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SUCCESSFUL SPORTS DAY M. MATANGI SENIOR CHAMPION. KEEN COMPETITION DISPLAYED. The annual sports of the New Plymouth Girls’ High School were hel l on the school grounds on Saturday afternoon. Though weather conditions in the morning promised anything but for the best, the aspect changed by 1 p.m., and notwithstanding that a fresh breeze was blowing at the time, the sheltering trees surrounding the ground made the afternoon very pleasant. As a result a crowd of parents and friends attended, all enjoying a very happy day. Prior to Saturday a large number of -events had already been contested, so that it was only necessary to run the finals. Exciting finishes were witnessed in many of the races, while points were very even in both the intermediate and junior championships. The senior contest, however, was almost a “runaway,” as the first and second were separated by 18 points. The championship results were as follow:

Senior. —M. Matangi (25 points) 1, I. Christoffel (7 points) 2. Intermediate.—M. Allen (11 points) 1, F. McNeil (10 points) 2. Junior. —K. Tremlett (10 points) 1, T. Slyfield (8 points) 2. Officials for the day were: Marksman, Mr. H. Billing; starter, Dr, E. Fqgkes; judges, Messrs. E. P. Webster and E. Lash. The duties of stewards were carried out by the school staff. A telegram was received .by Miss Allan conveying “Good wishes for sports day” from old girls who are attending Otago University. At the conclusion of the sports, all adjourned to the assembly hall, where a dainty afternoon tea was served by a number of girls-. Many of the visitors also took the opportunity of inspecting "Scotlands,” the new girls’ hostel, and were agreeably sprprised at the progress made. Results are: Junior Sack Race.—Final: E. Million 1, B. White and O. Erlandson (deadheat) 2.

Senior Sack Race.—Final: J. Webcter 1, D. Anderson 2, J. Poletti 3. 50 Yards Hopping Race (under 12). — 8. Allen 1, C. Frazer 2, J. McAllum 3. Tortoise Bicycle Race.—Final: J. Rennell 1, If. Webster 2, P. Jarman 3.

Blindfold Potato Race. —Final: N. Henderson 1, E. Childerstone 2, M, Webster 3. Junior Hurdles.—Final: A. Marsden 1, 0. Erlandson 2.

Senior Hurdles.—B. Balharry 1, J. Webster 2.

Junior Potato Race. —Final: B. Car thew 1, T. Slyfield 2, K. Tremlett 3.

Intermediate Potato Race.—Final: M. Allen 1, M. Will 2, J. Webster and J, Smith (dead-heat) 3. Senior Potato Race. —Final: N. Henderson 1, I. Christoffel 2, M. Ramson 3.

Junior Eger and Spoon Race.—Final: P. Jarman 1, L. Allhueen 2, T. Slyfield

Senior Egg and Spoon Race.—Final J. Webster 1, E. Bell 2, F. Chivers 3.

Saucer Race. —Final: C. Partridge 1, O. Erlandson 2, G. Olson 3. 30 Yards (under 10). —R. Weston 1, L. Stainton 2, P. Hare 3.

Obstacle Race —Semi-final: First heat, P. Lyall 1, B. Petterson 2; second heat, I. Christoffel 1, J. Webster 2; third heat, J. Poletti 1. F. Chivers 2. Final: 'J. Webster 1, B. Patterson 2, P. Lyall 3. Skipping Race (under 12). —C. Frazer 1, R. Weston 2, S. Allen 3.

Wet Weather Race.—B. Patterson 1, H. Guy 2, J. Pullen 3. 100 Yards (intermediate.).—Final: P. Lyall 1, F. McNeil 2, M. Hall 3. 100 Yards (junior).-*-T. Slyfield 1, K. Tremlett 2, A. White 3.

100 Yards (senior). —M. Matangi 1, B. Balharry 2, A. Wells’ 3. 50 Yards (junior).—J. Blackley 1, JMcCallum 2, M. Brown 3.

Junior High Jump.—T. Slyfield 1, D. Barnitt 2, A. White 3. Height, 3ft 11J in. Intermediate High Jump.—F. McNeil 1, B. Webster 2, C, Partridge 3. Height, 4ft sin.

Senior 'High Jump.—E. Grover and M. Matangi (dead-lieat) 1. Height. 4ft. Boys’ Sack Race.—D. Hare 1, it. Francis 2. R. Freeman 3.

Forms Relay Race— IVb (M. Matangi, B. Mclntvre, I. Larkin, 0. Masters) 1, lIIc (C. Huggett, M. Berridge, O. Erlandson, A. Marsden) 2.

