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- ’ Hostesses for the week at bridge have .. • ? included Mrs. H. Baker, Mrs. I. Roy, Mrs. Stocker,. Mrs. T. G. Thompson;■l'Mi's. Courtenay, Mrs. Greig, Mrs. Hirst,. '"' Atrs. Medley, Mrs.' A. Avery, Airs.;?!!. Seldon, Miss Audrey Webster. and MisS. Mildred Alleman. ■'’;H ~« . * * r ■ Mrs. W. Whyte, Wellington, Jr the guest of Mrs. Oscar Johnson. ! y 0 # * # . Mrs. C. 11. Weston, who has been visiting Wellington, returns to-night. '#* * * ' ' Mrs. F. Carter left for a visit to Hastings yesterday.' #*' # * ‘ Miss Florence Washer left on Thursday for a visit to Auckland. * * * * ■Mrs. -Baxter-Russell left last Wednesday on a visit to Christchurch. 00* # Miss Jackson entertained at bridge at last evening. # * * * Miss M. Sladden left- for Palmerston • Jforfch. on Tuesday on her return to Has- . tings. ?■' » * • * # ( . Miss K. Collis, who has been visiting New Plymouth, left; for. Auckland yesterday. . ■, o#' 0 0 i Mrs. J. Stevenson left this week for JfHenheim, -accompanied by her mother, Mrs. AlcKegg, Palmerston North. I 0 0 0 0 Mrs. A. C. Lawrey left on Friday for “©hrigtehureir- to take up her residence /fliere. 0 0 * * . Miss Al. Fookes returned on Tuesday from Wellington. .I# 0 * # ( Miss S. McLclland left for Fcild'mg on Thursday. ■\ * 0 '• * .. • Miss G. Gill is visiting Auckland. ' * * ■ Mrs. Moorhouse, who has been visiting (her daughter, Mrs. J. Leggatt, left yesterday on her return to Rotorua. # . # * * z Mrs. J. A. Grayson and Miss Olwyn •Odium, of Auckland, are spending a t holiday with Mrs. T. S. Hickey, Opunake, ■ * * * * • Aliss G. McDonald. Levin, is the guest of Mrs. C. Clarke, Westown. 0 o*o (Mrs. G. Kersley, New Plymouth, is visiting Auckland, I 0 » * * Mrs. J. Kerr is visiting Auckland,-. ; ' # * * * Lady Nolan -has taken a flat a't.Co'prtviile until January, when she leaves for ft visit to England with her daughter. Her house has been taken by Sir James Giinson. "... 0 *:•* #*o Miss Zeala Bellringer is visiting Dr. Raymond.-Bellriiijger, Christchurch, - ■ <» * * Mrs.’ T. 0. Fookes. leaves next Wed-nesday’for-a visit to'. Auckland. 0 s * 0 *. Mrs. A. C. Lawrey was entertained and made a presentation by her friends at the home of Mrs. Al. J. Armstrongon Wednesday evening, when a very happy time was spent playing flag-bridge and dancing. 0 # * * Mrs, J. Leggatt entertained at bridge on Monday evening for Mrs. Moorhouse. #o*o Miss A. Brewster left for Wellington to-day. , ’ # * * * Mrs. G. Fraser and Mrs. N. Gray leave from Auckland to-day on a trip to the islands. 0 * * * , Miss Mary Russell has returned from Wanganui. # / * . * - * Mrs. Todd,'Otane, is rhe'guest, of Afrs. G? Home.’ . . . ' 00* ' 0 Mrs. 0. Samuel left- to-day for Web lington. - • .. ’ ■ • 0' *’ * * Mrs. McHardy entertained at an afternoon on Tuesday. . o** . * Mrs. Hoskin entertained the members of the Pukekura Park Croquet Club at ' her home on Wednesday afternoon,- A very interesting competition was won , by Mrs. McGahey, ami the consolation prize went" to Ai rs. Dieks9.ll., .- 1 0 o*o Mrs. ydney Burgess has returned flrom a holiday in Hamilton and Rotorua. ’ ■ • - • • *o_ 0 0 . Mrs. J. Scanlan has returned from a visit to Auckland. ; 0 0 * * . Mrs. P. Stainton entertained at an enjoy-able'eveni’ng at’her -Inrme 011 Saturday. * * , .. 0 * Miss Jean Sanson, Wellington^-is 1 the guest of Airs. Watkins. 0 0 .0 •» Airs. Broderick-Wilson, who has been visitiim Wellington, has returned. 0 * • Miss C. Stephenson has returned from Bpunake. * * # # Mrs. Billchart and Miss Mary Thompson sail by the Narknrak on October 17 for New Zealand. 0 * * * , l Miss AL C’holmeley is visiting Wellington and is the guest of Airs. C. Hole. *'* * * Mr. A. Mac Diarmid entertained the members of the Amateur Operatic Society at a very enjoyable dance at his home on Tuesday e-veiTing. 0 0 0* ■ The sixth Dominion biennial conference of the Victoria Leagues of New Zealand will be ‘held in Wanganui on October 9, 10 and 22. Delegates from •New Plymouth will' be the president, Mrs; C. H. Burgess, Mrs. F. H. Blundell and the scci e’tarv, Miss -B.- Hartnell. : ,0 • . 0 - * jAlih. C. and Miss. Rothcry left on Tuexflay -lor Auckland, where I hey propose attending_the Auckland spring jaccs. and will, tiicrc on a tour pf theNorth ft-lamf .' . .... :

