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HOP .MARKET. | London, March 20. ' The Daily Express states that the 1 steamer Adriatic left New York yester-1 day with 3000 tons of hops for London, ehielly from the Pacific coast. Owing to the glut on the hop market, owners aio glad to accept a price much below the cost of production. LONDON MARKETS. London. March 26. Silver, 2s 5 9-18il. Copper—On the -pot £6O 10s, three months £GO 17-> Gu. Electrolytic cop.' i £OO It's. Tin <>n the spo: €147, three »«•<;;■ i>> £144 2- «<l. Lead, £ii '. ' . Wool.—At the wool sales the Iv n oni clip was sold for 6%d per pimn

NEWTON KING'S REPORT. Cattle.—At Douglas on Monday there was a good yarding and good competition for rearly ail classes, a*d very few lines nere unsold. Calves made lis 6d, steer do. 21s, 18-months heifers 34s to 425, 12- to 18-uionth steers 30s, store cows 29s to 40s, forward do. £2 10s to £3 ss, fat do. £4. Full-mouth ewes made 5s 10dAt Stratford on Tuesday cattle were yarded far in excess of advertised numbers. There was a large attendance, but bidding was quiet for nearly all classes, and a good many lines were passed in. liood steer weaners made 15s to 21s, mixed do. lis (id, yearling heifers 23s Bd, 18-nionths steers £2 ss, 2- to 2Vi-year do. £2 10s, store cows 30b to 40s, forward do. £2 7s (id to .Ci 10s, bulls £1 6s to £4 3». ewes 4s 6d. Clients wanting dairy cows arc reminded of Mr. -John Jury's clearing sale at Tataraimaka on Monday next, 30th inst.

MESSRS. L. A. NOLAN & CO.'S REPORT. Messrs. L. A. Nolan Co. report: — Poultry.—On Saturday we had a large entry of cockerels and puliets. Prices were firm. We quote: Hens Is 7d to Is lid, purebred do. 2s 6d, white leghorn pullets 4s, pullets is 7d to 2s 3d, cockerels Is 6d to 2s 3d, chickens 8d to lOd, ducklings (small) Is, turkey hens 4s 60. Fruit has been in good supply this week, especially peaches. We quote: i Peaches 6s 9d to 7s 9d, pears 5s- Gd to I 6s 9d, tomatoes 3s Od to 4s 3d, cape gooseberries 5s 9d to Gs (111b. cases). oranges fls, passion fruit 2s 3d to 2s 94, grapes (white) Is to Is Id and (black Hamborgs) lid to Is Id, apples (dessert) 3s 3d to 3s Gd and (cookers) 2s Gd to 2s 3d.

At the mart the usual catalogue of sundries were quitted at satisfactory ratu.

VICKERS & STEVENS' REPORT. Vic-kern and Stevens report a full entry of stock at their Dudley road yards last Wednesday. Owing to the rough weather the a'tendance was small, and bidding for all classes was dull. Prices as follows:—Mixed weaner- 3s to 6s 6d, 18-months steers 38s tkl, do. heifers 21s to 23s tid, store tows 35s to £2 2s tid, forward cows £2 12s tid to £2 17», bulla £2 to £3 7s 6d, woolly lambs 8s 9d, fjn. ewes 3s to tis Id.

