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ST. JOHN’S ROSE SHOW SUCCESSFUL WAITARA EFFORT. A WONDERFUL DISPLAY. The fifth aunual rose show of St. John’s Anglican Church, Waitara, was opened yesterday afternoon by the Ven. Archdeacon Evans. He expressed his pleasure at acting in this capacity at a show which, in view of the stormy weather conditions experienced lately, he considered one of the most wonderful he had ever seen. He congratulated the friends of the church who had combined in their efforts to make so successful a display. He made mention of the beneficent influence that a love and study of flowers had upon human nature. He concluded with the hope that in every way the show would prove the success that the worthy efforts of the committees warranted. The Bev. E. H. Strong, who judged the school competitions, then made a few remarks upon the work that he had judged. In his opinion, the exhibits were splendid, and the map-drawing was particularly good. It was satisfactory to realise that the children took such interest in their work. The hall presented a pleasing display of all exhibits. The roses, cut flowers, and home industries classes were particularly well ' represented. Messrs. Duncan and Davies had their usual striking exhibit of flowering shrubs and flowers. The stallholders were: —Afternoon tea, Mesdames Redward, H. Joll, J. Armstrong, J. Hine and Misses Heath, Pearce and helpers; sweets, Mesdames Brabant, Wells .and Smart; plain sewing, Mesdames W. Joll, Farquhar and Miss Gavin; jumble and Christmas tree, Mesdames H. Calder, J. Kempsell, Radford and helpers; fruit salad, Mesdames Brough, Hall and helpers; fancy work, Misses Johnston and Bowden. Mention should be made of the untiring efforts of the honorary secretary (Mr. R. H. Lawrence) and his efficient assistant (Miss Ethel Fraser), to whom much of the success of tjie function was undoubtedly due. The following acted as judges: Roses and cut flowers, Mr. V. C. Davies; decorative, Mesdames Brookman and Hobbs; fancy work. Mrs. J. R. G. Sutherland; home industries, Mesdames Alexander and Ellerin; vegetables, Mr. G. V. Tate; school classes, Rev. E. H. Strong. THE PRIZE LIST. The following is the prize list:— ROSES. Points prize.—Mr. C. 11, Croker (47 points) 1, Miss F. Washer (23 points) 2. Champion bloom.—Mr. C. H. Croker (George Dixon bloom); runner-up, Mrs. W. Foreman (Margaret Dixon bloom). Twelve blooms, varieties distinct, any colours. —C. H. Croker 1, Miss W. Foreman 2. ■ Six blooms, varieties distinct, any colours. —C. H. Croker 1, Mrs. W. Foreman 2, Mrs. W. Boyle 3. Three blooms, varieties distinct, any colours.—C. H. Croker 1, R. H. Lawrence 2, Mrs. W. Boyle 3, Miss M. Nosworthy h.c. One bloom, any variety.