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Our Best Reference 3 .it, [>i> /£■/ Speedy, Reliable-, and | nexpensive. We Cure Mr HnvardFr.-i Principal. To Stay Cured. '-established. "(.□jure. We with rrient, by an Loss of Vigour. Vmi m.iy por If ,„, „ w ,„ r , !„? J" 1 - vl ™' anli vlßtinr of vltnll loss of whirl, „,„,. hc lnc „..,„, '"i-sra, drains. «ccss or Infllscrciln Contagious Blood Poise may have boon liemlltiiri : o In early days, therebe boll llnnal. Vf curt all its co mercury or potash. Kidney, Bladder, and Pr static Oljcaso. »,. cure a „ ir tatlon, frequent desire or stopu.v p»m In the back, and catarrhal ecu tlon. MKDICAL 'ADYICK FIIKE. Our Guarantee to Cure is: " H'c t'ure to Siny tlurril.'' MEDICAL BOOK FREE. Men Hade Vigorous nl Hump In- HI!. R. WAM.ACR, Ml of the Slnft (if riiy.»ici,ns :i >ons to tile Institute, who lercil hi Australian, English, 01 The Freeman & Wallace I-.10.c1r0-Mcdical nnd Surgirnl Institute, Cor. Elizabeth and Batliurst streets, EY, and at lUclljonriiP. *KSS&3te No Te«s like in m m

Painfu! Eruptions from Knees to Feet Seemed incurable, UNTIL HE USED CUTICURA Another of those remarkable cures by Cuticura, after doctors and all else had failed, is testified to by Mr. M. C. Moss of Gainesville, Texas, in the following letter: -'For over thirty years I suffered from painful ulcers and an eruption from my knees to feet, awl could find neither doctors nor medicine to help me, until I used Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, which cured me in six mouths. They helped me the very first time I used them, and 1 am glad to write this so that others suffering as I did may be saved from misery."

A FRIEND (N. NEED. I DIl. ELMSLIE L.F., PJIYS., F.-T-. SURG.,, L.S.A., LOND. L.M., 'etc. (Registered by tho fiovernmenls ol' Great Britain, Now South Holes una New Zealand. . i No. /13, WELLINGTON' TERRACE, WELLINGTON. |r|T HIS highly-qualified Physician and Surgeon, from the hospilnls of London and Paris, has, ,by 2."> years' study and 'research, beet expect and specialist in the treatment of Chronic, Nervous, Mo Skin, and the special diseases of Men and Women. In his very successful treatment of. the above class of cases, there is "No experimenting and no failures." Consultations are Free to all, ao that a friendly chat either personally or by letter costs nothing,. and may save you <years of misery and suffering, so none need despair." DON'T WORRY ANY LONGER, as the ambitions and joys of life . ill be restored to you, and my treatment in cases of Sidney and Bladder Diseases, Hack-ache, Lumbago, nsomnia, Failing Memory, Specks before the Eyes, Giddiness, etc., brncesup the, system in all cases and i RESTORES VITAL ENERGY. New Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing Remedies of the very best and purest are honestly and faithfully used. Moderate charges. Call and see me or write full details of your troubles in your simple, homely language, and 1 will, treat you with the strictest confidence, success, and fairness. N.B.—Fatients at any distance may ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 in their first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) of remedies necessary for their case. As my remedies are t direct from Wellington my patients save heavy Customs duties and avoid the inspection of packages. All correspondence is. held sacredly confidential. Consultation hoursllLto 12, 2t04,7 to 8. YOUNG MEN! If you are suffering, or weak, orfiad, call or write to Dr. Elmslie, No. 13, Wellington Terrace, he thoroughly understands your troubles and their causes. He guarantees a perfect cure in every caso undertaken, or he will make no charge. Strictly confidential. Moderate charges. Consulting hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 1, 7 to 8. ' LADIES ■! fay consult Dr. Elmslie at his residence, No. .13, Wellington Terrace, Wellington, from 10 to 12, 2 to i, 7 to 8 daily, who is a legally qualified Physician and Specialist, and whose up-to-date treatment gives the greatest satisfaction Ladies' Famous Corrective Tablets, 10s (extra), .2.1s post free. Guaranteed Safe and Reliable. Strictly confidential. Moderate charges. Call ■3UIIJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EXHAUSTION CURED AND MADE HARPY. MY PIOAR DOCTOR—I have no hesitation whatever "in saying "Yes" in reply to your letter received to-day, in which you ask me whether I am willing to let the. people know the benefit I received at your hands. When I saw you upon the recommendation of Mr Grillith (whom you had previously completely cured of a similar complaint) 1 think I .was in about as bad a slate of misery and depression in both mind and body as any human being could be ; in fact, I thought Jlife was not worth living, and my future was a blank. I was an object of misery and despair. Well, I called upon you, and you spoke some kind cheering words 1.0 me, and panted out the cause of these troubles, and the grave character of tin; follies of my youth. You (old me. plainly and honestly lhat. you eoidd and would cure vigours of manhood, so that 1 should no longer be bashful and stupid in society, and could lake my part and interest in the amusements l and sports of others, and have an aml.iiion in my business. At first I thought your promise was too good to lie true. I am thankful to say 1 tried your treatment. 1 swear solemnly 1 feel a different, man. to-day. I have put on flesh and muscle, and have any amount of confidence in myself. I am perfectly healthy, and unite happy, and capable of enjoying myself as others; -do, anil I don't move about by myself and' shun society. I earnestly reconnnei.d all my fellow sufferers lo put their confidence in you as your treatment is perfect, and your charges are small.—l am, yours truly, LACHLAN CAMERON, *

