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PEOPLE’S DAY SUCCESS FINE DISPLAY OF STOCK BIG CROWD IN ATTENDANCE REMAINDER OF AWARDS The two commodious stands fronting on the oval at the Hawera showground were found to be all too small for the immense crowd which thronged the gaily decked grounds on the occasion of People’s Day at the forty-third annual show held by the Egmont A. and P. Association yesterday. The day was fairly fine, but occasional showers detracted from the pleasure of the outing and sent sightseers scurrying for shelter. As on the previous day all the arrangements were well forward and the various events were got off well up to time, while the gate organisation was found adequate to cope with the continuous stream of vehicular and foot traffic. Promptly on time, Mr. T. A. Winks (parade marshal) assembled the prizewinning stock for the grand parade, and the imposing array of highly-bred cattle and horses made a striking picture of the attainment of breeders as the pick of Taranaki’s famous stock were drawn up for inspection. From the stands hundreds of interested visitors acclaimed the prize-winners, while, with admiring comment, the farmers of the crowd sought for and found the good points of their favourite breed so strikingly represented before them. if anything was needed to demonstrate the important place occupied by the primary industries of the province it was present in that fascinating picture of blue-blooded stock. A feature of this year’s show was the large number of horse and pony classes, over 50 ponies, in addition to the numerous horses, figuring in the parade. It is doubtful if ever before have so many high-class ponies been seen at a Taranaki parade. The Hawera Highland Pipe Band, led by Drum-Major Polson and conducted bj Pipe-Major Mudro McKenzie, played the parade round the circle and then withdrew to the centre, where selections were rendered during the massing of the stock. Unfortunately the music had a disquieting effect on some of the sensitive animals and several Ayrshire heifers broke away, but were soon secured again by watchful stewards. Other animals also became restive, but were restrained by the guide ropes and poles. AN ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME. The remainder of the afternoon’s programme provided plenty of interest. It included trotting exhibitions in the ring, pony leaping competitions, the Egmont champion jumping competition and the ladies’ hunting competitions on horseback. Apart from the attractions of the ring the public found plenty to occupy their interest in wandering about the numerous trade and motor displays or visiting the booths and stalls. Strange, ly enough there were practically no sideshows present, their absence being explained by the variation of circuits brought about by the Royal Show at Auckland. Most of the showmen went on to the Whangarei jubilee show, which was held on the same dates as the Egmont show. Nevertheless the young people were well catered for, and the merry-go-round, ocean wave and kindred amusements were always patronised. There was no official opening of the show, but Mr. H. G. Dickie, M.P., wjo arrived late from Wanganui, was present on the grounds. During the afternoon the Hawera Municipal Band, under Mr. H. C. A. Fox, rendered enjoyable musical items upon the lawn before one of the stands. FINE DISPLAY OF HORSES. Interest in the second day's judging centred chiefly round the thoroughbreds and the Clydesdales, where some very fine animals were paraded. Speaking generally of the thoroughbreds, the judge (Mr. H. A. Russell, of Hastings), said the winning horses were indeed a fine lot, the brood mare. Marble Maid, owned by Mr. C. Goodson, of Hawera, being particularly outstanding. Her foal also drew favourable comment from the judge, who considered that it had inherited the beautiful lines of its mother to a remarkable degree and was calculated to develop into a