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AUCKLAND; defeats taranaki, "i 'I.-A GREAT STRUGGL* The large crowd that assembled »t Pukekura PaTk on Saturday afternoon to witness the Aucuiand-Taranakl representative match Is a striking tribute to the fact that good football after an Interval of over fire years has not lost Its hold upon the public, for despite the fact that the match had been postponed from Thursday to Saturday, which was not observed as a holiday by the shops, and that there was no train service available, the crowd must have totalled close on 4000. The game was fast, Interesting, and spectacular, and the ultimate Issue was In doubt right to the <n moment. The visitors' methods of Keeping the hall In play as much as possible and opt ing up the game at every opportunity, was mainly responsible for this, nnd their splendid handling of the ball, combined with their apparent reckless papains, in which both backs and forwards took part, aroused general applause. That |t did' not result in a large score was due to the splendid work of the Taranaki pack, who played a great game and, at the finish, had the Northerners' pack well beaten, and to the fine defence of the local backs, who also gave some bouts of passing, and by throwing the ball infleld at times, showed tjiat they had profited by their Auckland (tip. There . whs, howtfveir, a marked. hesitation in their transference of the ball. In distinct contrast to their opponents' methods, and there was a tendency to run actoss tho field. In this respect, the absence ef <3outts and. Cameron at fire-eighths was severely relt, as both invariably run straight. o(>' the . day, there is no doubt that the better 'team won, and that was mainly because tfiqy made the beat use of their opportuntles. • Taranaki got into scoring positions, if anything, more often than Auckland, but lacked the necessary finish to add the (Scoring.'Points. Auckland's backs, particularly Laxon and Woolley, prorod thorns in Taranakl's side. Auckland's score of 7 tries one converted, against three tries, two con' verted, and a penalty goal for Taranaki. twrdly, represents the difference between th»teams, for two of Auckland's scores were got very softly, and in the same manner within «■ minute ■of each other, as the outcome of Taranaki kicking the ball into touch froii kicks off and being called back for a scrum There was considerable alteration In the teams, .» Of the Auckland team that Taranaki .metup north, Prussing (full-back) was replaced by W. Burns, whilst Grlerson (centre ..three-quarter) -was absent, Woolley golaj> centre ,Ww jytag,., asd bfllnsr'.replated by Nixon. In M.ljuueh replaced _ Turner aid BBlJngton. In the Taranaki teira, •M <»»yioiisly: published, there was also ebnsEsßl^.»! u JP'1 o *, In the b»cta, Oliver J"*yed fn the curtain raiser for : ifi 5 it S. George, who un* good.' Coutts and Cameron S®r ;fo iU health, . klWll. ttbd Kicked filled the positions the ■latter s '.place- at wing 1 three-quarter being, -iftkon _by LBogWß.i • ' In thfe forwards duller .tnd , Carlaon. repl a ced Bourke and Masters, who had been Injured in previous matches. Theiteams took the field as follows:

