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FINE DISPLAY OF DAIRY PRODUCE. AT THE WINTER SHOW. This ypar. in keeping with the importance of the industry to Tnranal'i and the Deminicn generally, the dairy produce section has h»-en given a place in the main hall of the Winter Show, the butter and cheese exhibits being attractively displayed at the far I end. Tuts year’s entries In both classes are larger than usual, butter showing an increase of 22. and cheese an increase of 17. the latter being rather remarkable in view of the number of factories that have lately turned from cheese to butter. The judging was done by the officers of the Grading Department, and, Ln the course of their comments, they remark that, with very few exceptions, quality as represented in ail butter classes was of a very high order. Flavor in individual entries 'was fairly uniform, while body left very ' Jhtle to he desired. Color showed defectiveness in a few entries, while more attention, [ should be paid to complete Solidity in packing. The quality, however, generally speaking. was highly satisfactory. The quality of the cheese exhibits was of a high degree of uniformity, no low scoring cheese being on exhibition. Some slight variation in flavor was noticeable, but the body and texture was of a very even trade throughout. A pleasing feature was the attractive finish, all cheese on the stand being dean and free from 'mould. In butter. Shannon. Tnihape and Omata are ihe principal winners, with two firsts each. In the cheese exhibits the bulk of tie prizes go to outside factories, the entries from Taranaki being comparatively small. Detailed reBUTTER CLASSES. Messrs. Lovell and Christmas’ competition for best box factory butter suitable for export, of not less than 561 b: First prize £lO 10s cash and certificate; second £5 ss, third £2 28. Dairy Co. Maker. Flavor. Body. Color &

The Taranaki Agricultural Society’s Champion Cup Competition, value £25. for best box of factory butter suitable for export. Cud to be won three times in succession or five times at Intervals, and £5 5s (with gold medal) and certificate; second prize, the Society’s award of £3 3s; third prize, the society’s award of £2 2s. Past cup winners: 1903, Lepperton ; 1904, Lepperton; 1905. Hillsborough; 1906. Waitara; 1907, Bell Block; 1908, Bell Block; 1909. Huiakaraa; 1910, Kaponga; 1911, Taieri and Peninsular Co.; 1913, Taihapc; 1914. Moa Farmers; 1916, Kalranga ; 1917, Moa Farmers’; 1918, Masterton; 1919, Masterton; 1920, Moa Farmers’.

Points’ Prize.—Gold medal'for highest aggregate in classes 1 and 2: Shannon Dairy Co. 189 points. Points’ Trophy.—Trophy for highest average in classes 2 and 4: Shannon Dairy Co. points. CHEESE CLASSES. Shaw, Savijl and Albion Co.’s £25 Cup Champion Competition for best one. crate containing two full-cream New Zealand’ Cheddar cheese, white, suitable for export. The Cup to be held by winning factory for twelve months. and io be won three times In. succession or five times c.t intervals. First' prize, £7 7s and gold medal and certificate; second, £3 3s; third, £2 2s. Past Cup Winners.—l9ll, Taieri and Peninsular Milk; 1912, Taieri and Peninsula Milk Suply Co.; 1913. Lepperton; 1914. North Taranaki; 1915. Cardiff; 1916, Parkvale; 1917. Cardiff; 1918, Belvedere; 1919, Cape Egmont; 1920, Dslefleid.

Viking Rennett Co. special prizes for factory, scoring highest points in any one entry of export cheese made wtth rennet. First £lO, second £5, third £3.—Taratahi Dairy Cc. (D. Adams) 1, Dalefleld (J. Linton), Parkvale (J. T. Graham) and Carrington (Geo. Thomson) equal, second.

finish. Total. Taihape (H. J. Fetch) 46 24% 25 95% Shannon (Jas. Aim) 45% 24% 25 95 Levin (Jas. Sm&lie) 45 24 25 94 Maketawa (V. P. Eob inson) 44% °5 93% Awahuri (C H. Cleaver) 44 24 25 93 Bell Block (W. Taylor) 44 24 25 93 Golden Bay (E. G. Wadsworth) 41 24 25 93 M’dhirat (J. M. Bowman) 41 21 25 93 Masterton (L. Barber) 44 24 24% 92 % Tikcronji (J. W. Garner) 43% 24 25 92% Moa Farmers (W. W. Bess) 42% 24 25 91% Mauriceville (Geo. J. Arnold) 42 24 25 90% Mesrs. Jos. Nathan nd Co.’s 50-gulnea cup competition for best box of factory butter suitabie for export, and of not less than 561b. Cup to be won three times in succession or fire times at intervals, and' £5 s cash, with cefctiftcate, to go to the t.-nalcer each year. ecoqfd prize, £.3 3s; third prize,-, £ 2 2s. l Past Cup Winders: 18 IS; Te, Arch a; 19®. AwahurL: 1917, Awahuri; 1918, Levin; 1919, Masterton; 1920, Moa Farmers’. Shannon (Jas. Aim) 45 24 25 94 Awahuri (G. H. Clea- ■ ver) 44% 24 25 93% Golden Bay (E. G. Wadsworth) 44 24 25 93’ Hlkurangi (J. Rutherford) 43% 24 25 92% Moa Farmers’ (W. M. Ross) 43% 24 25 92% Kaitala (T. R. McCarthy) 43 24 24 91 Bel! Bfock (W. Taylor) 42 24 25 91 Levin (Jas. Smellie) 42 24 25 91

