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WAT T—G ARDNLR. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Oipuimke, was the scene of the wedding on Monday, July 21, of Sarah Gardner, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Alexander (Sandy) Watt, Pcnnan, Scotland. The Rev. E. Swinard was the officiating clergyman. Mrs. Trotter was organinc, The bride, who entered the church with Mr. H. Pennington, wore a charming gown of ivory crepe de chino cut on very fashionable lines, over which fell a handsomely embroidered tulle veil, arranged becomingly 'beneath a wreath of orange blossoms. Her shoes were of ivory satin -with stockings to tone and she carried a shower bouquet of hot-house flowers in autumn shades and maiden-hair fern. Miss Margaret Pennington attended the bride. She wore a pretty frock of pale blue satin with shoes and stockings to tone. A wreath of pale blue flowers was worn and she carried a bouquet of hot-house flowers and mai-den-'hair fern. The best man was Mr. Samuel McFall. After the ceremony the guests were entertained at the Club. Later Mr. and Mrs. Watt motored to New Plymouth, the bride travelling in a brown satin crepe de- chine frock with shoes and stockings to match, and a dark green coat and hat with brown furs. GIBSON—MURPHY. The wedding took place at the Catholic Church, Ellerslie, on July 16, of Johanna Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. Patrick and the late Mrs. Murphy, Kapuni, and Harre, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. B. Gibson, Wanganui. Monsignor Lane performed the ceremony, and Mr. Joseph Papescli played the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a peach coloured gown of embossed chenile, with side flare of georgette dipping to the ankle. Her hand-worked veil of tulle, which was also of peach blossom shade, was caught to the head with orange blossorii tinted to tone. She carried a shower bouquet | of sweet peas and spring flowers with 1 maidenhair fern and satin streamers. I The bride was attended by her sister) Mrs. B. W. B. Hunt, as Matron of honour, wearing a frock of apricot silk moracam with dipping back panel, a shoulder cape and a black velour hat. She carried a bouquet of sweet peas, narcissus and maidenhair fern. The bridegroom was attended Ly Mr. B. \V. B. Hunt as best man. After . the ceremony, a reception was j held at the residence of the bride's I I sister. Later in the day the couple I left for Rotorua, where the honeymoon j was to oe spent. . . . PHILLIPS—WISEMAN. . ( St. Peter’s Church, Wellington, waft | on June 14, the scene of the wedding • of Mary Paton, only child of Mr. and ; Mrs.’ Wiseman, Lower Hutt, to Arthur. Reginald, eldest’ son of Mr. and Mrs. | R. Phillips, “Netherlce,” Inglewood. The ‘ Rev. H.’ Watson performed the cere- I mony and Mr. -Shortt was .at the organ. | The bride, who was escorted by her j father, wore a frock of white satin with • uneven hemline, trimmed' with ' silver ' lace. The cape, was also bordered with 1 -silver lace. The veil wits worn, wi't-li a i coronet of orange blossoms, and’ the J bpide carried a.shower.bouquet of pink i and white carnations ' and maidenhair i fern with -satin -streamers. ■ ; The bride was attended by two maics-I---Miss Daisy Wilson/who vvOre. a longsleeved frock of blue crepe de chine with uneven hemline, and Miss Freda Baker, whose frock was of pink-marl-ette. with uneven hemline. ’ Both maid's ■ wore hats to tone and carried bouquets of pink/ blue and autumn tints. - Mr. I’. Chapman man and Mr. K. Beadle was groomsman. ; The bride- ' groom s gift to the bride was a fox fur and .’to the bridesmaids ornamental brassware. . . • , / .