—Mrs. W. Joll 1, Miss Joll 2, C. H. Croker 3, Mrs. B. Jury h.c. White, one. —Mrs. A. M. Purdie 1, Miss Joll 2, Mrs. Jas. Purdie 3, Mrs. W. Rouse h.c. White, two. —H. Foreman 1, Miss Joll 2, Miss F. Washer 3, Mrs. A. M. Purdie h.c. Cream, one.—Mrs. W. Rouse 1, C. H. Croker 2, Mrs. W. Boyle 3. Cream, two. —Mrs. H. Foreman 1, Mrs. W. Boyle 2. Cream or white, three. —Mrs. J. A. Allen 1' Mrs. A. M. Purdfe 2, Mrs. Jas. Purdie 3, Mrs. W. Boyle h.c. Yellow, one.—C. H. Croker 1, Mrs. W. Joll 2, Mrs. W. Boyle 3. Yellow, three.—C. H. Croker 1. Apricot or near shade, one.—Miss F. Washer 1, Mrs. Jas. Purdie 2, C. H. Croker 3, Mrs. W. Foreman h.c. Red, one. —C. H. Croker 1, J. Taylor 2, F. Washer 3, P. J. Allen h.c. Red, three.—J. Purdie 1, C. H. Croker 2, W. Boyle 3, Miss F. Washer h.c. Pink, one.—Mrs. W. Foreman 1, W. Boyle 2, Mrs. A. M. Purdie 3, Mrs. H. Wells h.c. Pink, three.—Mrs. H. Foreman 1, Mrs. W. Boyle 2, C. H. Croker 3. Single one. —Mrs. M. Jones 1. Mrs. A. M. Purdie 2, Mrs. W. Foreman 2, Mrs. W. Boyle h.c. Single, three. —Mrs. M. Jones 1, Miss F. Washer 2 and 3. Climbing, one.—J. Taylor 1, Mrs. A. M. Purdie 2,% Miss F. Washer 3, Mrs. H. Wells h.c. Climbing, three.—J. Tavlor I, Mrs. W. Boyle 2, Mrs. A. M. Purdie 3, Miss F. Washer h.c. Best cluster of polyanthus, or buneh flowered.—Mrs. M. Jones 1, Mrs. H. Wells 2, Miss F. Washer 3. Collection of roses, not more than 24. —Mrs. M Jones 2. St. John’s (Waitara) rose competition, 12 blooms, not less than six varieties, not more than two blooms of any one variety. Entry to include at least one variety in the following colours: White, cream or yellow, red and pink; not to include bunch-flowered varieties.—C. 11. Croker 1. Mrs. W. Foreman 2, Mrs. A. E. Washer 3. CUT FLOWERS. Points prize.—Mrs. W. Foreman. Special prize.—Miss A. Andrews. Champion fancy cup. —Mrs. R. D. Milne (Stratford). Antirrhinum, three heads, any variety. —J. Taylor 1, Mrs. L. Andrews 2, Mrs. C. Kettle 2, Mrs. L. A. Sarten h.c. Antirrhinum, six heads, any variety. —J. Taylor 1 and 2, Mrs. M. Jones 3. Aquilegia, three blooms, any variety. —Mrs. W. Demehl 1. Miss joll 2, J. Taylor 3, Mrs. J. Vickery h.c. Aquilegia, six blooms, any variety.— Mrs. W. Demehl 1, Mrs. W. Boyle 2. Amaryllis, one.—T. French 1,2 and specian mention. Miss Boyle 3. Carnation, three blooms, any variety. —J. Taylor 1, G. V. Tate 3. Carnation, six blooms, any variety.— J. Taylor 1. Mrs. A. M. Purdie 2, Mrs. W. Boyle 3. Cineraria, one.—Mrs. J. I ickery 1, Mrs. W. Foreman 2. Cineraria, collection, six.—Mrs. L. H. Sampson 1. Mrs. W. Foreman 2, Mrs. M. Jones 3 and h.c. Delphinium, one head.—Mrs. C. M. Sarten 1. Mrs. W. Boyle 2. Mrs. L. H. Sampson 3. Miss Middleton h.c. Delphinium, three heads.—Mrs. W. Foreman 1, Mrs. Midleton 2. Daisies, collection.—Mrs. L. Andrews I, Mrs. M. Jones 2 and 3. Eschscholtzia, one. —Mrs. H. M. Lund 1 and special mention, Mrs. C. Kettle 3.

