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THE BOYS' AXXUAL SPOUTS. AX EXCELLENT 'DAYS' SPORT. The annual alheUie sports io connection with the Boys' High School were held on the school grounds yesterday, and passed oft" most successfully. The day was beautifully fine, the tracks were in excellent order, the fields were, large, and every event was keenly contested. There was a large gathering, including a number of old boys of the school. The programme was a long one, comprising some forty-four events, some of wiiieli were divided into as many a s eight heats: The first race started'at eleven o"clock in the morning, and such was the extent of the programme that one had visions of night falling before the end was reached, but the officials carried out the arrangements so well and got the events under way with the minimum of delay, crowding the afternoon with a continuous round of interesting competitions and finishing well up to time. The total number of competitors in the school events was over a hundred and ninety, while the events for old hoys attracted large entries. An interesting feature of the programme was an Invitation race, of 2-lti yards, open to secondary schools in Taranaki, and was competed for bv representatives from the Stratford District iHigli School, the Technical College and the Boys' High School. A matter on which the boys are to be complimented is that this year they agreed to accent certificates in lieu o'f prizes, and will donate the prize-money for patriotic purposes. Afternoon tea was served in the j gymnasium under the direction of the Principal's wife (Mrs. Moyes), and other ladies, and the proceeds, which amounted to the sum of £l3 18s G'd, will go to the (Patriotic Fund, while an enjoyable programme of musical selections was provided by Mrs. Woods' orchestra. The school is to be congratulated on the continued success of the gathering. The oilicials did splendid work, and materially helped towards the success of the sports. Thev were: Judges, Messrs F. P. Cork-ill, W. C. Weston, A. H. Johnstone, K. C. Webster, E. P. We'bstcr, J. E. Wilson, L. R. Webster, A. Mclfardv, A. E. Sykes; starter, Mr W. H. Moves: marksman, Mr. W. F. C. Balhani; ground stewards. Messrs C. (i. Bottrill and A. W. Diprose; stewards. Messrs R. IT. Rockel. C. A. McKinney, M. A. McDonald, .11. V. ■Searle; time-keepers, Messrs ,T. Bennett. C. H. Drew. W. Roberts and X. Grciner; committee. Messrs A. R. Rvder, Hutton. F. A. Bruce, R. M. Monteath, L. (i. Eyre, M. Atkinson. C. C. Yates; hon. secretaries, P. S. Oliver and V. S. McMurray.

