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BKEAKJNCi-UP CEBEMONY. The Now Plymouth High Mdiool "broke up" yesterday afternoon, uniltri* conditions 0/ ;i particulariy pica.sant nature. There was ;i large attendance of both pupils and parents. .Mr N. K. MacDiarmid, chairman of the Hoard, presided. Tim proceedings opened Willi the 111 1 ' of <a udcanius by the puils, who, und.T thi! direction of .Mr -Jardine, 1 tic new and very capable [liii-lirr, acquitted themselves \ery [•ivditably, as tln-y did in other songs mid glees, which weiv u pleasant foil- | lure of tluj function. In his annual report, the Master. MrK.Vndha.ii, *M.A., said the number on the roll at the- beginning' of the lir*t term was as follows: —Hoys 5iJ, girls -IS: total 107; and for the last lenu, boys 4i, gu'is 4-1: total ill. The percentage of attendance for the last term was boys D.'i-ci, girls 1i.i.4. J.'or Lin- whole )ear the percentage of attendance, was o£ ti;e roll. Within Hie past fori,night o.'Miad gone up for public examination: —One for junior scholarship, one lor medical pi\»'i:iii!|inary, eignt lor inaliiculaLion, ! i 4 for (Jiwl Service, one for \icioria j scholarship, four for senior Board's scholarship, and for senior free ' places. Last year one girl kept Ist year's University terms at the .-ciiooi; Uiive (pialilied lor a partial Icacher.i 1) I'L-riincale; lour mairunualed

Ox lilClll paSSIUg tltli nHJJIUUn* knowledge); iuiiv iia»ed ll.c C.S. oxiUiiinalion (three of ihem getting oil , tin.' credit list); tivu gained *enior Kducaiion scholarships, ami one <pialilied j'oi one; eleven gained senior free places under the .bdiiealion Department. The principal remarkeu on the added interest tliut had been taken in ilie school games and alii- . leties, and continued: —"Dr. iookes cup for the be*}, aU-round buy in conduct, work, ami interest si:own iu game* and atnieiics, goes to Ik vjuitiKiin; and Ins cup gucn at, a puinU prize goes to J- (-'ibboiis. aL. H. J.kiuciiope s prize of a gold medal, given lur a point.-! prize under i-J year.-. ol a"e, °ues to ja 11 (.Irani, and in.' chaiii'iigi* shield, presented by lue old boy» iur Lhe nuie cliainpiominp, also goes to ian (ii'ant. The lioards prizes fur tenuis go to the following: --Championship, Aiuriel Addcnbruoke; handicap sing.c*, Al. Thomson; junior <.ha.mpioii.shtp, M. -UcWlunney; doubles handicap, Ai. Addcnbrooke, 11. Nixon. Uounder competition: Outside prize, Ist 0. JladdivU, 2nd M. Jl. Thomson." The chairman's address followed, lie .iiiid thai day completed the iiivt i]iia.riir of a century of the schools L-.\isteiiee, -Mr l/ridbain being its j iii-hi and oniy principal. The ' school had undergone many dillieuU tics, hut the Iknving tide was with 1 Uu'iu now, ami the future _ looked bright and hopeful. lie complimented ,\lr i'ridham ;md his coadjutors <»ii the work of the past, and ivfenvd to the capacity of ttic new .Uink.ler for kducalion/the 11 on. George j/ov.ids, whom In l described a* a. man who believes it! keeping out of the ruts, lie spoke of lue changes thai had taken place m the stall of the school, and proceeded , to state that wiih tile increasing at-