AUCKLAND (Blue and White.) ■ FlilKback:-Burfis, ' • ; ThMi-fluMtera: Nixon, -Woolley, Wilson ; t; £ i T®- j el£ ht hs: JUaxofi (capt ), and Badeley. ; Half: Ross. Wing-forward-: Thomas! ""orwards,::;. Finlaysoh, Sutherland, Fletcher, Billing,. Berwick, McCullough. SPABANAKI (Amber and Black). Full-back: S. George. Three-quarters: Stewart, Gibson. Rogers. Flve-eieh tha: ; KjyeU, Hickey. Half: AtfeinS"{'(Sapt): • ■ Wing-forward: Xate. :» Forwards!. Snffe, Spratt,' Kißf, McCook, ■Carlson,. :!i JJ.orgate, Puller, j,Thei weather was. beautifully in«, and the tfround was in splendid order. fO ?iSvGAME DESCRIBED. 'Auckland kicked-off against the wind, and ! with,the sun in'their faces. From a scrum, ; Auckland, secured, an<[ {(033 set his men moling, but a pass forward spoilt it. Later, TmnaW tod-nfree kick, but Woolley secured, ■and :Mcked »e'H Hhm -the Held. Taranaki El»?* ball coming via AtWas, ajjd Blckcy, to Gibson, who was ■collared. Then McCook and King v>.„« prominent in* a loose rluh. Auckland's forset.up, a rush, which .fllckcv checked by a speculator.. A long kick by Stewart carried pjay to- Auckland's side of half-way. Taranaki forwards were holding their own, Norgate showing out. but gradually the Northerners held them, and WooUev. with ft nice kick, relieved the pressure. Gibson however, was there, and, taking well, lined. Thomas br.ofee through, but'Soffe cleared Then Auckland gave a tajte of their quality t ™me via several bncks to Nlron. Vthp snftt the: ball in-Held apain. but Tnraoaki Intercepted. Auckland backs and forwords were how swarming round TnrnnaW's goal, passing beautifully, but an infringement gave Taranaki a chance to line at Jvfl. MeCullough broke through with tho tail at foot. , George gamely picked up !! ' " e ? at D mld - n l ld 1'"" became Wy fast. Boss shot out to Badeley, who passed forward to I.nxon. George, who was lining beautifully, found touch at the 25, and then Kjvell, footing his opponents gained some grtund Play hung about mldflijjd until the Taranaki forwards Broke away, but WooTley I, •" i he """mUTe Auckland infringed, . w 'f nd,d a magnificent goal, amidst great applause, after 10 minutes' play. ftiWAakl . Auckland 0 Soon sftgr resuming there were a couple of »*T » H hlch Tnrnnnl!l secured the ball, SSL3 ?®l, ntlased a high kick from Gibson! ™ t, n wl m? up fast . couU not gather a flash II; . T i ll, / ou » td Auckland, and, like wi. S backs .threw the ball about, hi nJ S ® ldes of the fle!t1 ' and Wilson put t»« finishing touches on to 1. great bout by scoring. Laxon goaling. y Auckland r •Tajanaki 3 T " ,inakl rushed and AtS wil™i, , el ', wll ° llnml fl( »"> corner. iTi. ii ™, en ' Bevetsi Ihen and centred. King sSm>, De ,? a rush. The Kortherners threw the leather about. George S.mifHl Imused their' kins KH S »n r n, in whl,,h At "' b.t t?„ i ?' C^ey a ® 4 0lb!(m took part, but the effort- was too crosS-fleld to be effectlre McCuliough, Turner, and Co. broke Si f 1 mel l,y »n°ther rousing Taranaki. fonvard burst, with Norgnft In the fan Auckland were hero penalised, George lining ? corner, Wilson, essaying to beat we " smothered, and. AuckGeor e« had another gor.d, but EL, 4 rrom " fnlr| y e«sy position. Thomas came away with a rush and proved fh. il M an J W .. c , l ?" l,f ' W9slnK ,nftcW Then X secured, and Instead Of kicking, passed to Wilson, who streaked Start* -« e n!;„ ba^ S and forwn,ll< handling vJS ? , l streaked across, Suther- !? f " ,,ed goal. After 28 minutes' play the score was— Auckland o Taranaki o

Fust following up !)y Soffo smothered Wllffc"',"n . p i p,ay ln Auckland's 2!!, where ™nti!> i" 1 1i tm 'i ch » Sutherland was pruninKC a Auckland forward work, hut Atltln Picked, up and lined. The Auckland hacks ™. ntr we "' but Paranakl backs prettiA ,T he home kept InnrlnE T t> j . 088 lf,ter Bet hls n , M ?' Bndel «y. Woolley, and Nixon !l?? i nicely When blocked, tho latter passed out to Laxon, but the pass went for- £?» .1, i Auck , land secured from the scrum, but their passing went wide. Taranaki had a spell at defence, until .their forwards broke away with McCook and Klnc In tho ran. Ross K* , up T a l ' a3Bed t0 Badeley, who transrerrtHl to Lnxqn and Woolley, the latter betnp (r6 ! l upended by Stewart. .A pass forward ended the .bout. Woolley. who was Injured, nn « hiJh Tar " nnkl forwards, following SfnvLt i ? '. s " lnthered Burns, and a score in imin' !T t Woollej', who had Cone n . , , cher came t0 the f.lbson. failing to take a ball, Auckland looked dangerous, but George lined well. Taran'kl bndrs got jmotlng on two successive occasions on the second of. which Nixon cleverly Inte/ cepted a pass from Gibson to Rogers. but was well collared. Rogers, however, had his venge a moment later, when he Intercepted a pass to Nixon, and. with a fine, dodgv run scored amidst deafening applause George ; with a flue kick, equalised the scores. ' •> o . -TManaitl ?

