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Tile "draw" at ihe Waitara railway >l;ili')ii. m> Jar ii> the kiddie* were ron-eenn-d. u;i> ;i little 111»i• k Ml' -ix Angora iinjMiiicil bv Mi-. Matthew* i'>, the plUpi'M' I»V eradicating MaekbetTY. Tin* Surrey ariived in tli<* Wailara roadstead 011 I'uesday, mid loaded I'ro/e'i meat iur Liverpool. She sailed on XhuiMhiy afternoon with the I'ollowing cargo:—loo 3 <|iiart<T> heel, 0252 earea«c> lamb. UfloO boxes ot MmdrUv. and tallow. Tlif U.M.S. Toiignriio i.s expected to avriv ;»t Waitara road:-tead tumorrow afternoon. Her appr^>xiiuat' 1 - from tliis port will he :JO()0 quarter* beef. t'miu 12<"I (.o lamb. I'll'it bo\e■; mitorir-. lihi ea-ts lallou and ob'o. -J."* casks pell:-. and .1 id' Wool. Yv-i'-i'dm ilm l report- of .-porliii;.: I announced the opening ol th" • number nl spoilsmen out, but we hav* heard t»l' no remarkable bags. PheahanU are to be more plentiful than they were last vear. It U t«) be hoped Unit the j.vun.l will not be ~o mischievously used tlu*y were in many instances tot* I reason, when h»»n pheasants were reported to have. Ikm'H shot 011 the

ground. This charge froi|Uently lai< l»y Iho rural sports- at the door of tin parties of Sunday shootUts win* »<; out ironi tlio towns. *onie of tiicin !dazin;> away at anything Quality i* not hased iif>nn what vol pay, but what you for what you pay. Wh'Mi you bnv an " Alfa-La vol'' separator yon l>ny a mii'-hine willi the endorsement of !IS per cent, ol |rr;n tii-a 1 J eivmnorv and separator experts. If yon J wore travelling in a -tan.ue !-nd. and '■aine to a fork in Hie road, and should ( enquire |lie way to your destination. IMS p( i r eeni. U'Uinji ytm to tnl;e the ri;_iM J hand and - per eent. the left, whieh I would ynu lake? The man who ImyI an iimiath'ii separator .nd thinks lie U «reftin? a- 'jo«m| a niar-hine a< (he " Alfa- . Laval'" h like the f.-11-w who tried In ! Idow oil I Ulc eler-frie li-jht lie didn ! j know ;inv iHter. I'aia "T" and nil iwrlieiilar- from (hp soli* New Zealand i Ma -on. St rutliei's $ Co., |,td.. | Main Street. Palmer-ton North. K. | 1 iviHitlis & riynimidi. loenl | Advfc.

The contractor is making good progress with the erection of the now Court- i mmse at Wiiitara. t There are still a number of ca-ses <>l typhoid fewr ill Auckland, but last 1 mouth's returns show that the epidemic 1 j i.-> on the decrease. There is a gang of men ul present uigagrd in ;i general clearing-up 01 tin.* \\aiiara railway Nation. Amongst ether impruvjmoiLts, we are informed liiai lhe platform is to ue asphalted. .li the jJeparlmenl will go one better and place a verandah over the platform it would be a mueh-appreciatcil boon to l)i c public. Aii a meeting-ul Hie Taranaki branch oi tlie Civil service Association held on Wednesday evening Mr. 11. <S. Fit/JieriH'i't. S.AI., was elected chairman, Air. j\ Camngton vice-chairman, and Ah*. Wiggs hull, secretary and treasurer. Air. W. A. \). iiank* was warmly eoii"j'atulalcd upon hits promotion to Chiisielmvch, (lie members at the. same time regivtiing lii- loss to tin: branch. W hat might have resulted 111 a, >erion./ at«.KHnu utippencu in .ucson u'SLei'day alU'inoon. A eu'lisi pedalling ai, a small pace touaiun Uic came into collision \\uh uu e.\ pit.-i i which was eruasing Devon snivel jiv.n tiiliot street. The escapcu wall a severe full. His machine, uow\ei, was considerably knocked about.

