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ROTHERHITHE (Southwark). .H. W. Carr-Gomm (L.) .. 44i4 Pownall (U.) 350? 1906—Carr-Gomm (L.) 4192, J» Cumming Macdona (C.) 2821. Unaltered. CORK CITY (Two members). "W. O'Brien (Tnd.) .. .. *4535 Augus'tine Roche (N.) .. 4438 Maurice Healy (Ind.) .. 4229 ' Murphy (N.) 3<76 ' Fitzgerald (Ind.) .. .. 20G1 RE-ELECTED UNOPPOSED. KILKENNY (NORTH). Michael Meagher (N.). 1906—Meagher (N.), unopposed. ANTRIM (EAST). ' Col. James M. McCalmont (U.). 1906 —MeCalmont (U.) 449G, Major Henry R. Beddoes (L.) 2145. KERRY (WEST). ■ Thomas O'Donnell (N.). 1906—O'Donnell, unopposed. CORK COUNTY (SOUTH). Edward Barry (N.). 1906—Barry (N.), unopposed. : TIPPERARY (NORTH). M. Hogan (N.). 1906—Hogan, unopposed. CORK COUNTY (EAST). Anthony J. C. Donelan (N.). 1906 —Donelan, unopposed. WEXFORD (SOUTH). Peter Ffrench (X.). .1906 —Ffrench, unopposed. LEITRIM (SOUTH). Thomas Smith (N.). 1906 —Smith, unopposed. . CLARE (WEST). Lynch. • 1906 J. Halpin, unopposed. SLIGO (SOUTH). : John O'Dowd (N.). 1906—O'Dowd, unopposed. LONGFORD (NORTH). • James Patrick Farrell (N.y. 1906—Farrell, unopposed. MAYO (WEST). Doris. '.1906 —Ambrose (X.), unopposed. CAVAN EAST. 4 S. Young (N.) Re-elected unopposed. KIEDARE SOUTH. , ffenTs Kilbride (XL Re-elected unopposed. FLUIT BOROUGHS. . Mr. Summers (L) 9ig<) " Mr. Tilbiz (U) .. .17-73 ,M 06 ~ [dris (L ) iSOO, Baiikes "(C) lo23.—Unaltered. CARDIFF. Mr. Thomas (L) .. ..13 207 Mr. Stuart (U) .. n'0,52 " IL) 12.434. Flanner* (L.L.) 9420.—Unaltered. BIRKENHEAD. Henry Vivian (L) .. ~ 3120 3lr. Bigland (U) .. .. 797(5 1900—Vivian 7074, Lees (C) 5271, Kensit (Prot.) 2118.—Unalter. , ea. HAWICK, i Mr. Barran (LI .. qo fil Mr. Graham (U) .. " r /T l T n .°?- S|law (L) 3125, Dope (LX.) 2444.—Unaltered. . | GREENOCK. , Mr. Collins ?L) 4 Mr. Smith (U) 2032 J 1996—Stewart (L) 3590, R-d (C) 3254.—T naltcred. GLASGOW (Bridgetown). (L) .. .. 5585 .Mr. Ling (L) 3539 ! 1906—Cleland 5;353. Dicfoon (C) 4019.—Unaltered. GLASGOW (Camlachie). Mr. Mnrkiiidrr fU) .. ooofi :A. Cress (L) .. .. .. 2871 lfiofi-A. Cross (L.U., FT.) 319:), ' burgess (La'>.) i-ooß.—l nionist gain. GLASGOW (St. Rcllox). T. McKinnon Wood (L) ..10.019 Air. Ch;!nil)pi'irn-]]f> ((') _ » 3906—W00d 0453, Wilson (L.U.) 0048.—1.11 a It crcd. . GLASGOW (Central). •Mr Dickson (Ut ~ . ijjjg • Mr. Miirison (L) .. .. 00;,s 19(H) Torrance (L) 07211 Bainl 6289.T■ moiii-t gain. / • GLASGOW COLLEGE. ,H. A. Watt (L) .. .. 0025 Sir J. S. Maxwell (U) .. 5523 j lfl(!(? Watt 7359. .Maxwell 50,7 a —Lnaltered. , ' (Ti-adeston). «A. C. Corbett (T.L.) .. .. 2900 Mr. Main (U> .. .. .. 2773 . Mr. Mason (L) .. .. 2073 1900—Corbett 4410 Mason 4003, Rosenthal (C) 245.—Unaltered 1 GLASGOW (Blackfriars}. G. N. Barnes (L). ?Lab. .. 4490 Mr. Constable (U) .. .. 2790 ; 1906—Barnes (Lab) 3284. Bonir > Law (C) 2974, Provand (L) 205?. —Unaltered. MIDDLESEX (Ealing). H. yield (U) .. .. .. 12,910 Mr. Hulbert t L) .. .. 9210 1906—Nield 8261, Hutton (L) ; 6982.—Unaltered.

