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Mrs. Wells, who has been Maying ■with-. Mrs. C. G. Trotter, lias returned-to Wellington. . . ft # ft # Mi.-fi-Amy. Wills entertained a number of girl friends at a kitchen tea at the residence of her parents in Cameron Street on Monday afternoon, in honour of Miss Joan Page, who is to be married shortly. Miss Wills wore ft smart afternoon frock of deep cream figured silk, the guest of the afternoon wearing it grey costume with hat to tone. Bo.wls offspring flowers and vases of peach blbfisom made attractive decorations. Many gifts of china and useful kitchen articles were received. Among those present -were Miss Anne Page, Miss Evelyn Buist, Miss Dora Hawken, Mies Edna Hawken,-. Misses Lilian and Ruth Pease, Miss Alison Good, Miss Joyce I’owdrell, Miss Kitty Coleman, and Miss Katie Robertson. ft ' ft ft ft Mrs. L,. 0. Hooker sailed from Auckland early in the week on the Government steamer Maui Pomare for Samoa, where she intends spending a few months’ holiday with friends. ft ft ft , :• r- .-t : Miss Laura Haybitlle, Feilding, who has been.the giiest of Mrs. A. M. Young, left early in the week for Wellington, ft' ft ft ft Mrs. E. Huline, who won so many friends during her month’s stay in Hawera in connection with the production of "Going Up,” accompanied by her son lan, left for Christchurch last week-end. A number of the society, members and friends assembled at the railway station to cay farewell and all expressed the hope to sec Mrs. Hulme in Hawera again next year. •ft . r ft ft ft Mrs.- Welsh- entertained «. number of friends at tea at “The Whare” on Monday afternoon, the hostess, wearing an afternoon frock of black satin. During the afternoon the guests' delighted in° "being shown over the beautiful grounds and gardens surrounding Mrs. Welsh’s home. Among the guests were Mrs. Arlidge, Mrs. FoystCr, Mrs. Scott. Mrs.' Parrington, Mrs. Winks, Mrs-. Corfe and Miss E. Good. , . ft , ft ' ■ ft * . Miss Reid, Dunedin, is spending a week or two with hcr’sistcr, Mrs, R. G. Sinclair. « ft ft ft During laet week Mrs. Young, Cameron Street, was hostess at tea, when she entertained a number of friends, receiving, her guests attired in a gown of black georgette. Miss Beesie Young wore a georgette in navy blue. Spring blossoms were- iii abundance in the sitting room, and a happy time was spent bv those present: Mrs. A. M. Young, Mi's, Clem. Trotter, Mrs. Harry Raine, Mrs. Bruce J.oll, Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. Arnold Thomson, Mrs. R. Leecc, Mrs.-Collins,-Mrs.- R. G. Sinclair, Mrs. T. A. Kinmont, Mrs. W. M. Winks, Mrs. Wells (Wellington), Miss Reid (Dunedin) and Miss' Ha-ybittle (Wellington). # ft ft ft At the clubhouse on Tuesday afternoon’a' number "of membefs of the Hawera Ladies’ Golf Club assembled to extend their good wishes to Miss Joan Page, who is to be married next week, and will be leaving Taranaki. During.the afternoon a senior and junior bogey; match was played, several pairs tying' for the place of honour (necessitating, a play oil’ at a later date), after which afternoon tei was served and Mi-<? Evi Burgess (president of the ladies’ club) presented Miss Page with a silver fish service and. salver-on behalf of the members, - wishing her happiness and prosperity in her future liome. - ft - - -ft ■ * ' Miss Betty Sturroek, well known in musical circles in South' Taranaki, was the recipient ,of a handsome presentation service from the Hay era Orchestral '.Society., on.. Tuesday evening, prior to 'her leaving their. - company in view of. her approaching marriage. Mr. J. M. Townsend (president) made the presentation on behalf of the members. Mr. Townsend spoke eulogistieally _of the valuable service given the society by Miss Stnrrock since her return from abroad as a leader of the violins in the orchestra, and in the committee, stating she would be very much missed, as he was sure, they would find difficulty in filling her place. With ’her, he said, went" the good wishes of every member of the society. Mr. Herbert Webb (conductor) also" eulogising Miss Sturroek’s work, endorsed Mr. Townsend's, remarks. I A. dainty supper concluded a happy little gathering.

