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Defeating a strong field of seven at Waitui, U. Neame, of the West Coast, was yesterday acclaimed New Zealand champion axeman with 15-inch wood, whilst from a similar field L. Erni, at present of Eltham, secured the 12-inch North Islaad championship. Both had been allocated by the New Zealand controlling body to the. progressive Waitui Club for decision. C. Neame is a native of Murchison and. is aged about 30 years. He has won a good number of events in both the Smith and North Island, but had not been in this part of the island until the. previous day, when he competed with success at Te Kiri. In 1920 he was at the top of hie form,, winning a .‘'double”' in at Taihape, but he. struck a little- trouble that kept him. off the scene for a couple of years. However, he started again last year and since then .has competed with success. Tall and powerful and making every blow a telling one he should go a long way, though his time yesterday, in waiwhaka wood, is capable of considerable improvement. L. Erni has also competed in Taranaki this year. Ned Shewry, who has not been on . the scene much for the last ten years, since he annexed the world's championship, was in good form and showed that he is still a force to be reckoned with by running second in ' each championship, being very close up. : Indeed, in the 12-inch many thought, ' that he had won. He annexed the Wai- ' tu‘ -Cup and by defeating P. C. Corbett pre venteel the trophy going, to Okato ■for the fourth year in succession. He was also second in the underhand chop. Shewry, who has only recently returned to the chopping arena, will improve. He has been on. the scene for over 20 years and in 1915 secured the world’s championship at Eltham, also in 1920 at Gisborne. He also annexed the 2ft. championship at the Auckland exhibition in 1913 and the 14-inch at the Dunedin exhibition in 1926, that being hi only appearance in a period of about ten years. His best time for the 15jnch ‘is 4lsec., and for the 12-inch 25 2-5 sec., both white pine, which is a more severe test than the wood used yesterday.

SCENE OF GREAT ACTIVITY. The championship and the fine day attracted a record crowd to Mr. J. Buckley’a property yesterday. The Waitui Club has practically concentrated on chopping and sawing, and the large entries, 44 competing in one event, necessitating four heats, showed the wisdom of decision. It was no light task to dispatch such a lengthy programme in the limited time at thfeir disposal, but the committee had made complete arrangements to ensure smooth and expeditious running. The stronglyfenced arena, which was kept clear so as to give the public an unobstructed view, was a scene of activity throughout the day. Mr. E. Maetzig, as marshal, kept matters moving, seeing that the various draws were out tO’ time and that the competitors were .at' their dummies, which the block stewards, Messrs. J. Bakewell, C. Schrieber, H. Blackburn and T. Bake, kept well supplied with blocks. Mr. A. McMillan despatched his fields well and Mr. J. A. Hansen, as handicapper, had brought the fields close together, wiving the judges, Messrs. J. Gibbs, E. "Butler and W. V. Mclntyre, a difficult task which they did well, though of course there were some who disagreed with their placinge in some instances, Messrs. F. Spurdie and E. Maetzig were time-keepers. The referee, Mr. T. Kirkwood, was not called upon to make any decisions. D. Wells had a successful day, securing the 12-inch open as well as the underhand chop. M. A. Wellington annexed the maiden chop. The sawing events went to Bakewell Bros, and J. Bakewell. There were a few miscellaneous events that added to the day’s enjoyment, also 'to the funds; The nail-driving was won for the ninth' year -in. succession by Mrs. L. Wilson, with her sisters, Mrs. L. J. Hunter and Mrs; Scott, second and third. Other officials who did their share included the. following: u. Stewards, Messrs. P. 0. Shannaseey (sheep-gues-sing), L. J. Hunter (chain-stepping), M. Seott (greasy pig), J. Stachurski, A. Stachurski, A. Jones, J. Sattler, C. Sattler, J. Wellington (gates),, A. Wellington and 6. Thompson (parking). R. Hunter and F. Effer (luncheon). The luncheon was set in the supper room at the hall, a committee of ladies having a very etrenous time in catering for the wants of the crowd. The committee, of which Mr. J. Bakewell is chairman, certainly have every reason to be pleased at the result, and they and particularly the secretary, Mr. C. 0. Lyons, and the assistant secretary. Mr. R. Buckley, are to be complimented on the arrangements made. The Taranak' Centre of the N.Z.A. ;an(l C. Union, under which the gathering -was eon trolled, was. represented by Messrs. J. A. Hansen (president.) and J., Shotter and. T. Kirkwood . (vice-pre-sidents), th*' last-named acting as announcer. , • . .■ . The;; results are:—- .. , ;

