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MANY MAGNIFICENT BLOOMS CHAMPIONSHIP TO R. D. LEIGHTON 1 RECORD ENTRIES AND ATTENDANCE. With record, entries in practically all sections the eighth annual rose show and sale of work which opened last night in St. John’s hall, Waitara, under the auspices of St. John’s Anglican Church, must be voted a distinct success. The wealth of blooms not only in the rose section but also in the art flower and decorative section, representative of a wide district, were a tribute to the fertility of the soil and to the love of horticulture that must be predominant. In roses the championship was secured by R. D. Leighton, Westown, with a Climbing Ophelia. The same exhibitor also showed the runner-up. The fancy work and home industries sections also contained large entries, showing the skill and industry of the ladies of the district. Special attention was given to the primary school children’s section, and here was to be seen some exhibits of raffia and cane work that were distinctly creditable to the pupils and to the teachers. There were also large entries, and keen competition in. the writing and drawing sections, giving , the judges an unenviable task. There was a splendid attendance in the afternoon, when Canon G. H. Gavin, president of the show committee, introduced Mr. S. G. Smith, M.P., who as patron performed the opening ceremony. Throughout the afternoon and evening the hall was thronged with spectators, who found much to interest them in inspecting the exhibits and the well stocked stalls, all of which appeared to do good business. The stallholders were: Fancy work, Mesdamcs H. Joll and Fookes; sweets, Misses Kempsell and Armstrong; plain sewing, Miss Gavin and Mrs. W. Joll; cake and produce, Mesdamcs J. Smart, Wells and Radford; Christmas trees, Mesdames Calder and Kempsell; afternoon tea, Mesdamcs Hine, J. Foreman, Red ward, Misses Pearce and Joll and assistants. Despite the increased entries the organisation was so good and all the officials worked so well that the exhibits were all attractively displayed and the judging completed early. With increased receipts from the attendance and increased entries the committee,, and particularly the honorary secretary, Mr. J. W. Hapiill, and his assistant, Mr. R. H. Rathbone, can feel to a large extent recompensed for their painstaking work. The show will be continued to-day. The detailed awards are: —

ROSES. Judge: Mr. C. H. Croker, New Plymouth. Stewards: Mrs. Andrews, Miss Elliot and Mr. L. N. Johnson. Champion bloom.—R. D. Leighton (Westown) Cig Ophelia; runner-up, R. D. Leighton, Margaret Dickson Hamil. Rose bowl for champion rose. —R. D. Leighton. Points prize classes 1 and. 3.—Mrs. J. Purdie. Points prize classes 4 to 22. —Mrs. E. Jones. Six varieties distinct any colour. —Mrs. Albert Rowe 1, Mrs. T. Elliot 2, Mrs. J. Purdie 3. Three varieties distinct any colour. — Mrs. J. Purdie' 1, J. Taylor 2, Mrs. F. Andrews 3. One bloom. —S. Topless 1, Mrs. J. , Purdie 2, Mrs. T. Elliot 3. White, one.—Mrs. Clayton 1, S'. Topless 2. White, two. —Mrs. E. Jones 2. Cream, one.—Mrs. Boyle 2. Cream or white, three. —Mrs. P. J. Allen I. Yellow, one? —Mrs. L. N. Johnson 1, S. Topless • 2, Mrs. E. Jones 3. Yellow, three.—J. Taylor 1. Apricot or near shade, one. —Mrs. E. Jones 1. Red, one. —Mrs. L. N. Johnson 1, Mrs. P. J. Allen 2, S. Topless . 3. Red, three.—J. Taylor 1. Pink, one. —Mrs. P. J. Allen 1, Mrs. E. Clow 2, Mrs. F. Andrews 3. Pink, three.—J. Taylor 1. Single, one any colour. —Mrs. T. French 1 and special, Mrs. E. Jones 2, Mrs. Prichard 3. Single, three any colour.