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The Daily News MONDAY, DECEMBER 3.

A Hastings builder has refused about £3OOO woith of woik during the past tluee weeks, owing to not being able to obtain a sufficient supply of competent carpenters.

Iwo years ago Turangarcrre, on the Main Tiuak line, was bush. Now tin- people there have dances with 25 couples, and the loca. paper publishes a list of the costumes.

A meeting is to be held this evening- lor the puipose of considering uie}- of erecting a m-morial 10 tile lmpenal and Colonial forces tiiat took part in the Maori war. An 'mpiessiun has got abroad tliat the proposed memorial is for the Soutli African volunteers as well. Tins is not

In a chat with Mr Munro, the general manager of tlie Exhibition said to a Souiirein pressman he believed but for tue orchestral concerts sucti a "frost," h e would be able to make* the Exhibition a financial success, and even with the handicap ne nad stiung hopes, if the summei pioved ftne and, the patronage ot the side shows continued up to t„e present average, to be abe to avoid

At a meeting of sliaabiokers, he d oil 1-riday, Mr \\. JJewiey presiding, it was unanimously decided to foim a Stock excuangv, , 0 bs . a , at , d Xaranaki Stock Exchange. ' Tne 1 ii< j loJluw ikio i/Hiceia were Uected • Cliatrman, Mr W. Ijewiey ; v i c ... uuiuiuan, Mr J. S. S. Medley; s.cietary, Mr fj. AlcAl um; commiuee, Messrs J. Wilson (Wilson and Nolan/. E. P. Webster, E. Griffiths (Grfffiuis arid Co.), 1. M. Moiueath and E. A. I Ede. Ine other meinbeis auMessrs E P. Coiki.l, J. C. Davies, E. Gilmour, A. Hill, W. L. Humphries, and k. Webster.

It is not generally known(says the w Zealand limes) that a good Yai ol amateur construction 111 motor vehicle- and motor boats is being cameo 011 111 Wellington from time to time, instances have been brought uiutei notice of an eight horse-power motoi ear built here iuui yvars ago, ana .sii' limiuiig on the of motor bjats that can be seen 011 the harbour ai piesent, bui.t 011 American lines. 1 vto young Wellington-college s.uCicnts nave recently constructed 1 a mo10'- bicycle in their spare time, and tparry others are doing the same every day, impoiting the part, and bui ding the machines up themselves.

A fanner residing in a ruial portion of Taranaki ieceniiy started out to''home, after a jays marketing- and enjoyment. ill! cart contained a misce laneous collection, which fact b-eame apparent as he pi I;"st, taeie was deposited 011 uie road hum thy becly of me cart a bio ru J of Oilcloth, and then a lmie p lg -. these being restored, the jout'lie)- was lesumt-d, \\'i u .n he arrived home iiio k-ad iiatl been lightened to ti.e extent oi tiie oilcloth and pig, a (juaitcr ot a lamb, some sausages, a milk can, and the tai benrd ul his cart, all oi waicii seemed 10 haw t-'&cajK'd liom cut-iudy without tho knowrdge of Ukowiior.j A iellu'iv supplier to tin; cit'amt-iy had the Umuiiy to post a "lost" notice concerning the vaiious, and the victim of tho joke is still seeking tile identity of the man wao wrote that notice.

Ono of the cabdrivers of the lown had an uncomfortable few moment on Saturday afternoon in Courtcnaystreet east. One of the horses, i( , live y salt of an an.mal, got its leg over the pole, and commenced an <xiiibitiun 01 kicking thai wou.d have done credit to anything anywhere, llie driver gut o tf his box and wenl to uie animal's; and lie immediately repented 1115 acuun. Seme men 011 ihc verandah of a lijuse just opposite seemed to be enjoying tile pioceedings, which, iiuus vei, appealed to another a tew bh.cks away, lie immediately ran to tlie cabman's assistance, and ii.en 011 c of tlie previously mentioned bystanders alss ventured out. lfelper No. i took i'.old of tlie horses' heads, and helper No. wit 11 zea. that luas commendable and lorce that nearly biuke liie tingeis of No. i, commenced to pull' on the it-ills from the rear. Tiie hoite kicked himself and his companion fairly Severely before he was extricated.

