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FLOWER SHOW AT HAWERA. GAY BLOOMS AND DECORATIONS. Beautiful blooms, skilful decorative work, and an artful arrangement of stalls and exhibits characterised, the eighth Hawera Methodist rose aud sweet pea show, which opened in the Lloyd George Hall at the Winter Show Buildings, Hawera, yesterday. The show will conclude to-day. In introducing Mr. H. G- Dickie, M.P., who opened the show, the Rev. E. S. Emmitt drew special attention to a most' interesting feature of this year’s show —the large exhibition of Great War curios lent by returned soldiers in the Hawera district. The exhibit is most varied and includes maps, photographs, sketches, shells, helmets, revolvers and all the insignia and paraphernalia invariably connected with war. The display is probably unique in its .way and created the greatest interest ' amona visitors to- .the show. Mr. Dict'ie, in • declaring ‘ the show open, commented upon the fact that many people used the hard times through which the Dominion was at present passing as an excuse to “button up their pockets.” This, he said, onlyi kept more niuiiey out of circulation. He hoped those present would remember the good Causes towards which money spent- at the show would go, and do their best to help. Mr. E. Dixon said that the funds from the show would go mostly towards mission swork. ■ ' The public schools’ orchestra, under the direction of Mr. H. C. A. Fox, gave a fine programme during the afternoon. This was greatly appreciated by the many present. i The different stalls appeared to enjoy brisk trade for the greater part of the afternoon. Those in charge of them were; Top/ rooms, Mesdames Hartmann, I -.‘ng, Evans, Sutton, Hatcher, Squire, Misses Emmitt,-B. Tonks, Hulbert and Squire; produce, Mesdames Tozer senr. and junr. and Mrs. Rae; work stall, Mrs. Carter and the members of the Young Women’s Bible Class; eake, Mesdames Emmitt, Cross and Roberts; sweets, Mesdames Ollcrenshaw, Manners and Carter; flowers, Mesdames Switzer and Beeson; ice cream and soft drinks, Mesdames i West wood, Spragg and Hey; hoop-la, A. and C. Dowdle; shooting o-allery,. Messrs. Tozer and R. Smith; bran tubs, Mrs. Barron. A novelty dinner composed of flowers and leaves was in charge of Misses Hill and Cressey, while there were two miscellaneous stalls run by the men and the Young Men’s Bible Class members. In touch with everything Miss Dorothy Bates proved an ideal; and tireless secretary. Details are:— ■ \ ■

ROSES.., Judge: Mr. W. Afoss. Stewards: MesdameS T. J. Hurrell, . Cressey and Miss Bates. Three named varieties. —Mrs. H. Washer. 1 and 2, Airs. Nowell 3 White.—R.. Ajills 1, Mrs. Phillips 2, Alisa E. Quinn 3. Cream or yellow.—Airs. H., Washer 1, Airs. Nowell' 2, Mrs. Ritter 3. Pink.—Mrs. H. W’asher 1 and 2, Mrs. J. Saunders;3; , ; : Red (Gas. Company’s special).—Alys. L. A.' Bone 1, R. Mills 2, Mr. Knight

