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j. ! A ' NEW FU KM CE' NATIONAL” ; superannuation The principle of has ‘ ’ anTtheir B employees, as an ideal means of providing for the future. Un- " , A''/' merCl f USeS c ’ TUNG OIL is invaluable as ihifservke 1 to the men engaged in their ( j alone makes a dependable Empire source employ, and it has remained for the N.Z. ! £ absolutely imperative. . , TUNG OIL CORPORATION LTD. to TRUSTEE DEED AND COVENANT. y . offer the average man in the street an /'-Y'’'.< Investors who intend to seize the adopportunity of placing his money in a ' vantages of this form of-superannuation sound form of investment and of enjoy- are reminded that their investment is ing at the same time, a substantial sub- ' protected in every way possible. In its sidy in the form of an earned dividend. t Cc venant to the Bondholders the N.Z. 44 A table of figures has been prepared t . TUNG OIL Corporations -contract. ••to bv this Company which explains in sim- \ \ P lant with Tuhg Oil trees, a .nert area' ( pie, easily-understood terms, the way In- fIMKSTj equal to one-half acre for each Bond .4 4 ; -<■ which a man can, by buying four bonds, sold prior to the closing, of the present ( and a furthet four in five years’ time, issue, and also tend, cultivate and fer- . . /. and with a maximum outlay of £ll4 tilise the area planted for a period of five cash in 43 monthly .instalments, provide ' '■WMgg years froni planting, and to transfer the , . himself with an income of approximately ™ freehold of the land, free from all mort£2OO per annum (or £4 per week) in 10 WHAT IT IS. . gages and other charges to the trus- .’-4 vears’ time. All estimates have been . ~ r ~ , L , tee for the bondholders not later than 1 ;-,r.,4-./ 4'. based on exceptionally low valuations Tung Oil itself 31st. of December, 1936. and this table may be considered as from the crushed nuts of the TUNG O Furthermore, the corporation under- ( . fully authoritative and opinion has been ree A J € , U D^ 8 ~ a wl^'le^ v ®7 g takes to erect at its own expense a ' . . expressed that it should be in the hands tree . belonging to the S P u^ e modern crushing and refining -plant to ,'.; .' ' \ ■ of every ambitious young man in New Until quite recently na > P Y handle the produce from the plantations. ■ ■ Zealand as well as older people. „ - Vend;A special Board of men have been J ’• - THE DEMAND. the tree could be grown successfully, but fo ™ cd - each well-known m commercial, *. Used extensively in the manufacture repent experiments carried out in Florida, [ c es an un ou /’2' ? : • of first-grade Paints, Varnishes, Water- ÜB.A., and in the North Auckland dis- ' V ' U f- mes 4. ' ■ ‘ - proofings, Lacquers, Oilcloths, Car-fin- trict of New proved that it.. their interests '• :i ' ' ishes, Artificial Leather, Brake Linings, can be grown outside of its native habi- a H matters pertaining totheir-interests. 4.,. Electrical Insulations, Aeroplane Fabrics, tat. '/. ,' ': : - The interested reader is urged to se- ■-• ■ , --' .4 ,j , . Battleship Paint; etc. TUNG OIL is the RESULT OF EXPERIMENTS. , cure a copy of this unique superannua- □ -hsrfi surface both r ... • tion table and to fill in the 'coupon below means of ensurin o a hard suriace, o t jj to q Ulte recenfc f ime3j China was . .. . ' . .. z q’niqf' nrr, impervious to weather and wear.- These considered the only -place where the c O rnoration Ltd’ 10 High Street Auek- . product known in the world to day, ana fu]l but experiDien t s carried out in . - p avment pi an o f nurchasinz consequently it is only natural that the. Norfc h Auckland districts have proved la^ ,en n request ?! < demand should be out of all proportion defin - ltely that this valuable tree will bo ™* s also sent on request. 