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Mrs? F. S. Johns has left on a motor tour to Rotorua. * • * « Mre. George Gilchrist, Te Arolia, left New Plymouth by car for the north yesterday. . * * Jdiss Marjory Fitzberbert is the guest of Mrs. Geoffrey Strang. * woe A young people’s surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. Greig last . evening. « * # * . Mrs. J. Harley is staying with her mother, Mrs. Paget, at Ngamotu. # * * # • Miss Freda Hirst, Auckland, is staying with her mother, Mrs. T. G. Hirst. « # * # Mrs. J. P. Strang entertained a party of young people at a dance at the North Egmont hostel on. Christmas night. Mrs. Rollo and the Misses Rollo left k>r Cambridge on Tuesday. * * # * Mrs. A. R. Thompson entertained at bridge on Saturday evening. •■* « « * Miss Phyllis Read, Wellington, 'is staying with Miss Read. # # « ■ >* Mrs. G. S. Crimp, Hamilton, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. J. Carthew. 4«• « * Mrs. Modriniak left yesterday for a holiday at Taupo. * * # # Mrs. Little is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Fox. ' * # * * Mrs. Armit is spending the holidays »t Urenui. * * # * Mrs. G. Fraser is spending the holidays at Ngamotu. # « * • • Mrs. J. White motored to Stratford for Christmas. # « * Mrs. Johnston and her sisters, the Misses Lehmann, have taken charge of the tearooms at the Women’s Club since

last Monday. . ’ ■ # # * * Mies Wade, Timarli, arrived last evening to stay with Mrs. George Home. *"# # # Mrs. AlcWilliam, Hawera, is the guest t>f her mother, Mrs. Winfield. . A party spending, a few days at North Egniont includes Misses C. .Greathatch, G. Stephenson, E, Horner, S. Uarthew, V. Sanderson and R. Edgecombe. ;## # ' • Mrs. C. Denny-. Brown returned last night from a motoring holiday in the Tangarakau Gorge. • » ■» 4* >:» Miss Molly Allen entertained at bridge last evening. / # 4> # ' * Mrs, Todd, who has been the guest

M Mrs. George Home, leave's for Otane 10-day. « 4» W 4 Mrs. Austin Bewley'.is spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Devore at Auckland. i # * # « Mrs. Mackay and Mis® for Auckland on Monday. ; ,#'«“« » Mrs. J. Stephenson i® staying with . ker mother, Mrs. Greatbatch. •.# # • Mis® Linda Medley left for a holiday at Dunedin yesterday. * * * * Miss E. Tate, Masterton, is staving, with Mrs. R. W. Tate. * +> * # Mr®, G. Mace, Wellington, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Greatbatchc. #•# # * Mr®. R. H. Quilliam and family left on a' motoring’ tour to Mercury Bay • on Sunday, ;* * * Mr®. J. C. Nicholson left on Christnia® Day on a motoring tour .to Russell, where she will spend a fortnight. . • ’• ■ • # * Miss Dorothy Sims is spending the Christmas holidays at Russell. * o * « Mr®. L. Horrocks and family, Auckland, are the guests of Mr. J. H. QuilJianj. * ,* . * . * . Mr®. Alee Mac Diarmid is due back at Auckland from abroad on Sunday. # * 4* is Mrs. Mauneell arived from Auckland last evening to stay with Mrs. Tate. Mrs. Paterson and Miss G. 'Wakeljn, Petone, are visiting. New Plymouth. Aliss Al. Lee, Auckland, arrives in i New Plymouth to-day. ‘ « j Mr®. W. H. Skinner left on Boxing i Day for a holiday in Dunedin. *.* * * Mr®. J. H. Sheet leaves on a motor |our to the north to-day. ’ ; * . * ’ # * I . Miss Marjory Hntchen left by boat . on Tuesday on a visit to Auckland. # # # « ■ Mrs. A. Parker, Petone, is visiting' Jfew Plymouth. *'* # * Misses J. and M. Sleuhouse and Miss Betty James left on Tuesday to join the Hawera Alpine Club .on their tour jo tho Hermitage, Mount Cook. >» a a # Visitors to the Taranaki Jockey Club meeting included Air®. A. Coleman and Miss Joan Coleman, Stratford, Airs, and Miss Alanoy, Stratford, Mrs. and Aliss Paget, Wellington, Mrs. George Stubbs, Stratford, Airs. Count, Eltham, Mrs. Hugh Good, Stratford, Mrs. Foyater, Hawera, Ah's. and Mis® Malone, Stratford, Mr®. Budge, Stratford, and Mrs. Thorpe, Stratford.- # 4» 4» # Alisa P. Addison-McConnell, of Auckland, is visiting New Plymouth and is the guest of Mrs. Cuthbert East, Vivian street. ’ ♦ # »" ■ • ..New Plymouth visitors to Wanganui include: Mesdames Easoir and Vaughan’ •ml Miss dark'll. . \

Miss Olive Lilian Frethey, who for some years has been in the office of Messrs. Collett and Co., has resigned her position in view of her approaching marriage, and on Friday afternoon was the recipient of an eight-day clock and afternoon tea service.