U. , ' » • > ■ Single varidtiea.—Mrs, H. Washer 1, R., Mills 2, Mrs. Nowell 3. Ramblers: Mrs. S.. Adamson. 1, .Mrs. A.. G. Larcom 2, Mrs. H. Washer 3. Climbers.—Miss Al. Brown 1, Airs. Barkla senr'. 2. ' -_ v . . Collection.—-Miss E. Quinn. 1, Mrs. Nowell 2, Mite, R- Mill*? 3. - Variety collection. —Mrs. H. Washer 1, iiss E. Quinn 2. , ..' • Six roses, variety (Jubilee fruit bowl for local competition). —Miss E. Quinn. 1, Miss Al. .Brown 2, Miss E. Quinn 3. ' ••• . 'SWEET'PEAS. ■. Judge: Mr. W. Alosg,.'. Stewards: Mesdames Tl J. .Hurrell, Cressey and Miss Bates. Three, any colour. —Miss Mary Church 1, Mrs. Willis 2, Lovell Brcs. 3. Six, any . colour .‘(Gas I Company’s special).—Lovell Bros. 1, Mary Church 2, Mrs. Willis 3. . j Pink or rose blooms.—Lovell Bros. 1, Alite F., Best 2, Mrs. C. Rowe 3. Crimson,—Mrs. Willis 1, Miss F. Johnson 2,. Mrs. C. Rowe 3.-. Purple. —Mrs. L. A. Bone 1, Lovell Bros. 2, Mrs. P.- J.. Allah 3. Lavender.—Mrs.. R. R. Henderson 1, Mary Church 2, Mrs. C. Rowe 3. • . White and cream? —Lovell Bros. 1, Mrs. H. Washer 2, Miss Mabel Wyatt 3, ■ x ; . r ‘ ' ■'• Bicolour -or picotee.—Lovell Brcs. Mrs. L.' A. Bone 2, Miss. C.' M. Squire 3.■. ■■ . Collecti; (Mr. G. H. Mills’ special).— Lovell Bros. 1. . . CUT FLOWERS. ' % ' Judge:; Mr. C. Goodson., Stewards: Mesdames Pacey and Guy, Misses D. Swadling and Thomas. Antirrhinums,, one' colour. —Mrs. Bone 1, Mrs..Washer,2. Antirrhinums, : any colour. —Mis. Westahvay 1, Miss Buchanan 2, Mrs. A. Huntin. 3. Antirrhinums, any colour, novice.— Mrs. R. R. Henderson 1, Miss Johnson 2, Miss A. Watts 3. .Aquilegia.—Mrs. Phillips 1, Mrs. B. Lysaght 2. Azalea*.—Mrs. L. A. Bone 1, Mrs. B, Lysaght ?, Frances Wills 3. < ■ Carnations.—Airs. A. Cleaver 1, Lovell Bros. 2. ,r _ - Cinerarias. —Miss M. Brqwn 1, Mrs. H. Washer 2, Alii’* E. Quinn 3. Clematis.—Mrs. B. Lysaght 1, Mrs. A. G. Larcom 2. Delphinjums.—Mrs. A. Huntin 1, Mrs. J. S. Barkla 2. Gladioli— Miss E. Quinn 1, Mrs. A. G. Larcom 2. ■ Gerberas.—Mrs. A. Aiurdoch 1, Miss R.-Mills 2.‘ , ' Geunis.—Mrs. E. Swinburne 1, Mrs. Phillips 2. Aliss Stringer 1, Mrs. Beesam 2, Mrs. B. Lysaght 3. Geranium, single.—Mrs. E. A. PaceyI, Mrs. J.'Satmders 2. Geranium, double. —Mrs. A. Huntin I. Ixias.— Mrs.,J. Saunders 1, Aire. Barkla senr. -2. Linaria—Mrs. J. Barkla 1. Mrs. J. Saunders 2. ' ' Lupins.—o. J.' Haw.ken T, Mrs. A. Huntin’2, Mrs. A. G. Larcom 3.— ', Marigolds.—Mrs, s. Adamson 1, Mrs. Bone 2. Miss B. Tonks 3. Nemesia.’-Mnp. Swinburne 1, Miss D. Corrigan 2, Mrsi S. Adamson 3. Nemesia, collection— Mrg. Swinburne 1, Miss D. Corrigan 2, Mrs. A. Thomlipson. 3. . y . ' • ' ' Pentstemons.—Airs. T. J. Allan 1. . , Pelargoniums.—Mrs. Allan 1, Alias Johnson t 2Peonies. —AfLss Buchanan 1, Tui Wyatt 2. ■ ' Picotee.—Miss'B. Tonks 1. Poppies,' Oriental. —Mrs. D. Syme 1, ?'a ry .Thomson 2, Mrs. A. Huntin 3. Poppies, Shirley.—Mrs. T. J. Allan I, Airs. W. G. Tozer. 2,.AHSs AL Brown 3, ' . > ' Poppies, Iceland—Airs. Swinburne 1, Aliss Stringer 2, Alison Watte 3. Stocks, one head. —-Airs. T. H. Walker 1, Airs. A. G. Larcom 2, Miss I. Baker 3 - Stocks, ■. varieties. —Mrs. H. Washer I, Mre. E. A. Pacey 2.

