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At Taradale, near Xapic-r, "rapes arc-Ix-huj retailed at (id per lb. Inspector (;iHi os . iu ,| |( , ( , ulu .. ( , of , ( i-liiit at Christchurcli. said he was astounded at the growth „|' the XortU JsJau.l. lyglu. or „j m , ~,.„.s ~„0 ) ljo said, when lie was in charm; of the "aneauiui district, Taihapc was a settlement with one ~r two house., in it -Now it wiv a thriving (own. and there won. many sue], places in tl,«. Aorlh NMHd. The island „>. wakinfr up to its |iossilnlili..s. anil ii would carry the j whole of H, ( , Dominion's population" now Willi i'hf. Tin. JiiiiMV before such land iis wa.. Ix-T.i- ~p«.|„,| „,, Wil< w0,,,,,,,.,,,, '!' '"""•ii'l'lalo. and ho »,„»{;;<' ">"l lli- V.mII, l-lajwHr-li-roT hcKin,,' ', - I Milk I,..sis 0i1,,,, ,„,■„, ,|„. ~,1,1,.,., ,„■ ••'"''"iil''-l cmili-oiitm- anioii-s| ,|ain) iih'ii. Ii one man gets a lost 0 f s-,\ ':-■ • ">"«li.r only :j.7. ii,,.,,.' ;„•,.' '''-I" 11 '" - ■""' j'M "i-. .Many o! I'"' -iipplici- do i,„| scon, lo ,-rali.c '. Il ;' ( 'l»ll>" I tin) I hat a supplier nilh a low 1,..| is von often ■,,.'. li'ift a belle,- rcluru per ~,« ,| ",r„ Willi | hi. liie-h lest. .\ 1,,,,,,, ,|.,j n »'■■'" '» II"' t'liillia ilMriel puffonvai. II t!''T -lay hi., relurns I'm- this „..,. -""■ '» 'Moi,,.,- „in.„| •,, ~ ;; '"-' ■>■<■'■ ••li.-ip,.. In,- Ihe „,.,„t|, «.-, :i . '"''• ;" "" I"'>' ''"», '-1 1:1- fid. \o-m-iii1,..,-. i!!i row,, lest :;.] and :;,:,, ,|„„ |T „, '-'•' T W ;/*'<'>■'-<• per eou LI lis. December. :l:l cows, let 3.7 eheipie c.m las; average per cow. CI 'l3* ,s,l. •March, 31) cows, test -1.1. cheque £44 ,js ; average per cow, £1 2s Bd. Th,, crime of bigamy is terribly j„civasiiifr in this countrv (says tin- Undon correspondent of the '-Austr.ila*ian''l. A week or two a"o I nienliiMli'd Hie case o| Hyiie. of Mfistol. who mil mined nearly ,i score of women in r.nidaml. and »-!■•> wa- discovered-after be had been -eillciieed to be the nolol'i"ii- WmzlmilV. win, hml married nearly a bundled wives in America. \ vomer »"" »' d I..iii...|oii has also been 5,.,i~ tenced. at the (>H |j.,i|, >v . ~, ,; u , ~,,,., I"!' a ~Hence. In his case the police have discovered that there were (■■■"lili-.-ii vielims. |.,„. 1ii'i,.,.,, ..,,„,.; I 11.l- been u „i„o t|,'l,.|ll:li the rcreiiloliv'o'l '"■'HTi.iee, uni-lly -,i „.,i,|,v olljce,. « i,h ni ""'*" Id pleK up. 50,,,,.. times he rcpro-clllcd him,.ell' „ all illI dependent !..,.„! leina 11. -i.lllel inles as a llledieill -tllllenl. Willi , I' |,i, "V.ive- "|,e lived a ,| llVl , w ,,.|,-. ; M „||.,.,. ea-es i„.i J:,,,.,,,,!,,,,,,,, |„ ~is ,;,„„. ii'ii-ler variil!,"",,'!","'.". I'Zni )s"eo!',n'.' women. I'if ,| ii„ „, |,a,,. |„,, n l"i'ced int.. a life ,f shame. u„, ~f bis vic(iin_ ha- been lei'i wilb a laiuilv ol' I'.nir cliihlreii.