Iriiilance of pupils the Jkau'd of tiovcriiors had had to enlarge the school accoiiiiiHJiiation. Tile I '>a id Spent CIOT ill additions, repairs and auei-ations. The chairman concluded In offering some sound and earnest advice to Uie pupils. .Mr J. 1!. Kov, one of the (jon-mors, in tiie course of a Heal and appfupriate speech, complimented tlie i'riiicipai upon the success thai had illtended his labours during the past il years, and hoped .\lr l'ridmuu Mould he spared to the school for many years to come. .Mr '.I. 1:. Wade, cha.nnan of the l-.iiucatien Uuard, also spoke, im-ntioiL-ing that a deputaiion of tne lioanl was about to wait upon the Minister for Kducatiou, and would take the opportunity to refer to tile Victoria! College .-cliolnv.-hips won b\ the itigii .school scholars, who, as tilings stood, were unable lo enjoy the fail benches of the scholarship-. lie liopcd as a i'eMtll justice would he done to liie two scholars concerned. Mr .MacDiariiiid then presented tlie as ft.dlews:—■

Alice Bollinger. Arithmetic.— Form \T. Bu'lard. Form i\.: 1). Coiiis. Funu Hi.: U. H:u-fe. Algebra.—Form \.: A. Noble. Form !\ .; M. Dowiing. Form 111.: Biliilllg. Geometry —Form V.: T. -Milliard, form IS.; M. Bowling. Form HI.: A. Cieniancc. Latin.--Form \.: I. Craut. I'orm J.V.: F. Sole. Form HI.: V. Billing. French.—Form \.: J. Sine.air. Form l\ .: it. ijuilliuiii. i-orni 111.: V. lUliing. Fnglish 1! istory.—Form IV.: M. Dowiing. Form ill.: 1). llarle. ' ieugiaphy. — i'orm /IV.:: It. Nairn*. Form UL: .11. Mackie. Literature. — Form V.: P. Grey. Form IV.: It. (>uilliani. Form ill.: H. .Mackie. Grammar.—--Form F. Grey. Form IV.: !>. Matthew*. Form 111.: A. Cieniancc. ' t'ompo.-iiion. —Form \.: A. Nobl'. Form IV.: I\. Quilliani. Form 111.: A. Ciemance. Science. —Form V.: P. Grey. Font: IV.: U. Dailies. Form III.: M. Billiard. Drawing.---Form . V.: .1. I>ul!ard. Form V.: It. Dailies. Form III.: It. Laing. (leneral excellence: Olive llnddivll. Harry Cook. Attendance prizes: 11. N'ixon, 0. liny, 10. O'LougMan, A. Jlnllinger, A. Xoble, .M. .Dow ling. K. .Mcl-aae, A. Cleeson, .1. Mackie, il. .UcWlimnev. 1. Cilhert. I!. Dailies, J|. Billiard, U. Quiilimii, 'l'. I'.llis, A. tlslionie, U. Daily, 1,. Asher, A. Seccoinhe, 11. Mackie, i',. l-'.llerni, W. Whil lon, L. ISole.

Needlework Prizes.—Senior, dressmaking: First prize. A, Arthur; second prize, K. Farp. Junior, plain sewin" 1 : L J>rasch.

Cymnasiic-.—CirN: Senior, 11. Nixon: junior, 11. Daincs. J>oy>: Senior, A. Osborne; junior, t. Grant.. founder Competition. - Outside prize: First pi'i/.e, 0. Madiirell; second prize. M. Thomson. Tenni-.--Senior champion-hip: M. Addcnbrooke. Junior championship: M. McWhinney. Double handicap: M. Addcnbrooke and il. -Nixon. Shiga: iiandieap: M, Thomson. After Llie prizes had been pre.-.enteJ, an adjournment was made to the beautiful school grounds, where il;.' Ih.\s, under Mv Linis, their inM rnci or, gave a capital gymnastic display, (heir acts exoking considerable admira-. * ion and applause. The girls followed with an exhibition of dumbbell, club and evmbal eNercises. Tluv-e were splendid !y done, and ijuite a treat to watch.

.Mrs lVidham aiterwanls entcrtaim'd the company to afternoon tea. an im promjitu or "iu<»ck" by the Mch«dars bringing a very happy ahd enjoyable afternoon lo a dose.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 81910, 22 December 1906, Page 2

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NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 81910, 22 December 1906, Page 2

NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 81910, 22 December 1906, Page 2