Esehseholtzia, three. —Miss Joll 1, Mrs. H. M. Lund 2. Fuchsia, one bloom.—Mrs. W. Foreman 1, Mrs. H. Clare 2. Fuchsia, collection, six blooms.—Mrs. H. Clare 1. Gladioli, one spike.—Mrs. G. V. Tate I, special mention* and 3. Gladioli, collection, not more than six. —Mrs. W. Foreman 1. Geum, best bloom.—Mrs. L. Andrews 1, Mrs. Farquhar 2, Mrs. W. Foreman 3, Airs. Al. Jones h.c. Gerbera, three blooms, any colour.— Airs. Middleton 1, Mrs. M. Jones 2, Mrs. W. Foreman 3. Geranium, collection, six.—Airs. L. H. Sampson 1, Airs. M. Jones 2 and h.c., Airs. W. Foreman 3. Callardia, one head.—Airs. W. Boyle 1, Airs. F. Turner 3. Heath, one.—Airs. W. Boyle 1. Iris, best head.—Mrs. P. J. Allen 1, Airs. .Fault 2. Iris, collection, six.—Airs. P. J. Allen 1, Airs. W. Boyle 2. Lily, three heads, one or more varieties.—Airs. Al. Jones 1. Nemesia, three heads, one or more varieties.—Airs. T. Ferguson 1, Airs. W. Boyle 2. Nemesia, six' heads, one or more varieties.—Airs. T. Ferguson 1, Mrs. W. Boyle 2, Mrs. Al. Jones 3 and h.c. Pansy, one variety.—Aliss R. D. Milne (Stratford) 1, J. Taylor 2, Airs. L. Andrews h.c. Pansy, three.—J. Taylor 1, Airs. W. Boyle 2, W. Foreman 3, Airs. A. Rowe h.c. v Pansy, six.—J. Taylor 1, Miss E. Jury 2, Airs. A. Rowe 3, Airs. W. Foreman h.c. Pelargonium, one variety.—Airs. W. Boyle 1. Pelargonium, three varieties.—Mrs. L. Andrews 1, Airs. L. A. Sarten 2, Airs. Al. Jones 3 and h.c. Petunia, single.—Airs. L. Andrews 1. Petunia, double.—Airs. A. Andrews 1, Airs. Birdling 2 and 3. Petunia, collection, four.—Airs. A. Andrews 1. Stock, one head.—Airs. M. Jones 1. Stock, three heads.—Airs. AL Jones 1. Sweet peas, 1 vase, three sprays, any colour.—Airs. F. Turner 2. Sweet peas, 1 vase, three sprays, pink (or rose. —Airs. F. Turner 1. Sweet William, one head.—Airs. F. Turner 1, Miss Silby 3. Sweet Wiliam, three- varieties, one head each.—Airs. Silby 2. Viola, one.—Aliss R. D. Afilne (Stratford) 1, Mrs. W. Foreman 1, J. Taylor 3, F. Turner h.c. Viola, three. —Airs. AV. Foreman 1, Airs. F. Turner 2, Airs. A. Rowe 3, J. Taylor h.c. Viola, six.—Airs. W. Foreman 1. Verbena, one variety, one head. —Mrs. A. Rowe 1, Airs. J. Armstrong 2, Airs. L. A. Sarten 3 and h.c. Verbena, three varieties, one head each.—Mrs. L. Andrews 1 and 2, Airs. A. Rowe 3, Airs. L. A. Sarten h.c. Six distinct species flowers, not mentioned.—Airs. W. Joll 1, Airs, AL Jones 2 and 3, Mrs. Silby h.c. Flowering shrubs, six varieties. —-Mrs. W. Joll 1, Airs. Neil 2, Airs. Al. Jones 3 and h.c. Rare bloom (cut.) —Airs. C. Kettle 1, Airs. W. Foreman 2. DECORATIVE. Points Prize. —Miss AV. Tate 1, Aliss Nosworthy 2. Floating bowl of flowers. —Mrs. W. R. Johns 1, Airs. Gillespie 2. Bowl of Flowers. —Aliss Nosworthy 1, Aliss Gavin 2, Miss Aliddleton 3. Bowl of Roses, any colour.