Tt i- .•< r.vo,?nisc,| ,-i>.i„in ilial ■'•( li public arc ihc l>c-l juuYcs'• Tim I i why AMlx.nnip f'loll.nijj f',.ni.. : inv simp ;irc nlwavs crowded. Wi. nhsrluidv 1,,;',, in linys' .•lfliliiii;?. lWnd 11i,..,. : ' n.u-. twccil siiilor suits. .V fid: linys' sor'.r. .-;iilor suits. 2s 11.1 In iis }]<]; Ws' Cm n-ny suits. 8, Ihi t<i 10s lid: linvs' nil wnnl TTu-s;i r suits. Ids C, t ] |,i ls s n,] lm\V X.irMl; suits. ; ,u ~..,„1. fill j, 7- (id. V,V :ivc (1„. iri-,..,1.-t iuc,r- -mi,' ■.v*' HofW..vs i„ T i iriiiMl;i.-,\,lvf SrDDKV FALL IX Tl-MPFlJAirillv is "Cnemllr ,i forerunner nf nil cpidcmir "I' Cuiisl.s ;„iil f,.1,15. lie prepared l,v l:!'opin ? i, 1,„tt1.. „r Dr. SlioMon's Xnj Disown- in (he linns... OWniinli!" overviwhere.

Operations will lie immediately commenced at Smart-road in upeniiig'uji the. l:uoliu deposits.

'the vital „tiitistie« for April record v ■ll births, II marriages, and S deaths in i, the New Plymouth distriel. , It i> slated that the Franklev Koad s Hoard election was fought out oil "lighs ! v. darknes:-' lines. T| u . hvo members n elected, .Me rs. Ainiiury and Chant. f '"■ Hi favor I'e Koad Hoard taking steps t to have the Franklev road lighted bv i electricity. The Northern Company advise that t Hie Itarawn will not leave for Onehunga < on the 15lli instant until midnight, 'to i enable her lo take the Anderson-Wheri- ; dan Pantomime Company north, alter < their performance m Snv Plymouth on ] that date. ' A fanner who had to expend upwiirds i nt C2H for grass need after the recent lires mlorined a News reporter that ; the lire did more clearing of old lo«s and iweeils and light „„,„l s ihan he eiiuld have done for toll, he-ides giving his land a good top-dressing of pohisli." The grin „„ an Inglev.ood simill liov's lace yesterday was a puzzle to sonic. ■ Hut the man to whom he "live I hi' in formation lliat the Windsor road was metalled through f„ (he r) m] |,, v ~,.,) uiulerstood. Ao doubt when the hitler's hor-e and gig nearly , s | u od on end in some holes „f which the Road Hoard members are donhlless ignorant, thai small boy was gleefully chuckling. At a meeting „f (l K . \,, w flvnidiilli I'iie Hoard on Eridm- a lengthy report was submitted l, v ,),,, Superintendent. «l the J'ii-i- llrigade regarding the Theatre Ifiiynl and the l!ioiigh ; ,in-slreet Hall. ■ It was decided to inspect the properties

on .Monday before dealing with the re- !""''• A I ii* of Co sri.5 ri . was voleil to . the acting-secrelarv (Mr. F. T. Hell- | nuger) for his services lo date. Mr. (J. • W.'Howard was appointed secretary. The principal topic of conversation in • the Inglewood distriel is the .Moa Daiiv • Comedy Company. It is staled on ex- - (-client authority that Mr. Cornev, man. t ager, absolutely declines to lii-pense > with the services of J| r . Mackie. the Kaiinala creamery manager, at the bes hiMt of the directors, and that his alti- '• Hide is supported liy the great majority s of the shareholders. Mr. Cornev lias, a't I- their request, reconsidered his decision d In resian at the end of this season.

The annual meeting of the I/idiiV liuild at Whiteley Church was held on Friday evening. There was a very hirgj attendance both tor the tea and for the business meeting which followed. The Key. T. (I. Brooke presided. The following were elected ollicors.for the ensuing year:—President, Airs. T. 11. lirooke; vice-president, Mrs. XV. Caunell; secr.ilaries, Mrs. Sharp and Miss Veale; treasurer. Mrs. W. Ambury. The meeting was also made the occasion of a welcome from the Whiteley Church rongru- ! gat ion to the Key, M. .1. Milder. The other day as Mr. .1. Hurley was riding into Patea (the Press reports) he noticed a man lying hi a ditch near the Pioneer Uriel; Works, lie informed Constable O'l'.nen. who went down to lie: spot, lie found an old man I'.ing pros tntte in the ditch, and at lil'sl the ennstable thought he was dead, lie had hiei removed to the Patea Hospital, where he is making ?a!isfaclorv progros,,. |ji s inline is Durst, and from his.account of events it appears that he fell ill and lay down in the ditch on Saturday, remaining there until seen by Mr. Tlurlev on Sunday. Some Iwent'v-liv,. years' nivo Hurst had his leg amputated'nt Pnlea. ami has not been .'here since.