i iic Lciiii'al bcltoul lms been j I'-i-.i ioi luy.iie in leient years in ngaiu j lo cliauj>e» in tlie tcacliiug stall, jlisse.? j Lrawlord, Jierry, and i'uril, Aksi-i:. way, liiuuside, Cockrylt, Harding. t Davidson, t'litclurd, 'Sullivan, and Tun- j bridge ha\c all lelt within a .pace ol ( tail a poiiioii iu a ehiuu primary scliooi , llie. tile decision of Mr. Davidson to ( return to uawkes Bay will be deeply regretted, particularly by the cadets, I m uhom lie has taken a warm interest. At Ureymouth eight respectable young men were charged with Having practically taken charge of an hotel at Jackson during prohibited hours. Inc solicitor appearing for the men pleaded a "big drunk," whereupon Mr. fnrton, S.M., lined them, in the gross, £52 Ss with costs, remarking that people often thought they could take charge oi hotels in the backblocks, but must be taught otherwise. During service ill the W'oodville Methodist Church on Sunday, a rat cans- 1 cd a commotion in the choir. It hid in the organ, and the lady organist, with cjminiendable fortitude, continued, 'her duties till the devotions ceased. A search party, composed of the minister, ■ officers, and small boys, afterwards arm. ' ed themselves with stair rods, wiili the ' object of dealing sudden death to the rodent, but it managed to escape by a * door.

The number of passengers carried over rhe Wellington - Napier - New Plymouth section of the tioveniiiienl railways for the four weeks ended 31st .March -hows a decrease in comparison with tli« number carried during the corresponding period last year. The total number carlied was lilte.T'.lrt. as against 27:1,13.1 for March. I!H!7. The number of parceM i.irricd was 23,71!!. as compared willi 12: package- of good-. 202,47N, as compared Willi 3ir>.33S. ami 72.1H7 tons, as against lii.Kiil tons, 't he revenue for last month \va- £72,231 Ms, as against C 70.781 12s Sd for March of last year. In connection with dirlv bank-notes. Dr. .Mason says tnat ii is a pity that the procedure followed by the Bank of England cannot lie followed here; that is, Unit every dirty note returned to the bank is destroyed. He promises to draw the attention of the bankers to the complaint, though lie is of opinion thai much good would come if the Chamber of Commerce would approach the various banks direct. The Public Health Act. lie points out, has many drastic clause-, and the ollieers appointed under it have many powers, but the destruction of bank-notes is not one of them.

a borrowed cheque form, causes no suspicion in the minds of Hie duped tradesmen. Tradesmen who issue open invitations to persons to please come and rob them, really deserve to be victimised. If tradesmen would kindly suspend blank cheque forms in their shops, where customer of the Jones type can readily reach them, they would lie doing un incalculable service to these customers, and it would be just as business-like as the proceedings that gave .Tones an opportunity to ''buy" many goods and subsequently go to gaol.

).it'llt ."I r<|(l >!«•>• liiis i-siK'd {lit' fpliowir!;; nnlej- to tin* l-V-mil) Wellimr tmm lT;i i .ui iki l I'm! t mlion : - "Tlir oilicrv tn lh;ink tlu> <voo[m ui'.lvv his coinMi;jn«l timing thr for thrir lio-

haviour while in camp and in the held. Their keenness and cheerfulness throughout. he considers, deserve the hieheisl praise anil well for their coudii'-t if by anv chance they are called Oil active service. Moreover, the educational value to volunteers at manoeuvres is (jreally enhanced bv them taking such an interest in llie operations. Lieut.Colonel Okey cannot help adding that i'i iiis opinion the ni|{lit march to Wellington, performed after a long and arduous day on the hills, was a test v>f endurance

and discipline through w'liich they came with grout credit to themselves an I their ollieers."