—Aliss Nosworthy 1. Vase of Roses, one colour—Aliss AV. Tate 1 and 2. Bowl of Flowers, one variety.—Miss AV. Tate 1, Aliss Gaj’in 2 and 3. Bowl of Flowers, collection.—Miss W. Tate 1, Aliss Gavin 2. Vase of Flowers, one variety.—Aliss W. Tate 1. Vase of Flowers, collection. —Miss W. Tate and Aliss Al. Nosworthy equal 1, Aliss Lund 2. Bowl of Sweet Peas.—Aliss W. Tate 1. Vase of Red Flowers.—-Aliss Al. Not.worthy 1, Mrs. F. Dowding 2, Aliss AV. Tate 3. Vase of Yellow Flowers.—Aliss Al. Nosworthy 1, Airs. F. Dowding 2. Vase of White Flowers.—Aliss AL Nosworthy 1, Airs. -IF. Dowding 2. Basket of Flowers.—Aliss AV. Tate 1. Decorated Alantelpieee.—Mrs. Birdling 1. CHILDREN’S CLASSES. Points Prize.—Aliss Ruth Pizzy. Bowl of Flowers, girl under IS. —Aliss Mallen and Aliss Edna Johnston equal 1, Aliss Ruth Pizzy 2, Aliss Jean Turner 3. Vase of Flowers, girl under 16.—Miss R. Pizzy 1, Aliss Jean Turner 2. Vase of Roses, girl under 16.—Aliss R. Pizzy 1, Aliss Al. Allen 2, Aliss Jean Turner 3. Buttonhole, boys or girls under 16. Girls: Aliss D. Bayly 1, Aliss T. George 2, Aliss AV. Tate 3. Boys: Alaster Gordon Foreman 1, Gordon Foreman and Max Hill equal 2, Alaster R. Hill 3. FANCYWORK. Points Prize. —Aliss Fraser. Crochet Camisole.—Mrs. A. Howard 1, Airs. J. A 7. Terrill 2. Embroidered camisole. —Aliss E. Fraser 1. Embroidered Nightdress, white.—Aliss E. Ackland 1, Aliss E. Fraser 2. Embroidered Nightdress, coloured.— Airs. A. Howard 1, Aliss R. Brough 2 and 3, Alias P. Tate h.c. Cushion Cover. —Aliss 0. Bullot 1, Miss A. Rowe 2. < Cushion, made up.—Aliss E. Ackland 1, Aliss I. Fowler 2, Mrs. A. Rowe 3, Aliss A. Bullot h.c. Pillow Shams.—Aliss I. Fowler 1. Sheet Sham. —Airs. Gillespie 1. Mount Alellic. —Miss E. Fraser 1 and 2. Eyelet Hole Embroidery.—Miss E. 'Fraser 1, Aliss 0. Bullot 2. Table Centre, embroidered.—Aliss E. Fraser 1, Airs. A. Rowe 2, Aliss G. Andrews 3, Aliss 0. Fowler h.c. Table Centre, white, crocheted border. —Aliss E. Fraser 1. Tea Cosy.—Airs. W. Laing 2. Crocheted Tea Cloth.—Aliss E. Fraser 1 and 3. Airs. J. V. Terrill -2. Embroidered Tea Cloth. —Mrs. Gillespie 1, Aliss I. Fowler 2. Tray Cloth, embroidered.—Airs. Gillespie 1. Tray Cloth, crochet border.—Airs. J. V. Terrill 1, Aliss E. Fraser 2. D'oyleys, two, crochet.—Mrs. J. V. Terrill 1, Aliss E. Fraser 2. D’oyleys, two, embroidered.—Aliss E. Fraser 1 and 2, Aliss D. Richards 3. D’oyleys. four, embroidered.—Aliss B. Gooch 1, Aliss E. Fraser 2, Miss D. Richards 3. Fancywork, not otherwise mentioned. —Mrs. A. Howard 1. Airs. T. Ferguson 2. Aliss E. Fraser 3 and h.e. Painted Plaque.—Airs. D. Hutchinson 1. Knitted Scarf. —Airs. W. Fleming I. Baby’s Knitted Crochet Goat.—Airs. J. V. Terrill 1. Titian or Burlap Work.—Airs. A. Rowe 1.