splendid youngster. In fact, said the judge, all the winning horses well deserved their awards. The thoroughbred section throughout was a strong one, no less than twenty, one parading in the various classes and the young stock shown augured well for the future. As usual, the stock of the defunct stallion Bisogne were well to the fore, whilst considerable interest was taken in the first foals to be exhibited sired by the imported Chief Ruler, Tonbridge and Sheffield, as well as by Daniloff and Callaghan. Sheffield was the only stallion in the class, but was adjudged well worthy of the championship. Bisogne was represented by two winners, Bicona and leione, Daniloff by one out of Marble Maid, and Chief Ruler by one out of Silver Link. In the Clydesdale section, the placings at the Royal Show were confirmed in the selection of champion and reserve champion entire. Both animals were bred by the Moore Hunter Estate, Hawera, and struck the judge (Mr. J.-C. Begbie, of Te Kowhai) as being very fine specimens of the breed. The champion, a three-year-old colt named Stryver, was described as being an entire with excellent frame and bone, which was still developing' and should mature into an exceedingly fine stallion. The reserve champion, Cruncher, ran Stryver very closely, and lost the honour by a very small margin. In the three-year-old colt class Mr. Begbie commented upon the only two entries which, he said, were a magnificent pair, the champion being one of them. The females were also produced in excellent condition and the judge enthused over the points of the champion and reserve champion judged the previous day. These two mares were also bred by the Moore Hunter Estate. Mr. Begbie especially mentioned the brood mare Rudabeh, owned by the Moore Hunter Estate, but said this animal was run very close by Mr. J. Kerrisk’s Cherry Queen, also a fine stamp of Clydesdale. STRONG PONY CLASSES. The ponies were a remarkably strong section, a feature being the school competition in which over 50 ponies were entered in the various classes, the manner In which the class filled showing

the wisdom of the society in catering for this class. It is a wise move, as it inculcates in the children the necessity fc.- caring for their animals and, moreover, may induce them to exhibit in the future. Competition certainly was very keen, a feature being the evenness of the ponies, which were all of nice quality and bore evidence of the attention lavished on them by their young owners. Six teams of four ponies each entered ir the junior banner competition, which was won by Normanby, whilst Hawera Main won the senior banner. In the school section G. Kerrisk’s (Mere Mere) Blue Boy secured the championship ribbon for the best educated pony. In the open pony section Tonks Estate’s Bunks secured the championship, ■. hilst in harness ponies Mrs. A. Morse’s Sandy secured two firsts and a championship, the judge speaking highly of him. An interesting item was the exhibition trot by those two fine horses, Native King and Worthy Bingen, driven respectively by Messrs Smith and Corrigan, and as the sulkies flashed by the crowd followed the beautiful movements of the blood horses with appreciative applause. The two jumping events, the Egmont champion jumpers’ competition and the ladies’ hunting competition, were won by S. Symes’ (Waverley) Osprey, which won the big event on the first day, whilst G. Kerrisk’s Blue Boy won two pony jumps and D. Collins’ (Stratford) Opossum another. Despite the fact that heavy rain fell throughout Central and South Taranaki during the morning, ushering in the show day under very inauspicious circumstances, the attendance was well up to the numbers of previous years. The gate takings amounted to £3lB 10s, as compared with £260 last year, making a total of £4Ol 12s for the two days, as compared with £403 for the two days last year. ADDITIONAL CHAMPIONS CATTLE, Friesian Cow, on dairy points.