Regarding the imprisonment for back wages case al Auckland, the Minister olMtisliee Hhe 1i0n..!. McUowan) staled llial Ihe brother „f Mr. Dixon had waited upon him al Auckland with a view of iiilrcdiiciiig a large deputation lo him. The Minister had K aid thai -uch a course would be a, waste of time unless the dej ition had something Iresh lo urge. The desire was to confuse the civil ca-,e with Hie Arbitration Court, and while il »,is sought, to mix up the two issues no conclusions could be arrived al. lie had no intention to interfere with the course of Hi,, law. Mr. Mctiowaii has also forwarded a replv similar to this to Mr. Alassey. M.l'.' (Leader of the Opposition), who had telegraphed to him on the subject. Mr. 11. C. Anderson, Acling-DirectO" of Agriculture for New .South Wales, addressing a meeting in Sydnev, said I hit over C2(I0II had been raised "to commemorate the wonderful heroism ot Mr. Noble as a cricketer." A man died two years ago who did more for Australia than all the cricketers ever did or would ever d„. lie propagated new wheal-, one of which, called "l-Vdcra-lion." was going- lo make Au-lralia "known throughout the world. That was William l-'arrar. who worked patiently, and at small emolument, till he suddenly died. It was decided to have a schoiar-

ship at Hi.. Agriiultural Col leg,, to perpetuate liis name, vet thev had not Kiit Cl.'ill for it. although (.(pi'f farmer in \ew Sonlli Wall's hud got' the Lcnelil of Fariiir's splendid work. A familiar quotation from tfhake--.pcurc suggests that it i- not in mortals to command success, lmt they may deserve it. We know of no place in tin' Dominion to which (lie latter portion nf llii' phrase can lie more applied than lo Taramiki (suy, ; th,. Vcihliug Slari. and tliis thought is brought mil on reading a telegram in which the latest news is given regarding two of 'l'araniiki's aniliilious schemes. The message refers tu the ai-quwition by a foreign syndicate of the land containing the kaolin ileposits discovered in New I'lyinouth last year, and wilii which successful experiments in a small way hav 0 already licen made. Kaolin U 11 line quality of day that has proved very valuable in making highcliiss iioltery in the Old World; and if the New Plymouth deposit works out up lo expectations, then there are great possibilities for this enterprise from the. industrial point of view. The second part of the message indicates thai the courageous men behind the hunt for petroleum have by no moans lost heart; anil they certainly deserve to "strike, oil " as a reward for their persistent endeavour to bring up payable quantities from the bowels of the earth. Taramiki deserves the success which we sincerely hope, for the industrial good of Ibis portion of our island, may be achieved. Even if the ambitions ironsiunl scheme should continue to remain in abeyance, we hope the humble kaolin and the evasive petroleum will vet luukv for Taranaki's reward. An accident- of a serious nature occurred at the corner uf Cover and Devon slreels nTmut li o'clock on Saturday evening, when Mr. (i. Haylvj>jiK»V»f far J^'J»^rv^u m ~\x\^fj- iuiKl , ~1,1,!,.,, hi- Herbert, lirucc. a. voung niiin smplii.ved on Ihe borough' eleclric ligliling .-lull'. II is slaicd Unit liriire. who had b"cii "ii his rounds of th,. street liglils. was u-olting towards town along' (lie soulh side of Devon street, .nid when lietween the lied House ll.itel aim McNeil'- stoic cilllle illlo violent collision wilh Hie car. which wins turning hili. Cover street |'r„„, j>von slrcel on its way from town. 'I lie horse ivm knocked down and cui ( about, and lirucc was thrown hcnvilv. | He was picked up i-onsidorublv bruise I and otherwise injured, but to'what cxlenl. we were iiil'orined ln-l übjht. the docli.r hud been unable to ~talc doliniteIv. The matter lias lieeil reported to the P.oroiigh Council and to the polkv, and in Hie circumstances we refrain from repeating allegations Unit may form the subject of inquiry. Speaking entirely without- prejudice to the above incident, we have mi hesitation in suyiing it is time the Council tool; drastic action to ell'eetively control the motor trallic in the borough. Quite a number of hairbreadth escapes from accidents have been reported of late, in which either rockhvsness or incompetency on Ihe pari of one or two chauffeurs and motor-riders seemed to be the rontril.uling factor. The sooner prompt measures'arc taken to deal with the trallic, Hi" sooner will the street-using public feci safe, and nnu-oll'cmling owners and drivers of curs be freed from the opprobrium Hint Hie aclions of a few lire bringing on all. iliuilily i~ uni based upon what yo.i j pav. but what vou gel for what von I pay. When you buy an " Alfn-Lival" separator you buv a machine with the endorsement of ns per cent. »l practical creamery and separator experts. If you were travelling in a stauge land, and ' I eaiue lo a. fork in the road, and should I enquire the wav to vour destination. !« per cent, telling vou'lo (alee the right hand and 2 per cent, the left, which would you lake? The man who buys ! an imitation separator and thinks lie <a ■.'el I ing as good a machine as Hie " AlfaDavnl" i- like the fellow who tried lo blow out Hi,, electric light—-lie didn't know any better. Catalogue "T" and all particulars from the sole New Zealand ■menU. .Mason. S-lrnlliors * Co.. Ltd.. Main Street. I'almerslnn North. ■'•■ Criroths ,v Co.. New Plymouth, local qgents.—-Aflvfc. |

