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Supremo Court. Provincial Xews. Commorcial. I In' Library Committee reeomnien'ls Hint, in the new library, .\Ji\s True, the pre*>iit librarian, b,, appointed chief librarian, with an aSfUtunt at Oo ]ier

The Borough Council tonight will discuss the Abattoir Committee's i\commendations for increased reinuner.i Hon to the slaughtermen at the aba toirs.

Co-ahead Tiniaru is about to spend .CKUJUU in erecting a town hall and municipal buildings, which, together with the public library, will be under one roof and form an architectural feature of the town. The borough engineer reports that the summonses issued against persons tor failing to comply with notices to connect their properties with the borough sewers has Had a salutary effect, and the work of connection It now proceeding right and left. One Jabez Turner, now of Carlton, fought in the Maori war, lost two wives iu the next year, buried his lather aud three sisters ill one mouth of typhoid in Westralia, was found in the bush near Broouie after five days' fast, and has just married again. It would be no surprise, o n top of that, to hear of him looking forward to the next war.—Table Talk. The recently issued regulation of the Health Department fixing the percentage of butter-fat in milk supplied for human consumption at 3.25 was dis-

cussed at a meeting of the general committee of the Auckland Agricultural au,l Pastoral Association on Friday last. The general opinion was that the standard lixed was too high. The following motion was carried:—"That the executive of the association confer with the

executive of the milk vendors and suppliers' associations on the question, the Health Department being invited to attend."

Chatting to a Taihape Times reporter, a gentleman who had been visiting the Waiinarino and inspecting the milling bush there stated that it was his firm conviction there would be sufficient timber in, the various blocks in that locality, if adequately milled, to supply the demands of the whole of New Zea"land for many years. He a aid he had noticed several papers saying that the bus)] must com e to an end sooner or later, but he was convinced that millions of feet would be standing long after the editors of the papers in question had crossed the divide.

From its issue oi a century ago The Times reproduces a criticism of a new | comedy entitled "Somethingto do." produced at Drury Lane aud "disgracefully rejected'':—"lt was obviously of a German stock, with one or two of our national characters engrafted upon it. The public are tired with the absurdities and frivolities of the school from which the play of last night was drawn, and treated it with merited rigor. The first two acts \vert< somewhat favorably received; but opposition manihesUl itself in the third, which continued to increase until it burst into a tempest in the middle of the fifth too powerful to be resisted. Not a syllable could lie lieard from that time until the conclusion, and the curtain fell to the dumb show of the actors."

In referring to the lip cry of Socialism, Sir Joseph Ward, at" Papakura. said: "By all means let them have their battle-cries in political fights, but let them also remember that their country could stand comparison with any in the world, and instead of jumping at catch cries, .say, 'We wilt allow no one to say anything to the detriment of our country.' Instead of crying -stinking fish.' they -houhl make comparisons and then admit that other countries were icn thousand times wol's,. oil' than theirs was. He defied them to find a man o;i either side who would stand up and «av h 0 wished to repeal a single law. No greater indication of the success of tlrir laws could be found than the fact that other countries were copying New Zealand's legislation." (Applause.) At the Harbor Board meeting 0 n Friday Air Maxwell moved to place on record the Board's appreciation of Hiservices rendered to the Board and dis(let by the late member for the Hiwen Ward, Mr. McLean, during his ,'„„,'. ecu years, „f ollice. The chairman, iu seconding the motion, said although he '"ay at tunes have differed strono" rom Mr. JlcLoan at the Board's tab].'. hey invariably met as friends outside the olhce He paid a tribute to M". McLeans honesty of purpose and lous attention to the interests of Ins district. Mr. .Marx, AI,-. McLean's successor on the Board, said that although Jlr. McLean was one of bis nominators, that gentleman had proposed him without any reference to tiespeakers views on the Loan Bill, which the retiring member had supported. The motion was carried with acclamation

I toll you the sweating's worse than « !'L , W .T' T hew here trousew were made-buttoned iUld soatcd and lu , mm(!(1 -fo. threepence halfpenny; and that Tra,l.? ir l !, » "ru" tUe sllallow ° £ I** iiades Hall." That, in short, is the account.of a representation made to the eomnnttee of the Tailoresses' Onion at Sidney, there is to be a meeting uevt week to consider the matter. And there were the trousers exhibited on the stairs stittlied, to all appearances, just like ""?,' lcr , l' air - "Why do we put up in hit? What's the use of an Actio us.' Wheres the use in going to the Court, waitmg-and working all the time-for three months, plying ™ rosts and getting a ten shilling fL a t the end of ,» 1 teU you,- laid one «ho was present, "the woman that made these can't pay for her sewing machine out ol them, and the firm is closing on her for it/'

In consequence, no doubt, of ticaltered electoral boundaries ami the consequent advisability of ceiucntiiig together the interests of the district that now lind themselves in a new ele»- ! torate, an early interest is being evinced ■ : in next November's general election, ilus has been particularly noticeable in the new; Kgmont electorate, of wlii -i tltliam is the centre, and for which the names of three candidates Messrs Taylor, Wake, and Astburv-have already liee u mentioned as likidv to come forward in the Government' interest. So far the Coveninient has not "ivui any judication a- tu which o£ the iliivc It would -uppnrl. .\ Jiiovx,|||,. n( , 1,,'

