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DEARE’S Limited Gomwi DEARE’S Limited rXZSEEXj IP jg I' E WONDERFUL BARGAINS y Every pair advertised must be cleared. Enormous Reductions X Bl HlV»" / Make no mistake about it the Bargains Slaughter rices •»' tremendous. Never before such ISSgfijF V " |U ' : —. thrilling- price reduction. Lmiwmmmsi « M M a ■«h (tsjglw) Real English Fashion Shoes of 6 smart Parchment Kid Ijk * Re IX> AT ZjgK Shoes with Grey Lizard Calf trimmings. Spike aiid Medium /fnVIIHM B Cuban heels. Usual Price 35/-. nfiJCnr ICJWIS Gooff Luck Sale Price 15/9 V — Ay-yL ~ ■ (gpll (Of) ■ BARGAINS GALORE—HERE’S ANOTHER. \ SHW Smart Biege Kid Shoe, with the latest Cuban heel, and /yMB, " "’zLuj/ "*"”**"" M " " I some wonderful bargains. neatly trimmed with Fawn Lizard Calf. Usual Price 32/6. IA beautiful model", made from Champagne Kid, in the very Good Luck Sale Price ... 14/9 neat 9pikC heeL TlUly NEVER BEFORE SUCH DRASTIC Good Luck Sale Price ... ■ 14/9 REDUCTIONS. nDACTTfAIIY REDUCED BELOW COST. Another “Chic” Brand Bargain is this-smart Brown Kid DRASTICALLY 3 A CUT THROAT PRICE. l-Bar Shoe, with Fawn Kid trimming. Neat round toe last Genuine English A - heels. ’ A wonder- We have here two Victor Brand fashion shoes, made on a and Spike heel completes a pretty shoe. Usual Price 87/6. M 10/6. rneaium heel, smart lasts, la Light • Brown Kid and neatly Good Lusk Sale Pnce ■ 16/9 Good Luck Sale Price 11/9 trimmed. Usual Price 38/6. PRICES CUT TO PIECES. aat pi rr.TT? A P HAVE A 80-PEEP. °° UC & ■ ' " & A real Fashion Shoe produced in the latest Oak Kid, and NAITY AND CHEA . Wiav AN 'Till? PACKET AND THE FOOT ’ neatly punched trimming. Easy fitting. Made on a smart Real English Black Brocade Shoes. Two lines, in Stiap EASY ON THE POCKLI AND llllh V » Medium Cuban heel. Usual Price 29/6. Cuban and Spike heels. One line Court with Spike heel and Thes(j two lineg of Murray Brand Shoes represent a unique Goofl Luck Sale Price ( round toe. Altogether 194 pairs to select from. Usual value offering. In Patent Leather Sandal Bar design, and JL^/ Price 23/6. _ na/n l-Bar, with Grey and Blue trimming. Both lines have Spike WONDERFUL VALUE. Good Luck Sale Price heel. Usual Price 36/6. This Shoe is made from washable calf, does not stain. Putty a ATM AEEFRFD Good Luck Sale Price lb/9 shade, on a smart round too shape and Spike heel. Usual NEVER BEFORE SUCH A BARGAIN OFFERED price Genuine Skinners’ Guaranteed Satin Shoes Two lines TALK » S CHEAP—SO IS THIS LINE. . Good Luck Sale Price Jg/g smart Court, with Spike heel, and a very kTfor But seeing is believing. Have a look. Genuine English VATTTI? IRFVONn COMPARE Cuban heels. We cannot say more, there shoes spea fo Pateixt i-Strap Shoes. 210 pairs, in 6 designs, with Grey VALUE BEYOND CUlVlrAiUb. themselves. Note the heavy reduction. Usual Ince 27/0. L ; zar j Calf trimming, all different. Cuban and Spike heel a Real English Famous “Dorco Brand Shoe. In Brown Good Luck Sale Price 15/9 shapes to suit. Usual Price 32/6. Kid, neatly trimmed to match Splendid fitting and. THIS MUST APPEAL TO THRIFTY SHOPPERS Good Luck Sate Price 16/9 Good Luck Sale Price ..... Pr, “- 38 - 6; 17/9 NOW! LOOK AT THIS ONE LADIES’VELVET WARD 1-BAR SHOES. ri b? ridiculous price Buy early. Usual Price 23/6. 