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. ; .- KIRK-PASCOE. • ’ ‘ ’ The wedding was celebrated in the Whiteley Church on January. 14 of Florence Irene, eldest daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. G. Pascoe, New Plymouth, to Erie Janies Kirk, of Wanganui, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, -Leva.The Rev. Clarence Eaton took the service. The bride, looking ehainning in «a frock of white niariette over white satin trimmed with real Valenciennes lace, entered the church with her father. The’ skirt; which was longer at the back, had a greaeful fold on one side clasped with a jewelled buckle. Iler veil was of beautifully em,broidcred tulle. She wore white satin shoes and a cameo broach, the bridegroom’s gift. The bride’s gift to the bridegroom was a signet .ring She carried a bouquet of white water-lilies and gypsophlia with tulle and satin streamers. The bridesmaids were Miss Mavis Pascoe, sister of the bride, iud Miss Beth Kirk. Miss Alison Janies was Hower girl. Their frocks were of lime .georgette with hats to tone, and champagne-’ coloured shoes. The bridesmaids’ gifts were signet rings and the flower girl s gift a string of pearls. They carried bouquets of’ autunih tints, roses and maidenhair fern, with streamers of tulle to match. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. B. Carruthers,'Wanganui, as best man and by Air. B. Pascoe, New Ply-' mouth, as groomsman. Mr. L. Rowe, Hawera, was organist and Air. A. E. Pollock acted as usher. The church was prettily decorated with Iceland poppies and autumn tints. After the ceremony the reception was held at Kawaroa Park Bungalow, where Airs. Pascoe, mother of the bride, received seventy guests. She wore a frock of Lido blue crepe de chine embroidered in gold, and a black hat with oriental trimmings. Her bouquet was of pink heather and maidenhair fern. Airs. Kirk, the bridegroom’s mother, wore brown marocaine with hat and bouquet in autumn tints to tone. The bride’s grandmother’ wore a black silk frock and black hat. After the breakfast the bride and bridegroom left on a motor tour for the north. The bride’s travelling ensemble was of nut-brown erepe de chine with silk, coat and bat and shoes to tone.

LATTEY—DAY.’ The marriage took place last Wednesday in the Holy Trinity Church, Fitzroy, of Gwendoline, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Day, Fitzroy, and Harry Wilson, second son of Mr. and Mrs. H. .Lattey, Wellington. Canon Gillespie took the service. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a charming frock of white mariette, with a plain tight fitting bodice relieved by a small cluster of orange blossom on the shoulder. The skirt was petalled and ruebed bn to the bodice. The silk net veil embroidered at the corners was caught on the left side with a spray of orange blossom. She carried a sheath of waterlilies, mandevilla and prostranthera. The bridesmaids were .Miss Ruth Day, sister of the bride, .Miss Peggy Lattey, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Betty Hughes, cousin of the bride. Their frocks were of floral ninon worn over lemon. The bodice had an uneven waistline, with long tightfitting sleeves; a full flared skirt dipping to the ankles at the sides. Their hats were of shell pink bancoek, trimmed with self coloured ribbon edged with lemon, finishing with a bow across the front and fringed effects at the ends. They wore dawn satin court shoes, with stockings and gloves to tone. They carried mid-Victorian posies of pale blue hydrangeas and pale pink begonias. Mr. Eric Vickers, Levin, was best man. Mr. ■Sidney Milne, Christchurch, and Mr. Ted Lattey, Wellington, brother of the bridegroom, were groomsmen. The ushers were Mr. Barton Day, brother of the bride, and Air. L. Jack, Dunedin. The organist was Air. Clement White. The church was prettily. decorated by the friends of the bride with masses of blue, pink and white hydrangeas. The recenticn was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Fitzroy, in a large marquee ■ on the lawn. The tables were decorated in pink and lemon, and the marquee with tree ferns, bamboo and hydrangeas. Mrs. Day wore a frock of cinnamon brown mariette .with coatee of silver lace and brown. She wore a hat of brown silk straw with touches of pink, and carried a bouquet of pink and cream roses. Mrs. Lattey wore a floral crepe de chine frock with black mariette coat and black, bancock hat. She had a bouquet of pink earnations and gerberas. Airs. Hughes, aunt of the bride, wore .black satin beaute with oriental embroidery and carried a bouquet' of pink carnations. Mrs. Jaiurenson, aunt of the bride, wore fawn floral satin and bouquet of bronze dahlias. Mrs. Anderson, aunt of the groom, black crepe satin, frock, and bouquet of. galardias. Aliss Hursthouse, aunt of the groom, beige crepe de chine with bouquet of earnations. The bride left in a travelling ensemble <jf floral crepe de chine with frilled skirt, jnauve blue Russian silk eoat with ’satin facings, marine straw bat, navy kid court shoes and fawn stockings and gloves. • A large number of congratulatory telegrams were received including good wishes from His Worship the Mayor and Counvillors. - -■ ■ ' " ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ G KEEN-COOK E. The wedding was solemnised at St. Mark's Anglican. Church, Punilio, on Wednesday morning. January 15, of Alise Ellen Sylvia AleKeague, eldest .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cooke, Pimiho, and Claude Walter, only son .of Air. and. Airs! W. 0. Green, Rahotu. The popularity of the young people wae shown by the large attendance, the church being packed, whilst a considerable number were unable to obtain admission. Alessrs. l W. W. Styles (cousin of the bride) and R. Beil were the ushers. The bride walked up the aisle on the arm of her father. The church had been beautifully decorated in pink and white by friends of the bride, a feature being a white wedding bell suspended in front of the altar. The bride wae attired in white embossed chenille with a tight-fitting bodice with long oleeves and frills of georgette reaching to the ground over satin sprays of orange blossom from the shoulder. The skirt wai? caught with brilliant 1 clasps. A long ponrt train of georgette embroidered in chenille flowing from the shoulders, a. coronet of orange blossoms surmounting the beautiful veil (one her mother had worn), a sheath of St. Joseph's lilies, and a necklace of rhinestones, the gift of the bridegroom, completed the ensemble. The bride's attendants were Atisecs Mary. Bell (chief) and Daphne. Patter-, c-on (Hawera), both wearing frocks of