Mr. F. 0. Mackay, treasurer of the Olinknne Athletic and Axemen's Association, had a narrow escape of losing about £IOO 011 Monday night, reports tin l Taihape Times, He took the, money which was received during tlie day at tlie sports, anil put it in his tent for safety. He got a mate to sleep in tlie tent with Win, and during the early hours of tlie morning the mate woke up, hearing a noise outside. He woke up Mackay, and tliey both saw a large hole through the tent,, and a masked man standing near it. They made a rush at tile intruder and eollared him. Owing to it being dark, they could not identify him with the mask on, and while attempting to. get. a good look at the man's face, the intruder got away, l)ii left behind hiin a hntche-||'s knife and a syringe. The man had cut an opening in the tent with the knife. The intruder did not got any of the money. During the absence of Dr. Bell, Director of Geological Surveys, in the Auckland district., Mr. Adams, his tirst assistant, will carry on the geological survey work in connection with I lie Poverty Bay oilfields. The Poverty Bay Herald says that Dr. Bell has. it is understood, obtained sufficient d-ita upon which to base nu interin. report for presentation to Parliament (luring the coining session. Meanwhile tile work is being continued to obtain further necessary details. Respecting the three wells which were put down by tlie oil boring companies in pa«t years, these, it is stated, have been definitely

ascertained to have been located on

synclines. and as such were quite worthless. Tile particular born which was carried to a depth of from 1000 ft to ISOOft, and at. which the "blow out"

was declared to have occurred, is also said to be similarly situated, and therefore it is thought it would have been impossible („ have obtained .s,,tn a volume oi oil ;is uonhl have causea the destruction of tile well.

Nmii,, iihmi wu'Vo trucking cs»< Mr ;it a i-iiil\v:iv -lution im (lie Main Trunk line 1 11 - nllii'i- (hiy. 'flip yards were almost knee-deep 111 11111,1, u, Tnr ,li, l;? informant, must have lieeii di" siffiiwl bv a 11U111 wi lo iliiil no ;,i,. n 0 f what was wanted. Tile "crush" pen «'a„ almost circular, and the I,oasis moved round anil round in most, tantalising fashion. Hence, though cold \va~ 111" Ilium, the tenrjiers wore warm, and tlic language—veil, not exactly saii' liinonioiis. Down the station yard came an ollicial. on a tour of inspection. Unlike the men in tin- yards, in llieiv muddy and leather shirts, this indhidoal sported silk hat and frock rn;i|. lie was greeted with a volley of cmijdaints, to whu-li he replied, at a ili -t:ni"e. Iha t "soinetliiiifr would liavo In 1 !-• doni'.'' And Ihr rattle made a ■,iovse I'l'ea 1, I hail ~ver, which caused the owner (u ;'--k Ihe i-enlleinan, in terms mere I'orcih'e Ihau polile. win' he didn't

t?il niv his ;inrl tile ; in<l do Komof InThe representative of ofiiciahloni ■ln 'v himself to (lie fullness of his five feet odd, and in dignified lone askeil if »!m other follow knew whom lie was <*Ye«." enme the ready re<oi". f, r know vou. You're one of inv servants. and I'm .paying yoy too iMiii'li. Look at the yards," nnd <*o on. ] AVilhin a week the yard? ] wev der-ent. and it is understood th d"f""tiv«» ennst-rwtinn i* to he remedied

iYour winter elothin/; is a very import nnt thin? to you. Thesp eold tlnys vniind you that your underclothing needs renewing. nnd avliph von think t rdntlnn? of nnv kind von naturally Miink of "The Nash." that riot.hing stove in Devoii-sfreet, New Plymouth. Tt's n vevv eponomio'M store to donl at., and if- a store noted for honest, dependable woods. They've n new lot. of T\fiin- 1 noi woollen *iii<rlet.« at 3* fid, under•nil's to mateh 3s fid. anrl thov hnvp a heavier lino nt 4s Od nnrl 5« fid. Flannel •diurleU thov have from 3d to fia fid. bliio ihnii"l yin'dots 4s fid to fi= (Id. Flannel shirts thov have in a crreat vMi'lpfv from iis fid to Rs fid. You nil know the store 111 Devon-street. iust below Nolan's anotion mart. New Plv nth.—Advt.

Kleveu yours ago a settler left the Wairarapa for Hastings, where he took up eight acres uf a Government leasehold section, ami planted an acre of rhubarb. He continued to grow an acre ot rhubarb every year, with other tilings, ami to-day he i* ail independent man. lln puts his wealth down to rhubarb.

