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ANNUAL MEETING. | a The annual meeting of St. Mary's luireh was held last evening, the atmdance being a very fair one considerig the state of the weather. The Rev.. . H. Colvile presided. ;< ANNUAL REPORT. j ( The annual report, as follows, was ; iken as read:— 1 In presenting the- annual report, the , 'cstry regretted that the accounts for lie year ending March 31 showed a debit jalance instead of a credit balance, as ast year. This was almost entirely hie to the expense incurred in re-paint-,ng and papering the vicarage. The restry felt that it was not fair to charge such extraordinary expenses against one; year, and purposed establishing a sink- ] ing fund to meet such contingencies in: future, whether for church, vicarage or j school. Debentures amounting to £9O , had been paid off. reducing the parish, lebt to £3lO in all. Many minor ad- \ litions and renovations had been made to; :he church property, which was now in good condition. The round columns sur-, ,rounding the octagonal pillars in the church, many of which were badly affected with worm, had been replaced with new ones, and all had been reduced in size, improving the general appearance and opening up the view of the chancel from the south aisle. The choir stalls occupied by the ladies had been altered, making them more comfortable. The pathway round tlr> church had been tarred and sanded, r ">\v patli cut out from the south poi i to the gate in Brougham street, the four large trees near the gate in Fulford street, which were in a dangerous condition, had been removed, and a small outhouse had also been erected for the storage of tools, etc. The vicarage had been entirely repainted outside and in. re-papered, fitted with electric light, and many minor alterations had also been effected During the first ten months the Rev. J. Wilkinson was in charge of the parish, and the vestry had much pleasure in placing on record their appreciation of his faithful services. Assisted bv Mr, Kempthornc and the lay readers, the services in all parts of the parish had been kept going, and his painstaking efforts, unfailing courtesy, and kindly sympathy would be long remembered. The Rev. A. H Colvile was duly in stituted by the Bishop of Auckland or January 20, and presided for the firsl time at a vestry meeting on February 12th. The vestry trusted that he might long be spared for God's work in thi parish, and that under him the Churcl might make still greater spiritual pro gress. The resignation through ill-health o the Ven. Archdeacon Cole was notei with regret, and the vestry placed oi record its thankfulness for the many ser vices rendered by him and especially hi efforts on behalf of the settlers in th> backblocks. The appointment of th Rev. F. G. Evans as Archdeacon Cole' successor was noted with satisfaction and it was hoped that the good feelin; that always existed between them a Vicar and vestry might be continued. In 1906, when the finances of th vestry were straitened, the Sunda; school building was handed over to th management of a sub-committee. Thi committee had done excellent work, ha\ ing kept the building in thorough repaii paid all rates, taxes, and in additio handed over £l6 13s to the vestry tc wards the generail expenses. Altogethe they had expended over £2OO, whic othrwise would have had to be met b the congregation Mr. H. C. Baker t< signed his position as hon. secretary, an the management had reverted to th vestry, and this would entail an annus expenditure of about £2.5. The vestr were much indebted to the committe (the late chairman, Mrs. Dockrill, M Lush, and Mr. H. C. Baker). The need of a Sunday School in tli growing district of Vogeltown had bee long felt. Mr. T. K. Skinner isom time ago generously gave a piece c ground for the purpose, but as it wa too far out for present requirement! Mr. W. H. Skinner offered the free us of a site, and it was proposed on thi to erect a small building. The offertor at the late ordination service was d< voted to this purpose, and also thos at the Wednesday evening Lenten sei vices, and it was hoped the buildin would be opened nearly free of debt a an early date. The Girls' Friendly Society having at plied for help in starting a Girls' Glul the vestry recommended the trustees t grant them the use of the old vicarag in Robe street at a reduced rental, an the G.F.S. would shortly be entering int occupation. Tt was confidently hope that under their management the pre posed club would prove a valuable a< junet to the Church's work. The demand for sittings in the eTuire had been gradually increasing al through the year, and there were no\ more seats appropriated than was al lowed by the Canon Law of the Churcl The vestry had no option but to sto letting- any more, and persons desirou of taking seats were .requested to mak written application to the churchwai dens, and seats will be allotted as vacan cies occur, strictly in order of applica tion. During the year the vestry had los the services of two members, Messrs W. H. Skinner and W. Crawford, botl of whom have left the town. A tributi was paid to their valuable services t< the Church. In speaking to the report, the chair man referred to the number of elergi connected with the church, which was a present unprecedented. They had bcei very fortunate in retaining the service: of tile Rev. J. Wilkinson, and to hav< the Rev. R.obson. It had been the wisl of tha Bishop to retain the present num her for a certain time. It had beci understood for some time that the Rev C. A. Wilkinson would be unable to re main here for any length of time. Mr. C. E. Baker, in moving the adop tion of the balance-sheet, stated thai though the balance showed a falling-ofi in seat rents, this was not really°tht case, for in former years arrears wcie included. The absence of a vergei entailed more work for the churchwardens, and the C.E.M.S. had given buf little assistance during the year. Mr. J. Paton here explained that the Fitzroy end of the district, had, for the first time, showed a clean sheet at March 31. He did not believe in rented seats. They should be all free. This was a matter of finance, however, but he hoped to be able to bring forward a

