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AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. liy Cable. —Press Association.—^Copyright Sydney, July 20. Wheat-Sellers 3s 4'/»d, buyers 3s 3'/ a d. Flour.—City £8 10s, country £8 ss. Peas. —Tasmanian blue tis to Us tid, grey 3s Ud to 3s Od. Barley.—Victorian Cape. '2s 6d to 2s Bd, English 2s 4d to 2s Od. Maize, 2s 8d to 2s !)d. Bran and pollard, £5. Oats—Tasmanian sparrowbills 2s lOd, giants 2s lid 1 , Algerian milling 2s 7(1, feeding 2s 3d to 2s ad. seed 2s 3d, Tartarian seed 2s Ud to 3s. Onions, £5. Potatoes.—Tasmanian £S as, Victorian £5 10s to £7. Butter, 112s. Bacon, CVid to fi'/od. Cheese, Ud to GVid. Melbourne, July 20. Hides. Fair supplies; stouts unchanged, others inclined to he easier. Chaff.—Fair supplies; market firmer for compressed. Oaten dumped 70s to 72s Ud, compressed 75s to 77s 6d, covered 70s to 72s Od. Wheat—Steady but inactive, 3s 4VL>d. Flour, £B. Oats—Algerian milling, 2s Id; feeding Is 6d to Is ll'VSsd. Barley.—Malting Chevalier 5s to 5s 3d, Cape 2s Sd, feeding Is 9d. Maize, 2s 6d. Bran and pollard, £5. Onions, Gas to 80s. Potatoes, £3 to £5 10s. Adelaide, July 20. Wheat, 3s sd. Flour, £8 to £8 as. Oats. —Algerian 2s 4d.

WOOL, SKINS AND HIDES. By Telegraph—Press Association. Palmeraton North, Last Night. Messrs. Abraham & Williams, Ltd., reporr:—At our usual monthly sale held on Friday \v.- offered a large catalogue to :i p.-ioil attendance of buyers. Our en try comprised 21 bales and 108 sacks of wool, 214U1 sheepskins, 250 calfskins anil 3(K) large li.des. The competition throughout was very keen for all lots, and hides especially were eagerly sought after. We quote: Wool crutchings, 3d, 4d to 5%d; crossbred, medium, Od to 7%d; lambs, 6%d to 6%d; locks and pieces, 4d to ii'/jd. Skins: crossbred, fine, Cd to 6%d; crossbred, fid to C'/ 2 d: black, 4%d; dead, 5V»d; wools, 4'/ s d; lambs, fi'/id to G%d; butchers' skins at pc:' piece, crossbred 3s 4d, 3s 8(1, 4s 2d, 4s 7d, as 2if. as 8d to 8s 4d: hoggets, Is lOd; salted pelts. 2s Id. 4s Id to 4s lid; calf skins, sound TyUl to Oil: cut andslippery, yearlings, ad to 7d; slink». 3d; hides, ox, heavy li'/L.d to 7%d. liu dium 6%d to 7d, light (>%d, cut o'/>A; cows', heavy (>%d to fl%d, medium o%d to 7d;, light 5%d to G'/od, cut 4%d to 5%d; heifers and steers, li%d; bulls, 5%d; horse, 10s each; tallow, casks .£25 13s, tins and drums £23 5s to .£25 10s per ton, rough to £lB 15s per ton; rali- ' bit skins fid per lb.; horse hair, Is 4d to I Is Cd; cow tails, Is 5d per dozen.

NEWTON KINO'S WEEKLY REPORT. On Friday. July 14, T held a clearing sale at my Urenui yards on account of Messrs Skinner ami Son. when there was a good attendance of buyers. The cattle, which were a nice lot, realised good prices. Early calvers made £0 10s to £l3, later £4 to £(>, springing heifers £5 5s to £7 15s, in-calf heifers £3 5s to £4 15s, yearling heifers 30s to 3tiS, do. extra choice £2 18s, pedigree Jersey bull Tohunga 20 gns„ gelding £2O, draught, mare £3l ss, lillies £lO 5s to £l4 10s, cultivator £ll, s.f. plough £4 7s (id, crusher £4 2s (id. Dairy cows sold at the same sale on account of Mr. W. Lovell realised £7 as. On the same day T'sold at the Mountain road, Stratford, on account of Mr. Oeo. I'errett, carlv calvers at £7 to £lO 10s, later C 4 10s to £l! 10s, springing heifers £5 las, empty cows* £3 4s to £4. bull £5, mixed yearlings 34s fid, draught mare £22, light mare £l3 10s, dray £l3 15s, sows £5 to £7 las. On Monday, 17th inst., at Mr. W. E. Watson's clearing sale at Tataraimaka there was only a fair attendance of buyers, though the stock realised fair price?;. Early calvers made up to £l3, later £4 15s to £5 las, empty and store cows £2 15s to £4, bull £3. Sundries sold at usual rates. On Tuesday, 18th inst., 1 held a clearing sale at Omata on account of Mr. J. Morrin, when there was a fair attendance. The vendor had only a few cows to offer, but the sundries sold well. Dairy cows made £5 10s to £8 15s, mixed yearlings 2:>s (id, hoggets 7s 3d, ewes 8s 2d, bacon pig 3tis. Cows offered on account of other vendors sold as follows:—On account of Mr. F. Green, £0 5s to £S las; on account of Mr. O. Johns, £a 10s to £0 as; .store cows £2 5s to £3 las; on account of Mr. A. Pearson, £0 las to £8 IDs. At Rahotn on the same day there was a good yarding, ami the stocks, especially the young cattle, sold well. Weaner heifers made 355, yearling do. £2 4s to £2 10s, 2 to 2'/;-year heifers £3 3s (id to £3 18s, yearling steers £2 4s to £2 lfls, 2 l / 3 -yeiir steers £3 3s. in-calf heifers £5. springing heifers £li as, store cows £2 4)s to £3 lis, forward qows £■' '4s to £4 2s fid, springing cows £" to I £6 as, fat cows £5, bulls 36s Gd to £3 15s.

