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BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CLUBS’ WORK JUDGES REVIEW THE RESULTS FULL PRIZE LIST ANNOUNCED The root-growing competitions under the auspices of the Boys’ and Girls' Clubs' Association in South Taranaki are reviewed below by the judges.

For the season just concluded car-

I Matchless White. Heart rot was found in a nuniDer of the mangold plots, more particularly where there had been dressing of stockyard manure. The average for the charts was 16.4 as against 16.6 for the previous year. While many of the charts show careful work there are far too many cases where marks are lost through careless entry of such detail as manure, seed, etc. Each child is provided with a typed set of instructions for sowing the crop, etc., and this also gives full details of the manure, kind and quantity, and the seed variety and rate per acre. Yet of the 107 charts judged only 24 had copied correctly the details of the manure used, and 49 had entered wrongly the details of seed used. Loss of marks fbr points such as these should not occur at ail. The testa were generally well done this year and the average marks gained 15.8 as against 13.8 for last year, shows that most of the competitors have a sound knowledge of what they have been carrying out and the reasons for the various operations. Show Exhibit.—The usual display was made at the Winter Show and was very ravourably commented on. The season was definitely against good quality roots and this was reflected in the display. It was distinctly disappointing to find that, after the assistance given by the judges in the matter of selecting show roots, a large number of the plots were not represented in the display. The figures mentioned in the report have been summarised as below for the purpose of comparison: 1928-29. —191 plots supplied, 117 or 61.25 per cent, judged. Mangolds. —56 plots weighed, 95 supplied, average 72 tons per acre, Champion crop 181 tons 5 cwt. Carrots—--61 plots weighed, 96 supplied, average 42 tons 1 cwt. per acre. Champion crop, 59.12 cwt. | 1929-30. —167 plots supplied, 107 or I 64 per cent, judged. Mangolds, 55 plots i weighed, 85 supplied, average 59 tons ( 3 cwt. Champion crop, 128 tons 17} j cwt. Carrots, 52 plots weighed, 82 eupI plied, average 35 tons 6 cwt. Champion I crop, 61 tons 14 cwt. The following are the championship awards: Mangolds. —Les Muggeridge (Auroa) 188£- points, George Loving (Huinga) 172}points. Jack Hackett (Okaiawa) 162*2 points. Carrots — George Loving (Huinga) 125} points, Louis Muggeridge (Auroa) 121} points, Marjory Larcom (Ararata) 117} points. Senior Division. —Root growing competitions, with }-acre plots, seed and manure supplied free by the Department of Agriculture. Entries were again invited for this class, but the entries were very poor (only 11 entries) which wore made up of 7 carrots and 4 mangold plots. In this division only one variety of each’ was chosen, namely, Prizewinner mangold and Matchless White carrot. Out of the 11 plots supplied, only 7 plots were judged, 2 mangolds and five carrots. The carrots averaged out to 47 tons and the mangolds 63 tons 2} cwt., as against last year’s averages of “carrots 44 tons 19 cwt., and mangolds 72 tons 5 cwt.” The averages obtained this year are good although the mangolds do not seem high, but the two crops weighed were fine crops. The low weight is accounted for by the growers adopting the wide drills 28 inches as against some of last year’s crops which were grown in 22-inch drills. The carrot crops were good and some fine quality roots were grown. The cultivation in every case was of a high standard and the competitors deserved credit for the manner in which they presented their plots for judging.