in'>!?*!'l'i'"* * he flnnl Mages was mostly In-..TaranaJ:l territory. McCook opened In the second soell wit!) wind and -suh against Taranaki. (Stewart falling iL ™.£j l S. b " ll - A""*""" 1 ft f°ing again BndWtlapp w»9 nearly over. A moment later •ecurlnfefrom, a scrum, Ross pasaed to Woollev! and he to WHson, the latter passing Infield Badeler-starred and streaked over. Sutherland though awarded no charge, made a poof attempt to goal. Within two minutes of- resuming th 6 score read:— Auckland 11 TafaSaw s Failure by Rogers: to take the hall let Auckland through again, hut. a- forward rush 17 King, and a burst through hv McCook "brotHi! play right to the Auckland line, wlifrc'lt waß tarried-Ovar. ' Front the scvum An"!''-'!' 1 cleared. Good line Mc!'» by (Icopw >'ml kept play In Auckland's terrltnrv until n - passed to Laxon, to Badelev. who h -ir'"' (0 Woolliy, and with two w«a la *tt"wl«...;

•DPtlwr. score looJted possible, but the pass Went wide. Back came the Aucklanders. George marked In the face of a charging mob, and lined passed half-way. Klvell missing a Waff'-Auckland broke away, but Hlckey and Atklnß again lined, and Taran&kl had a respite. Later, Hlckey kicked high, and the Taranaki forwards, with King, McCook, and Soffe In the van, charged down, but over-ran the ball, ind McCullough was able to clear. Another Hefty Taranaki forward rush was well checked by Nixon when looking very dangerous. Auckland, being awarded a free kick, lined near mid-way. Thomas thri fcroke away with ball at foot right to Taranakl's line, where Stewart picked up and running round lined at the corner. From the scrum Taranaki forced. A moment later, from a long kick, Taranaki were again forced. The kick-off reaching touch, was called back, and from the scrum Auckland were awarded a free kick, from which Sutherland made a good attempt to goal, the ball being forced. Taranaki's kick-off was brought back, and from the scrum Thomas picked up, and beating Kivell by feinting, ran over in the corner. Sutherland failed to goal. After 17 minutes the score read:— Auckland 14 Taranaki 8 Again Taranakl's kick-off found the line, and from the scrujn, Auckland secured, and In a Loose rush Badeley added three more points, Sutherland falling to goal. Auckland 17 Taranaki 8 Tate broke through and lined soon after resuming, but the Aucklanders got busy. Atkins set his backs moving, and McCook carried on but his pass was intercepted, and from a piece of off-side play, which missed the referee, Auckland started a rush that ended In Burns scoring. He fallod to goal by a narrow margin. Auckland 20 Taranaki 8 Then Taranaki woka up and played with a great deal more vim. Gibson, Atkins, and Stewart wßre responsible for Taranaki attacking, but Nixon marked and lined. Thomas was next prominent for Auckland. Atkins pnssed to Klvell,. who kicked neatly, and the full-bock fumbling, Taranaki forwards were all round the ball, and Spratt dashed over. George failed to goal. Auckland SO Taranaki n Gibson returned the kick-off to touch past mldfleld, and then Plnlayson and Wilson broko through. Stewart intercepted and Klvell followed up, and kicked rather hard as Nixon was able to save In the face of Taranakl's charging pack. Taranaki, back 3 indulged in a passing bout, but Gibson's pass to Rogers was Intercepted and Auckland attacked, Klvell cleverly marked In the face of a hot raob. Taranaki were now playing really well, keep, lng the visitors busy, their backs handling the ball with more confidence, but somehow fallod to finish their work by scoilng. Klvell and Thomas retired, Prentice and Taylor taking thoir places, Tate, playing five-eighths for Taranaki, broke away and lined at the 25. From the line out Atkins passed to Hickey, to Gibson, to Rogers; who was collared, and the Auckland pack c,ime through. George lined. Taranaki backs with a nice movement, In which all. Including the full-back, took part attacked strongly, but a pass forward at the last moment nullified a likely score. Taranaki, however, pressed hard, and Taylor was nearly over. Wilson, with a strong run, In which he beat several Taranaki men ' badly, carrlod play to mldfleld before Gibson checked him, and with a nice .kick took play back. Soffo was prominent In a forward move that kept Auckland busy, but Wilson and Co. proved too good in defence and kept them out. Taranaki backs were passing energetically, but a mistake at the critical time let Auckland save. Prom a scrum on the line Atkins secured and, fooling his opponents, dived over the line, George gonled. With ten minutes to go the score read■ Auckland 20 Taranaki 16 Taranaki tackled well, and Atkins broke awily with the forwards behind