Sweet ' Williams.—Miss Stringer 1, Mrs. J. S. Barkla 2, Mrs. E. A. Pacey 3. , ■ Schizanthus.—Miss Buchanan 1. Verbena. —Mrs. H. Washer 1 and 2,’ Mrs. T. J. Allan 3. Viola.—Mrs. Saunders 1, Mrs. A. G. Larcom 2, Mrs. T. J. Allan 3. Rhododendron, one head.—Mrs. D. Syme 1, Marv Thomson 2, Miss Lysaght 3. Rhododendron, three heads.—Mrs. I). Syme 1, Mrs. Barkla senr. 2, Mary Thomson 3. 1 Cut flowers collection (E. Dixon’s special). —Mrs. Ritter 1, A. Thomlinson 2, Miss Mabel Wyatt 3. Cut flowersj collection of 12 (Mr, G. H. Mills’ special).—Mrs. Bone 1, Mrs. A, G. Larcom 2, Mrs. D. Syme 3. Flowering shrubs.—Mrs. D. Syme 1, M ;. Phillips 2. PANSY CLASSES. . One bloom. —Mrs. A. G. Larcom 1, Tui Wyatt 2. . . Two blooms. —Mrs. B. Lysaght 1, Miss A. Watts 2. i Three blooms. —Mrs. Ritter 1, Miss Lysaght 2,_ Noeline Smith 3. Six blooms.—Mrs. A. G. Larcom 1. IRIS CLASSES. Points prize (Dr. Thomson’s Grecian vase). — One variety, .three spikes. —Mrs. J. Saunders 1, Mrs. Bone 2. Flag. —Mrs. Bone 1, Mrs. Phillips 2, Mrs. J. R. Corrigaii- 3. • Flag, six varieties,' one spike.—Mrs. Bone 1, Mrs. J. R. Corrigan 2, Miss Lysaght 3. Spanish.—Mrs. A. G; Larcom 1, Mrs. J. R. Corrigan 2, Miss B. Tonks 3. Spanish, three varieties.—Mrs. J.' R. Carrigan. 1, Mrs., Phillips 2, Mrs. C. ■ Rowe 3. ’ .• 1 Iris, miscellaneous (E. Dixon’s special). —Mary Thomson 1, Mrs. J. R. Corrigan 2, Mrs. Bone 3. ' POT PLANTS. . Judge: Mr. W. Moss. Steward: Mr. H. Old. Foliage plants.—Mrs. A. Hamilton 1. Plants in flower.—Miss C. Squire 1, Mrs. A. Hamilton 2. Maidenhair fern.—Mrs. Nowell 1, Betty Tonks 2, Miss Smith 3. ■ Aspidistra.—Mrs. A,, Hamilton 1 and 3, Miss. D. Swadling 2. > Begonias, foliage. —Miss P. Gane I. - ' > 'decorative. Judges: Mesdames Lovell and E. G. . ; Betts. ”, Steward: Mrs. Hammond. Float bowl.—Miss Sheila Lovell 1, Mrs. Willis 2. ' . • Victorian posy (J. Carter's special). —Mrs. Scott 1 "arid 2, Mrs. A. Huntin 3. i | \ Hand bouquet. (Dixon’s special).— Miss Sheila Lovell 1, Mary Thomson 2, Mrs. Willis 3. . ' „ . Buttonholes. —Miss Sheila Lovell 1, Mrs. F. Fodin 2, .Mary Thomson 3. Bowl of roses.—Mrs. F. Foden 1, Mrs. Willis 2, Mrs. Scott 3. . , Vase of roses. —Mrs. Willis 1, Mrs. A. Huntin 2, Mrs. Scott 3. Bowl of sweet peas.—Mrs. Scott 1. Vase of sweet peas. —Mrs. Scott 1, Mrs.- Willis 2. / Bowl of arum lilies. —Mrs. Scott 1, Mrs. Willis 2, Mrs. F. Foden 3. Basket of flowers—Mrs. Scott I and 2, Miss S. Lovell and Mrs. Foden 3 equal.'- /’ Bowl of flowers.—Mrs. A. Huntin 1, Miss I. Baker 2, Mary Thomson 3. Wreath.—Mrs. Fi Foden 1, Mrs.,Scott 2, Mary Thomson 3. Jar of flowers. —Mrs. Scott 1, Mi's. Foden 2, Miss Thomas 3. Decorated table. —.Miss S. Lovell 1, Mrs. Willis 2, Miss 1. Baker 3. Decorated mantelpiece. —Mrs. Hobbs 1, Miss I. Baker 2. CHILDREN’S DECORATIONS. Hand- bouquet.