At Stony River on Wednesday. 10th inst., I sold on account of Mr. W. D. Linn a draft of young- stock and dairy cows. There was a good attendance, and competition, especially for the springing heifers, was keen. Dairy eows, close up, made £7 to CIO Ids, later £5 5s to £0 10s, springing heifers (llolstein) £7 10s to .CO, do. Ayrshire ,£7 to £8 las, do. Jersey .-C7 lbs, do. Shorthorn £0 2s Gd to £7 10s, grade llolstein bulls £4 7s fid to £,") 10s.

At Waiwakaiho on tlip 20th inst. there was a fair yarding. Mixed weaners made 20s to 32s Oil, yearling heifers (Jersey strain) £2 15s, 2-vear heifers £3, springing heifers £4 los to £fi 2s fld, store cows £2. to €3 3s, forward eows ,€3 10s to £4 4s. springing cows ,£4 5s to £8 17s fid, fat cows £4 12s 6d to £4 17s fid, 2-year steers €3 Is, bulls £"2 Jss to .63 IDs, ewes as 4d to Cs, lambs 4s (id.

X.ZX. &. M.A. CO.'S REPORT. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.. u.,1. (Stratford brancli) report.:—We held a clearing sale at Mr. J. 11. Corhctts on the liast road on Monday last, when there waft a large attendance, including a number of ladies. There was very keen competition for the eows, some of which were very nice indeed, and prices ranged from 140 a to 3055, the herd, including cows in milk and store coys, making an average, of 183s. A pedigree bull was sold to a local buyer at 25 guineas, 2-year-old heifers in calf realised from 00s to 150s, aiuf a very nice line of yearling heifers made an average of 71s. Pigs made up to 21s, pedigree sows in pig from 100s to 11 (id. one mare £lO, and another at £7 ss. Sundries were oft'ered; inclnd-.i ing milk cans, which realised 13s to 215,1 Donald jack 335, drawing-room suite 86a. A piano was pas-tori in at 35 guineas. A gig made £l2, dray £lO, harness £7, hay rake 82s Gd, grass mower £3, disc

harrows £5, s.f. plough., £O, chain harrows 555, while fowls realised from 2s to 2s 6d each. We held our usual fortnightly sale in our Stratford yards on Tuesday last, when we yarded 37!) head of cattle and 1)4!) sheep, the greater portion of which were sold either at the hammer or afterwards at the following prices:—Weaners, poor and weedy, 16s, fair and medium 255, while good made up to 38s, and a nice line of weaner heifers, Holsteins, made up to 41s. Eighteen-months steers were in better demand and realised 67s fid; empty cows, low condition, 60s to 745; fat cows, medium weights, 85s to 115s; store cows, 50s to 725; dairy cows 80s, for a inferior line, to 157s fid, for good; 2% to 3-year-old heifers in calf were keenly competed for and realised !)7s Ud to 12(is; empty heifers, medium quality, 68s to 70s; bulls, from 40s to 70s.

We submitted for auction, on account of Mr. E. G. Barleyman, Tututawa, who has sold his farm, 23 dairy cows and 880 owes. The latter looked very well but were in low condition, and the prices offered were rather disappointing. However, as Mr. Barleyman had to place to put them in, they were sold without reserve, the ewes realising from 5s 3d for culls to 10s 7d for up to full-mouth ewes. His dairy herd, of very nice quality, were slightly low in condition, but were keenly competed for by sundry buyers and made from 110s to 2455, making the fair average of 160s. During the week wo sold several dairy herds privately, one line of 22 near Ngaero at 170s, and another line of 59 near Eltham at an average of 180s; also rising 3-year-old heifers at 130s, and a very nice line of 10 yearlings (JersevIlolstein cross), on account of the same owner, at 60s.

MATTHEWS & BENNETT'S REPORT. Matthews and Bennett report that there was a fair entry of cattle in their Inglewood yards on Wednesday last, and the lots were sold as follows: —Calves 30s to 395, empty heifers £3 Bs, store cows £2 10s to £3 3s, springers £0 to £B, bulls £3 Is to £4 10s, ewc< Us. At Mr. 11. Cowley's sale ther" was a large attendance of buyers, and everything sold well. The eows made from £5 15s to £l7 10s, bulls £4 10s to £5 2s Sd, horses £ll to £27. Furniture sold well.