Talhape (H J. Fetch) 46 24% 25 95% Shannon (Jas. Aim) 45 24% 25 94% Maketawa (V. P. Robinsen) 45 24 25 94 Levin (Jas. Smellie) 44% 24 25 93% Awahuri (G. H. Cleaver) 44 24 25 93 Bel! Block (W. Taylor) 44 24 25 93 Golden Bay (E. C. Wadsworth) 44 24 25 93 Masterton (J. Barber) 44 24 25 93 Midhirst (J. M. Bowman) 44 24 25 93 Tikorangi (J. W. Garner) 44 24 25 93 Moa Farmers’ (W. M. Ross) 42% 24 25 91% New Zealand Dairy Factory Managers’ Association's tronhy for best one box of butter, 561b in weight, most suitable for export — (Open only to members of the New Zealand Dairy Factory Managers’ Association.) First, £3 3s; second, £2 2s; third, £1 Is. Omata (J. Lynch) 46 24% 25 95% Levin (Jas. Smellie) 45% 24% 25 95 Shannon (Jas Aim) 45 24% 25 ,94% Maketawa (V. F. Robinson) 44% 24 25 93% Awahuri (C. H. Cleaver) 44 24 25 93 Golden Bay (E. C. Wadsworth) 44 24 25 93 Midhirst (J. M. Bowman) 44 24 25 93 Tikorapgl (J. W. Garner) 44 24 25 93 Masterton (L. Barber) 44 24 24% 92% Moa Farmers’ (W. M. Ross) 43 24 25 92 Mauriceville (Geo. J. Arnold) 42 24 25 91 Novice Class- for best one box cf butter suitable for export.—Open* only to factory managers, butter-miakera, or first assistants who have not won ar prize of the value of £5. First prize, £3 3s and certificate; second, £2 2s; third, £1 Is. Omata (J. Balsom) 45% 24% 25 95 Shannon (G. Watkins) 45 24% 25 94% Masterton (S. Mothes) 45 24 25 94 Bell Block (R. Knapman) 44% 24 25 93% Golden Bay (R. L. Paterson) 44% 24 25 93% Levin (B. Parsons) 44% 24 25 93% Maketawa (W. Meyer) 44% 24 25 93% Taihape (W. E. Schers) 44% 24 25 93% Tikorangi (D. Fraser) 44% 24 25 93% Awahuri (S. H. Hume) 44 24 25 93 Midhirst (G. Carter) 43% 24 25 92% Men Farmers’ (A. G. Skellern) 43 24 25 92 Tarata (A. Cartwright) 43 24 25 92 T'ruti (Geo. Woods) .43 24 25 92 Mauriceville (W. Bray) 42 24 25 91 Best one box factory butter in lib pats, most suitable for local trade. First prize, £3 3s; second, £2 2s; third, £1 Js. Shannon (Jas Alm) 45% 24 25 94% Levin (Jas. Smellie) 45 24 25 94 Tikorangi (J. W. Garner) 44% 24 25 93% Awahuri (C. H. Cleaver) 44 24 25 93 Bell Block (W. Taylor) • • 44 24 25 93 Golden Bay (E. C. , WifcwrtH «< ** ** P

Me a Farmers’ (W. M. Roas) 42% 24 25 91% Urutl (Geo. Woods) 42%' 24 25 91% Mauriceville (Geo. J. Arnold) 42 24 25 91

