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Mrs. 11. R. Kemp lias returned in Hawera after spending several weeks in. the Soiith. Island, '

Miss R. Locker lias-returned after licr holiday. ■’ : ; ;

Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunger are spending a Jew. days in Wellington. « ‘ # fc

Mrs. Foster (Thornlmry) is spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs; C. H. Washer. # * * * Miss M. Macdonald (Wanganui), is spending a few days with friends in Hawera. * # # * The Misses Seed (Wellington) are the guests of Mrs. F. W. Sutton, Cameron Street. -. * # # * Mrs. Woodward returned to Hawera last week after spending two weeks in Paraparaumu. . # # o o « # # # Miss P. Bell has returned to Hawera' after spending six weeks in New South ■Wales. -

Miss E. Murdoch has returned to Hawera after spending a holiday in the South Island. " ’■ •

Mrs. T. J. Allan, Ketemarae Road, Hawera, and Miss Vera Allan left during the week for Auckland, where they will spend a holiday. ... <

Miss Nancy Kent, Hawera, is competing at the Palmerston North competitions and will latter visit Masterton to compete at the festival there.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris; after spending a few weeks in Hawera, have returned to New Plvmouth.

After spending several months in Australia Mrs. Dowling returned to Hawera during the week.

■Miss- Jessie Joyee, ..Okaiawa, left on Monday for an extended holiday to AA ellington.

Miss Ruby Crawford (Okaiawa), who has been visiting her aunt,. Mrs. T. Innes, Vogeltown, New Plymouth, for a fortnight, has returned home.

The IVomen’s Club reading circle held a reading on Monday. The club was most prettily decorated with autumn flowers and foliage. The play, read by Mrs. O’Callaghan, Miss McCormack, Miss Romans,"Miss R. .Pease, Mrs. A. Young, Miss Robertson and Mis:; Cago, was “Second Airs. Frazer.;’ A very jolly evening was spent by the large number present..

Mrs. Kemp gave a very pleasant afternoon for her mother, Mrs. Morris, on Tuesday afternoon. The drawingTooni was gay with bowls of golden-coloured flowers and autumn leaves. Mrs. Morris was attired in a navy and fawn figured crepe de chine, while Mrs. Kemp, to receive her guests, was dressed in a black georgette. Those present were:' Mrs. Burgess, Dlrs. Bull, Mrs. Murdoch, Mrs. J. Bayley, Mrs.. Ellis, Mrs. Sutton and Miss Sutton.

On ’Wednesday afternoon the Egmont Wanganui, Hunt met a.t Mr. Gamlin’s, Manaia.’ Although there was not a kill a fine day enabled those present to spent an enjoyable day’s sport. Those present included: Mrs. N. Crocker, Mrs. Washer,-Airs. S. Train (Waverley), Airs. Death, Airs. Mills, Airs. Hieks, Airs. Innes, Alias. Alitchell, Airs. Purser, 'Aliss T. Mitchell, Airs. Foster. (Thornbury), Aliss AL Washer, Aliss Dea'th, Aliss S. Washer ami others. • r • * .# ’# *

Members • of the Hawcra .Womens? Club met on Monday for the reading of t’he three-act comedy “The First Airs. -Fraser.” Parts were taken by Airs. W. O’Callaghan, • Airs? A. Al. .Young, Miss Helen Hunter, ' Miss Mary’ AlcCormaek, Miss Alelbn-Caigbn, Aliss Katie Robertson. Aliss Ruth Pease’ and. Miss* Alary Romans. Aliss Alay Burgess was director.

'Mr. and Mrs. W. Good. Regent Street, Hawera, were host and hostess to about 30 persons last Wednesday evening, the occasion being a progressive card party to" bid' farewell to Aliv and-Alrs. F. ■ Latham, who' leave to take up residence in Stratford. After an excellent. supper, the hostess presented Mrs. Latham -with a choice piece of crysslal as a mark of esteem from their friends and expressed regret '-at their departure from Hawcra, wishing them success and happiness in their new s/iri'oundings.. The ._c.yy.ning. tcruiiiiated; 'with a musical programme.