Considerable Joss is suffered by |iui.uay coiicuni- through the culpa- ! ,jit " ca of travellers m tneu ; treatment ui cushioned svats (says tae New Zealand it is impusMb e to juuvid.j material that i-i "fuol piojl) and apparently equal y hupe-R-is lu expeci all passengers tu have a due iegard fur otlur people's prop uiy. it may iin<-■ ic~t some wno tiiought-lo'ssly u-e ieaitj for iuoucsu and o-uenvise maltreat the covering-, lo .earn mat the be iter ca*s 'of gating accommodation is very costly. l;or hislano-'; tin* comfortable seats provided in the new fust-class cats just built fur the Manawaiu lino a\ctage a ccc>t of £3 each.

f here i- a good opinion (to be presently, 110 doubt, tested] says the Ljttelton limes Wellington correspondent, ihat the president and ad\ibory B»aid of the Union are within short measureab e distance of being eft high and diy by the leading tide of the general membcrip of th|.> Union.

Says Cunstciiureh Trulh: Tin' ijnexpert is a Lout i hi- toughe-t - M'.iiiii ihat Bill Svke.-; has tun ••I' "gain-t ■--> far. flu- oilier day lac l".lai resk-d oiu- (if Ili-o fraternity, ulio was -u suiv that in- had left ;•••' i«acc* t-at lie stepped tijniliugly the deck lo licar thy police break down. But he K - ot ~ nu l (! shock when Mr Diiiiiic came along wiMi a copy of his finger print which was found 011 a hj« had 'eft behind nim. The officer te-tifjed that it was a wli"!e ta'l J Oil <1 of Jl;;iiriM ty one against any mistake being made, and Mr Sykc' optimistic smile became a gain of tke sicklies! type. Taken in conjunction with the fad 1 i:.l had a revolver, .'5 cartridge. 0 ' I;" rlt ' 1' ,; 'i-'amp. and other tool--11 ' 111 iii- ;•' . IM'lt'll re.: n, f., r ,| u)jl |„, '' 1,1 I'l'Mc! Kui ty. JI ill i:. J\i'' "f ''■'<■ j'nimy, 011 regaining lii)'"y. decides 1., continue his Ijsky business. i„. , v j|| ~r„|w , |,|y ii-' prei aulimi u invc-t in a pair of

THE (T i l-I'.R'.TY OF SAX :)!•'.!< AND SON'S J'UKK VOI.ATIL)'' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, is universally acknowledged Royally honors it, and the cnlirc medical'pni1' sst' n has adopted its use.

Imit-ifioiH sprang up without Humb"! i lie la'ol of 1-1 • ]n —all styled •Kuriet- --#> an oi| f.,isird noon 'ilist 111 e unwarv. und-r th-■,'-o«scst misuse of Sander and Son-;' "piiMii-n. Sander and SOll-' ins:i : 'i "!"• Supreme Court ■f Valeria. before his honor Chief lu"!00 Sir J. Madden, K. C. M. G. ■re and ni die trial a 'worn witness 'estified that he had lo stop the use >f counterfeits on aceount of the irrifatinti produced.

This shows what care is required ri obtain an arti' le that is scientifi--aiw tested and approved of. As •nch is solelv endorsed and recom-


According to the "Waii'arapa Standard'' it is teportcd that one or t\v» big estates in the vicinity of Wo .d----viile are to be placed upon the market shortly.

We understand the Government have decided to set aside (under die Scenery Preservation Act) the bush at the "Meeting of the wateis," Manguici, one of the most pictuiesque and interesting places in Taranaki. The interesting and handsome booklet got up by die Taranaki Exhibition Representation Committee lias now been circulated. The booklet was turned out at Messrs Hooker and Co.'s, New Plymouth, aud is a ciadit 10 the establishment.

Tile Corinna loads dairy produce at tie bieakwatcr to-day, for tj ailshipment at Wellington to the Auienic. Her cargo from this port will include 13,406 boxes of butter and

yoo cases of cheese, an increase o. 2184 boxes of butter and 225 case of cheese on the corresponding ship ment in 1905-: The amount of butle in the Moturoa works an Novembe 30th was 16,172 boxes.

The sheep penned at the show for the guessing competition were slaughtered at the abattoirs, the manager leporting the weigiits as tjolb. 6Slbj and nOlb respectively, a total of 27411). Miss A. Dustow' won the first prize with a guess of 2735, and Me-s-s P. Stanley and R. G. Wells with 275 and Mr H. Arnold with 273 tied for second prizes. The guesses ranged from 150 b to 360^ib. The winning guess was made by a gentleman friend of the 'ivinn.r. who invested a shilling on a figure some distance away.