Mies M. Aleichbanks; Oamaru, is visitino Wanganui and llawera. ° ft ft ft * Aliss llay-Alackenzio. si'cretary of the Shandon Ladies’ Golf Club, is visiting Hawera. * 'ft * ft Mrs. D. Taylor. Waverley. is Hie guest of Airs.. T. Taylor, Wanganui. ft '• . ft ft ft • Aliss E. Hay-Mackenzie/ Wellington, is at present the’ guest ‘of her sister, Miss Jlay-Alaekcnzie at llawera. ft ft ' ■ ft ft Mrs. Jansen was “at home” on Thursdav afternoon ft ft * * On Friday afternoon of last week Airs. B. 0. 'Bennett entertained a few friends at tea. * ft ft * Miss Afiddlcton, who has. recently been the guest of Airs. M alter Williams, leaves to-day on her return to Chiistchurch; * ' Airs. Woodward was hostess at tea on Alonday afternoon, when among the guests were Airs: Alan Good, A-fis. V\. Al. Thomson, ■ Mrs.' Dingle, Airs. Walter Bright, Afrs. Leslie Bull and Mrs. Dew Caplen. Mrs. Woodward was also “at. home” and •entertained, a number of friends on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon's. ■ ■’ r ' • ' . ' • - : ft ; ft '. 'ft . : • Airs. Al. Dowling lef(.last wei’k for.a short holiday in Palmerstoii North, where she is the guest of her daughter, Afrs. Grawshaw.

I A large mimher of members of the : play reading circle assembled at the residence of Mrs. (‘banning Tonks on Monday, evening when the chosen work was /‘Jack .Straw.” The principal characters were taken by Mrs. Ereyberg, Mrs. Clem. Trotter, Mrs. W. Craig, Mrs. A. E. Rawson, Miss Glenn, Miss Joyce Powdrell and Miss May Burgess. Other readers were Mrs.'Collins, Mrs. John Houston, Miss Caplen and Miss Molly Page. Miss Harriet Burgess acted as stage director.


The Savoj- dance room on Friday evening.presented a gay scene .with its many youthful celebrants .of • the com-jng-of-age of Miss Irene Prime. Mr. and Mm. A. E. Prime were the host and hostess. Mr. R. Woolford acted as master of ceremonies during the dance. The decorations of rose and-blue stream; era and branches of cherry blossom were very effective, and the music rendered by Barton’s orchestra, just all that could be desired, making an evening that will be long remembered by over 100 guests. Miss Prime was the recipient of many beautiful gifts, and these were on view in a space set aside. During the evening Miss Jean O’Brien (who was accompanied by Miss San Harrington), delighted everyone, with her two vocal items, and various interesting eonipeti-' lions resulted as follows: ?tobte Carlo (2), Miss -Mavis Tapp and Mr. Bonnett (Eltham), and Miss Burrows (Eltham) and partner. The motor-ear game was won. by Mrs. Cahert, At supper many toasts were honoured. The beautiful two-decker cake in pale pink was the gift of Miss Prime’s sister, Mrs. Harris. The guests were received by Mrs. Prime, who wore a smart navy erepe-de-ehine gown. The guest of honour wore a sky blue eclanese satin with uneven-hem line. Among those present were Mrs. Harris, blush rose satin; Miss S. Prime, turquoise crepe-de-chine; Mrs. Dalton, black froek; Mrs. O’Brien, navy crepc-dc-chinc; Mrs. AV. Adams, cobalt blue, frock; Mrs. Calvert, silver-Jaime and pale pink georgette; Miss Jean McGlatshan. primrose satin and lace); Miss Santina Harrington, black chenille with bright spray; Miss Jean O'Brien, black georgette; Aliss Harris, cyclamen georgette and tinsel; Miss Ruby Foster, psle pink satin and gold lace; Miss.. Clarice Prince. Eltham, georgette froek in new blue; Misg Horsburgb, eaxc blue georgette and diamante; Miss Mavis Tapp, powder pink embroidered organdie; Miss Ruth Burns, electric green taffetas; Miss Betty Stevens, midnight blue silk and pink shawl; Miss Tippetts, Norma.nhy, lemon frilled silk; Miss Norah. Adams, black la re; Jliss .Audrey Nicholas, black georgette and lace; Miss Eunice Nicholas, shot taffetas; Miss Eileen Adams, salmon pink satin; Miss Bonnie Ryan, apple green georgette; Miss V. Ryan, salmon pink .satin: Miss Marget Woolliams: Miss Gwen Young, fuchsia satin; Miss Mona Lay. Miss Sadie Evans, black taffetas; Miv. Mira Burgess, powder blue taffetas and silver lace; Mrs, AVebb, Ngaeri', black froek; Mifis Thelma Urry, Eltham, green frilled eclanese silk; Miss Burrows, Inglewood, black froek; Miss Wilma Conway, black frock; Miss Alma, black taffetas; Miss Gladys Sandford, black satin and net; Miss Kath. Petcfs-n, black taffetas; Miss Irene Reid, apricot' celar.ese and -gold laee; Miss 'Annie Hooper,' peach pink-' frilled georgette and satin; Miss Ina Beamish, reseda green velvet; Mitis B.'.Ryan.