bira. Auckland were awarded a free kick and centred, but Rogers secured and streaked, amidst deafening applause. He was Hocked and passed forward. Taranaki kept up the pressure, Hickey making a neat tick. Auckland backs then got busy again, Indulging lu passing tactics that were extremely interesting from a spectator's point of view. They played with great abandon, and nearly scored once or twice. Then Wilson gathered up and scored. Wilson failed with the goal. Auckland 23 Taranaki 16 There was fast and Interesting jlfiy towards the end, but without any result In the concluding minute of the game, Laxon, who had played well throughout for Auckland, sustained, a broken .collarbone. Mr. O. V. West made a capable referee. Messrs. S. Brewer and J. Johnson being line umpires. MOVEMENTS OP THE VISITORS. The Auckland team, with Mr. P. McElivan, secretary of the Auckland Rugby Union, as manager arrived by the Rarawa about 7.20 a.m. after a fairly rough trip. They were quartered at the Grosvenor, where, after the match they were met at dinner by several officials of the Taranaki Rugby Union. Yesterday the team was taken for a run to the Mountain House and back home tla the Egmont Road In Mr. E. Wooldrldge's bus and cors, expressing themselves as delighted with the outing. Tills morning they leave by the mall train for Wellington, where they play the local team for the Ronfurly Shield on Wednesday, afterwards returning to Auckland via the Main Trunk DAN O'BRIEN SHIELO, WON BY TTJKAFA. Considerable Interest was taken in the meeting between Tukapa and Star on Saturday for the Dan O'Brien Shield. In the Tiilmm team were a few familiar faces of pre-war battles and their presence amongst tho backs made a wonderful difference to the team, the combination at tiroes being very effective. In the first spell, Tukapa crossed the black's line on three occasions, but weak tackling was a good deal responsible for Star's position being 8 points to the bad Morrison, as full-back, was very slow, and Penniali was Inclined to hang on to the ball too inn;, thereby spoiling several chances. At half-time, owing to an injury, he retired, Ruru playing full-back and Morrison going centre-three-quarter. In the second half Star played much better, but Tukapa always held the upper hand, and scored two more tries, making their total 15 points; Stars failing to score. Play was very even at the stort, and Ltiverldge ■ sent a high kick to Moirison. who. being pressed, had a speculator and missed, Manu saving points by forcing. A dashing run by Cottar brought play back to the Star line, and from tho loose play that followed, Karly scored. Penniali next secured, but delayed his pass nnd was collfired, the blues swarming under the Star posts, and Kirk scored, In ploy again Stars were soon busy defending, Manu and Hartmnn being solid in tackling, but Loverldgc, playing splendidly, kept opening up tho game for Tukapa, By cowblned play Whlttafccr, I! Oliver, and Loverldge carried play tip the field, and a passing rush ended In H. Oliver scoring, making the totol 9. In the second half, for the major portion of the game, play was In the black territory. A neat passing rush In which Wlilttaker. R. Oliver, Loveridge, Hooker, and H Oliver partlclpated, looked like scoring, but Miinu averted. A passing liluo rush was spoilt br Xoverldge knocking on. Boswell,. who was fielding nail, had a sola run nnd after a fine dash, passed opportunely to R Oliver, who touched down Manu tried hard to open the game for tho blacks, but -Morrison wos. unenwl, and a likely movoment was negatived. The last try was tho best passing rush of tho same, Whittaker sending smartly to It. Oliver, thence to Loveridge, to Hooker, the latter transferring to Oliver, who scored at the corner. Tukapn IS, Star nil. Although H. Oliver and Loveridge's attempts at converting were good, tho major points were unobtainable in tho five kicks at goal, and tho last incident was an attempt at a penalty goal by Hooker, which also failed. Mr. W. Roeh was referee. The Shields have been won In the past as follows DAN O'BRIEN SHIELD. 1002 Tukapa IDIi:! Star ISIO4 Tukapa 1905 Tukapa ISOO Star 1(1(17 Tukapa 1!>08 Tukapa ItiOII Tukapa . IDIO Tukapa 1911 Tukapa 1912 Star 1914 Tukapa CARBINE SHIELD. 1002 Tukapn 1903 star 1904 Tukapa 1905 Tukapa 1900 Tukapa 1907 ...' "Star . 1908 Star., • : l#0!) Tukapa 1910 Tukapa 1911 Star ima star 1913 Star 1914 Tukapa WELLINGTON "(B) DEFEAT MANAWATU. Wellington. Kent 13. T'u* representative Rngliy match, Wellington n . '-'"Mi 4 ! Miiiiiiwntu, wr.s plnyed lit Athletic "id won tiv llh* home team -by 18 to H, ■ "li'C wss "rathe." dull, and Wellington •••••'" ••« win, the visitors s-vins the exhlUtou.

