mrs. D. Mourie 1, Miss M. W. Hughson 2. Roses, one bloom: Mrs. D. Mourie 1, Miss M. W. Hughson 2. Sweet peas, three varieties: B. A. Layard 1, Mrs. T. Putt 2. Sweet peas, six varieties: Mrs. T. Putt I, B. A. Layard 2.

Salpiglossis, collection of six: Mrs. T. Putt 1 and 2.

Stocks, any variety: Mrs. T. Pqtt 1, 2 and h.c., Mrs. W. C. Green c. Zinnias, collection of six: Mrs. Putt 1 and special, 2 and h.c. (V . Zinnias, collection of twelve: Mrs. T. Putt 1,2 and h.c. '■/'//. NOVICE CLASS. Judge: Mr. V. C. Davies; steward, ' > Miss D. Field. / Points prize: Mrs'. McFelridge. Annuals, six varieties: Mrs. McFelridge (Okato) 1 and special. Antirrhinums, thrOe varieties: Mrs. R. Inder 1, Mrs. R. Hodson 2. Calendulas, marigolds, best six: Mrs. W. Barr 1, Miss R. Hodson 2. Carnations, three varieties: Miss E. Gardner 1. Dahlias, three blooms: Mrs. McFelridge 1. Dahlias, six blooms: Mrs. McFelridge 1 and special, Mrs. R. Inder 2. Gladioli, three stems: Mrs.. McFelridge 2. Cut blooms, not more than six: Mrs. R. Inder 1 and special, hire. McFelridge 2, Mrs.. T. C. Street h.c. , , Flowering shrubs, three varieties: Mrs. T. C. Street 1. . DECORATIVE. Judge: Mrs. C. A. Wilkinson; stew-> . ard, Miss D. Field. Bowl of coloured flowers: Mrp. D. Williams 1 and 2. Bowl of dahlias: Alrs. D. Williams 1. Bowl of asters: Mrs. D. Williams 1. Vage of flowers: Mi's. D. Williams 1 and 2. Bowl of floating flowers: Mrs. D. Williams 1. - Children, 14 and under, bowl of flowers: Miss F.. Williamson 1 and 2. SCHOOL WORK. Judge: Mrs. W. J. Wright; stewards, Miss D. Field and Mf. D. Andrews. Points prize: Gerald Dawson. Nursery rhyme, black and white, ages 13-15: G. Dawson (Rahotu) 1, Zena G oilop (Puniho) 2. ■'.Nursery rhyme, crayon drawing, 12and under: V. Tyrell (Rahotu) 1, C. Farquhar (Rahotu) 2. 'Pencil drawing, spray of .leaves or flowers, ages 13 to 15 year’s: JoycC Larking (Okato) and Vera . Hickey (Opunake Convent) equal 1, Gerald Dawson (Rahotu) 2. Pencil drawing, flower pot, 12 and un-_ der: Maggie Robertson (Rahotu) 1, Marion Dawson (Rahotu) 2.. Crayon drawing, tomato with leaf, 13 to 15 years: Flossie Williamson (Rahotu) 1, Joyce Larking 2. Crayon drawing, lemon, 12 years and under: Momene Ngawhare (Puniho) 1, Marjorie Taylor (Opunake Convent) 2. Writing, 13 years to 15 years: Zena Gollop and Gerald Dawson equal 1, Jack Bishop 2. Writing, 12 and under.—Marion Mack (Opunake Convent) and Pat Murray (Rahotu) equal 1, Paulina KahUi (P'uniho) 2. Woodwork model: E. Roberts (Opunake) 1, Gerald Dawson 2.

PHOTOGRAPHY. Judge: Mr. J. Swainson, New Plymouth; steward, E. Field and Mr. A. Hamill. ’ Points prize: Mr. T. W. White, Urenui. New Zealand scenery, with or without figure: T. M. White (Urenui) 1 and 2, Miss J. Cocker h.c. Farm scene: T. Al. White 1, J. D. Hay (New Plymouth) 2, Miss J. Cocker h.c. j. Child study, portrait: J. D. Hay 1 ? •T. M. White 2 and h.c. Scene, including child or children: Miss J. Cocker I. Adult study, portrait: Misfs J, Cocker I, Miss M. AV. Hughson 2, T. M. White h.c. Scene, including one or more adulte: J. D. Hay 1, T. M. White 2, Miss J. Cocker h.c. Group of six photos: Miss J. Cocker 1, T. M. White 2, J. D. H)iy 3. Group, not less than four photos of New, Zealand scenery: J. D. Hay 1, J. Cocker 2. Humorous study: T. M. White 1 aud 2, Miss J. Cocker h.c. Enlargement study: T. M. White 1, J. D. Hay 2, Miss. J. Cocker 3. FANCY WORK. Judges: Mesdames D. Blackley and W. Williams; stewards, Misses M. E. Langton and E. Williamson. Points prize: Miss 0. Dring (Waitara) and Mrs. F. Smith, 18 pointe equal. Embroidered tray, supper• or tea cloth: Mrs. D. Williams 1 and special, Opunake Convent 1, B. Symons 2, Mrs. F. Smith (Pungarehu) h.c. Crochet bordered tray, supper or, ted cloth: Miss 0. Dring (Waitara) 1, Miss A. Tapp (Okato) 2 and h.c. Cushion cover, embroidered: Mias M. E. Langton 1, Mrs. F. Smith 2. Cushion cover or table centre, painted: Miss P. Hodson secured three firsts and one second with five entries, Miss A. Tapp h.c. Hand-worked nightdress: Mips 0. Dring 1 and 2, Airs. Frank Smith h.c. Tea cosy: Airs. D. Williams 1 qnd 2, Mrs, F. Smith h.c. Table centre, coloured embroidery: Mrs. D. Williams 1, Mrs. F. Smith 2, Misses Rita Roebuck and Vera Billing h.c. Eyelet hole embroidery: Miss 0. Dring 1. Sample richelieu yrork: Airs, F. Smith 1. Three embroidered d’oyleys, mounted oi car<J: AtisS 0. Dring 1 and v.h.c,, Airs. F. Smith 2. Three crocheted d’oyleys, mounted on card: Aliss 0. bring 1, Alias A. Tapp (Okato) 2. Embroidered pillow shams: Mrs.' F. Smith 1, Opunake Convent 1 and special, Miss Vierick (Hamilton) v.h.c. Setnco apron: Airs. F. Smith 1, Airs. T. Putt 2. Tatting exhibit: Alias Vierick 1. Wool floor rug: Miss Al. E. Langton 1.

Knitting for school girls: Flossie Williamson and Rita Hodson 1. Sewing, school girls: A. Celia Murdoch (Rahotu), Doris Putt, Joyce Putt

(Okato), Winnie King Hon (Rahotu), Flossie Williamson (three entries) and Alice Pickering (Rahotu) all equal first. There was a large attendance m the evenijig when a number of competitioue were decided and a short concert procrramtpe was given and thoroughly appreciated, those taking part being Miss E pbnwarden, pianoforte solo; Aliss V. Morrow, violin solo; Misses Willima and I’at Murray, vocal duet; recitation, Miss Jean Hughson; songs, Alesdames C. w. elements, R. Alurray and Air. T. P. Hughson junior.

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Taranaki Daily News, 26 February 1931, Page 12

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FLOWERS OF AUTUMN Taranaki Daily News, 26 February 1931, Page 12

FLOWERS OF AUTUMN Taranaki Daily News, 26 February 1931, Page 12