• . . , i . — ; SIT ; KSBI-’UL H.AWEBA BALL. ! I • . . . • ! Lawns, pavements, a quaint old rock : garden and very charmingly' t=et out I lower hail greeted the large attendance i assembling at the winter show bail on j Wednesday evening for the old pupils’ I seventh annual re-union ball, while the i dancing hall was-a brilliant' vista of tier i upon tier of streamers' in shades of I crimson and deep bhiQ (school colours) j and a deep orange, the streamers across I the centre .square being latticed. ; In the novelty line, the confetti dance I caused much merriment and riot, but ’ probably the cutest event of the even- | ing was the ".snowstorm'’ which failed I to eventuate at the prescribed time, j necessitating an. excursion aloft by - an I agile.member of the committee.' j - Alayy visitors from every part of the i nroyince, and'even further afield, were! included' in the 400 odd guehts .present, j Hmong whom were the members of the | visi.tirig . Dannevirke hockey team and I Airs; 1-fobb.s. Airs. Beamish-, Airs. C. Old, ; Airs. .-Ashton, Aliss Thomas (blue laee), i Aliss Alassey, Stratford (black- georgette .and velvet). .Miss Afaxine Rolx-ou, Strut- ; ford (tinsel bodice with apple green net i and georgette), Aliss Gwen Vincent'. [ 'Stratford (apricot taffetas), Aliss . Jean j AlcGlaslian (mimosa satin and laee), | Aliss Anne Bell (pink taffetas and Haired net), Aliss Nellie- Davis (salmon pink crepe de chine), Atiiss Kitty AfcGlusky, Alanaia. (emerald green), Aliss Kithleen i Bnckeridge (floral .georgette edged in blue), Ali-s Thelma Urry, Eltham, Misses B. and D. Tunbridge, Stratford, Aliss AVilma- Conway (lemon net over figured satin). Aliss Billie Rees. Alanaia (floral georgette), Miss E. Aiickelson, Eltham, Aliss Keightly. Stratford (green frock), Alolly AlcLean (dawn pink frilled taffetas), Airs. Kell (salmon pink frock), Miss Lorna Ritter, Eltham (green velvet and georgette), .Aliss P. Arnot, Stratford, Aliss Jean Easton (apricot' taffetas), Aliss E. Nieolson (blue satin), Mi<-s .Al. Flanagan, Auckland (blue satin and lace), Aliss Sadie Evans (mimosa satin, and frilled tulle), M’iiss S. Arnot, Stratford, Aliss Trixie Lamb (lavender .satin and georgette), Aliss B. Lash (helio frilled georgette), .Mias Norah Adams ' (apricot crepe de chine), Miss Vesta Liddell (cherry frock),. Aliss Adejle .Carter, Eltham (lemon lace and- diamante), Aliss D. Nicholas, Afangatoki, . Alhss Alargaret Wilson, Ararata (salmon pink frock), Aliss* Zelitt . Fama; (horizon - bine sfltin and /silver laee)., Miss- Alaisie .Qanipbell (eau de nil eelenese),-Aliss Alison :Old (black taffetas and- diamante), 1 AfifiS Josie O’llagen, Eltham (blue taffetas), Mis-s Iris St pile ■ (pale- pjwk.. .«ilk . and