rots and mangolds were again chosen as the crops for the. root-growing competitions and seed and manure were supplied by the Department of Agriculture to the 167 entrants representing 37 schools. This number showed a decrease of 24 as compared _ with the previous year, and while this is in part explained by the tendency in some districts of South Taranaki to go out of cropping, it is felt that the woik is worthy of better support throughout the district. Although some excellent crops were judged the season could not be regarded *as a very favourable one for root crops. The * weather at sowing time was very unsettled and where the ground had not been properly consolidated before sowing, heavy rain carried the seed deeper into the soil and poor germination resulted. In other cases surface water flowing over the plot caused damage, and many had to re-sow late in the season and the crops did not do too well. The mid-season proved to be very dry and many crops that had secured a good start did not make the growth expected. Of the 167 plots 197 or 6-1 per cent, were judged and while the reasons given above accounted for some of the failures, the percentage of plots carried through to judging is still far too low. Again a number of good plots were more or less completely destroyed by stock within a few weeks of judging, but damage in this way was not so common as in previous years. A new departure was made this year aS] a variety trial was conducted with both carrots and mangolds, two varieties being grown on each plot and the weight averaged for the purpose of computing the points for weight. In mangolds the. varieties chosen were Prizewinner and Jersey Queen and for the 55 plots judged the average yields I were as follows: Jersey Queen 55 tons ’ 6} cwt., Prizewinner 62 tons 19 cwt. i The plot average was 59 tons 3 cwt. as ( compared with an average of 72 tons j the previous year. This decrease is due i in part to the sowing of half the plot | with a lower yielding variety—Jersey Queen, and in part to the less favourable weather conditions. The championship was won by Les Muggeridge, Auroa, with an average yield of 128 tons 17} cwt. For carrots the varieties were Improved Red Intermediate and Matchless White, and the 52 plots yielded as follows: Red Intermediate 32 tons 17 cwt., Matchless White, 40 tons 11 cwt. The plot average was 35 tons 6 cwt., as against an average of 42 tons 1 cwt. for the previous year when Matchless White was grown. The champion crop was grown by George Loving, Huinga, who secured the good average of 61 tons 14 cwt. per acre.

In general the cultivation was distinctly good and high marks were awarded to a large number of the plots. The mid-season visit that was paid to the majority of the plots has done much towards the, improving of the cultivation and maintaining the interest of the competitors, and the advice given on the occasion of these visits was in most cases given effect to. The prize for the best kept plot will be divided between Lester Bootten, Ra-

w.liitiroa, and Basil Piper, Finnerty Road, whose marks the judges were unable to separate. Disease, while not prevalent, was noted in a larger number of plots than has previously been the case. The carrots were subject to attack of crown rot, and this was more noticeable in the Red Intermediate than in the

Particulars of weights and pointe awarded arc: — MANGOLDS. Tons Cwt Weight Cult. Qual. Chart Tl. Lloyd Walker, Otakeho 68 13 137 94 9 11 1664 Jack Walker, Otakeho 67 12 135 94 9 11 1664 CARROTS. Sid Cleaver, Matapu ...... 60 2 120 9 8 13 150 Allan Wet ton, Matapu 60 12 121 9 8 10 148 Hary Feather, Manaia 54 6 1084 8 9 — 1254 David Campbell, Otakeho .... 33 19 674 8 • 7 10 924 Florrie Brown, A uroa 26 3 52j 7 6 13 784 MANGOLDS. GROUP 1. J. Q. P. W. t. e. t. c. Average Cult Qual Ch. Teat Tl. Okaiawa — t, c. Jack Hackett . . . 101 5 100 5 100 15 20 9 16 17 162| Maurice Green .. . 70 7 80 13 75 10 20 74 17 20 140 Trevor Bremer . 53 1-3 Di 7 75 10 18 84 164 18 1364 Matapu — 1021 Maurice Carter . . 54 12 54 6 54 9 15 8 13 12 Trevor Tre week . 48 4 35 7 41 154 18 7 13 8 87f Hawera— Lyall Greenhill , . 84 10 94 3 89 61 20 8 17 17 1511 Normanby—• Gwen Nicholson . 44 — 56 5 50 2J 16 8 17 16 107 Clarence Atkins . 50 11 47 11 52 1 14 8 — — 74 O?akeho— Katie Campbell . 24 2 27 19 26 0J 18 7 16 14 81 Group Average? —Jersey Queen: 59 :ons 13 cwt. Prizewinner: 05 tons 19 cwt. Crop Average—02 tons 16 cwt. Group Winners: Jack Hackett, Okaiawa--100 tonfl 15 cwt 1621 pointe Lyall Greenhill, Hawera —89 tons 64 cwt 1511 points Maurice Green, Okaiawa —75 tons 16 cwt 140 points MANGOLDS. GROUP IL J. Q. P. W. Average Cult Qual Ch. Test Th t. c. t. c. t. c. Ohangat— Laurie Philpott 36 6 56 5 46 54 12 7 17 18 1001 Merernere —■ Rita Wallace ... 67 10 76 5 71 164 17 74 194 15 130f Noeline Wallace . 44 0 68 9 56 4J 15 74 194 16 114 Cliff Davison ... 58 3 57 17 58 — 18 74 184 10 112 Gladys Murray ., 36 6 51 8 43 17 15 8 184 13 981 Te Roti—