The Wellington correspondent of the Dunedin "Star" wutcs;—The coming, morning paper has readied an application of £85,000. 11 is said by those who are in the know that the paper ill being ("New Zealand Time=") is fortifying itse f by the daily publication of twelve pages, and a daily boom in the share market. The late6t outcome of the latter is that a broker who sold a parcel of these shares at £2 5/ cou.d not delivc the other dny. "Our shares wil rise,"the t'.vner says,"to £3 shortly." Nevertheless, shrewd people declare tliey 'will not be surprised to see ail ama-gamatioii of these rival interests. Arrangements have been made by '-lie Exhibition authorities with tinUiiioii Company to tran-port bona nde schoolboys 111 numbeis of not iess uian 200, and not moie than 300 at a time, from p Wellington to Lyltetion lor 12/ return, the fare inc.udiiig meals. Tcacners trave ling 111 charge of the lads will be carried saloon a. steerage iate». Tue arrangements came into force last week, and wd. continue til. December 21st. it will tneu be discontinued over the Clni-l-mas holidays and be resumed on January 15th. 1 lie concetsiuiis only apply to buys, the Union Company deeming responsibility in regard to

A ;ad fatality took place at Grass Valley, \\ estrana, when a young mac named Frederick Cox was gjied to death by a bu.l, an imported Ayrshire, wnicii at tne .Royal Sliow at Ciaremont last week secured hi'ot and champion honors. it threw Cox over i t s head, landing him in a sitting position, and again rushed ai aim and cumiiiued goring him. A man went 13 nis assis-ance and, eizuig the bu.l by the tail, twisted it, and tne animal ran away. Cox said, "Quick, quick," placing his nand to ins side where trie bull had gored him; then, adding, "44 D.nver stieet, \\lilianiste'ivn, Victoria,' dted. Examination showed tout the wound was of such a terrible nature tiiat death nru-t have been instantaneous. The bu 1 was shot immediately after the tijgedy.

The troub e of having to dismount i'lom vehicles to shut gates is likely to be a tnmg of the past ei'e long-. A gate winch is operated by ceinritugal method, and by a.tering the ce, tie of gravity, is the latest thing in automatic A release spring, 15in .ong, rises ill the roadway to a ueight ot 7111. or ijin., and it is so ci/nstiucteii that it Vil. not act until the wheel of a vcliic.e lias pa-sed ovei it and pressed it down close to the surface. Then the gate swing- open, and, after driving through, the vehicle passes over another spring, which clo-es tiie gate again. The ki king of the spiing by a horse or other animal will to open the gate. Tue contrivance, which is a most, ingenious and simple one, was on exhibition at the recent Palmei'ston snow.

It is as well that the public shou d have their attention drawn to tlic "Hie Anns Act, hjoG/ which comes into operation un January lit, 1907. Under this Act 110 child under 16 years of age musi be found in possession of a gun or pistol or-lueaim i't any sort, waetlier "going by force of powder or not," or ammunition ol any desciiption. No peisjn uiua sill or supply any chi.dren under iG years with articles of the kind stated; and in either ca-e b'eaciies of the Aci may be visited with tines up to £lO, winle tlio arms will be forfeited. Nothing in the measure applies to any child practising under approved supervision' at a proper, y constructed rilic range. instructions have already been issued tj the police to rigidly enforce the new legislation, -o parents wlios e olf-»piing are in tile .labit of indulging themselves Vita pea-rifle excuisions are advind to teach them to deny themselves sucn luxuries before the end of the year.

'Ere y'ar, tlier pride o' the ocean ther pick or tiler deep. 'lire y'ar, cr the gieatest monsiosity that evei collie outeu tli' ocean. 'Ere y ar : lev the lish ten loot .ong and ihree I'eet girth, live gills and 110 tech, and it took a man tlx horns to land it." But tiie tale o[ tiie crier outside the tent on the showgraund did nut lack variety. Tne iengtu and the giu.i ot the fish caug-iii by the Chinaman at the break water grew bigger or smaller as the fit took him, and the fearful exertions o£ the fisiiciman who landed the big ribbon-fish were u-preatnted in various toims, the time occupied varying from three hours to half a day. Thu crier was very hoarse when llie last appeal was made to Thursday's show crowd. Another gen'leman in charge of one of the world's gieatest attractions in the shape of a twin-headed pig waxed e uquent '>vliile lie dived into (lie backblocks and fiction. lie told ot the rack-rented Ciown tenant, inability to pay. lie exemplified the oid saying that necessity was the lady wlio gave birth to tiie famous child invention. Ik dived into the i'astluises ;j£ the wavback country and told of the triii s* troubles and "privations of tiie unfortunate settler, of his against fate; of his untiring energy ami resourceful faculties; of his determination to win at all costs. So he strove to bleed a pig wilh two bodies and one head; a pigthat, whilst eating only the usua: amount, would produce a twofold body lor the butcher. He was unsuccessful worse; for, as a result of tiie care and' altCifijon '< bis poicin-e stock there came a pig u it'll two heads and one boilv, ,4nd iie died broken-hearted. Thai accounted, ladies and gentlemen, for the wondiiful freak now exhibited, and 'v.lrcli COU d be- viewed for the small «um of sixpence a head. Auu.u If, 1 1 1'' were Slime of the maivvls of the age, the puzzles of science etc.