437 Pairs of Genuine First Grade Patent Leather Sriap Shoes d oomfortablc Hause W ear, c2d Luck site Price 7/11 Cubo- »eeL ThU eo>»l>™ea two Iruec, both o , , g zjj Good Luck bate rrice j A which are neatly trimmed and exceptionally smart. Out -a ! — they muat g 0 t0 ‘ make room for new - s to C kB. Usual Price A SPECIAL BARGAIN FOR COUNTRY WEAR. Over 1000 pairs of Oddments and Iravelleis 32/c A Ladies Box Calf Lace Shoes. English made. Easy fitting. z Samples to be Slaughtered. Good Luck Sale Price 14/9 Patent leather toe cap. Usual Price 19/6. The hune assortment comprised shoes usimlly valued fiom 12/6 PRNTTINF SNIP EVERY PAIR. Good Lack Sal ' xo/o to 50/- Watch for the Special G wTenTsatin 1-Strap Shoes. Two lines on Medium WONDERFUL VALUES IN TENNIS SHOES. S/6 n/fl g l2/9. Z A price • Cuban and Spike heel lasts. Appearance good and fitting stocka are too i ieav y, and regardless of anything they must 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/H, 9/11, W/0, n/v, / £ Ugual pi - ce ]3/6> b leared> Now ia your opportunity. £^X"7u n :-e»«. CMM P y M 8-' 8/9 .LADIES’ ALL WHITE LACE TENNIS SHOES. Ladies’ Check Flippers. OUT THEY GO REGARDLESS OF COST. ’ ’ wllite whito't’acF Ladies’ Genuine English Arctic Felt Collar Slippers, with 3Q( , Paira of Genuine “Chic” Brand English Fashion Shoes. LADIES BESI QU ALII Y WHITE LACE leXr soles .... // Four Mt designs in the latest oornbinutiou and shades. TENNIS SHOES.' Exactly as »bo«, with stiffener in heel - 3 ( Made on smart c ,cel las ’• Crepe Rubber solos. Miner Brand 5/4 Ladks’Black Fell Siippera, with Leather Pump solos. EngW. Good Luck Saia Pnce 15/9 * F A<*Y ON THE FOOT AND THE POCKET. pa « •» «r« ■ b » ■ ® « « « a » » a W« GENUINE SNIPS EVERY' PAIR. . fiiack E]k Work ing Boot, made with the famous Durata Em* | En 89 Pairs of Fine Oddments and Travellers’ Samples Out Guarantee(l wcar aix nwnt hs, or replaced free of ~ —...a o;-,-z- ............... 36/9 © H (Wifi BMg jE HERE’S SOMETHING EXTRA CHEAP. HERE’S SOME WONDERFUL VALUE. IH A solidly constructed Working Boot for Men. Up ** & hardly ci . edH [„,, w ,,, , « a w a a , Screwed Soles, Wide Usual Price 29/6 possible. Made from English selected Calf Leather. Smart yearling. Guaranteed all solid loathe., t snai i / * earance . Sewn sole, well constructed. Usual Price 27/6. / Good Luck Sale .rice 19/11 Good Luck Sale Price I *7 /O ' tatk’Q CHEAP SO IS THIS LINE. miTinc! r'm?AT> qa iq TiiiQ tint OUT THEY - GO REGARDLESS OF COST. Kwninc thic wonderful value Working Bo»L and >et R CTEAL-&0 « , t Box C.K Onoid Shoe, toe, rubber :s^ s Sd ..X X- ?d“l : Spwid - S fS-Je pnce 15/9 ham and wide fitting. Usual Puce 29/0., Good Luck Sale Price 10/9 THRILLING PRICE REDUCTION. Good Luc- ae nee H UFNUTNF CUT THROAT PRICE In Men’s Glace Kid Oxford Shoes. Smart pointed toe, with DON’T OVERLOOK THIS ONE. A GENUINE CUT-THROAI PRICE. Patent Gap. Usual Price 27/6. DON A v XT -1 I - r-iaran. Men’s Box Yearling Derby Boots. Sewn soles, Splendm o ood Luck g ale Pr j ce 1|Q /O Men’s Tan Zug Shooters- Nailed oi soles. G.ia a Guaranted every pair. This line will stand the „. TOfIAIKTC) nFPF’Q ANOTHTH teed solid leather. Usual Price 29/u. ■ keenest inspection. Usual Price 23/6. BARGAINS GALORE —HERE S ANOTHER. Good Luck Sale Price 19/11 Good Luck Sale Price 15/9 Men ’ 3 Box Calf Oxford Shoc3 ’ Welted soles. Pointed toe. HERE’S ANOTHER SALE BARGAIN. genuine snips, every pair. Good Luck g Sale Price •IQ /ft Men’s Tan Zug Cookhams. Strongly made stout soles. PRICES CUT TO PIECES. lected from imported leathers. Wide fitting. Usual Price Men’s Brown Willow Calf Oxford Shoes. Pointed toe, sewn MFN’Q KNTF GUM ROOTS Go'od Luck Sale Price 10/H Me" lg/9 MEN’S EAST INDIE KIP SHOOTERS. VALUE BEYOND COMPARE. BLACK UPPERS, WITH HEAVY RED SOLES. Made from selected leathers. Nailed and plated. Whole Men , fl Dark B rown Oxford Shoes. Made on a wide fitting Knee 15/9 . Three-quarter, 21/tf; Full Thigh, 23/9, • back, no cap. Made especially light for summer wear. lagt gewn soleg Usual Price 28/6. ’ ’ -junrnnM A WWAW Usual Price 27/6. Good Luck Sale Price ’• • IQ/9 BLACK UPPERS, WITH EXTRA HEAVY Good Luck Sale Price 22/9 RFFORF SUfH DRAS TIC ' CREPE SOLE. DRASTICALLY REDUCED BELOW COST. REDUCTIONS ’ Men’s very neat first quality Patent Shoes. Smait pointed Weltcd solc Dark Brown Sk()e3> Oxford design. With Heavy Red Sole 0x.;.....