—Mrs. E. Jones I, Mrs. L. N, Johnson 2, Mrs. P. J. Allen 3. Climbing, one. —Mrs. J. Purdie 2, Mrs. E. Jones 3. Climbing, three.—Mrs, Albert Rowe 1, Mrs. Purdie, senr., 2, Mrs, L. N. Johnson 3. < Cluster or bunch flowered.—Mrs. E. Jones. Collection not more than twelve. —Mrs. E. Jones 1. Twelve correctly named blooms not less than six varieties, not more than two blooms any variety, in white, cream or yellow, red, pink.—D. R. Leighton 1, i Mrs. Boyle 2. CUT FLOWERS. Judge: Mr. Hodges. Stewards: Mes- ; dames Prichard, Purdie, Carrick and i Miss Bayley. Points prize challenge cup.—Mrs. E. Jones. J Trophy presented by committee. —Mrs. H. Foreman. Antirrhinum, one head, one variety.— 1 Mrs. A, Andrews 1, Mrs. H. Foreman 2, J. W. Hamlin h.c. 1 Antirrhinum, three heads, one variety, i —Mrs. H. Foreman 1, J. W. Hamlin 2, S. Topless h.c. 1 Antirrhinum, six heads, any variety.— J S. Topless 1, Mrs. H. S. Tate 2, Mrs. Al. Carrick h.c. < f Aquilegia, three blooms, one variety.— 2 Airs. M. Carrick 1, Mrs. Fuller, senr., 2, 5 Mrs. A. L. Wilson h.c. Aquilegia, six blooms, any variety. — 1 Airs. Kettle 1, Airs. Vickery 2, Airs. E. Jones h.c. Amaryllis.—Aliss Nancy French 1 and 2. ' . ( Amaryllis, three. —Aliss Nancy French 1 and 2. Calendula. —Airs. S. Osborne 1, R. F. Palmer 2, J. AV. Hamlin h.c. Calendula, three—R. F. Palmer 1, Mrs. j S. Osborne 2, Airs. E. Jones h.c. Campanula, double. —Mrs. H. Foreman q I, Airs. E. Jones 2, Airs. A. Andrews f h.c. Campanula, single. —Mrs. E. Jones 1. j Carnation, three blooms any variety.— R. D. Leighton 1, J. Taylor 2, Mrs. H. Foreman h.c. f Carnation, six-blooms. —Mrs. E. Jones 1, Aliss W. Bint 2. Cineraria, one. —Airs. P. J. Allen 1. j. Cineraria, three.—Miss Taylor 1, Mrs. P. J. Allen 2, J. Taylor h.c. , ‘ a Delphinium, one head.—J. Taylor 1, > R. D. Leighton 2. | iv

Delphinium, three heads. —Mrs. Albert Rowe 1, J. Taylor 2. Daisies, collection of not more than six.—Mrs. C. E. Kettle 1, Mrs. L. H. Sampson 2, Mrs. Silby 3. Eschschpltzia, three heads, any variety.—Mrs. E. Jones 1, Mrs. Wiley 2, Mrs. Vickery h.c. Eschscholtzia, three varieties. —Mrs. T. French 1, Mrs. H, S. Tate 2, Mrs. E. Jones h.c. Fuchsia, one bloom.—Mrs. E. Jones 1. Fuchsia, collection not more than three.—Mrs. L. H., Sampson 1, Mrs. E. J ones 2. Gladioia, one spike. —Mrs. Clayton 1. Geum. —Mrs. H. McKenzie 1, Mrs. E. Jones 2, Mrs. Wells h.c. Gerbera, three blooms any colour. —R. D. Leighton 1, Mrs. Purdie, senr., 2, Mrs. G. P. Fuller h.c. Geranium, one head. —Mrs. H. S. Tate 1, Mrs.’ E. Jones 2, Mrs. Prichard 3, Geranium, three heads. —J. Taylor 1, jMiss Bicheno 2, Mrs. P. J. Allen h.c. Gallardia, one head. —Mrs. E. Jones. 1, Miss D. Hutchinson 2, Mrs. S. Osborne h.c. Heath—R. D. Leighton 1. ’ Iris, head. —Mrs. P. J. Allen 1, Mrs. E. Jones 2, Mrs. Clayton h.c. • Iris, collection of not more than six.—• Mrs. P. J. Allen 1, Mrs. E. Jones 2. Lily, one head.-AJ. Taylor 1. Lily, three heads, one or more varieties.—Mrs. F. Crow 1. Larkspur, one head. —Mrs. E. Jones 1, Mrs. Prichard 2. Larkspur, three heads. —Mrs. E. Jones L Lupins, three of any colour.—Mrs. C. E. Kettle 1, Mrs. S. G. Fraser 2, Mrs. A. Andrews h.c. Nemesia, three heads, one or more varieties—Mrs. Saleman 1, Mrs. F. J. Dunbar 2. Nemesia, six heads, one or more varieties. —Mrs. E. Jones 1, Mrs. F. J. Dunbar 2. . Nemesia, six heads, one or more varieties.—Mrs. E. Jones 1, Mrs. F. J. Dunbar 2. . Pansy, one variety. —J. Taylor 1 and 2, Mrs. Vickery h.c. Pansy, three. —J. Taylor 1 and h.c., Mrs. Albert Rowe 2. Pansy,, six.—J. Taylor 1 and 2 and h.c. Pelargonium, one varhriy.