30 Yards . (boys,).—N. Johnson 1, 11. Francis and K. Freeman (dead-heat) 2. Thread the Needle Race. —Final: P. Lyall and E. Orey 1, J. Bell and E. Hey 2, H. May and E. Worn 3.

Relay Race.—Day Girls v. Boarders: Boarders (A. Wells, F. McNeil, J. Paul ger, C. Partridge, M. Fussell, D. Moo ney) 1, Day Girls (M. Allen, M. Ma tangi, I. Christoffel, G. Olson, B. Bal harry, M. Hill) 2.

Old Girls’ Race. —Miss L. Ilookham 1, Miss N. Palmer 2, Miss G. Day 3. Crocodile Race. —M. Allen and team 1, A. Gibbs and team 2.

Three-legged Race.—Final: P. Lyall and E. Grey 1, B. and T. Balharry 2, R. Hoie and F. Watson 3.

Little Visitors’ Race.—C. Allen 1, G. Weston 2, L. Pepper 3. Relay Race.—Girl Guides v. Girl Citizens: Guides (J. Charters, A. Wells, J. Paulger, C. Partridge, G. Neilson, A. Gibbs) 1, Citizens (M. Hill, E. Garcia, M. Hayton, A. Garcia, J. Hunter, N. Carter) 2.


Senior Goal Throwing (basketball). — M. Matangi 1, I. Christoffel 2, M. Wooldridge 3.

Intermediate Goal JTirowing. —J. Morton 1, D. Elliott and W. Bridgeman (dead-beat) 2.

Junior Goal Throwing.—B. Hitchcock 1, G. Stafford 2, K. Tremlett 3.

Senior Throwing the Cricket Ball. —-M. Matangi 1, G. Sandford 2, L. Medley 3. Intermediate Throwing the Cricket Ball—M. Allen 1, E. Dobson 2, B. Webster 3.

Senior Goal Shooting (hockey).—P. Partridge 1, L. Medley 2, G. Sandford 3. Intermediate Goal Shooting.—G. Neilson 1, 11. Guy 2, O. Christoffel 3. Junior Goal Shooting.—D. Stafford 1, D. Barnitt 2, B. Hitchcock 3.

Senior 440 Yards. —M. Matangi 1, I. Christoffel 2, A. Garcia ,3. Senior 220 Yards;—M. Matangi 1, A. Wells 2, I. Christoffel 3. Intermediate 440 Yards.—G. Olson and F. McNeil (dead-lieat) 1, M. Allen 3.

Intermediate. 220- Yards. —M. Allen 1, F. McNeil 2, G. Olson 3.

Junior 220 Yards.—K. Tremlett 1, 0 Stafford 2, D. Barnitt 3.

Intermediate 100 Yards.—First heat. F. McNeil 1, A. Marsden 2, C. Huggett 3. Second heat; O. Erlandson 1, N. Am-