Parkval** (J. T. GraLam) 46 29 20 05 Belvedere (C. Gallon) 45% 29 20 94% Taratahi (D. Adams) 45 29 20 94 Carringtbn ((*J. Thompson) 44% 29 20 93% Dalefleld (J. Linton) 44% 28% 20 93 Greytown (A. R. Daysh) 44% 28% 20 93 •41ton (A. Illingworth) 44 28% 20 92% Kuku (Geo. Woods) 44 28 2 J 92 Lowgarth (J. L. Taylor) 44 28 ■20 92 Royal Oak (E. H. Penwarden) 42 28% 20 91% The Union Steamship Co.’s £10 10s Trophy for one crate, containing two full cream New Zealand Cheddar cheese, colored, suitable fnr export.—The trophy to be won three times in succession. First prize, £ 5 5s and Certificate; second, £2 2s; third, £1 ls. Past Cup Winners.—1915, Cardiff; 1916, Kakaramea Co.; 1917, Cardiff and Cape Esmont, tie; 1918, Dalefleld; 1919, Mahoe; 1920, Kuku. ImieHeld (J. 46 29 20 95 Greytown. (A. It. Daysh) 45% 29 20 94% Carrington (G. Thomson) 45 29 20 94 Belvedere (C. Gallon) 44% 28% 20 93 Taratahi (D. Adams) 44% 28% 20 93 Kuku (Geo. Woods) 41% 28 20 92% Alton (A. Illingworth) 44 28% 20 92% Lowgarth (J. L. Taylor) 44 28% 20 92% Parkvale (J. T. Graham) 44 28 20 92 Pembroke (G. Gray) 43 28% 20 . 91% Royal Oak (D. II. I’enwarden) 43 28% 20 91% Novice Class Competition, for be t one crate containing two full-cream New Zealand Cheddar cheese, white or colored, suitable for export —Open to all factory managers, cheesemakers or first assistants who ha ve not won a prize of the value of £5. First prize, £5 5s and Certificate; second. £ 2s; third. £1 Is. Taratahi (D. Adams) 46% 29 20 95% Dalefleld (Knowles) 45% 29 20 94 % Parkvale (G. James) 45 29 20 94 Carrington (L. Humidities) 45 28% 20 93% Grey town (D. Mclntosh) 44% 28% 20 93 Alton (A Illingworth) 44% 28% 20 93 Kuku (S. Holder) 44% 28 20 92% Lowgtrth (R. Me-\ hurry) 43% 28 20 91% Royal Oak (E. H. Penwarden) 43% 2S 20 91% Open Class for one crate ehese containing two full-cream New Zealand Cheddar cheese. white or colored, suitable for export.— First prize, £4 and gold medal valued at £'2 2s; second, £2; third, £1. Carrington (G. Thomson) 46 29 20 95 Taratahi (D. Adams) 46 29 20 95 Parkvale (J. T. Graham) 45% 29 20 94% Belvedere (C. Gallon) 45 28% 20 93% Dalefleld (J. Mntop) 44% 28% 20 93 Alton (A. Illingworth) 44 28% 20 92% Waipapa branch of Nth Taranaki (J. Thompson) 44 28% 20 92% Kuku (Geo. Woods) 44 28 20 92 Lowgarth (J. L. Taylor) 43% 28 20 92 Royal Oak (E. H. I’enwarden) 43% 28 20 91 % The Taranaki Metropolitan Agri cultural Rociety’s Competition for best case of medium cheese (3), white or colored, suitable for local trade.—Open to all factories !.n N °w Zealand. First prize. £3 3s and Certificate; second. £2 2s; third, £1 Is. Dalefleld (J. Linton) 46 29 20 95 Carrington (G. Thomson) 45% 29 20 94% Taratahi (D. Adams) 45 29 20 94 Kuku (Geo. Wcods) 44% 28 20 92% Royal Oak (E. H. Penwarden) 43 28 20 91 The Taranaki Metropolitan Agricultural Society’s Competition for best three loaf cheese. —Open to all factories in New Zealand. First £2 2s; second. £1 Is. Taratahi (D. Adams) 45% 29 20 94 % Royal Oak (E. JH. Pen warden) 45 29 20 94 Dalefield (J. Linton) 45 28% 20 93% Kuku (Geo. Woods) 44 2S 20 92. Open to factories in Taranaki only. For best one cratc containing two full cream New Zealand Cheddar cheese, white or colored, suitable for export. — First prize, trophy valued at £10 10s, to be won outright; second, £3 3s; third, £ 1 Is. Waipapa branch of Nth. Taranaki (J. Thompson) 46 28% 20 94% Lowgarth (J. L. Taylor) 45% 28% 20 94 Pembroke (G. Gray) 44% 28% 20 93 Alton (A. Illingworth) 44 28 20 92 Royal Oak (E. H. Penwarden) 44 28 20 92

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Taranaki Daily News, 9 June 1921, Page 3

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OUR STAPLE INDUSTRY. Taranaki Daily News, 9 June 1921, Page 3

OUR STAPLE INDUSTRY. Taranaki Daily News, 9 June 1921, Page 3