'-■ <-'V ( . r . i- ~(. ,„.,.„.„! , (fuot W i,i<!,;'-l/., 1t 3| its |>nr|ir,rt materialise, would ir.„he Hi,. Government's choice ; , forgone conclusion. AYe learn on good authority thai; quit'l Imt strong endeavors are' being made in the electorate to induce the l- Hon. W. Camcross, proprietor of ths Jiltham Argus, to come forward. If his consent is obtained, that should settle at once the question as to who will be the Government candidate, for Mr. Carncross is an experienced Parliamentarian who has been a staunch and trusted =upporter of the Literal Party, and particularly of Sir Joseph Ward, for nearly twenty years, and wonid assuredly have the full weight of Government support, ,y,.. Carncross is in Wellington at present, and it is said that his visit is not entirely unconnected with political matters. "I-.K.G." MII.KIXG MACHINES. During the past few years the "I..K.G.'' has been put to the severest lests possible for a milking machine to undergo in practical everyday usage, and the result has lieen .ill that has i been claimed for it—-namely, that it is in every way tiie most ellicient and satisfactory milking machine. Mr. M. [ O'Neill, lluiakama, after two seasons' thorough trial, says: "I should certainly recommend any man who milks a reasonable quantity of cows to install t'h? 'L.K.r.: milkers." In buying the "L.K.G."' you have the satisfaction and assurance of knowing you are installing the milking machine that has ue?il , tested in the most severe and exhaustive | manner |>ossible, and emerged triumph- : ant every time. Writ,, for list of hundreds of sati-li'-d users in \e\v Zealand. . .1. U. MacEwan and Co.. Ltd., sole [ agents, Egmont-street. New Plymouth. The A.B.C. Boot Company are holding ' their annual disposing sale, commencing <" Saturday, Ist February. A few prices: = Gents' glace kid bals, 10s Gd per pair; chrome bale, light, lis fid; chrome '' shooters, heavy, 13s 6d; boys' chrome t> rials, 7s 3d; men's carpet slippers, 2s (Id; 'J ladies' glace button boots, 10s 6d; glace si shoes, button, 5s Od felt slippers, lOd; nl carpet slippers, Is; children's slippers, v< felt, 7d per pair. All goods greatly reduced. Call early. A.B.C. Boot Com-1 it pany, Devon BtTeeU—Advt. \o?

NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. »» I RAIN IN CANTERBURY. j Per Press Association. I Ashburton, Last Night, i The rain, which commenced on Wed- I Uesday ovening, has, with the exception 1 of a short respite on Thursday, continu- I ed practically uninterruptedly ever since. 1' The total fall from 4 p.m. on Wedncs- >'' day till 4 o'clock this afternoon h 2.80 in, while the indications point to its <■' continuance throughout the night at I least. The total rainfall since the be- >' ginning of the month has been I.llliin', * which is the heaviest fall over the same 1 period for over two years. MAYORAL ELECTIONS. < Wellington, Last Night. Mr. J. G. W. Aitkeu, M.P., has decided ■ to contest the Wellington mayoralty at the coming election. THE PREMIER ON TOUR. Opotiki, Last Night. The Primo Minister (Sir Joseph Ward) continued his eastern tour on Saturday, and had a trying day or sixteen hours' practically 'continuous travelling. He delivered addresses at every 1 district visited, including Matata, Whal' katano, and Opotiki. At the last-named '" place he addressed a crowded meeting in • the local hall, and reviewed the work of the last Parliament session. He also t dealt exhaustively with th e native laud s question, and the Government action iu .) appointing a Royal Commission for the •- i settlement of the dilliculty. t, The Prime Minister rested quietly at ,v Opotiki yesterday, and commenced the return journey at five o'clock this inornj ing. He will arrive ai Rotorua this ,' evening, and return to Rotorua by to'l morrow's express. " FEILDING LAND SALE. J, Feilding, Saturday. v An important sale of suburban i'osidential sites situated just outside the ~ borough boundary was held last night. i Twenty-four sections were sold at prices equal to £3OO per acre. Buyers came from this district and from Wellington and the South- Island.

RAILWAY FROM NAPIER TO GISBORNE. Napier, Saturday. In reply to a deputation urging the extension of the railway from Napier to Gisborne, the Hon. .1. A. Millar promised to urge his colleagues to grant a sum for a survey. The Minister also stated that he would advise the straightening of the line to the port.

KEMPTIIORNE, PROSSER AND CO. Dtmedin, Friday. The annual meeting of shareholders of Kemptliome, Pressor and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company was held to-day. The chairman, Mr. Bathgate, in moving the adoption of the report and balancesheet, said the reserve on customers'

account's was £2202. and the fire insurance reserve £OOS (an increase of I cm on last year's). The start' fund amounted to C 3320, open accounts and liabilities to £70,352, and bills payable to CI 1.223. Stock was valued at £175.48(1. land, buildings, plant, and machinery at £102.737 (as against £00.550 'last year), book debts owing C51J.85U (as against £0f1,85.> last year), bills receivable in hand £OOO, and cash in bank £3274. The chairman said business during the past year had been satisfactory, and he thought the company could look forward to the coming year with confidence. Messrs. George Sievwright and John Mill were re-elected directors, and Messrs. W. It. Holmes (Auckland), C. P. Powles (Wellington). G. W. Hulme fChristchureh), and William Brown and Co. (Dunedin) auditors.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 79, 23 March 1908, Page 2

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The Daily News. MONDAY, MARCH 23. ON THE FOURTH PAGE. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 79, 23 March 1908, Page 2

The Daily News. MONDAY, MARCH 23. ON THE FOURTH PAGE. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 79, 23 March 1908, Page 2