—-Margaret .Murdoch 1, Peggy Barkla. 2. / ; ■ . / Buttonholes.—Arnold Hunter 1, Pixie Nowell 2, F., Kellaud 3. Bowl of flowers—Margaret MurdochI, Joan Harding 2. .' : y ', ' > Vase of flowers.; —Pixie Nowell 1 and 2, F. Kelland 3. . ’ ’ /-Decorated table.—Pixie Novell 1, Margaret Murdoch 2. Victorian posy,—Margaret Murdoch 1. Joan Harding 2. Pixie Nowell 3. Bowl of flowers (novice).— Jean Grindrod 1,. Marie Frisk 2. • , : FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Judge::’. Mr. C. Goodson. Steward:. Mr. H. Old.. _ Gooseberries. —Miss Doris Jones 1, Miss Carrie Jones 2. ! Rhubarb.—Miss H. Williams 1, Mrs. Squire 2.■; , ../ ■. / ’ Broad beans. —Mrs. Barron I, Miss Smith 2. • - Cabbage. —Douglas Foy 1, Miss Gwen Joll 2. ' Cauliflower. —Douglas Foy J, Barbara Foy 2. ' ', > ' Carrots.—Miss G. Joll 1, Mrs. B. Lysaght 2. , Lettuce; —Miss F. Kelland 1, Douglas. ; Foy 2.•. ■ ' •■:. ‘ ’■■ ■, ■ • Radishes.—Miss H. Williams L. Peas.—Mrs. B. Lysaght 1 and 2. Sprint onions.—Mrs. Barron 1 and 2. Turnips.—Mrs. Barron 1, Mrs. Phillips 2. • • • : ; Potatoes.—lan Henderson .1, Mrs. W. G. Tozer 2. : Collection.of vegetables. —Miss'G. Joll I, M^ss'F. Larcopi '2.' ? . HOME INDUSTRIES. Judge: Mrs. Hili.. J Stewards: Mesdames G. Grindrod and 'S. Veitch. . Apple pie.—F. Rae 1, Mre. Phillips 2. Small cakes.—Mrs. Ogle 1, Mrs. C. Rowe 2. ‘ • ... . Biscuits (Gas Company’s special). — Mrs. Ogle 1, F. Rae 2Cream, puffs.—Mrs. W. T. Good. 1, Miss Doris Jones 2. , Ginger cake.—F. Rac I. ' Bread.—Mrs. J. W.. Harding I, Mrs. j 2. ■ ■ Nut loaf.—May Ogle 1, Mrs.' W. G. Tozer 2. ’ ,„ , . _ Madeira cake.’ —Mrs. C. Ward 1, Mrs. J. Champion 2. Rock cakes.—Mrs. Ogle 1, Mrs. T. Hurrell 2. : ■■ ■ ’ • ■ i... Seed' cake.—F. Rae 1, Mrs. W.. G. Tozer 2. • ■ ' • ' -' ■ ’ » '_ Jsm tarts—T. K. .T.pzer 1, Mrs. C. Rowe 2’. A • Sausage rolls. —T. K. Tozer 1, Mrs..C. Rowe 2.- . \ Spoiige sandwich. — Mrs. Nixon 1, Mrs. W. Johnson 2. ■ , Brown sponge.—Mrs. A. Murdoch 1, Mrs. C. Ward 2. . ... Butter spoiige —Mrs.''A. Murdoch 1, Mrs. C. Ward 2. Shortbrea 2.’—Seaman 1. Mrs. S. Barkla 2. \ Hen’s_ eggs.—Mrs. A. ,J. Hopcroft. 1, Miss D. Swadiing 2. . Soap.—Mrs. C. Ward 1, Mrs. Hopcroft

Girdle scones.—Airs. L. S. Tarrant 1. Mrs. E'..Nixon 2?Plain scones. —Mrs. A. Hamethen 1, Mite ■ F. Killand 2. . Pikelete.—Mrs. E. Nixon 1, ■ Airs. A. Hainethen 2. » Gems. —May Ogle -1, Mrs. J. W. Harding 2. Fruit cake. —Alias F. Killand I, Airs. Brett. 2. . - . . Bottled fruit—Mrs. S. Veitch 1 and 2. Pickles.—Airs. A. J. Hopcroft 1 and 2 ' '/ ■ - • ' ’ ; , FANCY WORK. Judges: Alesdames Al. Barraclough and J. Pennington.