Raffia Trays.—-Air. Farquhar 1,2 and 3. Baskets. —Air. Farquhar 1,2 and 3, Aliss Gavin h.c. Fancy Raffia.—Air. Farquhar 1 and 2, Aliss Gavin 3, Aliss J. Barnard h.c. HOME INDUSTRIES. One dozen duck eggs, coloured.—Airs. T. Jury 1, Mrs. T. Hill 2. One dozen hen eggs, white.—Airs. E. R. Bingham 1, Airs. T. Jury 2. Home-made soap, two cakes, scented. —Airs. R. D. Milne (Stratford) 1. Soap, two bars, unscented.—Airs. R. Kirby 1, Airs. Radford 2, Airs. Glasgow One pound butter.—Airs. T. Hansen 1, W. Huffan 2. Fruit, bottled in syrup.—Airs. R. Kirby 1. Jam, best two,—'Airs. T. Ferguson 1, Afrs. W. Laing 2. Jelly, best two.—Airs. R. Kirby 1, Airs. H. Foreman 2. Marmalade.—Airs. R. Kirby 1, Airs. H.' Foreman 2, Airs. T. Ferguson 3. Pickles.—Aliss R. Elliott 1, Mrs. Neil 2, Airs. R. Kirby 3. Preserved lemon peel.—Airs. L. N. Johnson 1 and 2. Chutney, sweet.—Mrs. Birdling 1, Aliss R. Elliott 2, Aliss T. Ferguson 3. Chutney, tart.—Mrs. T. Ferguson I. Tomato Sauce. —Airs. R. Kirby 1, Airs. T. Ferguson 2, Miss R. Elliott 3. Sauce, any other kind. —Mrs. H. Foreman 1. , Wine.—Mrs. J. Armstrong 1, Mrs. B. Jury 2, Mrs. H. Foreman 3. Biscuits, collection. —Airs. H. Foreman 1. Ginger biscuits.—Airs. Jupp 1, Airs, B. Jury 2. Mrs. H. Foreman 3. Small cakes, collection.—Mrs. H. Foreman 1. Sultana buns.—Airs. B. Jury 1, Airs. F. Sarten 2, Airs. J. Vickery h.c. Rich Fruit Cake. —Mrs. Armstrong I, Airs. Foreman 2, Airs. Garner 3. Plain fruit cake.—Airs. Foreman 1, Airs. Garner 2, Airs. B. Jury 3. Seed cake.—Aliss Ackland 1, Airs. Garner 2. Mrs. T. Jury 3. Gingerbread Cake. —Airs. Foreman 1, Mrs. B. Jury 2. Airs. J. Armstrong 3. Swiss roll.—Airs. F. Sarten 1, Airs. Alexander 2, Airs. Vickery 3. Sponge, butter sandwich. —Airs. Al. Jury 1. Airs. T. Jury 2, Mrs. H. Alexander h.c. Sponge sandwich.—Mrs. H. Foreman 1, Mrs. Jupp 2, Miss G. Hill 3. Sponge cake. —Airs. Vickery 1, Airs. W. Joll 2. Mrs. Foreman 3. Puff pastry.—Airs. B. Jury 1, Airs. F. Sarten 2, Mrs. T. Jury 3. Short pastry. —Airs. B. Jury 1, Airs. H Foreman 2. i Flaky pastry.—Airs. B. Jury 1, Mrs. F. Sarten 2. Sausage rolls.—Airs. B. Jury 1. Airs. T. Jury' 2. Mrs. F. Sarten 3. Brandy snaps.—Airs. H. Foreman I. Gems,—Airs. B. Jury 1, Airs. F. Sarten 2. Afrs. Foreman 3. Pikelets.—Airs. H. Foreman 1, Airs. B. Jury 2, Airs. E. R. Bingham 3. Shortbread. —Aliss E. Ackland 1, Airs. T. Jury 2, Airs. J. Armstrong 3.

Meringues.—'Airs. H. Foreman 2. Scones, girdle.—Airs. H. Alexander 1 and 2, Airs. J. Garner 3. Seones, plain.—Mrs. B. Jury 1, Airs. J Vickery 2, Aliss F. Andrews 3. Scones, butter or cream.—Airs J. Garner 1, Airs. A. Rowe 2. Airs. H. Foreman 3. Scones, sultana or dates. —Airs. J. Vickery 1, Airs. A. Rowe 2, Airs. H. Foreman 3. Airs. Kirby h.c. Bread, white, home-made yeast. —Airs. J. Smart 1. Bread, compressed yeast.—Airs. Fault I, Airs. Foreman 2. Bread, brown.—Airs. E. R. Bingham 1. Nut bread. —Airs. Foreman 1. Afrs. W. Fuller 2. Boy or Girl, under 16. Scones.—Aliss E. Newman 1. Miss F. Dew 2. Miss G. Hills 3, Miss Thomas h.c. Sponge sandwich.—Aliss G. Hiels 1, Aliss Thomas 2, Alaster Hicks 3. Aliss R. Willsh h.c. Pikelets.—Miss D. Judd 1. Miss Thomas 2. Jam tarts.—Aliss F. Dew 1, Aliss S. West 2. Miss Thomas 3. Cocoanut ice.—Aliss D. Jupp 1, Miss F. Dew 2, Aliss Thomas 3. Turkish delight.—Aliss West 1, Aliss Thomas 2, Aliss Dew 3. Toffee.—Aliss Thomas 1, Aliss Dew 2. Aliss West 3. Date creams.—Aliss Dew 1, Aliss Thomas 2, Aliss Jupp 3. VEGETABLES. Points Prize.—Mr. Roy AlcKenzie. Broad beans, six pods.—L. N. Johnston 1, Airs. Neil 2.

