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0I *f I ME -=^ sr % v . ~~ :^^?\^VV K ■ \ HEALTH UNGERS OF THE MIDDLE-AGED "1 Sudden pains in the back, limbs 2-1 hours. You know they have F -$ aching with short, painful twitching, reached the seat of your trouble, > dizziness, “dead-tired” feeling, and if you persevere jour health worn-out, sleepless— nature flashes will speedily return. ◄ her signals to the brain, disclosing „. n -rvirc rnM’.rrvrrvr ► . 4 only too often deep-seated kidney READ 3™s CONVINCING s. ' trouble. TESTIMONY. [> Why do you go on. suffering day M r - Charles Vagg, Pongakawa, b after day, month after month, when New Zealand, says:— . . a host of men, once suffering as you “ I have much pleasure in sending do, many bed-ridden, have come you this letter, to let you know the r 4 from “ untold agonies, ” terrible de- benefit I derived by taking De Witt's pression to splendid vigour and Kidney and Bladder Pills. I was a vitality? If you want health, you great sufferer withmy back for years, ► 4 can inexpensively, without inter- and after taking a couple of bottles ference with jour work, start this of your pills, lam a new man. I very moment building strength and could hardly believe that pills could 4 ending pain. Just go to your do such good work. I tried other . chemist,' ask him to give his candid pills, but they did no good. De . opinion and tell you whether De Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills * 4 Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills made the cure. I send you this in . cati be relied on in cases of rheu- the interest of those suffering ivith. ■ .mutism, kidney trouble, loss of weakback, and I stronglyrecommend r 4 vitality. He will surely tell you them to give De Witt's Pills a trial." . that you will be very wise to in- . vest in a box of this 40-year-old START BACK TO HEALTH NOW ◄ world-famous remedy. . .... ‘ ... ► Are you willingly crippling your 4 WMV PFMFDY • life by staying in your ill-health con- > AOAJ JAC, IVIE. MI dition, or will you let “De Witt’s” IVIITQT RPNETIT VAII start you on the road to new health, 4 *vlU»Jl ijlLlxiLrAl lUU renewed youth, renewed pleasures? dm. . T. w, . T ,., It is for you to act now. There is < why De Witt’s Kidney no mystery about De Witt’s Kidney r 4 and Bladder Pills must benefit you and Bladder Pills. Your chemist S> is very simple to state. can tel I you all about the prescription To end Kidney Trouble of any clearly printed on the box. Further- F ◄ kind you must positively get rid of more, he sells this remedy in two >► . thecause—the poisonous Uric Acid, sizes, 3/6 and 6/6, under distinct k. The kidneys should act as purifiers guarantee that in 24 hours you will r 4 and filters for the blood, and pass see and know the pilis have started > . out from the body the excess of their health-restoring action. If not, these poisons. When they fail you your money is refunded. Why not 4 know their failure by Backache, let De Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Dizziness, Sallow Complexion, Loss Pills start you on the road to health > - of Vigour, Depression, Bad Nights, to-day? Go to your chemist and 4 etc. When you take De Witt’s get your supply, take them regularly. ► Kidney and Bladder Pills you see You will be amazed how quickly l their action on the kidneys within your health will improve. [ : De WITT’S ST* [ 4 I THERE 18 NO SUBSTITUTE “ JUST I kFeI 11 H H L AS GOOD” FOR DE WITT’S PILLS. | Is|Je9 H EM I ITHEY CARRY A DEFINITE GUAR- I MO Bl bANTEE IN I || || F L ny nid> -yy-’p’

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[I The Best Slice | 11 from the best Fish L H I cc Sailor ” Salmon Slice is the best part only of real g H| Nerka-Norka or Sockeye Salmon. Each can of “Sailor” B VI Salmon Slice contains one perfect section of royal red s | ■ I meat as delicious and appetising as if you had just ’J 1 I caught and cooked the fish yourself. I 1I The Best Cut | 11 f rom I W li B a the Best Fish. | II II I I II Il 11 Sa ILO 0 Salmon SIIC E) ;Bl Angus Watson & Co., Limited, London, Eng., and 5/8, Featherston St., Wellington, N.Z. 111 New Zealand Agents: CATHIE, DEMPSTER & CO., LTD.,, P.O. Box 959, WELLINGTON,

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Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 12 (Supplement)

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 12 (Supplement)

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 12 (Supplement)