Mr. G. \V. lkslop, manager of .Mr Newion King's Wi'low Vale Stud I'arm writes on June 30th, 1 q ( >o : "Dear Sir,—For the past three years we have used SYKES'S DRENCH ex tcn-ively fur the farm animals with

-at sfactory re ulls. In one particular case the results, were surprising-, d-ai of a valuable pure-bred Frisian llolsein heifer which aborted SYKES'S DRENCH was administer-

e 1. and the animal washed wiih grat- !|\ n.g re-ults. Health anil nafural eocdion- immediately fo'l-nved." (signed) (ho. \Y. Ileslop, Manager. New'on King', esq., ihe owner of \\ ill-nv-vale Stud Farm, is an import"r of p m e bred Frisian Holstein dairy stock i f mi-lkiiig strain, and has already had many przes placed to his endit; gaining at various show* th-oughout the colonv, five champ'on-■l-;ps twenty four firsts, and eight ■eronds. w-tji stock from above farm SYKES'S DRENCH is used by nearly all the stud farms in New Zca'and, price 1/6 per packet, 16/ per dozep from All Storekeepers,

The show festivities passed off m a most orderly maimer, aud not one inebriate occupied Ike police cells during tho holidays. This speaks volumes for the conduct of the New Plymouth licensed houses.

Two farmers, residing about twenty miles inland from New Plymouth, were talking in Devon street on Saturday, when a friend approached who had his

habitation about Lwo miles fvrther from the haums of men. "Hallo," said one of the twai 1, " here's Bill from tho backblocks. I-low's the bush P" Why was the till u .nan a back-blockor whilst his noinkliours disclaimed the title.

Messrs Stewait and Corrigan have disposed of their Stratford auctioneering business to Messrs W. H. H. Young and Co., who took possession on Saturday. Mr Young has for the last eight years acted as stock agent ir the Stratfoul district for Messrs Stewart and Corrigan, and is an allround capable man. We wish the new firm every success. A year or two ago a well known general in Hie United States a''my died in a comparatively small town in the States, leaving property to the value of about £50,000. So far as the authorities knew the deceased had no relatives in America, and they have been hunting tlie earth to find some relation to claim the money.

Py tho purest accident, sajs tho Opunake Times, a genial cockatoo in this district saw a paragraph from a Home paper refeuring to the matter, and immediately concluded that the deceased was an uncle of his, and is so positive about- it that he has taken steps to prove his claim. It appears the deceased, when quite a lad, left Home for America, and nothing- was ever heard of him by any of his relatives until his decease, when inquiries were instituted by the mayor of the town (where he died) for his relatives. If our friend turns out to be the rightful heir and obtains the money," or a share of it, things will be merry for a whi : e in Opunake. The Waii'arapa News says the most notable operation by Mr C. J. Reakes, assi taut Chief Veterinarian, on Saturday on the showgrounds, Carterton, was performed after his lecture, when there were present only three people, inc.uding a pressman. A farmerhad brought a euw into the grounds f■" examination. The animal had sudden y been taken ill, he said, and "had gone off its food" for three whole days, during which time its milk had also stopped. It would neither eat nor drink, but would simply stand anil do nothing. For the

ifc of him the farmer could not tell what was the matter with the beast. From its appearance on Saturday thecow might have had all the disea-cs which ale known to afflict boviiity,

and to the uninitiated a frenzied, ruling, bloodshot eye gave the idea that madness ! ,vould soon end its earthy career. "I'll have a look at iis mouth," said the veterinarian suddenly. The mouth was opened, and, placing his hand in, he laid hold of some substance and pulled. For some time lie wa* unsuccessful, but eventua ly h e dragged out the substance, which proved to be a largesized bone. The cow had probably been licking the bone, or may have attempted to cat ii ) and the whole piece had got back in the mouth and then stuck, mnving neither way, and preventing eating.

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 81898, 3 December 1906, Page 2

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The Daily News MONDAY, DECEMBER 3. Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 81898, 3 December 1906, Page 2

The Daily News MONDAY, DECEMBER 3. Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 81898, 3 December 1906, Page 2