SOUTHERN MARKETS. • ADDINGTON. At Addington there were fairy large entries of stock, and a good attendance. Store sheep—Good mixed lines of hoggets 10s 9d to lis 9d, extra to 12s Od, fair sorts 9s fid to 10s Od, medium 8s to 8s 9d, small and inferior Gs to 7s 6d, good ewe hoggets 12s Cd to 13s 3d, others 10s 7d to 12s 4d, two-tooth ewes to 14s 4d, good four, six and eight-tooths to 10s lOd, good crossbreds to 17s Od, others 12s, sound-mouth 9s Od to 12s Od, special lines 13s Oif to 10s 3d, full and failing months 8s fid to 10s 3d, aged erossbreds 4s !ld to 7s 6d, aged merino ewes ss, forward wethers 13s Od to 14s Id, medium 12s Cd to 13s, small and low-conditioned sorts 9s 9d to lis Od.

Fat lambs —Though only two buyers were operating to any extent, the previous week's prices were well maintained, ranging from lis to lGs 6d, and a few extra to 17s fid.

Fat sheep —Extra prime wethers to 3us, prime 19s to 255, medium 10s Od to 18s Od, light 14s 4d to 16s, extra prime ewes to 24s 9d, prime 16s to 20s, medium 12s Od to 15s Od, aged and light 9s to 12s, extra prime merino wethers 21s fid to 245, prime 14s 9d.

Fat cattle—Steers made £7 12s fid to £ll 10s, extra to £lO 15s, heifers £5 15s to £lO, cows £5 to £8 (equal to 35s for extra, 27s 6d to 32s for prime, 25s to 27s for medium, and 22s Gd to 24s for cow and inferior, per 1001b). Venl calves formed an average entry and sold at 4s Gd to 595, according to size and quality.

Store cattle—Fifteen to 18-months sorts made 41s to s!)s, two-year steers £3 9s, two-year heifers £3, three-year heifers £5, dry cows 25s to £4 ss. There was a keen demand for dairy cows, and sales were made at £3 10s to £9 15s. Fat pigs—Choppers sold at £2 10s to £6 2s Od, large baconers 55s to 60s, lighter 45s to 50s (equal to 4%d to 5d per lb. Large porkers 35s to 40s, smaller 28s to 34s (equal to 4%d to sd, and extra to S'/ad per lb). There was a large entry of store pigs and a good sale for all classes. Large stores made 28s to 32s fid, small 14s to 255, weaners 4s to 10s 6d.

BURNSIDE. At the Burnside stock market 200 fat cattle were yarded, a larger yarding than usual, and prices were easier in consequence. Cattle—Best bullocks £lO to £l2, extra to £ls 7s Od, medium £8 to £9 10s, light £0 fis to £7, heifers, best to £9, medium £0 10s to £7 10s, light £4 10s to £5 10s.

Sheep—Two thousand five hundred and fifty were yarded. The sale opened at about last week's rates in the case of prime wethers and ewes, but prices improved as the sale advanced. Medium ewes and light wethers sold at slightly reduced rates. Good wethers 18s to 21s, extra to 255, medium 15s 0d to 17s, light and inferior 14s to 15s, good ewes 15s to 16s 6d, extra to 18s 9d, medium 12s to 14s, light 8s fid to lis. Lambs—Two thousand four hundred and thirty-one were yarded. Freezing buyers operated at reduced limits, and, moreover, competition from other buyers was not as keen as last week. Consequently prices fell, showing an average decline of Is per head. Quotations: Prime lambs 15s to lGs fid, extra 21s 3d, medium 12s to 13s fid, unfinished 10s to lis fid.

JOIINSONVILLE. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., 1 sport:— We offered a heavy yarding of prime bullocks and sheep, which sold readily at late rates. Cattle—Prime heavy bullocks realised £lO to £lO as, lighter £9 10s to £9 15s, light £8 5s to £8 15s, prime cows £5 17s Gd to £6 17s fed, vealers £2 14s. Sheep—Prime heavy wethers £1 Or 7d to 21s 3d, good wethers 17s, prime ewe# los 3d to 15a 9d, medium ewes 13s Id to 13s (id, plain 13s, fair lambs 10s 2d to 10s 3d. j PALMERSTON. Messrs Abraham and Williams. Ltd., report: We offered a fair yarding of sheep, including a line of 1200 store wethers, on account of Mr. A. Harding, of Siberia, which realised 12s lOd. A small entry of cattle met with little demand. Quotations: Store wethers 12s lOd, good lambs 10s 2d, small lambs 6s lOd, cull wethers 9s sd, store cows £2 Ito £3 10s, fat cows £5 10s, weaner# 20s.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LIV, Issue 24, 22 July 1911, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LIV, Issue 24, 22 July 1911, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LIV, Issue 24, 22 July 1911, Page 3