Guns Guns. Guns HIGGLE BARREL BREECH LOAD- ,™.„ " No " 12 b ° re . «ss. S™ B * MEL BREECH LOAD. ERS, £3 15s to £4 ss. 10UBLE BARREL BREECH LOADERS, £3 15s, £4, £4 ss, £4 30s *»5. SALOON RIFLES, REVOLVERS, AIR GUNS. No. 12 and 10 Bore Shot Cartridges, REVOLVER. CARTRIDGES, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, AND ALL SPORTING REQUISITES, H. WARD & Co., THE CHEAP IRONMONGERS. '.'ncii very ill, and are not (t't a> you expected, ir.llnwi'l make your blood give you strength and Mrs. M. McShane, Hoba ler, with her photograph: "After recovering from a long attack of typhoid fever I sulfered from a poor appetite and great depression, and was so weak I could hardly walk. Having seen Ayer's advertised ns fech a good blood purifier and general tonic, I thought I would try It. I did so. and soon my old strength came back, my appetite returned, and before I had finished the second bottle I could do all my work just a3 well as before." There are many imitation Sarsapariilas. Be sure you get "AYER'S." Prcparri ty Dr. J. C. Aver k Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.

SMjffl.MJW.W.'wyW' 6| Wree Bdigljijul P©@k Prwiii 8? Go's | CARLTON WAFERS : DEVONSHIRE WAFERS

HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COLGH&. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. ho nave taken this m edicine aij amazed at its wonderful i nfluence. Sufferers from any form ol Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty ol Chest it is invaluable, as it eiVccts a Complete Cure. It is most Comi'or ting in allaying irritation in the thro at and giving strength to the voice, nnd it neither allows a Cough nor As iuna to become chronic, nor Consum tion to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist wheri •Coughs" have been properly treate d with Uus medicine. No house shou Id be without it, as. taken at the be ginning, a dose is generally sufficient, nnd a Complete Cure is certain. JAMES SMITH, 'arsoiuige, Uuukcld, if Oakleigh, Victorii L'r directly, and there benefit lrom (he first bottle, and 3 lincss or shortness of bottles completely cured her. This >w. I must sjj the was nine months ago. She is quite is wonderful. 1 (lid well now, and has never had an utnld live until morn- tack since.' 1 ■rised me |,y rallying ( A. OH It, c/o A. li. Mussina & Co., "lour uroncmtis Cure is -J best about your Bronchitis Cure, 1 decided Australian Journal Ollice, medicine I have ever taken." to give it a trial. I used five botMelbourne. U. WILLIAMS, tles o! yovf Bronchitis and Asthma lliU-streeLLithgow, N.S.W. Curo| witu tno resull tlmt the uifli . ~,. . , r , TT' ■■ . culty of breathing l and distressing I'or nine years my wife suffered \ can thoroughly testily to the cou h havo alr , disaippebred. 1 canIrom Asthma and Bronchitis. 1 tried .wonderful efheacy ol your Bronchitis ot k 100 hj ~, of . v .,, 11u _ ■various treatments for her, but none 0 m a Consumptive cough, it hav- Wa UU!tli( . inc au d I recommend it to succeeded until 1 got llearae's Bron- m S 'clieved me when other proserin- n)1 . f„ i( , n ,i„ ■■ chit is and Asthma Cure. She found tious had no effect whatever,." * ,r r/A , ,„,„,,,„ Bronchitis and As more to me than A. M. WESTON, ,'," Warrnambol. Vi Clonbinane, Sunday Creek, u ™' W; 1 "j" 'i" lLe "™ '«»» « sl1 """ "me I„' but Broadford, Victoria: I ' uW ' I™'."* 1 NiT ' V KKUol ' ul U > »m ' -" ISA S. TOSACH, Wiseman's Kerry, New South Wales. "My wife k. 82 years old, and 1 am 0. i am glad to inform you that ,'our Bronchitis Cure has done us a Vondorful deal of good, having luuick--1!. BASS KIT, i Broadford, Vic.

:>ur Bronchitis Cure is a splen ine. Jt is Uie best medicine ever used fur Coughs, Colds -'lust, and Sore Throat." (Mrs) joiin Mckenzie, Werouu, Victoria last Friday, and 'Coanwood," I 2 Medicine, for •"J'liu rough was. Just terni'ie," but your JJronchitn Cure acted splendidy."—Yours very sincerely, l'\ 0. UKEEN, State School, Koscbud, via Urouiana, .Victoria. truly grateful to d it did me." ISABEL 1\ WILSON, iniiuiiiond-strwt, Uallarat, vicvjria. ;t dose of your No. 2 Medicine not had the wheezing at all." -'1 um K V. CAMKIiON, bees quit. "Lcongathn," liiversdalo Hd., tno last t Hawthorn, Melbourne, jng yuur ''l am glad to tell you that 1 have bees quite free from Jlirpnchilis for tno last two years, the result of taking yuur Bronchitis Cure." " Your Bronchitis Cure is all ; describe it to be."—Yours most i fiectfully, R. J. M'CLELLAND, Red Jacket, via Walhalla, Vi jii.) sen, auu nave recommended it to others, with most bonelicial results." liev, E. J. HENDERSON. I Lpnn looking through our books Uvc are struck with the steady and rapid increase in the sales of your llronchitis Cure."—ELUOTT BROS. Ltd., Wholcsaale Druggists, Sydney, N.S.W. "The bottle of llronchitis Ciiro I I Bronchitis mjsclf, as letely left (Mrs) JOHN RAHILLY, Olennwugie, Victoria. yours is tlio best I ever had. I am econmiending it to everybody." S.STEELE, Yanko Siding, N.S.W, "I suffered from Chronic Asthma .nd llronchitis lor which I obtained io relief, until I tried your medicine, ut I can truly say that I am asonishod at my present freedom, as a irect result of my brief trial.'- I JOHN C. TUELAWNEY, Severn River, via Jnverell, N.S.W.