Success-from every point of view was the keynote of .the Hawera Amateur. Swimming Club’s annual ball, held in St. Joseph’s Hall,' Hawera, on Wednesday evening. About 200 couples were present, including visitors from all parts of Taranaki and as far afield as Waverley and Wanganui, swimming clubs from all the centres being well, represented. U O 66 On Saturday afternoon the Kia Ora Croquet Club held its closing day. Fine weather enabled the players to enjoy several competitions. Afternoon tea was served. A presentation was made, to Airs. Stephens, the secretary. When presenting her with a dainty supper set the members thanked her for all she had done for them. Those present were: Airs. Stephens, Airs. Aiilroy, Airs. J, Campbell, Airs. Winks, Miss Hay AlcKcrizie, AIrA Bull, Airs.'Kemp, Airs. Alorris (New Plymouth), Airs. Wills, Airs. Winks, Airs. Alnrdock, Afrs.sGuy, Airs. Bennett, Airs.. Evans, Airs. J. Syme, Miss Morris, Aliss Johnstone/ Airs. Munro, Airs. Buckeridge, Airs; Strange, Airs. Pacey,'Mrs. Henery, Mrs. Smith, Airs. Livingstone, Mrs. Reed, Airs. Harding, Airs. T. Tait, Mrs. Exley, Airs. Ashton, Airs. AL Page, Aliss Sutton, Miss Cameron, Airs. Aleyriek, Mrs. Wylie and others.

At. the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Good, Regent Street, a number of people assembled' to bid farewell to Mr. and Airs. F. Latham- —the former well-known in motor and' aero circles, and the latter an amateur in operatic work. Mrs. and Mr. Latham leave to take up their residence- in - Stratford,, where Mr. Latham goes to manage'the Stratford branch of Dominion Motors, Ltd. 'They were presented with a beautiful piece of crystal. * ♦ ♦ * '

' An enjoyable party*. for young folk was given by Mrs. Oney Cox at her residence, Egmont Street, Hawera, in honour of Miss Joan Barry, a young Wellington visitor. A very pleasant evening was spent with cards and dancing, and supper was served by the hostess. Mrs. Cox to welcome her guests was dressed in a frock of georgette over ehenile. Those present were Miss Joan Barry (apricot satin), Mrs. Dalton (apricot taffeta), Misses Z. Spragg (blue satin and net), P. Brown (salmon satin), J. Brough (black, satin and lace), Z. Fama (blue satin and lace), F. Murray (vieux rose georgette),’ M. Batchelor (vieux.rose not).

To an energetic and hard-working eo’m.mittee, with Mr. A. W. Lawn as chairman and Messrs. A. Spragg and D 0. Ryan as joint secretaries, much of the success which attended the function is due. They were assisted by a ladies’ committee comprising Mesdames J. N. Anderson, E. Higgs, W. Dymond, W. A. Spragg and T. Moss and Miss Jackson, to whose care the supper ar-rangements-and much of the preliminary arrangements' Were -entrusted.