JENKINS, MATTHEWS & PIGOTT'S REPORT. We held our opening stock sale at our ■ new Okau yards on Friday, and had a very fair muster, considering the unsettled state of the weather. The yards, I which measure 90ft by 210 ft. are divided into 13 pens, with a 12ft race running right through the centre, and th* gates leading to each pen are so arranged that drafting is a very easy matter. There is also a considerable number of hurdles, with which the accommodation can be greatly increased. These yards were erected at the earnest solicitation of tbe Tongaporutu, Okau and backblocks settlers, and, judging from tha encomiums expressed, our effort to farther the prosperity of the district was fully appreciated. The yards are erected on Mr. Scott's property, and are located about thirty chains from the main north road. The following prices were realised:—Calves 12s tid to 13s 6d, 1 smooth- heifer- 37s 6d, store cows 52s till to 00s. fat row- 78s to 82s lid. springing heifers W-. 2-year heifers 40s, 18-month to 2-year steer- 57-, 4-year steer- £5 13s tid, bull- 60s to 735, stags 711s, wethers 12s lid. t'.iu. ewes 8s lid, uoollv lamb? tis, horse? 32s tid to £7. Mr. Spalding's household furuituie brought good prices. At I'renui on Monday the yarding was good and pi ice- better than those ruling at our previous -ale. Calves 12s, 18-uiontli heifer- -■>- to 23; 6d, ditto steers 35- to 41s till. -tore cows 44s to 52-s tki. fat cow- Sis, bulls 60s, woolly lambs 0-, horse to. At the mart on Tue-day we sold by auction section t -i, block 7, Waitarii Survey District, containing 25 acivs freehold, for £225. and -eHion 1). same block, containing 73 acre-, for £231.

ADDINIjTOX MARKETS. Christchurch, Wednesday. At the Addington live stock market to day there were large entries of store sheep and fat cattle and a medium yarding of other classes of stock. Prime Wf sold at improved rates. There was a good demand for store sheep. Fat lambs (mostly light sorts) sold at last week's prices. There was a further rise in fat sheep, anil pigs were firm at late rates. Dairy cows sold well, but stole became difficult to dispose of. There was a very large yarding of store sheep, including consignments from the North Island and Chatham Islands. Forward lambs (wethers) were in strong request. Altogether the market =howcd considerable improvement over late sales. The entry of fat lambs was moderate; omy a few lots were prime, the bulk being small. There was practically no change in prices. Better sorts made 13s to lCs Gd, a few tegs to 17s 3d, lighter 10s to 10s (id.

There was a moderate yarding of fat sheep. Owing to the numbers being short of what the butchers required, there was a sharp rise in prices, especially of ewes. The range of prices was: Prime wether- 21s to 275, lighter 15s 5d to "20s, prime ewes 2Us to 27s 3d, medium Ilis Od to I'ls Gd. aged and ligilt 13s to 10s.

The entry i-I fat cattle totalled 300, including several lines of prime steers and a fair quantity oi useful sort;. There ua= a good demand. I'rices were steadier at a firmer level than last week. Steers £5 lis 6d to £lO 7s tid, heifers £5 to £5 10s, eowa £4 5a to t'J 15s, and extra to £lO ss, equal to 21s to 21s for prime, 18s to 20s for medium, and lti- to 17s lid for cow aiti inferior per 1001b. Veal calves 4s lo 43s and u<Jt, according to size and quality. ' There was a poor entry of store cattle and little demand. Yearling; lUs, 15 ti IS-months 25s to s>)s, dry cows 20s to 60s. Dairy cow- (springing or newly calved) -old well, Price- rangMl from £0 to i!) 5s lor best, and £3 10s to £5 10s lor other-. 1

A medium yarding of pigs sold we'l, especially poiker- anil large stores. Baeoner- made 17- Oil lo 57- Oil. an-1 heavier ii"s to 70-. rqu.ii to 5d to 5 ::/ p!: porkers 35- tit 40s, e<|ual to s'/-il to •V'-id per Hi: large store- 23- to 355; medium 15s :■/ 20-. and winners S, to 13-.

I LtLNLUIN SIOCK MAUMT. Dunedin. .Mai'cli 25. At Buriisj'l.' -t vi k sales 17«>2 -lieep wen. [rt-niied. a -mail entry, a fair proportion of which were guild quality vether-, while the quality of tin- ewes was -lijiitly better than that of la-t week, hi i on-e,pence, price- were a sluule firmer. I!' 1 -! .'.ether-. 20s to 234hl : extra. t-> 2t-: 'ne-ii'im. 18s Od 'o 20-: interior, lii- -!' i to ISs 3d: best e\\ e-. hi- t" IS- Cd- extra. to 21s 3d: inferior, from 0- 3d to 15- <!•!. Limbs— IfiSO jwnned. a fair yarding. Price- all round were firmer than la-t week. Ilest lambs. 15s to 17s; extra, to I,= 'id: in ed i l mi - 13s Od to 14- "d: light. 12s to 13s. Pig-—7O yarded, bacmiers and porker- being in -mall supply. Price{or til.-se -oi't- were fully 'i-d per lb. in .!•:v.ii ..f !n-t week. Small pi^s