—Mrs. T. French 1, Mrs. S. G. Fraser 2. Pelargonium, three varieties. —Mrs. E. Jones 1. Peony, one bloom. —Mrs. G. Osborne 1. Mrs. A. Andrews 2, Mrs; Purdie, senr., h.c. Peony, three blooms, one or more varieties.—Mrs. S. Osborne 1, Miss W. Bint 2. Petunia, single, one bloom. —Mrs. A. Andrews 1, Mrs. E. Jones 2. Petunia, double, one bloom.—Mrs. E. Jones 1. Petunia, three varieties.—Mrs. E. Jones 1. Poppies, six Iceland.—Mrs. H. S. Tate I, J. Taylor 2, Miss Taylor h.c. Poppies, six Shirley—Mrs. Saleman 1, Mrs. Fuller, r senr., 2, Mrs. P. J. Allen h.c. Poppies, three Oriental.—Mrs. P. J. Allen 1. Rhododendron, one head. —S. Topless 1, Mrs. E. Jones 2, Mrs. Wells h.c. Rhododendron, three heads.—Mrs. E. Jones 1, Mrs. Wells 2. Schizanthus.—Mrs. H. S. Tato 2. . Stock, one head.—Mrs. Vickery 1, Mrs. A. Andrews 2. Stock, three heads.—J. Taylor 1, Mrs. G. Fraser 2. Scabious. —N. Sheen 1. - Sweet Peas; collection. —A. S. Hunter I. Sweet William.—Mrs. Fuller, senr., 1, Mrs. Silby 2. Viola, one.—Mrs. G. F. Fuller 1, Mrs. Piggott 2, Mrs. P. J. Allen h.c. Viola, three.—Mrs. A. Andrews 1, Mrs. G. Fuller 2, Mrs. Piggott h.c. Verbena, one variety.—Mrs. P. J. Allen 1, Mrs. Wells 2, Mrs. S. Osborne h.c. Verbena, three varieties.—-Mrs. Wells 1, Mrs. P. J. Allen 2, Mrs. E. Jones 3. Six' distinct species of flowers not otherwise mentioned. —Mrs. T. French 1, Mrs. E. Jones 2, Mrs. Silby h.c. Flowering shrubs not more than six distinct varieties. —S. Topless 1, Mrs. T. French. 2, Mrs. P. J. Allen 3. 1 Rare blooms (cut). —Mrs. E. Jones 1.

DECORATIVE. (Judges: Afesdames Brookman and Davies. Stewards: Alesdames H. Foreman, Palmer, and Miss Gavin.) Bowl Floating Flowers.—Airs. F. Dowding, 1; Aliss L. Leunan, 2; Airs. Hamlin, 3. .Bowl Roses, one colour over leaves.— Airs. Fuller, sen., 1. Bowl Roses, any colour on leaves. — Airs. Fuller, sen., 1; Airs. L. Leunan 2. Vase Red Roses, own foliage.—Aliss Gavin, 1; Miss Nosworthv, 2; Airs. Hamlin, 3. Vase Roses, one colour, own leaves.— Miss Nosworthy, 1; Airs. Hamlin, 2; Mrs. C. Kempsell, 3. Vase Roses, any colour own leaves.— Airs. Fuller, sen., 1. Bowl Flowers, one variety, any foliage. —Aliss L. Limmer and Aliss Irene Foreman, equal, 1; Airs. Hamlin, 3. Bowl Flowers, collection, any foliage.— Aliss Nosworthy, 1; Airs. Hamill, 2; Miss Gavin, 3. Vase Flowers, one variety, any foliage.—Aliss Irene Foreman, 1; Airs. F. Dowding, 2; Aliss L. Limmer, 3. Vase Flowers, collection, any foliage.— Aliss L. Limmer, 1; Airs. F. Dowding, 2; Airs. Hamlin, 3. Bowl Gerbera, any foliage.—Aliss Nosworthy, 1; Airs. Hamlin, 2; Airs. F. Dowding, 3. Bowl Sweet Peas, for effect.—Airs. Hamlin, 1; Airs. F. Dowding, 2; Aliss L. Limmer, 3. Vase Red Flowers, with or without foliage. —Aliss Gavin, 1; Airs. L. Limmer, 2; Airs. F. Dowding, 3. Vase Yellow Flowers, with or without foliage.—Aliss L. Limmer, 1; Mrs. F. Dowding, 2; Airs. L. H. Sampson, 3. Vase White Flowers, with or without foliage.—Airs. Hamlin, 1 and special; Airs. H. Foreman, 2; Airs. F. Dowding, 3. Epergne of Flowers.—Aliss Nosworthy, 1; Airs. F. Dowding, 2; Airs. Hamlin, 3. FANCY WORK. (Judges: Mrs. S. Sheen and Aliss Waring. Stewards: Airs. Appleby and Aliss Dulcie Dowsett.) Points prize, Mrs. Blackley’s silver cup. —Aliss llosie, 58pts.; Miss Drury, 45pts.; Aliss Hoskin, 31pts. Embroidered Nightdress, white. —Alias O. Drury, 1; Aliss J. Hosie, 2; Aliss A. Hoskin, H.C. Embroidered Nightdress, coloured.— Aliss O. Drury, 1; Alias J. Hosie, 2 and h.c. Embroidered Princess Slip.—Alias J. Hosie, 1; Aliss A. Hoskins, 2; Alias O. Drury, h.c. Pillow Shams or Scarf. —Miss A. Hoskins, 1. Pillow Shams, embroidered.—Miss J. Hosie, 1. Cushion Cover. —Miss O. Drury, 1; M «ss J. Hosie, 2 and h.c. ' . ; .