coral tulle-over satin with light-fitting Bodices and frilled skirts falling low at the back. Their hats were black crinoline of sou’-wester shape,. caught with bunches, of .coral and . Nile green tulle roses- and streamers to' niatch.. Avril Cooke, sister of the bride, was' similarly attired save* that' the colour scheme was Nile o reen. E.ach carried .sheaths qf pink roses and maidenhair fern.’ The train-bearers, little Joan .and Betty Cooke, sisters of the bride, were daintily attired,- the -former as. a /page in coral satin with 'Nile -green : sash and the latter in Nile green satin over georgette, frilled to the ground. The bridesmaids all .wore necklaces, the gift of flic bridegroom. Al)’..Rolf Shepherd, Opunake, was best man, and Air. Fred Read, New Plymouth, groomsman. The ceremony, at- which the Rev. J. Adams, vicar of Okato, officiated, was a choral one. Airs. R. J. Bell playing the AVeddimr March. . •

Subsequently a reception was held by the bride’s parents at. the Puhiho school, which had been beautifully decorated in Nile green and coral, by Mr. and Mrs. Henry-Clarke, who also decorated the tables. The guests were received by 'Mrs. E. B. Cooke, mother of the bride,, who was attired in a frock of deep apricot georgette' trimmed with cocoa lace, with hat’ en suite, and carried a bouquet of autumn tints. After the breakfast a number of toasts were honoured, the principal one, that of the bride and bridegroom, being proposed by Rev. Adams and responded to by. Air. Claude Green. A special toast was that of the bride’s grandmother, Airs. A. C. Cooke, Wanganui. Airs. W. C. Green, mother of the bridegroom, wore a smart frock of mushroom and beige crepe-de-chine and hat en suite; Airs. A. C. Cooke, black satin beaute ensemble; Airs. Al. Ham (Wellington), aunt of the bride, cocCa and fawn dr_ss embroidered ,n g "’fl l to match; Airs. L. Carey, aunt of the bride, floral georgette, beige coat with large hat; Miss Tyrell (New Plymouth), aunt'of the bridegroom, fawn erepe-de-ehine, and hat en suite; Mrs. V. S. Tyrell (Rahotu), aunt of the bridegroom,ybeige ensemble; Mrs. S- ■ Palmer (Remuera), aunt of the bride, frock of-blue embossed in gold and hat to match. Other «-uests included Mesdames E. AValpole (’Wanganui), C. Morrison (Te Arolia), J. Maxwell (New Plymouth), W. R. Wright (Rahotu), J. A. Colmer (Rahotu), R. J. Bell (Puniho), G. Gibson (Rahotu), J. Gibson (Kaponga), Poole (Pihama), Misses Walton (Okato), M. Holmes (Te Arolia), O’Neill, 2 (Riverlea), I. Harrison (New Plymouth), E. Watkins (Waverley), Tapp (Okato), A. and N. Bell (Puniho), Connie Ham (Wellington). Goodwin, L. Payne, D. Field, Mrs. 0. Lash and Airs. Fairhurst.