Miss D. Hubbard, of Masterton, is or a visit to New Plymouth.

Miss J. Ramson returned, to New Plymouth ffom Wellington on Monday.

Mrs. R. Kay. of Stratford, is spending the holiday in Wellington.

Mr. and. Mrs. R. N. White and family, of Bayswater, Auckland, are spending their holidays iq New Plymouth. * * * *

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lambert, Lower Hutt, are on a motor trip in Taranaki. .

Mr. Frank Milner and Miss W. Milner of Waitaki High School, left London on November 7 to visit the battlefields, says a London correspondent. They are then passing by way of Paris, Switzerland, Austria and Italy. They are to travel from Brindisi to Athens, by air, a”d from Athens to Tobruk and Alexandria. They will visit Cairo and the Pyramids, and sail for New Zealand from Port Said. on December 18, where, they meet Mrs. Milner, who is travelling from Toulon on the same ship. A fellowpassenger will be Miss J. B. Wilson, principal of the Vi aitaki girls’ school. * * * #

Mrs. M. E. McGarry, of Eltham, is on a holiday to Auckland.

Miss Alison Gregg, of Auckland, is on a holiday visit to new Plymouth. #*. - * 4

Miss L. JI. Parrott, Ngaruawahia, is visiting New Plymouth for the holidays.

Mrs. Lance Tompkins arrived from Hamilton last week-end to epend the holidays in New Plymouth.

Mi-, and Mrs. R. Boesen and MUses N. and E. Boesen, Auckland, are spending the Christmas holidays in New Plymouth,

Sir Hail Caine, though now an. old man with uncertain health, is as indomitable as ever. He contemplates a trip to Australia in the New Year to visit his copsim Airs. W. T. Aldridge, of Melbourne. Airs. Aldridge was the original of the heroine, Gloria Quayle, in his most famous novel.

Eden Phillpotts, the. famous novelist and dramatist, was.married in England recently. His bride is Aliss Robina Webb, youngest daughter of Mrs. Webb, and the late Dr. G. F.Webb, of Exeter. Their wedding- took place in Exeler on October 17, but not a word was said of it, even to their most intimate friends. Their engagements was announced at the end of August.

Sir John Fortescue, for 21 years librarian of Windsor Castle, and who was formerly in New Zealand with Sir William Jervois, speaking at Cheltenham College, said that he had lived for 40 years in the Victorian age, which •‘enlightened young people” of to-day regarded as a “deployable age.” The only way to become "educated was to dig deeply into the heart of at least one subject, and that meant acquiring the faculty of drudgery. Whatever they thought of themselves, their grandchildren would endeavour to instruct them 50 years hence upon a great may subjects, and would tell them that for-in-sipidity. of thought, barrenness of creation, misdirection of energy, in fact, for general imbecility and fatuity, there was never anything to match the second decade of the reign of George V. t» * « ?« Tho, romance of ■ Squadron-Leader Kingsford Smith has interested everyone who admired the epoch-making Hight across tho Tasman. It is a shipboard romance, which started on the Aorangi, in which they levelled to Auckland and Australia from America. Aliss Powell was a Geelong Grammar school girl. She has travelled extensively and spent some months in America. She is a niece of Mr. H. W. Gcpp, chairman of the Australian Development and Migration Commission. Miss Powell's engagement ring i is a square cut diamond solitaire, states an exchange. She wore it for the first lime at a supper party to celebrate her. engagement given by her sister, Airs. Tom Paterson, at her home at Caulfield. The date of the wedding has not been decided, but it will net lake place until Kingsford Smith, flies the reconditioned Southern Cross back io Australia from ■ England about the middle of next year. I It is announced tint Birmingham’s ! largest hospital, tho General, lias banned married women doctors (states our London correspondent). In future no married women doctors will be appointed to the staff, and unmarried women doctors working in the hospital will be required to resign as soon as they marry. By a strange coincidence the hospital governors who have issued this ban are presided over by a woman, Councillor Aliss Bartleet, who cinplmti-t cally denies that the ban is expressive of any sex antagonism. Aliss Bartleet ex- . plains that the matter arose over the application of a married woman doctor on the stall’ for four months’ special leave of absence “for domestic reasons." The application in that case was granted, but Aliss Bartleet states that the governors felt that the dislocation of hospital services following the occasional temporary retirement of married women doctors for ‘'domestic reasons” was extremely undesirable. Accordingly, it was decided that unless the circumstances were very exceptional, no married women doctors should be employed.