Cushion Cover, stencil. —Mrs. Maurice White, 1; Mrs. J, Preston, 2. Cushion, made up. —Miss A. Hoskins,. 1 and 2. Mount Mellick Work.—Miss A. Hos- • kins, 1; Miss J. Hosie, two seconds. Eyelet Hole Embroidery.—Miss O. Drury, 1. Rechclicu Embroidery.—Miss O. Drury, I; Miss J. Hosie, 2 and h.c. Table Centre, embroidered white.— Miss A. Hoskins, 1; Miss O. Drury, 2; < Miss J. Hosie, h.c. . Table Centre, embroidered, coloured.— Miss J. Hosie, 1; Miss A. Hopkins, 2; Miss O. Drury, h.c. Crocheted Tea and Tray Cloth. —Misa 1. O. McCutchan, 1; Miss O. Drury, 2; Mrs. W. Smaill, h.c. Embroidered Tea or Tray Cloth.—Misa J. Hosie, 1; Miss Schieb, 2; Miss Millan, h.c. Willow Pattern. —Miss J. Hosie, 1 and 2; Miss O. Drury, h.c. Lazy Daisy.—Miss J. Hosie, 1; Misa O. Drury, 2. Toilet Sets, white. —Miss J. Hosie, I’3 and 2. Toilet Sets, coloured. —Miss C. Fulton, 1; Miss N. Jones, 2. Fancy Aprons, embroidered—Miss : O. . Drury, 1 and special; Miss J. Hosie, 2. Fancy Runners. —Miss A. Hoskins, 1; Miss J. Hosie, 2; Miss 0. Drury, h.c. D’Oyleys not crocheted. —Miss I. 0. McCutchan, 1; Miss C. Fulton, 2; Miss O. Drury, 3. . D’Oyleys, two embroidered. —Miss 0. Drury, 1; Miss J. Hosie, two seconds. s D’Oyleys, crocheted, collection of. four. —Miss I. 0. McCutcbci, 1; Miss C. Fulton, 2; Miss 0. Drury, 3, D’Oyleys, embroidered, collection of four.—Miss 0. Drury, I; Miss C. Fulton, 2. Fancy Work, not otherwise mentioned. —Miss I, 0. McCutchan, 1; Miss J. Hosie, 2; Miss 0. Drury, h.c. Raffia Work. —Miss W. Schieb, 1 and 2, Raffia Work, children 16 and under. — P. Baker, 1; Alice Lambert, 2. ' ‘ HOME INDUSTRIES. (Judges: Mesdames Alexander and Ellerm. Stewards: Mrs. Birdling and Mrs. Dorena. v . N Duck Eggs, white.—Mrs. F. R. Selby, 1. Duck Eggs, coloured. —Mrs. F. R. Selby, 1. Hen Eggs, white. —Mrs. Clayton, 1 and 2; Mrs. Purdie, sen., 3. Soap, unscented. —Mrs. Radford, Mrs. Gillespie, 2; Mrs. W. Turner, h.c. Butter.—Mts. W. Turner, 1 and: 2. Jam. —Mrs. Garner, 1. Marmalade. —Mrs. F. J. Dunbar, 1; N. Sheen, 2; Mrs. W. Birdling, 3. Marmalade, shredded. —Mrs. W. Smaill, 1. Chutney, sweet. —Mrs. W. Birdling, 1; N. Sheen, 2; Mrs. Garner, 3. ’ ■ ' Tomato Sauce. —Mrs. W. Birdling, 1 and 2. Plain Sauce.—Mrs. W. Birdling, 2. Sauce, any other kind. —Mrs. Garner, 1. ’• ..<> Biscuits, collection. —N. Sheen, 1. . Ginger Biscuits. —Mrs. Garner, 1; N. Sheen, 2 Sultana Buns. —N. Sheen, 1; Mrs. Garner, 2. Plain Fruit Cake.—N. Sheen, 1 and 2. Seed Cake. —Mrs. Garner, 1; N. Sheen, 2.. Gingerbread Cake.—N. Sheen, 1. Swiss Roll. —Mrs. Garner, 1. Sponge Sandwich, with butter.—Mrs. W. Turner, 1; Mrs. Vickery, 2; Mrs. Garner, 3. Sponge Sandwich, without butter.