I Miss Maureen Bennett was hostess at a very jolly, “white - ’ evening on Thursday last in honour of Miss Betty Allen, whose marriage takes place shortly. Afiss Bennett received her guests wearing a very charming French velvet ■frock. A;; * . * * * LT’Mfe. W. Putt was hostess at a most' enjoyable ja/tefnoon at . her residehce, !.bartnioor, -iph Thursday, for the opening ;ob-liersci-oqifet season/ The lawn was in splendid condition, and the large gatherqf ; ,members and. friends enjojed not. only the croquet, but also the wonderful view to be seen from the grounds.’, The prizes were won’ as follows: Golf croquet, Mrs. Hartnell; trail, Mrs. Lister A dainty afternoon’ tea was handecl round in the drawing-room. . Before leay ; jug the ’guests expressed their appfeeiation with musical honours. '0 0 0 0 Probably one of the most amazing business women in the United States is Miss Bessie Freeman, of Donna, Texas, - who, at the age of nine began her career of saleswoman by selling two pigs at a substantial profit. Owing to her family’s straitened circumstances she bad to work so started to peddle hosiery, and for several years won a succession of prizes for the’largest distribution. She is now 17 years.; olil, ; and has sold real estate, bought and sold buildings and is now managing a- large hotel which she recently erected. ; \. ■ . * ,; > - ■■•■’,•■ •’ One of a small band of English Hindu women is Airs. AV alter Tibbits, who has been collecting materials for a, book on Indian religion. When in India Airs. Tibbitts wears native costume; and. for her visits to the celebrated Golden Temple at -Benares she dons the costume of a Hindu ascetic. Mrs. ribbitts was the first Englishwoman to be allowed to explore the ruined city of Bandit, where an Indian princess once poisoned herself with, powdered diamonds rather than fall into the hand of enemies. 000 ■ 0 • One of the most enthusiastic patrons of the young idea in art in this country is the Queen, states a Loudon; writer, exhibition of industrial designs at the Imperial Institute was the third that she has paid to this particular yearly exhibition -since its inception about five years ago. The Queen spent over- an hour examining textiles, Christmas cards, posters and advertisements designed by voting students from art schools, all over the country, and ’ recognised the work of a cripple boy from, whoni she had last year ordered some, of her Christmas cards. * * * Schools for training child mannequins have, sprung ..Up in Pajris in those qtiar-ter-s favoured by the fashionable crowd, are as absorbing, it -is said, scores of ciiildren, mainly of the poorer, classes and middle bourgeoisie, who, in the hope of earning additional money for their parents, arc being trained’to wear and dis-, play thd- costly garments designed • for others. Naturally, the training of these immature mannequins takes time and patience, for though children are generally great mimics and learn easily - to copy their elders, they have much -to learn which is foreign to child nature. » * * * . Feminine “lack of inventive faculty’ is again disproved, this time by a Queensland woman ex-war nurse, Elizabeth Kenny, whose ‘’Sylvia - ’ stretcher has been ' adopted by the Commonwealth Navy and Air Forces and elsewhere. This invention has been exhibited in important centres, so that probably its recognition will be world-wide. ■> * 0 * * A memorial to Aliss Gertrude Bell, one of the most distinguished women of the century, is to be erected at Bagdad, Irak, in memory of her great work in that country. The memorial is to be a doorway in the courtyard of the museum which Miss Bell herself founded in Bagdad. The inscription give a brief resume of her. work and includes the words.: "Her . memory, the Arabs will -alwayjs-. hold in reverence and affection.” o'■ 0 0 0 Eroiti both London and Manchester comes news of the appointment of wo-, men to the inspectorate of schools. Ai.iss E. Stevenson, who has just been promoted to the post of senior woman inspector, will receive a salary of just over £lOOO a year. The education committee of the Alauchester City Council recently decided to recommend the appointment of a woman as deputy-chief inspector of schools, with the same salary as a man. 000 ' * . Afiss Catherine Landreth, graduate of the Otago. University Home Science School, and a holder of the B.A. degree of lowa has resigned her position as research specialist in nutrition in the State College of Washington, in order to accept' a Schlenian Rockefeller Foundation 'Scholarship, which entitles her to travel and study in the United States, Miss Landreth -is making- a • special study- of nursery schools and the physical growth and development :>f young children. An Unusual Club. • ; ■ • A young people’s club —the -’-Under Forty Club” —has been recently '.established in London, which has for its chief aim the solving of the housing problem,' states an English writer; Each of the members must read at least -three books on housing, which have been selected by the committee, and a special research committee is thoroughly investigating the whole question. Already the club lias raised and distributed £B'o-00 to building societies in Loudon slums, and many new flats have been named after the club, Aloreover, its latest project is the purchase of a site where dwellings at rentals of 10s a week will be erected. It suggests that perhaps the cost of building might be lowered, but at all events the club is determined to solve, or at least to assist very materially in the solution of the housing problem. The members of this club must be under forty; but people over forty can join as associate members. Though, as a penalty for their vast age, they arc required to pay a higher membership subscription. Many very well-known young people are enrolled- in this-,very enterprising club; the Earl of Faversham, # Lady . Joan A’illiers, . A’iscountess Folkestone, Alisa Balfour, a cousin of 1 Lord Balfour, imd A-iiss England is the j secretary.

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Taranaki Daily News, 5 October 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)

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NEW PLYMOUTH SOCIAL Taranaki Daily News, 5 October 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)

NEW PLYMOUTH SOCIAL Taranaki Daily News, 5 October 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)