CHOPPING CHAMPIONSHIPS. North Island Championship , Chop,, 12in. First £lO and gold medal, second £3-. ... L. Erni (Eltham) 1 J. E. Shewry (Tahora) . 2 C. Neame (West C’oaet) 3 Also started—G. Haupapa, W. Bertrand, J. Mariner and L. Schrieber. L. Schrieber was first round, closely followed by Haupapa. who waa going strongly when hie block stabbed and then came off the dummy. Erni, who was chopping well and had aleo struck a good log, went through his timber to win by two or three blows from Ned Shewry, who finished about a blow in front of Neame. Time, 30 1-oeec. New Zealand Championship Chop, 15in. First £l5 and gold medal, second £3. . C. Neame (West. Coast) 3 J. E. Shewry (Tahora) ............ 2 G. Haupapa 3 Also competed—J. Newetroski, L. Schrieber and J. 8 Fletcher. At the word “go” the six axes bit the wood like one. Haupapa was the first to turn, followed, by Shewry, Newstroski and Fletcher.' Nea* ' put in a very deep first cut and waa the next to' turn? Chopping very strongly and with pcr-

feet timing, he never wasted a blow. He made strong headway with his second cut. It could soon be seen that it would be a struggle between him and the veteran Shewry, who was also, chopping with determination and skill, and so it proved, the West Coaster winning by two or three blows. The Taranaki man Haupapa was third. Time,'sssec. HANDICAP- EVENTS. Maiden Chop, 12-inch. First £3, second £l,—M. A. Wellington (28see) 1, S gangster (28sec) 2, F. Erni (22sec) 3. Also started: A. ' Webster (27sec), A. Skedgeweil (27sec), R, Mumby (27sec), G. Herlihy (27sec), L. Deacon (27see), L. B. Gilbert (28see), I. F. M:schcfski (28see), J, Ireland (28sec), S. F. Smith (28sec), and A- Wellington (30sec). Won by a blow, with the third man close up. L. B. Gilbert was fourth. Time, 42see.

12-inch Open Handicap Chop. First £7 10s, second £2 10s. —First heat: H. Burkett (22sec) 1, J. F. Dodunski ('26 sec) 2, A. R. Shewry (ISsec) 3. Also started: L. Erni (lOsec), M, Corbett (17 sec), F. C. Corbett (T7sec), P./M. Shewry (20sec), J. Graham (24sec), J. F. Dodunski (26sec), H. H. Woods (26sec), and S. F. Smith (28sec). Another close finish. J. Graham was fourth. Time, 30Gee. Second heat: L- Schrieber (16 , see) 1, H. Nuku (20sec) 2, N. Dodunski (2Csec) 3. Also started: J. E; Shewry (13sec), W. Bertrand (14sec), J. Newstroski (15sec), J. S. Fletcher (ISsec), B. Dravitzki (21see), B. F. Rea (2(isec), R. Mumby (27sec), and J. F. Mischefski f2Bsec). Won with a little to spare. Fletcher was fourth. Shewry appeared to finish among the placed men but was not sighted. Time, 28 4-ssec. Third heat: R. Waite (17sec) 1, T. Smith (26 sec) 2, S. Neame (20sec) 3. Also started: G. Haupapa (Ssecj, C. Neame (lOsec), J, Slight (23see), J. Bakewell (23sec), and W- L-’ Larsen (24scc). Won with a little to spare. J. Bakewell was fourth. Time, 29see.. Fourth heat: D. Wells (27 see), 1, F- Erni (22see) 2, P. M. Corbett (12sec) 3’. Also, started: -J. Mariner (13 sec). C. Volzke (, L. A. Wooldridge (19sec), A. C. (2CVec), J. A. Mischefski . (25see), V. Larsen (25sec). and A. Webster (27see). Won by a blow. Wooldridge- was fourth. Time, 36 4-si’ee. Final: D. Wells 1, A. R. Shewry 2, T. Smith 3. All qualified started. This proved a splendid finish Wells, who chopped- strongly, running out a couple of seconds ahead of Shewry, with Smith and F. Erni close up. Time, 35 2-ssec.