frilled net), Ena - Tapp, Wellington (peach pink satin), Mrs. Crabtree, Eltham (black and /silver frock), Miss Ruby Foster (pale blue frock), Miss Betty Ryan (white /satin and frilled net relieved with pink), Mi-ss Dick, Manaia, Miss Molly Bourke, Eltham (ivory satin), Miss Edith Tait (blue satin), Miss Ava Brewer,. Wbareroa (pale' green frock), .Miss Dorothy Bradbury (apricot satin and opalescent lace), Misis N. Kilviugton, Normanby (black frock), Miss Ngatau (scarlet and gold frock), Airs. D. Burgess (pale blue taffetas and silver), Miss Mavis Death . (figured taffetas and georgette), Mifis; A, Norton (shell pink lace and tulle), Miss- Gwen Sage (white georgette and satin), Mis-s Kathleen Brown (green satin and net), Miss Alma Conway (cyclamen taffetas and’silver lace), Miss Eita Beauchamp (pale blue taffetas and white l ,lax.'c), Miss Gladys Lees, Okaiawa (applegreen satin and frilled ninon),' Mi«s Sylvia Gunn, Patea (black, satin), Miss. Fi'ances Mntray (apricot. frock), Miss Catherine Quin (eau de nil crepe de chine), Miss Joyce Hicks (salmon crepe net and catin),*Mis-s. Dorothy King (eau de chine), Miss Gladys Lay (rose frilled de nil georgette over taffetas), Aljss Foster - (black taffetas and lace), Miss Ngaire White (shell pink tinsel and frilled georgette), Miss Lorna Cameron (green georgette), Miss Lynda Bullock .(white beaded frock and. tulle), •Miss- Ava Hiekc (apricot georgette), Miss Chloe Goodwin (cardinal flaired frock), Miss Strachan. Stratford (orange taffetas), Miss M. Henwood (powder blue frock). Miss K. Holland, Te iKuiti (scarlet georgette and gold lace).! Miss Marjory Brown (Lido blue t.insej and net), Miss Audrey Nicholas (jnaize satin), Miss Doreen Clapham (midnight blue eelenese), Miss Annie Johnson (green.satin), Miss Linda Putt, Qtakeho (shot taffetas), .Miss Bonnie Ryan j(gold tinsel and apple green georgette), i Mies Eunice Nicholas (blue georgette),'Aliss Winnie Johnson (blue crepe de chine and net), Misfi I»a Beamish (Mary, blue satin and eilver lace), Aliss A iolet Death (lemon satin and net), AJiss Ajlayie, Nicholas (pink and silver lace), jA-liss Jean Bissett, Mrs. Stewart. Dubbar, Eltliam, Aliss-Crosg (henna ..frock), iMis* pliyllis Goodcbap (apricot taffetas) and lace), Miss Alona Dymond (scarlet; and gold frock), Miss Alonica Beeebey jpale green . georgette), Alias Zelda .Spiragg (pillar box georgette and gold Ijiee), Alisfi V. Ryan (cyclamen froek), ; Mj-'-e Alerle Houston (pale pink taffetas), -Miss Ada AVhite (hyacinth satin and frilled net), Aliss Horsburgh (saxe satin), Miss Jessie Joyce, Okaiawa (black frock), Alms Connie Lander, Alokoia (cactus green), Aliss Betty Stev.ens (rose satin and net.),, Aliss Alvinza Curtis (blue lace), Aliases Rothery (2), Alanaia, Aliss E. ALuir (blue taffetas), Aliss Grace Benton, Auroa (blue froek), Aliss .Molly Thurston (pale green), Miss Cora Thurston (cyclamen and silver), Aliss Ina Haybittie (mist blue frilled georgette), Aliss Mona Lay (black georgette), Aliss Alonica Evans (leaf green georgette and lace), Aliss Connie Campbell (black taffetas and eau de nil), and Mrs. Greanev (primrose taffetas).

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Taranaki Daily News, 28 September 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)

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HAWERA ITEMS Taranaki Daily News, 28 September 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)

HAWERA ITEMS Taranaki Daily News, 28 September 1929, Page 22 (Supplement)