— J. E. O’Shea’s (Ohangai) Pauline Pieterje Alcartra. Milch Cows.—R L. Horn's Ku Ku Brooklet. HORSES. Clydesdales.—Entire: Moore Hunter Estate’s (Hawera) Stryver; reserve, Moore Hunter Estate’s Cruncher. Thoroughbred.—Entire: T. Carson’s Hawera) Sheffield. Mare: C. Goodsoil’s (Hawera) Marble Maid. Light Harness Horses.—Bert Agent’s (Te Popo) Reform. Pony.—Pease Estate’s (Hawera) Bunks. Champion School Pony.—G. Kerrisk’s (Ohangai) Blue Boy. Harness Pony. —Mrs. A. Morse's Sandy. Th© remaining awards are: — FRIESIAN. Judge: J. H. P. Liggins, Tokomarn. Cow. any age, to be judged on dairy points, irrespective of type.—J. E. O'Shea’s (Ohangai) Pauline Pieterje Alcartra, by Galatea Rozine Segis—Lakeview Pauline, 1 and champion; H. E. Johnson’s (Tokaora) Tokaora Alcartra Pieterje 2, J. E. O’Shea’s Waihi Pieterje de Koi Girl, by Waihi Butter Boy— Butter Girl 3, MILCH COWS. Judges: Messrs H. Moreland, FJ. A. Washer, J. 11. P. Liggins and J. Bowden. Dairy Cow, purebred, or otherwise, in actual milk.—R. L. Horn’s (Oliau) Ku Ku Brooklet, by Owler of Puketapu— Oakland’s Brooklet 1 and champion, R. L- Harn’s Ku Ku Duchess, by Owler of Puketapu—Ku Ku Princess 2, J. E. O’Shea’s (Ohangai) Pauline Pieterje Alcartra, by Galatea Rozine Segis—Lakeview Pauline 3. Dairy Cow, any breed or cross, not entered in any herd book, to be judged on dairy type (silver cup valued 25 guineas,' donated by Wanganui Fresh Food Co., Ltd., for competition).—W. P. Wallace’s (Waverley) entry 1, S. J. Bennett’s (Kaupokonui) Violet 2, W. Hamsay’s (Hawera) Minnie 3. Best pen of three heifers, any breed or cross, best dairy type (Hawera Dairy Co.’s challenge cup, valued £5 ss, to be won two years in succession or three years at intervals). Previous winners: 1923. Wren Bros. (Tokaora*; 1924, R. L. Horn (Ohau); 1925, J. S. T. Short i (Hawera). —G. H. Bell’s (Oaknra) Pinewood’s Viola’s Beauty, Golden Patch and Golden Viola I, J. E. O’Shea’s (Ohangai) Pauline Woodcrest Alcartra, Galatea Segis and Rozine Galatea Queen 2, J. S. T. Short’s (Hawera) Grand View Sea Queen. Faith and Clover 3. GRADES AND CROSSBREDS. Judge: E. A. Washer, Okaiawa. Dairy heifer, born since July, 1923, in actual milk or springing.—Mrs. J. Henson’s (Hawera) Lady Betty 1, W. Ramsay’s (Hawera) Minnie 2. Dairy Heifer, born since July, 1924, in actual milk or springing.—Thos. Tait’s (Hawera) Betty 1, J. French’s (Hawera) Tulip 2, Mrs. Leo. Chadwick’s (Hawera; Peggy 3. Heifer, suitable for dairy purposes, born since July, 1925.—N0ra Parker’s (Ararata) Mavis 1, S. J. Bennett’s (Kaupokonui) entry 2, Emmie Walker’s (Ohangai) Trixie 3, Wynne Hall’s (Ararata) Buffalo Belle 4. The fourth prize was a special of 5s donated by S. J. Bennett. Two heifers, suitable for dairy purposes, born since July, 1925. —8. J. Bennett 1. BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CALF-REARING Best Jersey-Ayrshire heifer, born since July, 1925.—N0ra Parker’s (Ararata) Mavis 1, Trixie Carter’s (Matapu) entry 2, J. Jordon’s (Te Roti) Bounty 3. Best Shorthorn-Friesian heifer, calved since July, 1925.—Jack foreman’s (Tawhiti) entry 1. Jas. W. Johnson’s (Toka. ora) Rhoda 2, Eunice Walker’s (Ohangai) Trixie 3. Grade Jersey heifer, born since July, 1926.—Chas. Blackwell (Hawera) 1 and 2, Matapu School 3, Trevor Miles’ (Hawera) Trixie 4, Nora Parker’s (Ararata) Violet v.h.e. Grade Friesian heifer, born since July, 1926.—Jack Foreman (Tawhiti) 1, Jas. W. Johnson’s Shamrock 2. Best group of three heifers, born since July, 1926 (Bennett and Suttons silver cup, to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals.—Matapu School- J, Wbareroa Schoo! 2, Ohangai School 3. HORSES. CLYDESDALES. Judge: J. C. Begbie, Te Kowhai. Entire, prior to August, 1923.—M00re Hunter Estate’s (Hawera) Cruncher, by Bonnie Dene (imp.)—Hefty Maid, I and reserve; H. Salway’s (Bell Block) Enin-