A little man stopped in the shop, And Niiil, "Now. ymi hj,, sure 'IV -jive im> what T ask for pop, That's Woods' (Iroat Peppermint Cure. It's no use to try and force (In me some other class, For tliniisrh F am a little hoarse I'm not a little ass." 13 Woods' Great Peppermint Cure for Cotishs and colds never fails. Is 6d and lid to 4s lid.—Advt.

At the HBiiiml meeting of ratepayer.-, oi' the Klliul Huad District it was resolved, "Dint this meeting would recommend a conference of delegates from lli e vsiriuu- road tliolrk-u abutting on the borough of .New Plymouth, with a view to diseasing tins pracliealjilitv of Koine scheme whereby llie rates iu these rapid-ly-growing dislriels mignt lie redueed"; also, ••■that !■],,. chairman and Mr. .1. D. Sv.le l.e appointed delegates," and "That tiie oilier dislriels interested he at once notilied and their co-operation invited." l'eals of laughter greeted the grave annouuceinent of a candidate nominated for tiie iv.uiipoi School Committed who, when his wife was later proposed as a candidate, wished to retire on the ground that one of them must stay at home to mind the children. The householders refused to hear of his withdrawal, and at the poll he was returned while his wife was not, the voters thus showing that they thought Unit the husband should attend to the school affairs and the wife stay at home.

Knnic ~f tin. Kauhia tennis-players win) competed al Hi!- Hamilton tournament displayed a stylo peculiarly their own. They disregarded many 'of the accepted rules, ami when llii'.v couldn't hfl a ball (-iinii<rh with one hand. Ihey grasped (he racket with both hands ami welteil tlie hall as though using a Hail. 'lTiev served as they pleased, smashed when they felt inclined, and ali appeared to he alile to play continiinuslv for a week., Thev made no pretensions In style- but they "(it tlit-i<- just 'the same! 'J'lnis a Thames, competitiii recounts one id" the incidents nf tie. game. Km' some years past a gathering ir the nature of a convention hats been an niiiilly behl at Tiniaru (says a rcccm number of the Tiniaru Post). The patties to the convention are all seagulls which sit in .solemn rows on the side of the old iron surf-boats moored in til harbor. Tii-day the lnilS Hitting of th conference was cniiiincnceil, the attend ance occupying four of the boats, whi! a small dinghy served as a sort of L'res gallery. Messengers Hew constautl from 'boat to boat, apparently reports from the. various eoniiiiittet which had been set up. The nature ( the remits before, tile conference c-aniu be ascertained, but, judging from a un. versal commotion that was noticed at about 11.30 a.m., a unanimous vote of thanks was being 'accorded to the Go-, vern'ineut for the regulation prohibiting 1 the shooting of gulls.