" Your Bronchitis Cure rually acts 7, Little Railway slVcet, 1 Durban, ke magic." m ~,.,,,., . ) E. L. SYMES, >rte Hotel, Kiinacoorte, South Austmlia. urchascs show, your reirtusing in sale, From 1 hear people speaking them. Wishing you I.irgeu sale and gr JOHN' KIN'G, 'heniist, Uallarat. 'i have used your Bronchitis Cure, d am pleased to say that it if A. E. ANDERSON, j got from you was magical in its el-fects.-CIiAS. WYBUOW, Enoch's I'oint, via flarlingTord, Victoria." , T . Last "1 used your Bronchitis Cure foi bronchi! three of my family, and it cured each pa ' of them in from one iu three doses. , n . y . s ° o ' -I>. K MULLINS, Cowie's Creek', ,!llt ' S C " Last year I suffered severely froi Bronchitis, and the doctor, to whon 1" Your Bronchitis Cure .„.„,„,,„, ion wonderfully quick. I only guv Jdm four doses, and have some of th ..medicine yet; but I am sending fo another bottle in case I should wan jmdo me ipiitp well." ]J. HOOD, i St., South Yurra, Melbourne.

"1 have purchased a small l)ottle"ol' :1U » U;lt 'l< since. 1 ha )iir llrohdiilis Cure, ami ha\u only I "™ ce,i tu give it to in; Ken four doses, and am glad to lull <IU1 > H ' h() llas "ud a cold )i> that lam cured." Wils l,ol 'n. J have ouly J. WRKJUT, T few doses, and he is bet c/o Mr I). McLean, t Jll ' s ) «', .1. 1 was laid up for V th llrunchilis, during ' inv remedies, without t.-l). W'J)O\ALD, Trinkev, via i;ui- mu "' lhl ' «'mlei-, a rindi, N.S.W."- ' fi-itiiitl of miuu of hili.s." " Your Bronchitis Cure is ~ uond.few d'r ß ; u^AttTirS.-- '^Ti'h ,,: Ozonu H °^L , " ,r,,c ' VietD '' lft vie. li^.ri w £ffi. **•"•* a "'"" °"' " "-»■«, r ••-»»«!?» 1 ' onv lamous Hroncliilis Cure without ~ ~,„ ~.,, . * elav . "S 1 find it to be a most valloiiilis Having used your Tlronchjtis Cure ~ , „,„ v/ii . , , . able medx-ine." tried in my family for years past, I wish () , '.,," ™ aSL ' d ,] llh • vm,r (Mrs) J. SMTRII, s. 1 to testify to the relief always anwi- .o^ hl '' S , t : U,L - The rcsul wasniar- < Warram.l Viet ri, by it in colds low completely cured." I my i lAMKS WTLTJAMS Yours, ate, ins. It eased me right ofT at .-G. SEYTEU, Hourlvo, N.S.W." 10. V. tIODnAKI'/, " IH, Fit/.gera!d-st., South Yarra. "1 suffered from Aslhinn for about c Melbourne, i'.fteen years; was that ill at limns ( sinned, have lu I leal-no's llror W. MINNS, f-toclv," mrleville, Queensland ' WILLIAMSON & CO., id ... \(,m Bronchitis Cure has a Rival .nother ; often had to sit up in bed ' cmnsl.nnes which undoubtedly prove iy eputation here. We sell more of 11 -art of the night. Tried doclors.pat- ! lis di,.inrl healing power"' Signal than any oth.-i- chest medicine we I nt medieines. and herbalists, with- Ibv the lie,. .IOIIS SINCLAIR Myers d WII 1 iumw x m ° Ut SUCL ;f- S ; W ", S """" Sl ' in ''' "'' l, '- v " ' s! '' ,Tl ' (l j1o "~ aud 59 a*" I<adin B U UILLIAJISON & CO., ng anything, when, one day, hearing esidenls. J HEARNE'S B RONCHITIS CURE-Small size, 2s 6d 5 Large, 4s 6d Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors or by the Proprietor, S. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST GEELOIW, VICTORIA. Forwarded by post to any Address when not obtainable locally. New Zealand Branch Office, No. 11, /iist Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis Street, Wellington. mmmsmmmmmmm

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8039, 29 January 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8039, 29 January 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8039, 29 January 1906, Page 4