ard (imp.), by Fyvie Sensation—Rolens, 2; J. Kerrisk Junr.’s (Ohangai) Prince Premier, by Premier Pride—Nancy Lee, 3. Colt, since August, 1923.—M00re Hunter Estate’s Stryver, by Bonnie Dene (imp.)—Caehou, 1 and ehampion; Moore Hunter Estate’s Factor, by Bonnie Dene (imp.)—Toffee, 2. Colt, since August, 1924.—M00re Hunter Estate’s Blue Peter, by Bonnie Dene (imp.)—Cot Case, 1. Colt, since August, 1925.—M00re Hunter' Estate’s Carluke, by Bonnie Dene (imp.)—Lingerie, 1; Moore Hunter Estate’s Braidwood, by Bonnie Dene (imp.) —Tamineh, 2. Mare and two of her progeny under four years. —Moore Hunter Estate’s Sesame, Morgiana and Fatina, 1. Clydesdale Horse Society’s silver medal for best two-year-old or yearling eolt. —Moore Hunter Estate’s Carluke. GELDINGS AND TEAMS. Best walking horse. —Moore Hunter Estate's Cruncher 1, Moore Hunter Estate’s Boncer 2, J. Kerrisk junr.’s Prince Premier 3. THOROUGHBREDS. Judge: H. A. Russell, Hastings. Entire, prior to August, 1924.—T. | Carson’s (Hawera) Sheffield (imp.), by Bright Steel —Leane, 1 and champion. Brood mare, prior to August, 1923. C. Goodson’s (Hawera) Marble Maid, by Marble Arch—Colleen, 1 and champion; S. C. Tonks’ (Hawera) Myrtle Grove, by Guianforte—Marsuma, 2; H. Heroti’s (Wanganui) entry, by Hallowmas — Formless, 3. Best foal, exhibited in above class.— C. Goodson’s (Hawera) entry, by Daniloff, 1; R. Buckley’s (Ararata) entry, by Sheffield —Solmen, 2; H. Heroti’s entry, by Postillion, 3. Filly or gelding since August, 1923. W. O. Williams’ (Hawera) Bicone, by Bisogne—Ancona, 1; R. Buckley’s Sicyon, by Bisogne—Solemn, 2; H. Spratt’s (Hawera) Mendip, by Bisogne—lee, 3. Colt, filly or gelding, since August, 1924. —H. Spratt’s filly Icione, by Bisogne—lce, 1; R. Buckley’s Ngawhine. by Bisogne—Solemn, 2. Colt, filly or - gelding, since August, 1925. A. Alexander's (Waverley) filly, by Chief Ruler —Silver Link, 1; C. 11. Washer’s (Hawera) filly Brentknoll, by Bisogne —Lady Napper, 2; R. Hicks’ (Hawera) gelding, by Callaghan—Cheshire Creeper, 3. LIGHT HARNESS HORSES. Light harness horse, over 15.2 hands. —Bert Agent’s (Te Popo) Reform, by General Joubertantone, 1; W. T. Seed’s (Matapu) Chutney 2. Light harness horse, under 15 hands and over 14 hands.—R. A. Rainie’s (Inaha) Prince 1; A. Lankow’s (Manaia) Trixie 2; Mrs. T. J. Martin’s (Inglewood) Sportsman 3. Novice class, light harness horse, 14 hands and over.—A. Lankow’s Trixie 1; W. T. Seed’s Chutney 2. Best paced horse.—Bert Agent’s Reform 1. Beet turn-out, harness and gig.—Bert Agent 1, A. Lankow 2, R. A. Rainie 3. HARNESS PONIES. Ponies, 13 to 14. hands.—D. Collins’ (Stratford) Slippery Tan 1; C. Paterson’s (Kapuni) Nimrod 2; H. F. A. Willcocks’ (Inaha) entry 3. Ponies, 12 and under 13 hands. —Mrs. A. Morse’s (Hawera) Sandy 1; Pease Estate’s (Hawera) Bunks 2; D. Collins’ Bonnjp 3. Ponies, under 12 hands. —C. Paterson’s Flora 1; J. W. Reynolds’ (Hawera ) Pixie 2. Novice harness pony, under 14 hands. —Mrs.-A. Morse’s Sandy 1; Pease Estate's Bunks 2; D. Collins’ Bonnie 3. PONIES. Judge: J. R. Hopkinson, Patca. Brood mare, 13 to 141- hands, with foal at foot or visibly in foal. —Thos. Wilson junr.’s (Ararata) Bessie 1; E. W. Schmidt’s (Hawera) entry 2. Brood mare, 12 and under 13 han<lg. —E. J. Reynolds’ (Hawera) Tiny 1; Garf Wallace’s (Mere Mere) Star 2.

Pony, mare or gelding, 13 to 141 hands high and thoroughly quiet to ride, to be ridden by boy or girl under 15 years. Mrs. T. J. Martin’s (Inglewood) Sportsman 1; H. J. Johnson’s (Inglewood) Mickey 2; Ray Burt's (Tirimoana) Tui 3. Pony, marc or gelding, 12 and under 13 hands, to be ridden by boy or girl under 14 years.- -W. J. McDowell’s (Castlecliff) Trixie 1; Mrs. A. Morse’s (Hawera) Sandy 2; Noeline Tilly’s Pirimoana) Dolly 3. Pony, mare or gelding, 11 and under 12 hands high, to be ridden by boy or girl 12 and under 14 hands high.—Pease Estate's (Hawera) Bunks I; C. Paterson’s (Kapuni) Flora 2; D. Collins’ (Stratford) Tinker 3. Pony, mare or gelding, under 11 hands, to be ridden by boy or girl under 12 years of age.