THE 'RESULTS. The detailed results 01 the various events are as follow: 150 yds Open Handicap—First heat: Mace, 4yds, 1; thirteen started. Second heat: Bellringer j„ !)yds, 1; fourteen started. Third heat: Yates i., Iyd. 1; thirteen started. Fourth heat: Lealaml 12yds, 1; twelve started. Fifth heat:' sCa'lder, 15yds, 1; twelve started. Sixth heat: Beekbessinger, 14yds, 1; twelve started. Seventh heat: Mackic ii., 12vds. 1; twelve started. Eighth heat:' A. Boon, 15yds. 1; thirteen started. Final: Beekbessinger, 1, Yates, 2; Bellringer, 3. Time, 10 4-osec-JOOvds (under 15)— First heat: flood, syds, 1; Train, 2yds, 2, eleven started. Second heat: Beekbessinger. Iyd, 1; Hooker; lyd, -\ twelve started. Third heat: Denny-Brown, 4yds, 1; Alleinann, 7y<ls, 2: ten started. Fourth heat- Rigg, 3yds, 1; Mciluidy ii., 2yds, 2; ten started. Fifth heat: Wood, scr., 1; Rodger, 3yds, 2; eleven started. Final. Beekbessinger, 1; Hooker, 2; Train, 3. Time, 12 l-ssec. lOOvds Senior Cup (record held by E. I). Colson, Usee, li>l2)—-First heat: Grayling i., 7yds, 1; Montcath, syds, 2; eight started. Second heat: Mace, flvds. J; Yates, i„ 3 yds, 2; eight started.'Third heat: Meuli, oyds, 1; Drako. 4yds, ■»; eight started. Final: Meuli, 1; Mace, 2; Bruce, 3. Time, 11 3Wisce, 100 yds Junior Cup (record held b v D. Grant, 12sec, 1913) First heat: Herbert, scr., 1; Bellringer, Iyd, 2; Bayly, \\. } scr., 3; time, 11 3-ssec; eleven started. Second heat: Saxton i., syds, !; Maekie ii.. 7yds, 2; Wyborn, Iyd, 3; thirteen started. Third heat: Wilson >.,■ 11yds, 1; Beekbessinger, 7yds, 2: l.ealand, 7yds. 3; .twelve started. Final: Wilson iii.. 1; Beekbessinger, 2; Bellringer i., 3. Time, l'l l-ssec. Long Jumii Senior Cup (record held by F. A. Bruce, ISft Din. 1!)13( Bruce, scr.. 1, with a jump of 17ft; fiibson, 12in, 2; Eyre, scr., 3. Six competitors. Long Jump Junior Cup (record hcl.l by L. I. Day, 15ft lOin, ]913)-£allander, sc:\, 1, with a jump of 15ft Sin; Rodger, 9in, 2; Boon, i., Bin., 3; eleven competed. 880 yds Senior Cup—Clemow, i., 90yds, 1; Bruce, scr., 2; McMurray, 30yds, 3; time, 2min 13 2-osec. Twenty-one started. 100 yds (under 141 Cup—First heat: McHardy, ii., 2yds, 1: Stohr, scr.. 2; Bothamley,.scr., 3; nine started. Second heat: Pope, 2yds, 1: Harrison, 2yd-:. 2: Watkins, syds, 3, eight started. Thill hea-t: Webster, 2yds, 1: Blundell i.. 2yd;, -2: Hutcben i. ; 4yds, 3; eight startrl" Final McHardy ii.. 1; Blundell ii., 2. Time, 13sec. 220 yds Open Handicap—First heat: Yates, I, 3yds, 1; Bellringer, i.> 13yds, 2; fourteen starters. Second heat: Mace, Byds, 1; Stanton, Iyd, 2; fourteen starters. Third heat: Meuli, 10yds, J; Grayims, i., llyds, 2; fourteen starter*. Fourth "heat: Wilson, i., 14yds, 1; Reynolds, 15yds, 2: thirteen starters. Fifth heat: O'Carroll, 17yds y 1; Saxton, i., 13 yds, 2; thirteen starters. Sixth heat: Beekbessinger, 14yds, 1; Denny-Brown, 17yds, and Wyborn, 10yds (dead heat), 2; fourteen starters. Final: Yates i., 1; Meuli, 2; Mace, 3. Time, 20 3-osec. High Jump Junior Cup (record held" by U T. Day. 4ft fi%in., 19l4)-Pott, 4in„ 4ft Sin., 1; Webster, 4iu.. ■>• Tansey, set'., and Hooker, 3in., 3. The best jump without handicap was made by Tansey, who cleared 4ft fi'/iin., a quarter of an inch less than the record. 75yds (under 13) —Rawson, Jyds, 1; Botliamley, scr.. 2; White, iii., 4yds, 3; twelve started; time. 10 l-sscc. 50yds, under 10, Cup—S. Fookos, scr., 1; McLeaai, i-.-r., 2; McXeill, .scr., S. Klr-vcn started'. Time. 8 1-asec. 4-10vds, Senior Cup (record held by Bruce*. sfi2-ssec. M3)-Bruce, scr., l"; liockel. 25yds., i; JikMurray, lOyds., 3. Nineteen started. Time. s~sec. •140 yds Junior Cuii (recA'd l>. Grant. 50 2-sscc, I<U3)—O'Carroll, '2svjß, 1; Howell, 15yds, 2; Traill i.. 25yds, 3. Twenty-one started. Time, 02se»". 75yds under 14 (record Is. Fox, 102-Ssec, 1914) First heat (Champioftship heat): McHardie. scr. 1: Stohr. scr.,, 2: Botliamley. si-r, 3. Ten. started. Time, lOsec. Second heat: Pope, lyd. t: Watkins, 4yds. 2: Xewell. 2vds. :!. \inc started. Time. lOsec. ' Third heat: Blundell i., lyd. 1: Webster, lyd, 2; Wilson ii., lyd, 3. Xine started. Time, lQsec