— Mrs. Garner, 1; Mrs. W. Turner, 2; Mrs. Vickery, 3. Puff Pastry. —Mrs. Brassington, 1; N. . Sheen, 2. Sausage Rolls.—Mrs. Brassington, 1; Gems. —N. Sheen, 1 and 2; Mrs. Brassington, 3. Pikelets.—Mrs. Garner 1, Mrs. Braasington 2, N. Sheen 3. Shortbread. —Mrs. Garner 1, N. Sheen 2. Scenes, girdle.—Miss Irene Foreman I, Mrs. Vickery 2, Mrs. Garner 3. Scones, plain oven.—Miss Irene Foreman 1, Mrs. Vickery 2, Mrs. Garner 3. Scones, butter or cream, oven.—Mrs.- “ Vickery 1, .Miss Irene Foreman 2, Mrs. Garner 3. ‘ Scones, sultana or date, oven. —Mrs. Vickery 1, Miss Irene Foreman 2, Mrs. Garner 3.

GIRLS UNDER 18 YEARS. Points prize.—Aliss M. Roberts. Scones. —Aliss M. Roberts 1 and 2, Aliss A. Alorgan 3. Sponge sandwich.—Alias AL Roberts 1, Alira A. Alorgan 2. . Pikelets.—Alias Al. Roberts I, Miss A. Alorgan 2. Jam tarts. —Aliss A. Alorgan I, Miss Al. Roberts 2. Biscuits, collection.—Alias Al. Roberts 1. Cocoanut ice.—Mies Al. Roberts 1 and 2. Turkish delight.—Miss AL Roberts 2. Toffee.—Miss A. Alorgan 1, Miss M. Roberts 2 and 3. Date cream.—Miss AL Roberts 1 and 2. PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS. Judge: Air. H. Dempsey. Stewards: Aliases Gibson and Poletti. Writing, under 10 years. —Stan. Kettle 1, Margaret Morey 2, Alolly Trim 3. Writing, under 12 years.—Eric Hopson 1, Jean AlcNeill 2, Nancy Henry 3. Writing, under 14 years.—Audrey Bea ven 1, Grace Jury 2, Doreen Street 3. Writing, over 14 years.—Stuart Alorgan 1, Olive Ellis 2, Alolly Brough 3.' Drawing, freehand, under 10 years.— ■’ Eva Fowler 2. Drawing, freehand, under 12 years.— Jean Stimpson 1, Zena Bristol 2, Horace Kettle 3. . , ’ • . Drawing, freehand, under 14 years.— Audrey Bcaven 1, Alilda Old 2, Tom Smart 3. Drawing, freehand, over 14 years.— Olive Ellis 1, Molly Brough 2, Stuart Alorgan 3. Pastel drawing, under 10 years. —Alartin Gilby 2. Pastel drawing, under 12 years.— Zena Bristol 1, Bill Hosie 2, Les. Johnston 3. Pastel drawing, under 14 years.— Audrey Bcaven 1, Pat Brough 2. Brush or paotel design, colours, under 10 yearn.—Martin Gilby 1, Keith Lawrence 2. Brush or pastel design, colours, under 12 years. —Zena Bristol I, Cliff. Alien 2. Brush or pastel design, colours, under 14 years.—Eileen Old 1, Pat Brough 2, Rita Fenton 3. Brush or pastel design, colours, over 14 years.—Olive Ellis 1, Clarice Richards 2.

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Taranaki Daily News, 22 November 1929, Page 3

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WAITARA ROSE SHOW Taranaki Daily News, 22 November 1929, Page 3

WAITARA ROSE SHOW Taranaki Daily News, 22 November 1929, Page 3