Waitui Cup (open), 14-inch chop. First prize £l5 and cup valued at £5 ss, second £3.—First heat: J. Graham (32sec) 1, F. C. Corbett (27sec) 2, P. M. Shewry (30sec) 3. Also started: C. Neame (l'2sec), L. Erni (20sec), M. Corbett (26s£e), H. Burkitt (28sec), H. H. Woods (24sec), S. F. Smith (35sec), F. Smith (35sec). Won with a little to spare. A. R. Shewry was fourth. Neame chopped strongly but found 23 seconds too much to give away. Time, 47 2-5 see. Second heat: P. M. Corbett (19 sec) 1, J. Mariner (20sec) 2, L. A. Wooldridge (28see) 3i Also started: G. Haupapa (ISsec), A. C- Eichstaedt (25sec), C. Volzke (25sec), J. Bakewell (SGsee), V. Larsen (32sec), and J. A. Mischefski (3.usee). J. Bakewell was fourth. Time, 41 I-ssee. Third heat: J. E. Shewry (23sec) 1, L. Schrinber (25sec) 2, J. Slight (30sec) 3. Also started: J. Newstroski (20scc), W. Bertrand (22sec), R. Waite (25sec), J. S. Fletcher (25sec), H. Nuku' (28sec), B. F. Rea (34setJ, and N. Dodunski (34sec). Won easily. R. Waite Was fourth. Time, 37sec. Final: J. E. Shewry (23scc) 1, F. C. Corbett (27sec) 2, P. M. Shewry (30sec) 3. All qualified started. It was a great congest. L. Schrieber was round first, followed closely by F. C. Corbett. Shewry, however, was chopping strongly and cleanly and he won by a second or so from F. C. Corbett,., who was clear of P. M. Shewry, with L. Schrieber close up fourth. Time, 32 l-osec. Underhand Chop, 14-inch (open). First £7 10s, second £2 Ids.—D. Wells (34 sec) I, J. E. Shewry (23sec) 2, L. Schrieber (29sce) 3. Also started: C. Neame (12sec), L. Erm (18see), J. Mariner (19 sec), S. Neame (20sec), C. Volzke (24 see), J. S. Fletcher (26sec), R. Waite (26sec), A. C- Eichstaedt (27sec), 11. H. Woods (30sec), and W. Larsen (34sec). The limit men were just starting their second scarf when Q. Neame was given the word “go/’ Wells Went well through hie second cut, and though Ned Shewry was making the chips fly in good style he found II seconds just too much to give away and Wells won by a second. ,L. Schrieber wrs close up third and C. Neame was fourth. Time, 46see.

Nine-inch Chop (boys under 17 years). First £l, second 10s.—G. Thompson ; .(Ifisec) 1, L. Fryday (7sec) 2, L. Fraser (14sec) 3. Twelve started. ’ A good contest. Time, 25sec. • ; Corikolatidn Chop, 12-irich block. —V. Larsen (25sec) 1, S. Neame (14sec) 2. Also started: A. Marine. (Usee), Corbett (Ifisec), J. Bakewell (21sec), W. L. Larsen (24seej, H. H. Woods (2Gse-e). A close finish. SAWING EVENTS. Double-handed Sawing, 14-inch, twoi cuts. First £3, second £1. —Bake well Bros. (3 sec) 1, J- F. Dodunski and son (3sce) and Dravitzki Bros. (4sec) equal 2. Also started— C. Volzke r I G. Haupapa (2scc), L. Schrieber and F. Salisbury (3sec), and Larsen Bros. (5 sec). Sawing well,. Bakewell Bros, cut out just a shade ahead of the next two, whom the judges could not separate. Volzke and Haupapa were close up fourth. Larsen Bros, had their first cut through first but. were slow to enter the second cut. Time, Ifi 2-ssec.

Single-handed Sawing, 14-inch, open, one cut. First .. £2, second £l.—J. Bakewejl (3scc) 1, J. F. Dodunski (scr) 2, 0. Volzke (Isec) 3. Also started: L, Schrieber (2sec), A. ,W Volzke (3sec) and, B. Dravitzki (3sec). The veteran Dodunski cut through hit wood in great' style b he found the three seconds handicap too much to give away, being defeated by a fraction. Volzke was a second away third. Only the placed men finished. Time, 23cec. Ladies’ nail-driving. —Mrs. L. Wilson 1, Mrs. L. J. Hunter 2, Miss May'Scott 3.

Chaih-etepping. —Ladies: Mies D. Stronge 1. Men: K. Middlemisa 1. Greasy pig— G. Thompson 1. Weight-guessing.—The sheep weighed 1791 b. and S. Galt estimated within Goz. There were 172 competitors. The Waitui hall was crowded in the evening when a very successful dance was held. Excellent music was provided by Harris Bros.’ orchestra. Messrs. W. V. Mclntyre and J. Sattler, were masters of ceremonies. The catering was again under .the care of the ladies’ com--mittee.

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Taranaki Daily News, 2 May 1930, Page 4

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CHAMPIONS AT WAITUI Taranaki Daily News, 2 May 1930, Page 4

CHAMPIONS AT WAITUI Taranaki Daily News, 2 May 1930, Page 4