. incent Bloor .. 50 9 44 15 47 12 16 64 18 16 10- _ Fraser Road— ’ | Gladys Taylor . 54 12 73 5 63 181 20 8 19 12 122 Arnold Nicholson Ararata — 04 5 59 9 61 17 20 8 19 ' 11 119 George Lundberg Mangatoki— 78 8 100 18 89 13 191 9 17 18 153 Ernest Schicker 90 19 105 8 98 3J 20 9 17 13 151 Len Taylor Eltham — 57 17 61 14 59 154 18 9 161 13 11C Howard Frost .. 51 8 83 11 67 91 20 84 11 174 124 Russell Gower .. 44 — 54 12 49 6 18 71 15 13 102 Group Averag es— Jersey Queen: 56 tons 10 cwt. Prizewinner: 68 tons 15 cwt Crop Average—62 tons 12 cwt. Group Winners: Ernest Schicker, Mangatoki—95 tons 3J cwt 157 pointe George Lundberg, Ararata—89 tons 13 cwt 153 points Rita Wallace, Meremere—71 tons 164 cwt 130f pointe MANGOLDS. 1 GROUP III. J. Q. P. W. Average Cult Qual Ch. Test Tl t. . c. t. c. t. c. Stanley Road— Lloyd Hosking ,. Toko— 53 7 65 11 59 9 19 81 164 174 120 Truxton Rowe .. 80 13 94 3 87 8 20 74 20 194 154; Cecilia Roguski , Rawhitiroa — 28 18 40 16 34 17 17 6 20 16 93 Lester Bobtten .. Mangam ingi— 47 11 46 12 47 1J 20 8 16 15 106 Joan Pennington 70 7 71 13 71 — 18 9 19 14 131 Lionel Jennington 65 11 71 0 68 5J 18 9 19 15 129. Brian Jackson ... Ngaere— 54 — 57 4 55 12 19 8 — — 823 Joe Schumacher . Pukengahu— 50 9 67 10 58 18j 19 8 16 14 115; Pat Rowe <■ 70 14 91 12 81 3 18 9 15 15 138 Kapuni— Rueben Broomfield 30 10 38 11 34 10J 19 8 11 14 864 Harry Broomfield Auroa — 33 8 36 — 34 14 19 8 11 12 84| Les Muggeridge . 121 10 136 5 128 171 20 8 17 15 1382 Len Lyndon .... 62 7 62 — 62 31 191 9 13 16 1211 Robert Green .... 23 2 16 14 19 18 15 5 16 17 72; Finnerty Road— Basil Piper : Bird Road— 45 12 49 10 47 11 20 8 18 13 1064 John Murphy .. Mata— 51 8 45 12 48 10 17 74 154 19 1074 Keith Laird • 51 8 48 4 49 16 16 7 16 144 . 1032 954 Basil Lee 36 19 40 16 38 17J 19 7 16 144 Archie Laird .... 38 11 41 2 39 164 16 7 164 104 89J Group Averages—Jersey Queen: 53 tons 10 cwt. Prizewinner: 59 tons 0 cwt. Crop Average: 56 tons 5 cwt. Group Winners: Les Muggeridge, Auroa —128 tons 17j cwt 188| points Truxton Rowe, Toko—87 tons8 cw t 1541 points Pat Rowe, Pukengahu —81 tons 3 cwt 138 points MANGOLDS. GROUP IV. J. Q. P. W. Average Cult Qual Ch. Test Tl. t. o. t. c. t. c. Te KiriDon Coxhead .... Riverlea — 45 12 64 5 54 184 17 84 19 154 114| 1384 Robert Gargan .. Stratford — 61 1 84 10 72 154 20 84 19 18 7H Russell Aitken .. Midhirst — 25 1 26 7 25 14 14 6 11 15 85J A. Phillips 32 15 36 0 34 74 12 7 17 15 Pembroke Road — Isabel Cuthbert .. Huinga— 50 6 52 14 51 10 20 7 18 15 174 1104 172t George Loring ... 100 12 118 5 109 81 20 81 171 John Cook ...... 99 0 98 0 98 10 194 84 19 17 1624 Paul Cook 93 4 92 17 93 04 194 84 184 16j 156 Alex Jamieson .. Douglas— 09 8 91 5 80 61 20 9 17 174 143f 1054 1 John Wilmshurst 41 15 61 1 51 8 17 8 11 18 L. Cruickshank . Mahoe — 39 4 36 0 37 12 18 74 15 16 94 66 George Ward ... Kaponga State — 26 13 . 