The decorations were a feature of the function,’ the clu.b’s colours, Oxford and Cambridge blues, predominating in a streamer scheme which delightfully combined shades of blue and orange, and greenery and autumn tints. Excellent music was supplied by Wills’ Alelody Alakers’ Orchestra, • supplemented by extras by Air. G. Aleyrick and Pasby and Bonetti’s Hawaiian Orchestra. The masters of ceremonies were Messrs. D. C. Ryan, A. W. Lawn and S. Anderson. In the absence of Air. If. G. Dickie, A-1.P., the club patron, the presentation of trophies was made by the president, Air. A. W. Lawn, who referred to the success which had attended'the club’s efforts during the past season, culminating in the splendid efforts of Hawera club members at the Taranaki championship meeting. In the future the club would feel the loss of such keen supporters as Air. C. Robb, who had proved such an energetic and capable secretary, and Air. JI. Wiggins. Mr. Lawn congratulated the winners of the trophies and asked Air. E. Higgs to take the presentations. Amongst those present were:—Alcsdames J. N. Anderson, E. Higgs (black satin), T. Aloss (mimosa satin), W. Dymond (pink frilled satin), Aliss Al. Jackson (rose pink panne velvet), Alesdanies Parker (black lace and tulle), Pivac, A. Bonetti (blue frilled and brocade frock); AV. Gregg (sky blue georgette), Snowsill (purple taffetas and silver lace), W. Alunday (green georgette and gold lace), W. A. Spragg (black velvet), Petersen, Patea (black lace), Aliases Cuff (black crepe de chine), P. Arlick, Stratford (floral georgette), G ' Watkins, ■ Waverley ■ (blue taffetas), Barry, Wellington ' (apricot taffetas), Stenhouse (floral satin), ■ J. Powdrcll (black and gold lace), B. Ritter (apricot velvet satin), J. Powdrcll (black and gold lace), B. Ritter (apricot velvet and tissue), J. Coleman, Stratford (black and silver frock), Al. Powdrcll (pale green floral taffetas), J. Stewart, Eltham (bluegeorgette),. Carter (black taffetas), R. Okagit (green taffetas), E.» Alurdoch (white and silver lace), J. AfcGlashan (green satin), Al. Alorrissey (apricot satin), Woodhead (blue satin), A. Uniacke, Stratford, (grey lace), S. Taylor (black lace), G. .Thomas, -B. Ryan (blue taffetas and silver -lace),"G. Goodson, Wellington (apricot frock and gold lace), M, Ale Donald, Wanganui (black georgette),.E. Buist (floral taffetas), G. Purser (mauve satin and lac.), AL Volske (white celanese), J. OTlagan, Eltham ..(green satin), B. Raw.son- (green lace), L Reid (-apple green satin and lace), A. ’Bell (pink satin and net), Al, Tapp ‘ (beaded-pink frock), R. Foster, S.' Arnott (sea-green and gold lace), K. Petersen (green and gold frock), R. Bullock (sky blue figured satin), T. Lamb (canary lace), L. Spragg (pink and blue frock), D. Alorrissey (sea green satin), E. Stone (bine crepe de chine .'.nd silver lace), F. . Alurray (mimosa satin and net), I. Beamish (blue satin), A. Conway (black georgette), 11. ’Capps, Patea (green spangled frock), R. Taylor (black georgette and satin),' I. Bayley (royal blue satin), McKay (black ring velvet), A. Carter, Eltham (floral satin), R. Alickelson (cream, satin), E. Mickelson, Eltham (red sa' n and net), J. Laurenson (pink sat A and spotted net), V. Sheehan,: Stratford (scarlet satin), L. Brown (green taffetas), A. Brewer (pink laeej, P.’ Arnott. (gilbrae voile), N. Adams (powder pink satin and net frilled), E. Alcßeth (blue silk), Al. Thurston ' (eau de nil), AT. Nansett, Patea (red lace), B. Stevens, S, Seaver (shell .pink satin). P. Langdon (blue crepe de chine), A. Cameron, Okaiawa (mimosa georgette), B. Petersen, Patea (pink frock), D. Tunbridge, Stratford (flame satin), G. Young (black satin), ’ C. Prince, Eltham (black georgette), Al, Alullaly, Eltham (cream satin), N. Davis (navy satin and spotted het), J. Catchpole (pink taffetas anil net), K. Brown, N. Dredge (canary satin), Al. Curtis (pale blue and lemon frock), 1. Pivac (pink lace), B. Stone . (lemon frock), P. Fryer (lemon silk), 0. Adams, Patea (blue taffetas), Gould (floral net), L. Woodhead (royal blue satin), R. Potts, Eltham, Al. Bourkc, Eltham (red satin), P,- Clare, •' R. Townsend (mauve taffetas), W. Carter, Eltham, Af. Campbell (green satin), V. Ryan (gilbrae voile), Keenan, F. Taylor (black satin and lace), J. Broug'h (apple green crepe de chine), Z. Fama (powder pink georgette), B. Purser (pink georgette and satin), A. White (black satin and lace), S. Ryan (black georgette), C. Thurston (mauve taffetas), R, Batchelor (apple green taffetas), Al. Kearns (pale ■ green . satin), R. Alcßeth (green frock)', E. Pivac, R. Preslaud (black georgette), Gunn, Patea (black spangled and net ; freck), F, Finlayson, Patea

(black net), Al. Dymond (black satin), S/Nix, Apiti (pink satin), P. Sinclair (yellow silk), Tunbridge; Stratford (black satin), B. Purser (powder piiilc organdi and silver lace), Al. Kelly, E. Pivac, L. Dombroski;- Nansett, Patea, F. AlcMahon (pink frock),.. P.. Alurray (white satin), E. Kelsen, D. Gilniour and P., Robertson. "

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Taranaki Daily News, 10 May 1930, Page 22 (Supplement)

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HAWERA ITEMS Taranaki Daily News, 10 May 1930, Page 22 (Supplement)

HAWERA ITEMS Taranaki Daily News, 10 May 1930, Page 22 (Supplement)