THE COUSSSTY SEATS? RETURNS Summarised Results to sate: Unionist Gains 5^ Liberal Gains 16 Labor Gains ■••• 4 Representation Unchanged .... 231 Strength of the Parties: Unionists 126 Liberals 118 Labor 23 Nationalists 4 2 Total Elected 309 Remaining Seats 361 Total Seats 670 By Cable.—Press Association.—CopyrigM

MIDDLESEX (Hornsey). ! • Lord Ronaldshay (li) ..12,104 Mr. Duiumett (L) .. .. 8633 Unaltered. , , DKI r TFORD. C. W. Bowerman (L) 1 Lab. GBBO ■ - Mr. Coates (U) .. .. G358 1900—Bowerman (Lab.) 0230, Morton (C) 4977, Vivian (L) 720 1 Unaltered. HACKNEY (South). | H. 'W. Bottomley (L) .. 7299 . Mr. Wertheimer (U) .. 4304 , 1906—Bottomley 6730, Roberts m , (C) 3257, Rev. Riley (Ind. L) 801. ■ —Unaltered. , HACKNEY (Central). ; . A. Spicer (L) .. .. 3429 \ ■ Mr. Cassel (U) .. .. 3853 1 ] , 1900—Spicer 3995, Allhusen (C) 3382.—Unaltered. HACKNEY (North). Mr. Green (U) .. .. . T. H. Davies (L) .. .. 4773 1900—Davies 4655, Bonsfield (C) 4431.—Unionist gain. DENBIGH BOROUGHS. , Mr. Gore (U> 2438 C. Edwards (L) .. .. 2430 1906—C. Edwards 2533, Kenyon (C) I96o.—Unionist gain. MIDDLETON. R. Adkins (L) .. .. .. 7009 Mr. Rose-Innes (U) .. .. 6260 1906—Adkins 7013, Porta- (C) 5455. —Unaltered. STRETFORD. H. Nuttal (L) .. .. .. 12,917 . Mr. Samuel (U) .. . .10,026 1906—Nuttal 11,131, Cripps (01 83157. —Unaltered. ACCRINGTON. Mr. Baker (L) .. .. 8908 . Mr. Jessels (U) •. •• 6455 1900 —Leese (L) 7209, Irving (Soc.) 4852, Holden (I. Lab.) 019. Unaltered. ELLAND. C. P. Trevelyan (L) .. .. 7409 Mr. Ramsden (U) .. . • 4080 1900 —TrevehVn 7609, Hitching (U) 3902—Unaltered. OTLEY. J. H. Duncan (LI .. .. 6911 W. Thompson (U) .. . 5100 1900 —Duncan 6307, Thompson 405S—Unaltered.CARMARTHEN. W. L. Williams' (L) .. •• ' Mr. Tiverton (U) .. • • 1906 —Williams 3902, Ponsonby | (C) 1808.—Unaltered. ! PEMBROKE AND HA V Jfißi'OßD j WEST. ! O. C. Phillips' (L) .. •• Mr. Armstrong (U) .. •• 2S iT 1900—Phillips 3570, Pole-Urow (C) 2527. —Unaltered. NOTTINGHAM WEST. ! J. H. Yoxall (L) .. •• Mr. Lvgon (U) •• •• 1900 —Yoxall 8107, Rowley (L.U.) 5202—Unaltered. NOTTINGHAM EAST. Mr. (U) .. • • ( Sir H. Cotton (L) . • ■ • 3725 1906—Cotton 6020, Bond ((') 4290 .—Unionist gain. | NOTTINGHAM SOUTH. Lord 11. C. Bentinek (U) .. 6434 A. Richardson (Lab.) 0052 190G —Richardson 6314, Lord Bentinek 5514.—Unionist gain. MELTON. TT. de R. Walker (L) •- 774S Mr. Yate (U) 1900—Walker 7800, ((-) 0033.—Unaltered. 1 MOXMOUTII. L. Haslam (L) Mr. Cavzer (U) 1900—Haslam 4531. Nieholls (10 3939. Whistone (T.ali,) 1078. —I nnltered. AUSTRALIA AXD TAKiREFORM.' WILL CROOKS' OPTIONS. ' Received January 21, 12.10 a.lll. London. January -''■ Mr. Will Crooks' remarks concerning Australian preference arose out_ »i an interview with the Daily ( lironicle. ' AS()l T ITII'S DECLARATION. i LORDS' VETO FIRST Ol'KS'l'iON' FOi: DECISION. 1R! -JT SELF-GO\' ERNM EXT 1 FOR PURELY IRISH AFFAIRS. Receive.l January 27, 12.10 a.lll. Loudon. January 20. Mr. Asc]uith, in the eonise of a speech at Fife, deeiined to promise legislation nf any kind till lie lias settled conclusions with the House of Lords. That was a permanent obstacle that must be removed. Till that was done, there was ;io use talking ibout legislation. The Liberal Party was free to support any measures giving Ireland self-government for purely Irish affairs, subject to the unimpaired supremacy of the Imperal Parliament. He was not prepared to