—H. Hayward’s (Hawera; Tammy 1; O." H. Marx’s (Mangatoki; entry 2; Mary Ash’s (Hawera) Minnie Best, pony by Fighting Mac. —Pease Estate’s (Hawera) Bunks 1. SPECIAL CLASSES. Beet boy rider, 13 and under 15 years. —Ray Hamlin (Kakaramea) 1; Frame Wilson (Ararata) 2; Maurice Blackwell (Hawera) 3. Best girl rider, 13 and under 15 years. —Clare Jordan 1, Jean Allen 2, Annie Lee 3. Best boy rider. 11 and under 13 years. —W. J. McDowell (Castlecliff) 1, G. Kerrisk (Ohangai) 2, Ray Burt (Tirimoana) 3. Best girl rider, 11 and under 13 years. —Ethel Harrison 1, Elma Lee 2. Best boy or girl rider, under 11 years. —Clarence Atkins (Normanby) 1, Jill Hunter (Hawera) 2, lan Hunter (Hawera ) 3. TROTTING EVENTS. Ponies, 13 to 14 hands.—Eric Bennett’s (Normanby) entry 1; R. Davidson's (Fraser Road) Nancy 2; D. Collins’ (Stratford) Slippery Tom 3. Ponies, 12 to 13 hands.—R. Davidson’s Nancy 1, Noeline Tilly’s (Tirimoana) Dolly 2; G. Kerrisk’s (Ohangai) . Blue Boy 3. Pollies, under 12 hands.—C. Paterson’s (Kapuni) Flora 1; T. Ash’s junr. (Hawera) Snooky 2; R. Tapp’s (Ohangai; Twinkle 3. SCHOOL CHILDREN’S PONIES. Senior banner. —Hawera School 1. Junior banner. —Normanby School 1, Mere Mere School (greys) 2. Educated school pony, 13 to 14J hands. —H. J. Johnson’s (Inglewood) Mickey 1, lan Hunter’s Tinker 2, C. Milne’s entry 3, Ray Burt’s (Fraser Road) Dolly 4. Educated school pony, 12 and under 13 hands. —G. Kerrisk’s (Mere Mere ■School) Blue Boy 1; Mary Davidsons (Fraser Road) Nancy 2; Broomfield Bros. (Kapuni) Trixie 3; Harold Death s (Fraser Road) Darkie v.h.e. Educated School pony, under 12 hands.

—D. Macasey’s entry 1; Constance Miles’ (Normanby) entry 2; Thelma Nicholson’s (Normanby) entry 3. Champion ribbon for best educated pony.—G. Kerrick’s Blue Boy. Pair ponies, 12 and under 13 hands, riders to be under 12 years. —Normanby A 1, Normanby B 2, Mere Mere 3, Norman by C 4. Best pair girl riders, 12 years and under.—Dorothy Burton and May Davidson (Fraser Road) 1; Nola Nicholson and Jean Macasey (Fraser Road) 2; Muriel Wallace and Noeline Wallace (Mere Mere) 3, Thelma Nicholson and Constance Miles (Normanby) 4. Best pair boy riders, under 12 years. —Ray Burt and Ray Druce (Fraser Road) 1; Bob Davidson and lan Hunter (Fraser Road) 2; Pine Bros. (Norman - by) 3; R. Litchwark and G. Kerrisk (Mere Mere) v.h.c. Best pair boy riders, 12 years and over.: —M. Blackwell and J. W. Johnson (Hawera) 1; Eric Bennett and Massey Hori (Normanby) 2. Consolation prize.—Dan Dwyer (Ohangai) 1; Massey Hori (Normanby) 2; Gordon Mcßeth (Normanby) 3. ENTIRES. Entire, under 12.2 hands. —W. J. McDowell (Castlecliff) Rata King, by Rata Boy—Trixie, 1. COMPETITIONS. Pony leaping competition, for ponies 12J hands and under, riders not over 15 years of age. First £3, second £1 10s, third 10s. G. Kerrisk’s (Ohangai) Blue Boy .... I F. W. Atkins’ (Normanby) Bonita .. 2 C. Paterson’s (Kapuni) Flora .... 3 Egmont Champion Jumping Competition. First £l5, second £7, third £3. 8. Symes’ (Waverley) Osprey 1 Miss M. Stewart’s (Halcombe) Gentleman Jack 2 Mrs. V. Sutton’s (Feilding)/Kumeora 3 Pony Leaping Competition, ponies 13J hands and under, riders not over 15 years of age. First £3, second £1 10s, third ICs. G. Kerrisk’s (Ohangai) Blue Boy .. 1 C. Paterson’s (Kapuni) entry 2 H. J. Johnson’s (Inglewood) Mickey 3 Beet boy rider.—C. Atkins. Ladies’ Hunting Competition. First £3, second £l. 8. Symes’ Osprey 1 Miss M. Stewart’s Gentleman Jack 2 Mrs. V. Sutton’s Kumeora 3 Best lady rider, Miss Brown. Pony Leaping Competition (boys or girls), ponies 141 hands and over, riders not over 15 years of age. First £3, second £1 10s, third 10s. D. Collins’ (Stratford) Opossum .... 1 C. Paterson’s Flora 2 Miss E. Walker’s (Okaiawa) Lady Arab . 3

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Taranaki Daily News, 26 November 1926, Page 4

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EGMONT SHOW Taranaki Daily News, 26 November 1926, Page 4

EGMONT SHOW Taranaki Daily News, 26 November 1926, Page 4