Steward: Mrs. J. Saunders. i Worked nightdress. —Miss Pawson J-, Miss Edna Rowe 2. ' n -- •Duchess set.—Mrs. S> Barkla 1, .Miss? Edna Row<e 2. . , ; Supper cloth, worked in white. MiSI. 1 ; Pawson 1, Miss E. Keightley 2. Supper cloth, in colours.—Miss J. A. Keightley 1, Miss Coleman 2. Apron.—Miss Harvey 1. Article in raffia work—D. Swajhng 1 and 2« -sy—Miss M. Smith 1, Mrs. G. Rae j--2. ' Necklace, hand-made—Miss Crompton 1, Frances Wills 2. . CHILDREN’S FANCY WORK. (16 years and under)./ . . - Apron.—Elma Lee 1, Muriel Wallac® z 2. ' '■ ■ ’ '*■ ' ' D’Oyley— Elma Lee I, Edith Bub- . litz 2. ' ■ - .< Best sugar bag article—Miss ■ Hop- / kirk 1, Madeline Barker 2. ■ . Model aeroplane. —C. Cassell 1. (12 years and under). ~// Apron.—Jean Grindrod .1, Noeline : ' Smith 2. D’Oyley—Miss Hopcroft 2. // Sus’ftT bag artriclor —MLss ELopcroft Madeline'.Barkla 2. . ■ SOUTH TARANAKI NEWS ■". /'. / ; -— SOUTH TARANAKI BOWLING., /’ HAWERA WEDNESDAY VICTORY. By a margin of 28 points six rinks of//! Haivera Bowling Club Wednesday play*/ 1 ; ers maintained their unbeaten record in, ; a.match with their Saturday club mates-, at Hawera yesterday. The games, were,,./': contested on a green that played welL// The weather was excellent except for i// trlckv wind that blew across the green. . BerfUare.- . Hff Champion, Gerrand, Burgess, ’ Robb (s) . Rudge, Bardsley, Adamson, t / Linkhorn (s) ■~, 20 ■ Colclough, Lister, McCormick, ■ //. Cropton (s) ....... 32 — Edwards, Wilson, Potter, Mas- , - lin (s) — 16 _ Herbert, McDonald, Shaw, Hicks, // ( S) 23 — Hobb , Clark, Syme, Foy (s) .. — 30 Canning, Watts, Townslcy, cor- ' kill.(s) J 21 — : Dale, Keys,’ Ashton, Hamilton, ( s) / —. 15 / . Gooddrop, Foden, A. iW*U s > (s) * . ~ ' ■ Wren, Spiers, Tidswcll, Ren- : • wick (s) , Joll, J. Tait, Westaway, Tait (s) 22 Saunders, Dahl, Hodge, Stone (S)' ' Totals 148 120 / On the Park green the club feathers were retained by Smith’s rink which staved off a challenge by Chadwicks - rink by a good margin. The rinks were . . Williamson, ' Carter, Bremlord, Smith (s) v. Brennan, Cleaver, Murdoch, Chadwick (S), '■■/ . /•_ ', • .- . ' x .. 'V: CALF-JUDGING AT KOHL ' The iiuPdim of school children’s ealyes . was. continued in the Wanganui Educa- '■ tional district on Tuesday,. when Sir. J B Ho"g, chief agricultural inspector,. . and Mr. T. Lorisdale of the Agricultural Department, in company with Mr. W. JN. Hughes, who was judge, visited the Kohl school. ‘ ‘ * . • 4 Dctmlb aic. Andrew Mitchell 1, Harry Powell A • Joyce Hill 3, Noel Oliver 4. There were seven entries. ' . ' The judging was continued vcsteiday, schools in the Waitotara districts, being visited; Kai • Iwi - and district wul be done to-day;. . ' ..