25 14 26 3j 17 7 16 0 Verdun Evans ... 29 11 25 18 27 141 18 7 14 18 844 Opunake Convent— 15 94j Sid Holmes ..... — — 41 15 41 15 14 7 17 Group Averages: Jersey Queen, 54 tons. Prizewinner, 61 tons 1 cwt. Crop Averages: 57 tons 10 cwt. Group Winners: George Loring, Huinga—109 tons 84 cwt 1 72| points John Cook, Huinga —98 tons 10 cwt 1621 points Paul Cook, Huninga —93 tons 4 cwt. 156 [/> .nte CARROTS. GROUP I. R. I. M. W. Average Cult Qual Ch. Test Tl. t. c. t. c. t. c. Okaiawa —■ 106| Jim Hackett ... 36 19 45 0 40 191 20 8 19 19 Harold Parsons . 40 3 50 9 45 6 20 74 18 15 1054 Matapu— Cliff T re week ... Manaia Convent — 41 2 41 15 41 8119 7 12 79J 1091 Wermer Hermann 43 14 49 6 4 46 10 19 9 17 18 Frank Sattler ... Normanby— 25 14 31 3 28 84 20 8 15 19 164 87 f 1002 June Phillips ... 31 10 45 6 38 8 18 84 17 Vivienne Gille ... 24 14 28 12 27 3 15 6 18j 15 814 Morris Woods .. 25 14 29 5 27 91 15 6 17 16 814 Clarence Atkins , 19 5 40 10 29 17j 14 8 — ’— 51£ 0takeho — Ray Putt Willie Campbell . 40 10 55 5 47 17j 191 9 151 14 1054 22 16 23 15 23 54 18 64 15 134 761 Group Averages : Red Intermedia te, 35 tons 14 cwt. Matchless White, 45 tons 10 cwt. Crop Averages: 40 tons 12 cwt. Group Winners: Werner Hermann, Manaia Convent—40 tons 61 cwt 109-4 points Jim Hackett, Okaiawa —40 tons 194 cwt 106| points Ray Putt, Otakeho —47 tons 174 cwt lOoj points CARROTS. GROUP II. R. I. M. W. Average Cult Qual Ch, Test Tl. t. o. t. c. t. 0. Ohangai— Leslie Patchell .., Fraser Road— 16 1 15 2 15 llj 15 64 134 17 721 Gladys Taylor ... 39 4 47 11 43 74 20 7 20 20 1101 Ararata— Marjory Lareom .• 47 5 60 8 53 164 194 8 . 194 17 1174 George Lundberg 45 12 57 17 51 141 194 9 19 18 117 Isabel Lareom ... 35 7 61 14 48 101 20 84 191 19 1154 Glory Joblin 46 12 49 16 48 4 20 7 19 20 114 Haig Joblin 41 9 45 0 43 41 20 8 164 15 1024 Stan O’Connell Mangatoki— 32 2 46 12 39 7 18 74 19 11 94f Ernest Schicker . Eltham— 49 16 59 9 54 121 20 9 164 13 113 Alfred Rye 19 5 28 18 24 11 19 9 19 18 89 Alan Reynolds .. 20 5 28 5 24 5 181 8 18 17 85 Group Averages Red Intermedia te , 32 tons 2 cwt. Matchless White , 40 tons 11 cwt. Crop Averages: 36 tons 6J cwt. Group Winners: Marjory Lareom, Ararata —53 to ns 164 cwt 117f pointe George Lundberg Ararata—51 ton s 144 cwt 117 pointe Isabel Lareom, Ararata—48 tons 1 01 cwt 1151 pointe (Continued on page 19)

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Taranaki Daily News, 17 July 1930, Page 18

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ROOT GROWING CONTEST Taranaki Daily News, 17 July 1930, Page 18

ROOT GROWING CONTEST Taranaki Daily News, 17 July 1930, Page 18