bury 2, P. Honan 3. Third heat : M. Hill 1, J, Webster 2, G. Olson and P. Lyall 3. Intermediate Potato Race. First beat: J. Paulger 1, B, Patterson 2, M Steven 3. Second heat: M. Stokoe 1, A. Alarsden 2, J. Smith 3. Third heat: G. Olson 1, M. Hill 2, N. Ambiiry 3. Senior Egg and Spoon Race (over 15). —First heat: B. Balharry 1, T. Balharry 2, J. Webster 3. Second heat: M Hill 1, F. Chivers 2, L. Marshall 3. Third heat: G. Sandford 1, H. Guy 2, M. Ramson 3. Fourth heat: B. Burgess 1, J. Tichbon 2, B. Oldfield 3. Fifth heat: N. Henderson 1, J. Pullen 2, O. Erlandson 3. Sixth heat: E. Worn 1, E. Bell 2, L, Carr 3. Obstacle Race.—First heat: P. Lyall 1. Second beat: D. Anderson I. Third heat: N. Henderson 1. Fourth heat: A Garcia 1. Fifth heat: J. Pullen 1. Sixth heat: I. Christoffel 1. Seventh heat: F. Chivers 1. Eighth heat: J. Poletti 1. Thread tlie Needle Race. —First heat: W. Bridgeman and C. Partridge 1, E. Field and T. Wills 2. Second heat: L. McLean and M. Murray 1, Q. Ramshaw and J. Harkness 2. Third heat: J. Lash and M. Webster 1, 11. Guy and P. Lyall 2. Fourth heat: J. Paulger and E. Dobson 1, I. Christoffel and N. Ambury and J. Ingram and B. Oldfield 2. Fifth heat: M. Hooper and Q. Worn 1, M. Hill and J. Bell and J. Collins and M. Phillips 2. Sixth heat: J. Pullen and J. Tichbon 1, E. Worn and 11. May 2. Crocodile Race.—First heat: D. Anderson and team 1, A. Gibbs and team 2. Second heat: C. Chaney and team 1, B. Carey and team 2. Third beat: F. McNeil and team 1, N. Ambury and team 2. Blindfold Potato Race. —First heat: K. Day 1, P. Partridge 2, J. Smith 3. Second heat: A. Garcia 1, E. Childerstone 2, N. Henderson 3. Third heat: F. Chivers 1, O. Christoffel 2, H. Richardson 3. Fourth heat: J. Webster 1, M. Thomson 2, M. Hill 3. Three-legged Race. —First heat: T. and B. Balharry 1, C. Huggett and N. Johnstone 2, M. Allen and M. Hill 3. Second heat: 11. Guy and P. Lyall 1, G. Neilson and R. Rore 2, M. Murray and L. McLean 3. Third heat: M. Smith and B. Carthew 1, F. McNeil and M. Fussell 2, H. Richardson and N. Whitehead 3. Fourth heat: J. Lash and M. Webster 1, J. Bell and M. Saunders 2, B. Coliinge and A. Marsden 3. Fifth heat: Q. Worn and M. Hooper 1, L. Carr and E. Worn 2, F. Watson ami J. Smith 3. Saucer Race. —First heat: A. Eberle! and team 1, F. McNeil and team 2, B. Coliinge and team 3. Second heat: B. Harkness and team 1, P. Jarman and team 2. Third heat: J. Charters and team 1, A 7. Johnstone and team 2. Wet Weather Race.—First Heat: B. Paterson. 1. E. Hey 2, J. Pullen 3. Second heat: 11. Guy 1, G. Neilson 2, E. Childerptone 3. Tortoise Bicycle Race.—First heat: J. Renncll 1. P. Jarman 2, Marie Webster 3. Second heat: J. Lash 1, D. Lobb and B. Carthew 2. Third heat: I. Lysons ! 1, N, Ambury 2, Mary Webster 3. | Junior Egg and Spoon Race. —First i heat: T. Slyfield 1, A. White 2, P. Jarman 3. Second heat: M. Stokoe 1, D. Barnitt 2, M. Webster 3. Senior Sack Race.—First heat: T. Balharry 1, M. Hill 2, J. Webster 3. Second beat: B. Paterson 1, J. Poletti 2, M. Thomson 3. Third heat: J. Maine 1, D. Anderson 2, L. Carr 3. Senior Potato Race.—First beat: I. Christoffel 1, N. Henderson 2, M. Ramson 3. Second heat: J. Poletti 1, M. Thomson 2, F. Chivers 3. Junior Hurdles.—First heat: A. Marsden 1, G. Olson 2. Second heat: M. Murray 1, E. Childerstone 2. Third heat: C. Huggett 1, C. Partridge 2 Fourth heat: O. Erlandson 1, O. Christoffel 2. Semi-final: First beat, M. Murray 1; second heat, A. Marsden 1; third heat, O. Erlandson 1. Senior Hurdles. —First, heat: B. Balharry 1, T. Balharry 2. Second heat: I. Christoffel 1, E. Grover 2. Third heat: J. Webster 1, M. Matangi 2. Fourth heat: F. McNeil 1, J. Poletti 2. Semi-final: First heat, B. Balharry 1; second beat, J. Webster 1; third heat. M. Matangi 1. Junior Sack Race.—First heat: B. White 1. N. Griffiths 2, E. Million and E. Childerstone 3. Second heat: O. Erlandson 1, T. Slyfield 2, D. Barnitt and D. Stafford 3. Third heat: J. Charters 1, B. Blackley 2, M. Fraser 3. ■ Junior Potato Race. —First heat: T. ! Slyfield 1, B. White 2, B. Hitchcock ami G. Stafford 3. Second heat: B. Carthew 1. B. Blackley 2, M. Fraser and K. Tremlett 3.

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Taranaki Daily News, 17 October 1927, Page 2

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GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL Taranaki Daily News, 17 October 1927, Page 2

GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL Taranaki Daily News, 17 October 1927, Page 2