-.vF ■: ' , ' 1 ~.' . • ■■ • ■ ;■■■■' ■■■' - ; . ' '• HAWERA MALE CHOIR. > // ' • SUCCESSFUL CONCERT GIVEN" ' F Considered by many to be our of the ; best works wet credited' to the society, the Hawera Male Choir’s concert _on Tuesday proved most enjoyable.. Not onlv did the choir give a good performance but the: soloists, M- Williafh Wat- . ters, Palmerston North,, and Miss'Mary Massey, Stratford, weile in • excellent voice. ■ /,' Under the baton of Mr. Hi.-'Webb, the choir rendered'some attractive npinbers, the programme being welb vdned. In the first hal( the Hioir sang Ring . Out, Wild Bells/’ “Farewell to the High- ( , lands,” and, to bring the. curtain down ... successfully, “Way. Down Yonder in de Cornfield,” aai ever popular part-song. After the interval the choir 'was heard... . to advantage in “Sing'Heigh-ho,” “El-,"-/ dorado,” arid f‘The Voice of the Tor- ; , rent?’ the last-mentioned giving fjin . scope for interpretation. The choir, was , also particularly,'effective in a‘ chorus to one of Mr. Watters’ solos, “Rolling the Log” from “Lumber. Love.” ■• - .■ As was expected - with a ' singer of Mr. Watters’ artistry his songs proved -most popular with the packed house. The attendance was loath to part with him and his final number, was .encored , three times, his hearers still remaining unsatisfied. He sang the prologue from ( “I Pagliaeci,” “Rolling the Log” (with / a chorus by the choir) and “The Lute. Player,” as well as numerous encores.// Miss Massey sang “The Jewel-Song” and “The Lorely” well. She, too, was enthusiastically received and had' to respond to encores.. / > The .choir's quartet, Messrs f, C. Smith, .'A. E. Morris, >B. Malone •id; G. H. Buekeridge, were heard only once,. / singing “In' a Gondola.” As an encore they sang the evergreen “John Peel?’. .// Mrs. W,' A-. Quim. did excellent work as accompauiste. The members of. the ■choir were:— tel First tenors, Messrs J., C.., „G. ■ / H. Westwood, L. Lay, W. E. Sutton,, ' J. Dredge, W. J. Woods; second tenors,/ Messrs A. E. Morris, J-. W. Glover, J. ' C. Findlater, J. .W. Archbold,’. K.-, B. Squire; first basses,'.Messrs T.-Herbert,- . J. W. Velvin, G. A. Burgess,. B. Malone, G. Drew; second basses, Messrs. Hi' I*/ / Chadwick, L. : Green, A. C. ; Douglas, ■ - G. H. Buekeridge. and J." H. Manners.’ ■■ —-"■■■ : '

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Taranaki Daily News, 4 December 1930, Page 3

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ROSES AND SWEET PEAS Taranaki Daily News, 4 December 1930, Page 3

ROSES AND SWEET PEAS Taranaki Daily News, 4 December 1930, Page 3