One of the most important positions in the United States • Bureau of Military Chemistry lias been filled by the appointliient of Dr. Thursa Wharton, Ph.D. A gb v d deal of her work is in connection with combating poiso". gas attacks. Decently she has been experimenting with a new trtix mask for use by civilians..

Miss Carol West-Watson, who attended tho conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations at Kioto, Japan, as on© of the official delegates from the Canterbury branch, has reached Sydney on her homeward journey. Miss WcstWatson, who is the second daughter of Bishop and Mrs. West-Watson, is expected to arrive in Christchurch on the •’list inst.

While the women now sitting in the British House of Commons represent only 1 per cent, of its total membership, they are given 33 per cent, of the allotted places in the national delegation Co Geneva, at the head of which in Dame Rachel Crowdy.

The only firm of decorators run entirely by women and employing only women in London, is run by Miss Marjorie Brooke and her sister Faith. The latter was trained as an architect, and this probably helped the sisters to decide to launch out as house decorators, specialising particularly in interior designs.

The only girl grave-digger in England is a Yorkshire girl, Miss Maggie Freeman, the last of live generations of janitors in Normanton, Yorkshire. Maggie acts as grave-digger, verger, clerk of record,?, bell-ringer and general factotum at the eight-centuries-old parish church.

Lady Hilton Young, the well-known sculptor, recently held an exhibition of some of her most celebrated sitters. These included busts of Sir John Simon, Lord Reading, Lloyd George, Galsworthy, Robert Lynd, Stephen Gwynn, Compton Mackenzie and Sir John Reith.

More and more are women' invading the field of sport, and this is occurring in hunting as well as in other branches of athletics. For the first time in the long history of the famous hunting pack in Quorn country, England, a woman has become associated with its mastership. She is Mrs. A. E. Burnaby, who has been appointed to the mastership in partnership with her husband. ENGAGEMENTS. The engagement is announced of Margaret Blackwood (Peggy), only daughtn of the late Mr. A. B. Waldie Lepperton. to Alfred only son of Mr. and .Mrs. .J. J. Jarvis, Sentry Hill. 4*' * « The engagement is anncmnced of Clara, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Meredith, Korn, to Charles Edward, second sc; of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Morris, Omata. # >B> =S= An engagement of interest to New Zealand readers is that between Professor Hugh Stewart and Miss M. I. Massey, only daughter of tho late Mr. H. A. Massey and Mrs. Massey, of Invercargill, states a London correspondent writing on November 15. Professor Stewart, who came from New Zealand in the middle of 1926, has since been Dean of the Faculty of Arts of Leeds University, and recently was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham University. Mrs. and Miss Massey are going out to New Zealand by the Rangitaia next week. # # # • The engagement is announced of Hugh. Gordon, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Calder, Waitara, to Dorothy, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs - . 11. M. Thomsen, •Belmont/’ Gover St, New Plymouth. * * 4k * The engagement is announced of j Mavis, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jackson, of Remucra, to Noel, youngest son of Mrs. and the late Captain M. Peterson, of Patea. The engagement is announced of Lilian M. Hinchliffe, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hinchliffe, Mt, Eden, Auckland, to A. E. ‘Horsfall, second son of Mrs. and the late Mr. M. Horsfall, Oamaru. . " * ' 4» '* * The engagement ie announced of Patti Mavis, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Mclver, Wharehuia, to Gordon Arthur, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Frankleigli Park, New Plymouth. * * # * The engagement is announced of Petronella, youngest daughter of the late Mrs. E. A. Robinsoil, Egsiont Village, to George McKenzie, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Blenheim. • * ♦ « The engagement is announced of Ruth Priscilla Winifred, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j. Moody, New Plymouth, to Clarence Boyden, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Putt, New Plymouth, » « 4» » Miss M, D. Kidd, staff-inspector of domestic science schools in Sydney, lias been appointed to represent the Government on the University Senate. Miss Kidd, who is senior woman inspector of the Education Department, recently made a tour of the world to study the teaching of domestic science in Europe and America.

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Taranaki Daily News, 28 December 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)

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NEW PLYMOUTH SOCIAL Taranaki Daily News, 28 December 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)

NEW PLYMOUTH SOCIAL Taranaki Daily News, 28 December 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)