After tne ceremony a reception’, ar wiiicit there were about seventy guests, vras-.held in the Empire Hall. The tables were decorated by u friend with pink and white chrysanthemums. Aire.Wiseman to receive her guests waft dressed in a frock of navy celanese crepe de chine with, fawn ■ trinfming (the skirt being frilled), navy coat and smart velour hat. She carried a bouquet of violets and freesias. Airs. Phillips, the bridegroom’s, mother, wore a frock of olack lace, the coat being trimmed with fur, and close fitting black hat. She cained a bouquet of anemonies. The bride's . travelling frock was a fawn and brown ensemble with hat to tone... Thp couple left on a tour of the Kelson and -Marlborough districts/ PERROTT—SHERSON. The wedding took place in the Metiiod>t Church, Stratford,. on June 3, of Doreas, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. S'herso'n, Cloton Road, Stratford, and Roy, only, son of the late Mr. and Airs. E. G. Perrott, L'renui. •The bride,- who entered the church cscoj-.ted by her father, wore, a frock of .ivory georgette and taffetas. The frock had a fitting bodice and full, uneven flounces which fell gracefully to the ground at the back. The veil and orange blossom were’arranged to form a Juliet cap and. fell in soft folds to a train. 'Silver shoes completed the toilet. She carried a bouquet of roses, carnations and-maidenhair fern.

The-bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. ,S. Phillips, as matron of honour. Mrs. Phillips wore a frock of delphinium blue crepe de chine over rose silk, .with long uneven hemline, large felt hat to tone and grey shoes and stockings. Her bouquet was of carnations, violets, chrysanthemums and maidenhair. The bridegroom was attended by Air. H. Curtis as best man.

The service was fully choral, Mrs. R. Carry er playing the organ.

| After the ceremony, which was per- ' formed by the Rev. T. Skuse, the rei caption was hold at the residence of ' tiie bride’s parents. Later in the day I the couple left by car for Hawke’s Bay. I The bride chose as her going away frock I a -printed velvet with cedar coat and ■ mA to tone. McWATT—FULTON. i The marriage was celebrated on July 23 at St. James' Presbyterian Church, Pukckohe, of Miss Cora . Ins Fulton, elder daughter of Mr. and Mr.-. Robert Fulton, of Hillview, Pukckohe, and Mr. Arthur Edward McWatt, youngest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Robert McWatt, of Hawera, formerly of Pukckohe. The Rev. Mr. Pattison performed the ceremony and Miss Allan played the wedding music. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of silver embroidered georgette and finest lace, fashioned on long lines with a transparent shoulder cape, which fell to a point at the waist. The ankle-length skirt had a deep transparent hem. Her veil of tulle was embroidered, in silver and was caught to the head with tiny orange blossom buds. She carried a shower bouquet of sweet peas and cyclamen with maiderhair fern and satin streamers. Miss Gwen Fulton attended her sister as bridesmaid and wore a i frock of shell-pink mariette. The bodice was of brocaded lace and from it fell an ankle-length flared skirt, finished at the back of the waist with a large taffetas bow. She wore a soft pink felt hat trimmed with velvet ribbon and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas, narcissus and maidenhair fern tied with pink streamers. Mr. Roy Fulton was best man. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Masonic Hall, where Mrs. Fulton, mother of the bride, received her guests in a navy ensemble and furs, with violet felt hat to tone. Her bouquet was of violets i and fern. i ■" | YON STURMER—BELLRINGER. ; ! - ' ’ l The -wedding took place on Wcdnes; I day afternoon at St. Peter’s Church at Takapuna of Miss Esme Bellringer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' F. T. Bellringer, New Plymouth, and Mr. Denham Von Stunner, third son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Von Stunner, Henderson. The Rev. W. G. Monckton officiated. The bride,- who entered the church with her father, wore a long-sleeved frock of ivory chiffon velvet and georgette. ■ The bodice, which was of chiffon velvet, had a deep yoke of georgette finished at the'back with a long georgette tie and the two-tiered skirt was fully flared veil was of embroidered tulle caught to with inset gqiiares ’of silver lace. Her the head- with a cap effect and fastened over each car with sprays of orange blossom. She carried a sheaf of arum lilies. The: matron of honour was Mrs. G. Craig, a cousin of the bride. Her frock was of apple green moire velvet, made with’a slightly ruchcd bodice embroidered •!in gold and a short jacket finished at' the back of the neck with a gold’ tahsel. V Her wide-brimmed' felt ■hat was to tone and she carried a gold-end-shaded-'bouquet. The best man was Mr. Trevor Bellringer. A reception was held after the ceremony at the residence of- Mrs. G. Craig, O’Neill’s Avenue, Takapuna, .where Mrs. Bellringer received her guests wearing ■ a frock of pink and black patterned georgette in.dcr a navy/satin coat. with. a navy Bangkok and felt . hat. Mrs. Vol) Stunner: wore a dovc : grcy tailored suit with furs and hat • to tone. • FABISII—BENTON. _■ • ; ’ \ ■ 1 ■ ' . The wedding was celebrated at. St. Joseph’s Church, New .Plymouth, on Monday, July 28, of . Myrtle. Catherine, yo'ungpst daughter of Mr. G. Benton, Okato,'and Norbert Paul,' sixth son of Mr. and Mrs. J. .F.abish, Whiteley Street, New Plymouth. The wedding music was played by Miss /Crawshaw and Father Minogue officiated at the ceremony. The bride, who entered" the church with her father, wore a sleeveless gown of cream crepe de chine, with a tight fitting corsage with inset ruchings. The skirt, which was ankle length ar. the back, was made with a . double ilaire with scallopted hem and inlets of cream insertions. Her veil, lent by Mrs. C. Benton, was of cream tulle worked in cream and. gold, and was caught to the head by a coronet of orange blossom. It fell to form a train. A shower bou- . quet of cream roses interspersed with maiden-hair fern and fastened .. with cream ribbons, was carried. Cream shoes with touches of silver completed her toilette. The bride’s trousseau set was the gift of Mrs. C. Penwarden.