Final: Mellaril}-, 1; Stohr, 2. Time, 10 3 ssee. Three-legged Race (75yds) First heat: liotliamley and Harvey, 7yds, 1; Terry and Day ley i, .ser, 2. JClcvcii started. Time, 11 2-ss'ec. Second heat: Stohr and Hooker, syds, 1; Boulton and Gilbert, 4yds. 2. Eleven started. Time, 11 2-ssec. Third heat: Rigs and Burkliardt, 4yds, 1: Reckbessingcr andCalder. syds, 2. Eleven started. Time, 12 2-ssee. Fourth heat: Hoffmann and Jackson i., 4yds. ]; Johns ii. and Mackic ~.. tyds, 2. Ten started 'Time. 12see. Fifth licit: Atkinson ii. and Morey, 4yds, 1, Jennings and Trail i., -Ivds, 2. EleM-n sorted." Time, Usee. Final: Hooker and Stohr, syds, !: Atkinson ii. and Morev 4vds, 2. Time. Usee. 50yds, under 11: Hntolien ii., (ivds, !; S. Fookes, 4yds, 2; Rlundell, 2yds, ii. Ten started. Time. 7 2-ssee. High Jump, Senior Cup (record I). S. Sykes, sft S'/jin., 19.14)—Gibson, Sin., ift Sin , 1; Bruce, sci\, 2. Seven competed. 100 yds, under 12, cup (record, I!. Hutchen. Usee. 1914) First heat (championsnip heat): Welch, 3yds, ]; Williams ii., scr.. 2; Moves, ser.. 3. Eight started. Time, 14 4-s.sec. Second heat: Kaxton ii., syds. 1; Robertson, iivds, 2, Maekav iii.. iivds, ii. Seven started. Time, 141-osec. The final did not eventuate. Potato Race (ten in each heat)— First heat: f'lemow, 1: Moody, 2: Lovell i.. 3. Time, lmin 33sec. Second heat: Yates ii., 1: White i.. 2. Time, lmin 3(isee. Third heat: Clemow ii.. 1: Fox ii., 2; Mackie ii.. 3. Time. ,lmin 352-ssee. Fou:-tli heat: Fnsscl], l' : Reeves. 2. Time, lmin 30sec. Fifth heat': Mi-Hardy i., I; Howell. 2. Time, lmin S.lsee. Sixth heat: Grayling ii., 1; Burkhardt, 2. Time, lmin 33 2-sscc.

Final: Clemow i., ]; Clemow ii., 2; Yates .ii., 3. Time, lmin 29 3-ssee. 220 yds Invitation Race—ft. CouttS' (Stratford), 1; C. Lawn (Stratford). 2; F. A. Bruce (N.P.H.S.). 3. Also started: W. Badlev and Jeffries (Technical Collog-), and H. B. Gibson (N.P.H.S.). The Stratford boys were first off the mark, and running well were never headed. Coutts winning by three yards. Bruce, from the outside, made a fine burst and got within a yard of second place. 75yds, under 10, Cup (record, A. Moyes, Usee, 1914)—5. Fookes, scr., 1; Hutchen ii.. scr.. 2; McLean, scr., 3. Eleven started. Time, 11 3-ssee. 50yds. under 12. Cup—Saxton ii„ 3yds. 1; Robertson, iivds. 2: Moves, scr., 3. Twelve started. ' Time, 71-iisee. Sack Race (10 in each heat)— First heat: Vickery, syds, I; White i.. 3yds, 2; Wilson i.. 4vds. 3. Second beat: Good. syds. 1: Xewell. Ovds. 2: Boulton,. 3vds. 3. Third heat: Wilson ii., 7vds, 1: Lvsons. 15yds, 2--, Rigg. syds, 3. fourth heat: Bnthamlev. Ovds. ] ; Grayling ii., syds, 2; Smith ii.. 7yds. 3. Final: Grayling ii., syds. 1; liothamley. »yds, 2;' Good, sy'ds, 3. Time, 17 2-ssec. 220vds, under 14,' Cup—MeTTardy ii., fiyds.'l; Webster, fiyds, 2; Wilson ii., syds, 3. Twenty started. No time taken. 100 yds. under 10. Cup: S. Fookes. scr.. 1: McLean, ser., 2; Hutchen ii., scr., 3. Eleven started. Time, 15see150yds, under 12, Cup: Saxton ii., 7yds. 1; Williams ii., scr, 2; Moves. 3. Eleven started. Time, 21 2-ssec. ' Old Boys' Race, 75yds—Cliff. 3vds. 1; Dr. Fookes. 9yds, 2;. Sinclair, 3yds, 3. Also started: Sykes (scr.), Copestake lydl. Chong (4yd's). Little (syds), Tuohy (svds). Perrv (7vds), Morev 7Vds), Ken Webster (SvVls), F.. 'P. Webster (lOvds), A R. Standish (lOvds). Won by inches. Time. 8 3-ssec. 120vds Hurdles. Senior Cup {record, F A.' Bruce, IS2-ssec, 1914)—Kidd, ser., 1; Bruce, scr.. 2. Four started. Bruce jumping well had the race in hand, when he fell at the last hurdle. Time, 20 3-ssec. 120vds Hurdles. Junior Cup (record B. A.'Norman. l!)4-5sec, 1914) Amor i.. scr., 1: Hooker, scr., 2; Tansey, owe 7yds, ',',. Four started. Time, 23 l-ssec. One Mile (open) Bruce scr., 1; Hughes i., 30yds, i; Bayly i., 30>ds, 3. About forty started. A line race, Bruce giving away 350 yds slar£. Overhauling the little tackors in the lead early in the race, running well won easily. McDianuid and Robertson, little fellows who pluckily completed the course, came in for a round of applause. Time, smin 13sec. Tug-of-War The Day Boarders heat the Boarders after a strenuous pull and the Day Boys defeated the Day lioarilers in two straight-out pulls. Later in the evening, the Masters held a race over 100 yards. Eight competed. The race resulted: Mr. Moves, 1: Mr. 'McDonald, 2'; Mr. Ryder, '3.' Won by three yards. Time, 12sec. So successful was this item that it is to be hoped it will find a place in future programmes.