Uuut booming is again ahead, and - seenis lo have settled upon Ohakunc as I llii next sim.ii'.' 01 it ri operations. The other day a number of small sections in [hat Alain 'I rank town, were offered for sale by louder. They were only 20 perches in area, yet lenders were us high as UI7U (JJr. I'\ Alaekay), two others Llol and CI 15 (.Mr. J. A. ltutler), and another £l3O (Air. L. Boyd). Of course, these tcmfcr.s were accepted. What is the cause ol o.uch ibig prices for land in such a town! I'erhivps there is an explanatiiin lo lie lound in the rumor that Oliakuno is lo be tlfts slop-over town for one of the -Main Trunk trains. ill liir course,of conversation with WalF-Aiajor Burgess, a press representative guaned some interesting infornialion to tlie present Irontiei trouble in India. "1 was twenty years on (he Indian frontier," lie said, "ami | i have olteu eoiue into contact the Molmiamls. They can raise about I.'j.OUU lighting men, and lliey are cruel, 11 rl '.•••:. lighters A few veals ago 1 vemember they attacked a small town List outside of Peshawar (where tin liitish had ]O.OOO troops) anil lmrneil t. The Somersets and a couple of batcries were sent out against I hem. b'l lie Alolmiaiids attacked and the British tad to retire. Eventually the natives vere forced back over the border, as vill happen in this ease. Until their joimtry is strongly garrisoned they will ilways menace the British on the frontiers."

The Ashburton boring rights syndicate intends to lorm a company with a nominal capital of C25,(M0 in X.\ shares. Ten. t Holland of these shares will bo plu'-nl in Lin; hands of triplet's, and will be held by them in I rust under certain conditions. The oilier 15.(11)0 will lorm the subscribed capital of the company, and will be issued to the public with 2s (id payable on application, 2s fid on allotment, and the balance in calls of 2s lid per share at intervals of not less than two months. The subscribed capital of tin* company ( el"),1)1)0) will, it is estimated, be sufficient to put down three (perhaps Jour) wells to a depth of about 2500 lt —practically the depth at which oil \s found on most of the. large oillivlds of the world. This estimate provides for the wells being Mink at a cost of about £2 per foot, which h above the ordinary cost of sinking. The syndicate has <secni'ed rights over 125,0(H) aore s between the Uakaia and llangUata rivers.

It appears Unit if a msin lias talm assurance enough and a blank chequeform or so he can buy anything necessary for his comfort and convenience ln'tween the time, of his "purchases" arul his incarceration in gaol, says the Wellington Times. It was shown in Court, on Wednesday that one Jones hadn't even ally lilank cheques of liis own. let alone a hanking account. All Ml'. Jones required for his business was ,i borrowed cheque form, which he obtained from the from whom lie desired to "buy" goods. The probabilities are, of course, that Jones suffers fi<om some kind of aberration, and that he had no real use for many of his articles lie got for nothing from trusting tradesmen. The amazing faith of these timlesAnen had in the bona fides of Jones is inexplicable. The bakers of Wellington so far mistrust the ordinary housewife of the eity that they niy about to make her pay for her bread before she or her husliand or her children se« it—but the specious person who boldly marches into ft shop, asks for a blank cheque form mid purchases goods with Hie Hon. Maliuta and other proimn ent Waikato Maoris are keenly feeling the tardy return of the war canoe Tahcretikitiki. They have heard thai Ue canoe is lying j u Hagley Park, Christ-, chinch, exposed to all weathers, and they fea,r that if it be not returned to the Wailiato before the winter it will will suffer irreparable, injury. The canoe is built of kauri, and is about 30 years old. It was most carefully looked at Orakei by the Maoris under the chief J. aul. When it was not actually floating on the Waiteinata, it was'hauled well up above the beach, under a raupocovered Shed, and kept from the wind and the iam. \\] K , n lt was trjlnafurred » (lie Maikato, the natives at Waahi «» C The/intcnd Sp Sg r h m„l VU ll! n, ,™, t l ° th « - TtCw •' for - ■ the JU'kalo or in Auckland Ii on . "'e occasion 0 f the visit of tlie American fleet.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 112, 2 May 1908, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 112, 2 May 1908, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 112, 2 May 1908, Page 2