Cabbage, two.—Mr. Roy AlcKenzie 1 and 2. Carrots, six.—Air. Roy AlcKenzie 1 and 2. Lettuce, three.—Air. Roy AfeKenzie 1 and 2. Onions, six.—Air. Rov AlcKenzie 1 and 2. Parsley.—Air. Roy AlcKenzie 1 and 2, Airs. Dew h.c. Rhubarb.—Air. Roy AlcKenzie 1 and Radish, six long.—Air. Roy AlcKenzie 1 and 2. Radish, round, six.—Air. Roy AlcKenzie 1, Master G. Foreman 2. Potatoes.—Airs. Neil 1, Mrs. W. R. Johns 2, Airs. Neil h.e. Lemons.—Miss Joll 1. Gooseberries. —Mrs. J. W. Foreman sen. 1. Airs. J. Armstrong 2, Airs. J. W. Foreman h.c. PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS. School gaining most points.—Waitara State .School, Standard I or 11, illustration of any nursery rhyme, crayon drawing.—Al. Thatcher (Waitara) 1, Olive Ellis (Waitara) 2, Vera Jones (Waitara) 3, Jean Riddle (Tikorangi) v.h.e., Hugh Purdie (Waitara) h.e. Standard 111 or IV, illustrate “Save that in yonder ivy-mantled tower, the moping owl doth to the moon complain.” —Jean Farquhar (Waitara) 1. Denis Allen (Waitara) 2, Ruby Kendrick (Waitara) 3, Thompson Bailey (Waitara) v.h.c„ Pearl Young (Waitara) h.e. Standard A r and VI, crayon drawing, “Windy Day”.—Gladys Hills (Tikorangi) 2 and George Jupp (Tikorangi) h.c.

Standard 111, map drawing.—Charlie Rowe (Waitara) 1, Muriel Harvey (Waitara) 2, Jack Kelly (Waitara) h.c. Standard TV, map of Australia. —Alary Roberts (Waitara) 1, Florence Thomas (Waitara) 2, Gwen Johnston (Waitara) 3. Standard V or VI, map of British Isles. —-Hazel Andrews (Waitara) 1, Jessie Mair (Waitara) 2. Standard 111, painting, spray of native plant.—Evelyn Newman (Tikorangi) 1, and 3, Audrey Beaven (Tikorangi) 2. Standard IV, spray of native plant, painting.—Lavinia Newman (Tikorangi) 1, David Hicks (Tikorangi) 2. Standard V or VI, painting of spray of native plant.—Gladys Hills (Tikorangi) 1, Rita Wills (Tikorangi) 2. Doris Jupp (Tikorangi) 3, Farnces Fraser (Tikorangi) h.c. Standard 1 and 11, drawing.—Victor Reynolds (Waitara) I, Charley Crowley (Waitara) 2, lan Wilson (Waitara) li.c. Standard TH or IV, drawing.—Thompson Bailey (Waitara) 3, Joffre Laurent (Waitara) h.c. Standard V or VI, drawing.—May Hill 1, Phyllis Clare 2, Myrtle Huffam 3, Annie Dring v.h.e., Lillian Dring h.e. (all of Waitara School). Standard 1 or 11, decorative border.— Kito Fenton 1, Charlie Crowley 2, Charlotte Watson 3, Kathleen Skipper v.h.e.. Olive Ellis h.c., Stanley Hopper h.c. (all of Waitara School). Standard 111 or IV. decorative square with design.—Flossie Langman (Waitara) 1. L. Newman (Tikorangi) 2. Allan Jupp (Waitara) 3. Ruth Pizzv (Waitara) v.h.e. Jean Farquhar (Waitara) h.c.

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Taranaki Daily News, 26 November 1926, Page 10

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BEAUTY IN BLOOMS Taranaki Daily News, 26 November 1926, Page 10

BEAUTY IN BLOOMS Taranaki Daily News, 26 November 1926, Page 10