give a jiledpro respecting the Lords' judgment Hoarding the payment of Labor members, l;;it he would consider tiusubject. Writing- to several candidates, )-i;. \\ ! n-eon Chu;vhi)! urged riia electorates to reUirn a strong and independent government.

THE HOME Rl/LE QI'ESTIOX. MR. AStjITITI'S RECLARATIOX MODIFIED. COXSTEUN ATiOX AMONG TILE X A TIO XALIs TS. By Cable—Press Association.—Copyrigitt Lond6n, January 19. The lion. J. A. Government Whip, in a further speech, said Mr. Asquith, in his Albert Hull speech, yave no pledge that Home Rule would be given to Ireland. What lie said was that the ban which the Liberals imposed upon themselves at the last election was removed, and that the Liberals, if free, desired to extend selfgovernment to Ireland. But everyone in the Government was pledged not give the Irish an independent Parliament, but self-government consistent with the union. The Times' corresponded says that Mr. Pease' statements have created consternation among the Nationalists, and that the election was being fought in Ireland on the question of Home Rule. It is assumed that Mr. Asquith, after Saturday's pollings, expected a majority independent of the Nationalist vote, and directed the Whip to disown the Albert Hall undertaking. The Times adds that Mr. Pease explained, but only when the borough elections were nearly over, that Mr. Asquith really meant nothing in particular at the Albert Hall. The country elections, wherein the Irish vote was insignificant, were beginning, and the Liberals hoped to profit by the repudiation of an intention whereon they had hitherto been trading. The Hon. L. V. Harcourt's expression of " a dirty trick" fittingly described the manoeuvre. What was now meant was that the Home Rule would only be introduced if it served a party purpose.

TARIFF REFORMERS' CAMPAIGN. NEWSPAPER VIEWS OF THE ELECTIONS. London, January 19. The Tariff Reform League has chartered a number of motor 'bus'es. perambulating the country districts with specimens of dumped goods. Tlie Unionist papers contain cablegrams showing anxiety on the part « l Berlin and Hamburg merchants respecting tariff reform, which it is expected will change the conditions of German trade.

Others rejoice at the prospect of free trade being undisturbed. One paper expresses' delight at the defeat of Mr. L. G. Chiozza Money in the Paddington North election, adding that his references to black bread and sausages are the laughing stock of Germany.

THE LORDS' VETO. London, January 19. Mr. Lloyd-Georjje, in the course of a speech, declared it must be madte perfectly clear that if the. Lords rejected a Bill kwnt up the second time it must be sent straight through to the Throne. GRATEFUL PENSIONERS. London, January 19. Prior to Mr. Lloyd-George's meeting at Newtown, 13S8 Montgomeryshire oldage pensioners mounted the platform and expressed gratitude for the benefits that had been conferred on them. MR. HALDANE'S HEALTH. London. January 19. Mr. R. B. Haldane. Secretary of State for War, is recovering, but is still unable to engage in election work. LORD BERESFORD CONGRATULATED. London, January 19. Six hundred telegrams of congratulation were sent to Lord Charles Beresford.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LII, Issue 294, 21 January 1910, Page 5

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THE BRITISH ELECTIONS. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LII, Issue 294, 21 January 1910, Page 5

THE BRITISH ELECTIONS. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LII, Issue 294, 21 January 1910, Page 5