THE RANFURLY SHIELD. WELLINGTON (23) v. CANTERBURY (9). By Telegraph.—Press Association. I Wellington, Saturday Night. ' The Rahfurly Shield match, Wellington v. Canterbury, was played In the Show Grounds in the presence of about 6000 spectators, today. The day was line but the ground was greasy after the recent rains. Wellington had the upper hand all through, their backs being infinitely more Tesourceful, btit the forwards were fairly erenly matched, S. Shearer, Barker, Algar, nnd Shearer scored* for Wellington, Green converting three and kicking a penalty goal, and Tllynrd converting;the other, For Canterbury, Davles kicked three penalties. OTAC.O DEFEATS SOUTHLAND. By Telegraph ~Pre«s Association. Dunedln, Sept, 13. Otago defeated Southland by 19 points to nil at Carlsbrook Park before 4000 spectators. The first spell was almost wholly confined to forward play, which dominated the victors' vanguard, reinforced by splendid line kicking by the backs. .Tust at half-time, Holmes secured the ball in Otago's 25, ami, In a splendid run, which outdistanced the opposition, scored behind the posts, but no goal resulted jn the second spell the local team asserted Its superiority, but the Southland forwards played a great game throughout. The backs, while sound in defence, showed an elementaty knowledge of passing, and seldom appeared to chance scoring. Within six minutes of the kick-off tries were obtained for Otag» by Holmes and Perry, and further scores later by Holmes and Grevllle. Two tries were converted by Campbell. BULLER RETAIN SEDDON SHIELD. Westport, Sept. 13. Under ideal weather conditions, in the presence of a great gathering, Buller to-day defeated the third attempt to wrest from them the Seddon Shield, which they have held since pre-war daj«. Marlborough was tho challenger on this occasion. In the first spell, Buller, with tho sun and a slight breezo against them, more than held their own, and Fisher scored a try. which was not converted, the spell ending Buller 3, Marlborough nli. The second spell was mostly even, Marlborough making some big efforts which just fell short of scores. A vigorous attack by Buller ended in a score by Young, Schaddlck converting. A little later a Marlborough back made a fine run and Phillips notched a good try, which was converted. After strenuous play, Priend (Buller) ran in, but In attempting to run round behind tho goal was tackled, and a scrum followed. Green got possession and scored, and Casey raised the major polntß, the game ending Buller 13, Marlborough 5.

THE LEAGUE GAME. CANTERBURY DRAWS WITH WELLINGTON. Wellington, Sept. 13. The representative League match Canterbury r. Wellington, which was played this afternoon at Newton Park, ended in a draw, each side scoring 23 points. The first spell ended in Wellington's favor, the score being 15 to 8. It was a fine spectacular game throughout, the teams being as evenly matched as the scores denote. The Canterbury v, Wellington junior match was won by tho visitors somewhat easily by 20 points to nil. TARANAKI RUGBY UNION. MEETING OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. A meeting of the Management Committee was held on Saturday evening at New Plymouth, Uiere being present: Messrs. J. McLeod (chairman), A. R. Ryder, R. B. Fenron, A. Lees, J. Garcia, and R. Masters (treasurer), Mr. A. R. Ryder was appointed manager of the team to play Wanganul on Saturday next at Wanganul. It was decided to play the Stratford-Hawera senior championship play-off match at Stratford on Saturday, Sept. 27. THE WANOANUI MATCH. The final representative match of the season as far as Taranaki is concerned will be played against Wanganul, at Wanganul, next Saturday. Tho team, which will be selected today by Messrs Malone and McKay, will loavo for Wanganul by Mr. C. H. Johnston's motor bus, "starting from Wultara at 1 a.m., and returning on Sunday.

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Taranaki Daily News, 15 September 1919, Page 7

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FOOTBALL Taranaki Daily News, 15 September 1919, Page 7

FOOTBALL Taranaki Daily News, 15 September 1919, Page 7