From San Remo comes a curious story of a middle-aged farmer named Seyt're, who made live attempts at suicide before succeeding. Suffering from the after-effects of influenza, he lied from the farmhouse in his nightshirt, knife in hand, and threw himself into a pond. In so doing he stabbed himself in the stomach. Groaning with pain and bleeding very much, Seytre managed to extricate himself and retrace his steps. When he arrived home he fetched a pistol and fired a bullet '" the direction of his breast. As the shot failed to take effect, and Seytre could find no more ammunition, he repaired lo a granary, where he made preparations to hang himself. Jle was again foiled, for the ceiling was too low to admit of his suspending from a beam. lie next tried to beat his brains out by dashing his head with great violence against a stone wall, which he left bespattered with hair and blood. He finally crawled back to his bedroom, where he crowned his exhausting efforts by cutting his throat from ear to ear. Dealing with the question of holidays for farm and .station hands Mr. Ac-land remarked at the Conciliation Board sitting in C'hristchurch that th"«? demanded by the Farm Laborw;' Unir-ii (lid not suit either Hie emplo ?ts ur tie men. He knew that on some, bark stations the shearers wanted to shear on Christmas Day, and they would . ot shear on Sundays if they were allowed, fn Queensland they had practically compelled the bosses >o let them "hear on Sundays, and the same iipplie 1 to Sew Zealand, though nor tr. -the s"ine extent. A holiday was little use to man thirty or forty -niles nway frcm any where, and he had h'tirrt of men spending a holiday in poaching paradise ducks or damning a creek for eels. As to the allegation chit a weekly ha'iholiday was necessary so that wen

should do their washing on Saturday 'nstead of Sunday, lie dismissed it as an agitator's excuse; probably the men would play cards on the .Saturday halfholiday, and continue the practice of doing their washing on Sundays.— Christchurcii Press. Speaking in ilu, Chrisulnuch (jitv Hall recently. ,\lr. K. A. Uornihrook said. that it had been advanced as an argument for the theory that the men of today were not as good a type physically a« the men of a decade hack, that they, objected to handle cornsaeks weighing and wanted tin; bags to weigh* •JiOlb, Personally, he considered that il was a crying whame that any man/ should he asked to lift a bag of such, enormous weight, and the fact of the. worker* objecting he attributed to thebelter education prevailing, which made men naturally object to turning themselves into human beasts of burden. If the conscience of the employers could, n»l be stirred in thu~ matter, then the Covcrnmeut ought to step in and refuse! to carry on the railways any bay weighing over 2(Kllb. A large' number of hi borers occupied in carrying the present sacks sull'ercd from heart strain and, rupture, and, although it was very easy' for well-dressed, well-groomed members of Chambers of Commerce to object to a. reduction in the si,-* of cornsaeks, he himself would give a great deal to mv any one of those gentlemen carry a, single sack ten Yards.

A gratifying account of the clearance which, tlie little owls, imported by the Otago Acclimatisation Society, have ei ; fected of the small birds in the fruitgrowing districts of Central Otago. particularly in the Earnsclough Flat, is given by Mr. G. M. Marshall, who has just returned from a visit to that district. For fifteen years past it was absolutely impossible to grow large crops owing to the depredations of tire green linnets, and goldfinches, winch simply Hocked down on the fruit gardens, and almost cleaned them of the blossom liiuls. The introduction of owls to the district lias proved the salvation of the fruitgrower, for in places where previously the bird pest was overwhelming there is now not a small bird- to - be seen. The resnli D f this is that the tiecsjir-e-,,, splendid condition, and ■{imunßK exceedingly well for next year. .N»t only have the birds named disappeared entirely from the fruit gardens, but sparrows and even starlings are now practically an unknown quantity Nil lire has evidently told them that tlio le owl ,s a dangerous enemy, and |'<'.v have either taken to the rocks or disappeared altogether. Mr. IversOn, •<™'<;Npcneuce the above has bee„, liV-l n»t had occasion to fire a shot to fright- ™ "way birds for two years, and it is Miiilrfy due to the presence „r the owls, the abuost complete clearance of the j-mail birds ,s instanced in the fact that P."d U..0 less for birds' heads and eggs b L'" , P rV° UH >' CiU - « would e cry much better, said Mr. Marshall, if the county councils were to ioin '»'«■» with the Aceli,natis l , tioll Leiet" • 1 devote to the importing of Owls he snail birds. The consignment that '•<* hpe„ place d m the district have W„ known to breed, and some hi; h<<> n with as many as fo m - young owls.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 113, 4 May 1908, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 113, 4 May 1908, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 113, 4 May 1908, Page 2