■ The bridesmaid, Miss Teresa Fabish, sister of the bridegroom, wore a frock of rose pink taffetas with tight-fitting bodice,’ worked with silver knots. The skirt was made with a double flair and fell to one side. Her hat of pink crinoline and pink lace was trimmed with golden ribbons. Her bouquet, was of pink roses and pink satin ribbons. The little flower-girl, Patricia Goggin, wore a powder, blue dress and carried a golden basket of blue forget-me-nots and pink ribbons. The page boy, Lloyd Benton, wore a black velvet suit,- with cream satin ruchings and black court 'shoes with gold buckles. He carried a cream crook with a cream satin bow. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr. Thomas Kabinh, .Stratford', as best man. After the ceremony about CO gucists were entertained at the Hygienic. Mrs. Woodward, the brides sister, who received the guests, wore a smart tweed coat and hat to match, and carried a posy of violate. Mrs. Fabish, the bridegroom’s mother, wore navy satin and hat to match, and carried a poey of violets. Later Mr. and Mrs. Fabish left by car for Paeroa, where their future home will be made. The bride’O travelling dress' was a "wine-coloured repp with fawn trimmings, and black coat with cream and black far. She wore hat and shoes to tone.

I BERNARD—WI LLIAM.SON. I The marriage took place at the MetliI odist Church, Hawera, on Wednesday, I June H, of Vera Margaret Jean, eldest | daughter of Mr. Frank ami the late Airs, j Williamson, Hawera, and Manuel ! cp'ii, eldest son of the late Air.- Joseph Bernard, Wellington. The bride, who was escorted to the church by .her father/ wore an ivory georgette ankle-length frock over satin, j Ivory carved beads and a diamante bril- | liant buckle completed a charming bridlal toilette. Her veil fell from a silver j coronet and was caught in place with • bunches of ''range blossom. Silver shoes ] and ivory stockings were worn, and ; she carried a shower bouquet with long i streamers. I The brale was attended by her sis- ; ter, Mrs, W. Greig, as matron of honour. Airs. Greig wore a lime green chenille georgette frock, green shoes and a flame velvet felt hat. Her bouquet was of flame flowers and y autumn-tinted, leaves. The best man was Air. Arthur Bott, R-aetihi. - After the ceremony a reception was ; held at the Carlton, where the guests were received by Air. Williamson and Airs. A. K. Smart, aunt of the bride. Airs. Smart was attired in a Paris model frock of navy crepe de chine relieved with lemon, and a navy hat. Iler bouquet was of autumn-tinted leaves and flowers. After the reception Mr. and Airs. Bernard left for the south for the honeymoon, the bride, travelling in a nigger brown model frock of satin beaute, brown satin cloth coat with fur trimmings and shoes and small fitting hat to tone. MILLS—SOUTIIILL. At St. Cuthbert's Church, Manala, on Wednesday, July 16, Alartha Ellen, eldest daughter of Airs, goothill, Kohiri Road, Alanaia, and the late Air.-J. A. Soothill, was married th Fred., only son of Air. and Airs. F. Alills, Roclnlale, Lancashire, England. The Rev. €’. W. Solomon officiated, Airs. Solomon being organist. ' ■ >. ' The bride, who was escorted by her uncle, Air. H. Soothill, was attired in a dress of primrese’ cela'nese satin, with skirt of tiny picot-cdged frills, drooping at the back.’ Her embroidered veil of primrose tulle was caught at the sides with clusters of orange blossoms. She wore silver shoes and stockings to match and carried a beautiful shower bouquet. Tiie bridesmaid, Miss Carrie Jones, cyore a frock of bluish apricot celanese satin with silver shoes and stockings to match, and wore a head dress of tulle.'; A shower bouquet of apricot-toned flowers was carried. The little flower girl was Gladys Jones, in a pretty mauve 'crepe de chine dress and head dress of tulle .to 'match, b'hc carried a basket of flowers with mauve streamers. The best man was Air. H. Soothill, junior. ’ ’ ~z . The breakfast was held at the residence of the bride's aunt,.Airs. H. Soothill, ■ Alanaia, Road, where nearly 109 guests were received. Airs. H. Soothill wore a navy and fawn dress and black hat. A feature of the breakfast was a thrce<icr wedding cake made and decorated in primrose shade by Mrs. H. Soothiii; The bride and groom later left by car for Wellington,-where ■ the honeymoon was spent. The bride travelled in a frock-of fawn crepe de chine with and steokings to match and a saxc blue tailored coat with fur cuff and collar and saxc felt hat. i DODD-BOON. . ■ ■ ; . The wedding was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Church) New Plymouth, on July 22, the Rev. ,J. D. McLennan Wil- r son officiating, of Winifred, third da ugh-' ter of Airs. Boon and the late Captain John .W. Boon, Plymouth, and Richard) only, son of Air. Edward Dodd and the late Mrs.- Dodd, Sydney. As the bride Entered the church with her uncle, Air. J. Boon, Stratford, the Wedding March was played by Airs.. W. L. Thompson. The bride was charmingly attired in a frock of white geor-' gette with radium lace panels, the frock being cut on mediaeval lines. Her veil was caught in place, by orange blossoms and s'he carried a shower bouquet.

The bridesmaids were Alins Hazel Harkness ami Aliss Ilere Thompson, who wore dilinty georgette and lace frocks, blue and pink respectively, and soft .felt hats to tone. They carried bouquets to match and .wore rhinestone necklaces, gifts of the bridegroom. Two flower-girls, Alarie Boon (niece of the . bride), and Maire Berg (cousin of the bride) ■ came next, looking sweet hi little crepe <le-chine frocks with rot.'-e--bi:d trimming, pink and bine respectively,' and wearing lace bonnets trimmed with forget-me : nots and carrying posies to match. They wore necklets, gifts of the bridegroom. The bridegroom was assisted by Air. R. Iloby as best man and Mr. 11. Smillie as groomsman. The church was decorated by friends of fhe bride, a floral arch and large silver bell being the outstanding decoration’s. ' . ‘ A reception was held at the Alon Desir. Airs. Boon wore a frock of bottle green crepe satin, relieved by touches of autumn-tinted georgette, an*d felt hat to tone. .She carried a bouquet of'aut-umn-tinted flovyers. A large number of guests-sat down to the breakfast. Many telegrams were received from different -parts of New Zealand and Australia. The couple left later by car, for the south, tiie bride travelling in a frock of nigger brown celanese marocain, relieved by touches of lemon floral georgette, and wearing a broadtail coat with fur collar and cuffs, and hat, shoes and stockings to match. . . -

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Taranaki Daily News, 2 August 1930, Page 7 (Supplement)

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WEDDINGS Taranaki Daily News, 2 August 1930, Page 7 (Supplement)

WEDDINGS Taranaki Daily News, 2 August 1930, Page 7 (Supplement)