proposition during the year. The envelope system had been a great success, £2OO having been guaranteed by this means The hall, to ensure its availlability for church purposes, would be [taken over by the vestry. SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT. Mr. S. W. Shaw, superintendent, reported as follows: i The attendance at the afternoon school ! during the year kad been well maintainjed, while the morning school had shown a considerable increase, the number on I the roll of the latter at present being about 120. The supply of teachers was j. fairly satisfactory, but they still had .. ' room for one or two willing helpers. n I The annual bulb and spring show, which c was held in September last, was very successful, the display of flowers and the financial results both being good. The j : school picnic was held on Thursday, 25th !i January, and an enjoyable afternoon , . was spent. The annual prize-giving was I • held in the schoolroom on Monday even- ' • ling, February 17. Added interest was )'given by the presence of our new Vicar ] | and Mrs. Colvile, the latter very kindly .'presen'ing the prizes. A Boy's Scout j | troop had been recently formed in conj nection with the school by Mr. Robson, and it was called the "St. Mary's troop." g 1 There was already a membership of about forty, and the boys were taking a j very keen interest in their work. The ' branch schools at Te Henui, Moturoa, Omata and Vogeltown were being carried on by a faithful band of teachers, e , with varying measures of success. At r | Vogeltown Mesdames Dabb and Neal "were sadly handicapped by the want of | a school building. At present they were " under a deep obligation to Mr. and Mrs. | Neal for their kindness in allowing the n J school to be held in their house. It was s j hoped that before next report they I would be in possession of a proper school II building. Finance, as usual, was the 0 stumbling block. Would those in the s > congregation who took an interest in e- the welfare of young children rise to ,( 1 the occasion and assist with donations,, to the fund? If everyone contributed a little their object would soon be atv. tained. In conclusion, lie thanked all hj, I the teachers and all others who had asin . sisted in the work of the schools during of the year. ir. j Mr. Shaw, in speaking to the report, le | emphasised the need of a school building id |at Vogeltown. Mr. Messenger had kindrig Iv made out plans for a building to seat lv 40 or 50, at an estimated cost of £lls. i for an unlined building. The Sunday n- schools had not received any direct ason siitanee from the congregation, though st they were indebted for the support aery corded the flower show and concerts, ht The Sunday school was the backbone 'of j he the church, and he appealed for sup- : ch port. •o- FINANCE. The choir fund showed a credit balance of of £22 19s. The organ fund was in ed credit to the extent of £lB 2s Hd. I on ELECTION OF OFFICERS. j [ 'f" The Vicar announced that he had ap--1,8 pointed Mr. J. Paton his churchwarden. ' l( ' Mr. H. Fookea was elected parishioners' churchwarden. The vestry was elected e s as follows (a motion being passed in--3n > creasing the number to ten for this n K I year):—Messrs. C. E. Baker, Cooke, < as 1 Bannister, S. W. Shaw, Garner, Harvey, • \Kyngdon, Butler, T. Hirst, and Robin-, -he son. ay GENERAL. jJ 1 . 0 A notice of motion, re the use of the banner, was not accepted by the Vicar, \ v ~ whose explanation was accepted by the I" 11 ' meeting. ion Mr _ Cooke desired to congratulate t0 " Fitzroy on its improved position, and } e . r considered that if it progressed in the V™ future as it had in the past, they would y become a separate parish. They would Te " do much better if they were on their th own " j It was resolved that the vestry be j 1 given power to fill vacancies. Mr. P. C. Morton was re-elected ~e (> auditor, and a vote of thanks was accorded him for his past services. , The Rev. .Mr. Kempthornc introduced ' the matter of erecting a tablet at Te " en Henui to his late predecessor, the Rev. m< : Mr. Spencer, and the meeting agreed that steps should be taken to give effect to the proposal. ' The Vicar, in closing the meeting, ! s . e thanked all who had given him assis--113 tance during the time he had been in charge of the parish.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LIV, Issue 252, 24 April 1912, Page 8

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ST. MARY'S CHURCH. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LIV, Issue 252, 24 April 1912, Page 8

ST. MARY'S CHURCH. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LIV, Issue 252, 24 April 1912, Page 8