<x.H/9 toe last. Full fitting. Usual Price 32/b. Very smart shape. Usual Price 32/6. With Heavy Crepe Rubber Sole ........Er.rcxc...-.; l<o/Q Good Luck Sale Price Good Luck Sale Price 21/9 _ With 4 Cleats, Crepe Rubber Sole M .. 18/9 THIS MUST APPEAL TO THRIFTY SHOPPERS PRICES CUT TO PIECES. MEN’S TENNIS SHOES AT SLAUGHTER Men’s Latest Design “Burnett Shoes.” Patent Leather with A wonderful value Burnett Brand Shoes. 125 Pairs Men’s PRICES. Black Embossed Calf inset. Welted soles. Newest ex- vel y latest shape, Oxford Shoes. Welted soles, and abso- White Lace Tennis Slides ................... Q/»? tended square toe. Usual Price 42/6. lately first quality. In Box Calf Glace Kid and Willow n it v' t Good Luik Sale Price 24/9 Calf? Usual Price 35/-. * Best quality White Canvas, with Crepe rubber soles, and Good Luck Sale Price ””22/9 slight heel fe/g . NOW! LOOK AT THIS ONE,. MEN! Sand colour same price. A genuine Weltcd first quality Patent Leather Shoe, made SLAUGHTER PRICES MAKE GOOD BUYING. MEN’S SUPER QUALITY TENNIS SHOE, on an extra smart last. Neatly trimmed with dull Calf. Men>B Engllsh Box Cal£ Derby Sboea> Sewn so i e , : Splendid Ext Hard Cour( . c Rubber gole t<« a/7 Usual Price 42/6. Usual Price 23/6. . m . C(1 X'A Good Luck Sale Price % 25/9 Good Luck Sale Price «. 15/9 Men’s All Black Tennis Shoes g/4 • BOYS’ STRONG SCHOOL BOOTS. GIRLS’ GLACE KID STRAP SHOES. . Made from selected leathers, Every pair giiararst«ed solid Neatly trimmed in l-Bar design. leather. UfeM 4-6... . a/o Sizes 7-9 8/11 (gO Sizes 7-9 5/J1 Sizes 10-1 12/3 &IMO 10_1 o<.B/11. r Sizes 2-5 14/3 GIRLS’ PATENT LEATHER DRESS SHOES.... . Youths 6-10 One-Strap, with neat punching trimming. English make.' BOYS’ SMART DRESS SHOES. Very reliable. . z . P ■■■ , Made from English Calf Leather sewn soles. Wonderful ' - r --r?---v Sizes 7-9 8/11 value. a a » Sues 10-1 11/9 7-9 8/11 BJ E» I CHILDREN’S GLACE KID SHOES. ' ®. ,zes H/n | H B Ankle or 1-Strap. Pump soles. Tan or Black, English ”0! » a f make - SkM 3 ’ B to n ■— 3/3 BOYS’ NEAT DRESS BOOTS. B CHILDREN’S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. English Box Calf, Selected. Wonderful Value. Sewn soles. , . One-Strap, Pump soles. English make. Neat punched Sizes 7-9 8/H MB « aaaa «a»ag3 front trimming. Sizes 3-6 4/6 Sizes 10-1 IV 12/6 - " - CHILDREN’S GLACE KID ENGLISH SHOES. Youths-lio ■::::;:?/;;::/x ; : children’s patent leather dress We^ 9 s S-.. P 1 a " d .'• /:.^ no '. B "l^ d . A .ll str $ CHILDREN’S PATENT LACE'SHOES. SHOES. .■ Sizes 7-9 4/n Made of all solid leather. Sizes 4-6 4/6 English make One-Bar and Ankle Strap. These two lines G j RLS » B q X calf SCHOOL SHOES, r’t 33’0 WOlluOllUl VUIUC. CHILDREN’S BROWN KID DRESS SHOES. Sizes 4-6 .... urircn • irt» t •«•»• >e, . 4/6 Eaee, with patent Leather Cap. Sown soles. English make. English make. Welted soles. Ankle Bar and l-Bar designs. Sizes 7-8 ./.x 5/11, §! ze9 8/6 is t?. 01! Si - » 10 idi 1$ ,■ DF A I eW an( * Stratford Mm . Good Luck Bargains at Both Shops ■

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Taranaki Daily News, 30 January 1930, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Daily News, 30 January 1930, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Daily News, 30 January 1930, Page 9