CHAMPIONSHIPS. Senior Cup.—Champion, Bruce, 33 points: runner-up, Eyre, 10 points; Kidd scored 12 points. Previous winners—--1903, N. Matthews: 1904, L. B. Stohr; 1905, L. B. Stohr; 190(1. J. Gibbons; 1907. J. Sinclair; 1908, J Sinclair; WOO. T. Tuohv; 1910, F. E. Clarke; 1911, F E. Clarke and G. Martin; 1912. V. A. Bruce; 1913, E. D. Corson, and F. A. Bruce: 1914, F. A. Bruce. Junior Cup (under 15 years';— Champion: Herbert, 24 points; runner-up, Callender, 17 points. Tansey. 12 points and Bayly ii.. 9 points, also competed. Previous' winners: 1911. F. A. Bruce: 1912. H. V. B. Hirst; 1913, D. Grant, 1914, B. A. Norman. Championship, under U Champion, McHardy ii., 15 points; runner-up, Stohr, 8 points. Russell spta, Kyngdon 3, Fox iii 3, and Bothamley 2. Previous winners: 1913. McHardy; 1914, K. Fox. Championship, under 12—Champion, Williams !i., 15 points, runner-up, Moyes llpts; Johns HI. scored Opts, Grovei and Griffiths one point each. Previous winners: 1913, E. Pope: 1914, B. Huttlien. Championship, under'lo—Champion. S. Fookes, 15pts; McLean scored 5, Hutchen ii. 4, and McDiarmid 3pts Previous winners: 1914, W. F, Williams and A. iloyes (equal) 44flyds Championship Shioid, presented hv Oid Boys—F. A. Bruce. Previous w'inners: 1902, R. Paul: 1903. R, Amburv; 1(104. L. B. Stohr; 1905, L. B. Stohr-. !90(i. I. Grant; 1907, I.' Grant; 1908. J. Sim-lair; 1909. T. Malmie; 1910. F. E. Clarke, 1911, G. Martin; 1912. T. W. Pott; 1913, F. A. Bruce; 1911, !'\ A. Bruce. Steeplechase Cup—McDiarmid. 'Previous winner: 1912. If. Hine; 191:1. B. Wilson; 1914, C.J. Emmei'ton.

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Taranaki Daily News, 19 November 1915, Page 6

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THE HIGH SCHOOL. Taranaki Daily News, 19 November 1915, Page 6

THE HIGH SCHOOL. Taranaki Daily News, 19 November 1915, Page 6