The popularity of the young couple was evidenced by the host of presents, and by the enthusiastic send-off as they left by motor-car on a tour of the North Island. The bride’s going away dress was a chiffon georgette in autumn tints, reseda green satin beaute coat with grey fur collar and cuffs’and a small model hat. j - ; J NN ES—LAMBIE. The wedding took place on 'Wednesday at the Alangatoki Church of Miss Katherine Lambie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Airs. W. Lambie, old residents of Alangatoki, and Air. Reginald Alunro Innes, only son of Air. and Airs. M. R. Innes, Hawera. . Aliss Phyllis Parker attended the bride as bridesmaid, and Air. Hugh Lambie was best man. The Rev. J. A. Ryburn, Presbyterian minister, officiated at the ceremony. Airs. R. D. Douglass was at the organ. The bride, carrying a bouquet of white, lilies and roses, wore a frock of cream georgette inset with beautiful silk lace, and her exquisitely embroidered veil was carried by little AJiss Jean Powell, niece of the bride. The bridesmaid wore a daintily frilled frock of apple green georgette with wide bat to tone, and she carried a bouquet of yellow flowers. The little Bower girl wore a frock of buttercup taffeta. Aliss Fiona Douglass and Alaster Jim Carswell each presented the bride with a decorated horseshoe. Air. W. Lambie. the bride s father, gave her away. . . The church, which was well filled, was decorated with flowers of pink, ued and white, the crimson rambler predominating. The wedding breakfast was set in a large marquee at Air. Lambie s homestead, amid the well-kept lawns and flower beds and pagodas in front of the home. ' . ■ . Jn the evening a very enjoyable social was given ‘in the Alangatoki hall, which was converted into a fairy bower with coloured electric lights amongst the ferns and greens on the specially constructed stage. The evening was happily spent in song, games and dancing. Mr. Ackroyd, in excellent voice’, sam* (several solos, also a duet with Lambie. Airs. R. D. Douglass played the accompaniment.. Air. H. Lambie wa>- ALL- 4 BIIOGDE N—G AIIDE N. At St. Andrew's Church, Patea. a very pretty wedding was solemnised . when Mary, twin daughter of Mr. R. and the late'Airs. Garden, of Palea, became the wife of Guy, second son of Aire. E. Brogden, Ta'ihape. The church was artistically- decorated by friends ■ of the bride and the officiating minister was the Rev. 0. S. Matthews. Air. A. J. Graham presided at the oigan. I.he bride, whb-was given away by her, father, was attired in a charming model frock of ivory georgette made with a tioht bodice, a full flared skirt with an uneven hemline and a deep flounce of beautiful silk lace. She wore a silk net veil prettily arranged with a coronet of orange blossoms and. her shoes were of silver with stockings to match. She was attended by Aliss Smillie as bridesmaid. Aliss Smillie s frock was of deep lemon georgette fashioned on similar lines to that of the bride with the addition of a smartlace cape which matched the flounce. She wore a very effective headdress of lemon tulle and . also a string- of pearls which was a gift from the bridegroom. Both bride and bridesmaid carried very beautiful bouquets to match their frocks. The bridegroom was attended by All. Jack Bailey as best man. After the ceremony a large number 0 / friends were entertained at a reception held at the Broadway Lounge. Airs. A. Mathie', of Opunake, sister of the bride, acted as hostess. She wore a model frock in snn tan celanese with a hat to match and .carried a beautiful bouquet in contrasting colours. Mrs. E Broaden, the bridegrooms mother, wore black crepe-de-chine and carried a bouquet. Among those present were Air’ ’T. Welsh. Waverley, who wore blue tatiii; Mrs. A. Cocker, ■ Eltham, royal blue jereey silk; Airs. 0 Dobson, Waipukurau (sisters of the bride), and Mrs. AV. -Garden,-- of Palmerston North, who -wore a .beige costume.- ■ Mr. and-Mrs: Brogden left-later for

the north, where their honeymoon is to be spent. The bride travelled in a very pretty ensemble suit in Lido blue silk crepe, with a hat of biscuit coloured silk straw and shoes and stockings to tone. She carried a beautiful fox fur, which was a gift .from the bridegroom. Their home will he in Palmerston North.' MAJOR-BKATSON. St. Andrew's Ghurch, Stratford, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thursday, when Rita, Gladys, only daughter of Mr. J. Beaten, of Napier, was married to Joseph Wallace, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Major, Bird Road, Strafford. Rev, J. A. Ryburn (Eltham) conducted the service, and Air. Hoskin, of Stratford, officiated at the organ. The bride, who entered the churcli with her father, wore a graceful and distinctive frock of cream .satin with

cream lace overdress. Her tulle veil was held at the head with a spray of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of cream and pale pink roses.

The bridesmaid, Miss Ruby Bailey, of Palmerston North, was daintily attired in a frock of apple green crepe-de-chine, fashioned with uneven hemline. Her head-dress was of pale green tube, and she carried a bouquet of gold and cream Iceland poppies.

The bridegroom was attended as best man by his brother, Mr. Reginald Major, of Stratford. Following the- ceremony, the guests were entertained at the Medina tea roomn, where the usual toasts were honoured. Aire. W. T. Bailey, aunt of the bride, wore a emart frock of navy crepe-de-chine, with hat to match. The bridegroom’s mother was dressed in a frock, of black crepe satin, with a smart black hat.. She carried a bouquet l of autumn-tinted flowers. » •

After the breakfast the bride and bridegroom left by ear for the south, the bride travelling in a smart powder blue crepe-de-chine frock with hat, shoes and stockings to tone.

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Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 7 (Supplement)

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WEDDINGS Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 7 (Supplement)

WEDDINGS Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 7 (Supplement)