were a shade easier. Suckers, 13s to 14b ttd; slips, las to 18s; stores, 23s to 28s; porkers, 38s to 40s (id; light baconers, 45s to 555; heavy baconers, [6ls to Cos. Cattle—l 37 yarded. A poor yarding of inferior cattle, and prices were much easier. Bullocks, £9 5s to £9 las; medium, £7 to £8; best cows and heifers, up to £6 15s.

DUNEDIN GRAIN MARKET. Duneiliu. March 25. Slightly better feeling' pervades the wheat market, buyer, showing; a little more disposition to operate. Prime lots are readily placed at fully up lo late rates. Fowl wheat is scarce. Prime milling, especially velvet, 4s (id to 4s 7d; good to best, 4s s'/ 2 d to Is (id; whoie [fowl wheat, 4s 4il to 4s (id; damaged I and broken, (id lo 4s iid.

Oats continue m good demand, and arc readily taken up at prices quite on a par with late rates, though there is a feeling that the lop has been reached, for the present at any rate. Prime mill, iug. 2s 4d to 2s 4'/ 2 d; hot short bright feed, 2s 3V 3 d to 2s 4d; inferior to medium, 2s 2d to 2s 3d.


Horses.—At the Durham Yards on Friday heavy draughts sold at from £2!) 10s to £3i 10s; medium do., £l7 as to £3O las; hacks and light harness horses, £8 10s to £2O ss; weeds, £2 10s to £0 Iss.

On Saturday, at Waiuku, dairy cowi sold at from £4 2s (id to ii 10s; empty cows, £2 2s Od to £3 ss; calves, 15s to £1 !)s. No grown steers were yarded. Cattle.—At the Newmarket yards on Tuesday dairy and store stock were yarded in usual numbers, with an average supply of beef. Dairy cows sold at from £4 as to £8 10s; empty do., £2 2s (id to £3; calves, His to £1 os. Bidding for beef was keen and advanc'd on last week's rates, oxen selling to 24» per 1001b. and cows 18s to 22s per 1001b. Steers sold at from £0 10s to £lO 15s; cows, £4 2s Od to £B. The beef cattle throughout were of go'Jd quality, although not heavy weights. Sheep were penned in usual numbers at Newmarket on Tuesday, and sold it late advanced rates. Wethers realise i from 13s !M to £1 3s 9d; ewes, 12s fid to £1 3s 9d; well-fatteil lambs, lis to 18s yd; other sorts, Gs to 9s 3d; store ewes, 7s 9d to 12s 6d.

(Pigs.—Porkers sold at. from £1 Is tc £1 183; weaners 7s to 12s Gd; baconer £2 2s to £3 10s.

Hides —Market firm. We quote: Prime ox 7%d to B'/4d, extra stout 7d to 7Vid, stout do. U(4d to (IV-jd, medium do. 5%d to Gd; light do. 4%<1 to s'/»d, cows' best lines 4%d to 4 3 /jd, good 4%d to 4'/id, scored 3%d to 4d, stags' 2'/ 3 d to 3d. calfskins 3%d to sd.

Sheepskins—Market firm. Best butchers' pelts and lambs' Is fid to Is 8d good Is 3d to Is 4d, inferior 9d to Is.

Tallow —Market firm. Best mixed, np to 20s; good, 23s fid to 24S fid, in' forior 20s to 21s (id, rough fat l%d per

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 84, 28 March 1908, Page 6

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COMMERCIAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 84, 28 March 1908, Page 6

COMMERCIAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 84, 28 March 1908, Page 6