1 ; <,4 to the present inadequate supply. luxuriantly in the climatic condi- Thc mterested reader is urged to se- •• America alone imports £3,000,000 of [ ioDS p revainng < n thesc areas . Trees cure a copy of this unique superannua- ■ .4 \ . TUNG OIL Annually, whilst the British have a f read b f en n which havc pro . tion table and to fill in the coupon Empire and England in particular, duced nuts \ 3 abundantly ae in their a “ d T ““1 at once, to th'* N..Z. ; import tremendous quantities from na ti ve China, and by. the means'of,.a TUNG OIL Corporation Ltd., 10 High China, hitherto considered the on y new development in propagation methods . Auckland. FuH, information and - ■ - place where the TUNG OIL tree.could wh ich produces a muHi-cluster type of details of the Easy Payment Plan of ■ be grown. . • . tree which the Company is already com- purchasing Bonds also sent on request. _ - . With the establishment of ’ further mericing-to adopt, it is 4 confidentially jtiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniinrinntiiiMiiiniinriiniiiiiHiiiiinHifiiiir; sources of supplies, apart from China, stated by experts that the yield. per = jy 2 TUNG OIL - it us asserted the demand 'vyill con- acre,‘in New Zealand will' be very -much = ‘CORPORATIONS LTD. / siderably .increase.* Even on the present higher than that achieved by the obsolete, i. tt- 1 c avi " a ‘ . u day ' demand, America’s 'greatest Turig methods used by the ‘Chinese farmers. ,1; 10 High.St., Auckland.', ~ Oil authority has .'stated, that it will be Samples of the oil obtained from these, f Please send me, without obliga- i impossible for. the supply of this, valu- New; Zealand grown nuts'have also been : . tion' on my part, copy of - the 5 , able oil to. catch up with the world’s re- 1 ■ analysed, and proved to be very, close to | Prospectus of N.Z. 'TUNG OIL ? " ' ' ijuirements for many-years to come. ■ < the ideal standard desired by .maniifac- | ‘ Corporation Ltd., together with f-Thu-s the establishment of Plantations turers. ' ' . . i a copy of your Superannuation J in New Zealand 'should.form a new and IMPORTANCE OF: EMPIRE j Chart.. • : /. ’ = ■ highly profitable industry, affording iNew SOURCE OF SUPPLY. , j Name i Zealand investors an exceptionally sound The British Imperial Institute the = . .......... 5 • ( and lucrative opportunity for invest- British Oil and Colour Chemists’ Asso- i Address E f " (pent. ■ ; ' ciation and the Empire Marketing Board | ' , . T.D.N. f . 4 ’ ' . _ • nii111t11t.............. hJ IF EUWe CIL CCRPCKATiCN 4 A<4 . ' 4-'" ■' ? '■?44'?4 4. 4 1 j'": 44.4-4'7 '' ' ' '4 -.4-44' .'4‘';‘4 . ? 44'4 4 ‘. X-- 4-4 444.4'. O':' 4. 4 . 10 HIGH STREET AUCKLAND LIMITED

STRICT ECONOMY. -4 . , 4 ' ‘r ■ , powers that be, tell us that strict economj’ is still necessary to help , us through times of depression, and our factory cheques tell the same story in a voice that is more convincing. : 4■ Our test'ridvice is to save in your running costs by filling ■ your car where the price has always been the cheapest, - ‘ First Grade Shell and Union 2/2 per gal. Imperial 2/1 per gal. FILL UP AT THE 1 MAIN PUMPS. ; ' • ‘"J ’ - ’■ ■ • : A T M AIN AND S ONS ’ MOKOIA. - \ ‘l r • . i * - - ■■■ u J ’l' s z j RANGE 25% TO 50% FASTER. Steel-clad shock-proof elements. Beautifully in grey and cream white enamel. Latest models at low prices. British Manufacture. T. C. HOBBS (J™/ Registered Electrical Contractor SOUTH ROAD, HAWERA ’Phone 2454.

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Taranaki Daily News, 6 December 1930, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Daily News, 6 December 1930, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Daily News, 6 December 1930, Page 10