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rju TEETH YALUE. IHERE is no need here - to emphasise the value of good,teeth, either for health sake, or socially. It is so well known that good health cannot exist unless food is properly masticated ! Just as widely appreciated is the fact that good teetli brighten a homely face, and enhance the bounty of a pretty one.' Von need only to know (hat we give you £ s. d. Complete Upper or Lower Sot for ... 1 1 0 Superior Sets 22 0 A Single Tooth from ... 0 5 5 Stoppings from 0 5 5 Administering Gas ... 0 2 6 Extractions ... 2s 6d and 0 1 0 We absolutely claim to have the largest practice in the world, aud the first and only company that has reduced faithful aud modern dentistry within the reach of all. Wo faithfully assure every patient that tho teeth and materials wo use are exactly the same as used by dentists charging double. LONDON DENTAL INSTITUTE, Devon Street, New Plymouth.

A FRIEND JN NEED. DR. ELMSLIE L.F., rays., I«>T-. SURG., GLASXL, L.S.A., LOND. L.M., lotc. (Registered by the <i overnmenls of Orpat Britain, New South Wales and New Zealand. No. /US, WELLINGTON TERRACE, WELLINGTON. r 8 HIS Physician and Surgeon, i'rom the hospitals of , -i London and Paris, has, i>>y 2o years' study and J research, become an expert mid specialist in the treatment of Chronic, 1 Nervous, Blood, I Skin, and the special diseases of Men and Women. In his very successful treatment of the above class of cases, there is I "No experimenting and no failures." Consultations are Flee to all, so that a friendly chat either personally or by. letter costs nothing, and may save you of misery and suffering, so none need despair." DON'T WORRY ANY LONGER, us the ambitions and joys of life will be restored to you, and my treatment in cases'of ijvidiiey and Bladder Diseases, Back-ache, Lumbago, | Insomnia, Failing Memory, Specks fore the, Eyes, Giddiness, etc., bracesup the, system in all cases and I , RESTORES VITAL ENERGY. New Scientific Treatment, and New Unfailing Remedies of the very best and purest are honestly and faithfully used. Moderate charges. Call and see me or write full details of your troubles in your simple, homely lang\ia{>x!, and 1 will, treat you with the strictest confidence, success, and fairness. N.B.—Patients at ally distance an ay ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 in their first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible)' of remedies necessary fcr their case. As iny remedies are sent direct from Wellington my patients save heavy Customs duties and avoid the inspection of packages. All correspondence isi held sacredly confidential. Consultation hourslO'to 12, 2, to 4, 7to 8. YOUNG MEN'! If you, arc suffering, or weak, unpad, call or write to Dr. Elmslic, No. 13, Wellington Terrace, Wellington,as he thoroughly understands your troubles and their causes. lie guarantees a' perfect cure in every case undertaken, or he will make 110 charge, Strictly confidential. Moderate charges. Consulting'hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. LADIES ■! May- consult Dr. Ehnslie at his residence, No. 1.3, Wellington Terrace, Wellington, from 10 to 12, 2To 4, 7 to 8 daily, who is a legally qualified Physician and Specialist, and whose up-to-tlate treatment gives the greatest satisfaction Ladies' Famous Corrective Tablets, 10s (extra), 2Js post free. Guaranteed Safe and Reliable. Strictly Confidential. Moderate charges. Call or write. SUBJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EXHAUSTION CURED AND MADE HAPPY. MY DEAR DOCTOR,—I- have 110 hesitation whatever in saying ''Yes" in reply to your letter received t-o-d ay, in which you ask 1110 whether I am willing to let the people know the benefit I received at your hands. When I saw you upon the recommendation of Mr Griffith (whom you had previously completely cured of a similar complaint) I think I .was in about as bad a state of misery and depression in both mind and body as any human being cculd be; Jn fact, I thought J life was not worth living, and my future was a blank. I was an object of misery awl despair. Well, I called upon you, and you spoke some kind cheering words to me, and pointed out the cause of th o se troubles, and the gfave character of the lollies of my youth. You told me plainly and honestly that yon could and would cure vigours of manhood, so that I should 110 longer be bashful and stupid in society, ami could take my pari and interest in the amusements! and sports of others, and have an ambition in my 'business. At first. I thought your promise was too good to be true. lam thankful to say I 1ri c( ] your treatment. I swear solemnly I feel a different, man, to-day. I have put 011 ilesh and muscle, and have any amount of confidence? in myself. I am perfectly healthy, and quite happy, and capable of enjoying myself as other;) do. and I don't move about by myself ami shun socj c tv. I earnestly recommend all my fellow sufferers to put their confidence in you as your treatment is perfect, and your charges are small.—l am, yours truly, LACHLAN CAMERON.

TASTEFUL TRIBUTES You will find it hard to select a more tasteful tribute than an exclusive design in pure marble. There are 70 odd headstones and crosses in my here, at prices from £i to ,t(!0. Call round and see them; you will admire the beautiful material and the workmanship. Write for free illustrated catalog and price-list, if you cannot call. W. F. SHORT POWDKIWAM STREET, -NEW PLYMOUTH.

READ THIS LIST THROUGH. . . . Foil Su.k CliKU'.—First-rlsiss Bonrdinghonse. doing a large turnover. Owner wishes to sell oil account of ill-health. Would lake a a small farm in exchange. Write about it now. It is a great chance for a capable man or woman. Was run,—A Farm of 50 acres or thereabouts in exchange for a dairy farm capable o{ milking ID cows. Price right; terms right. W.I.NTKII AT oxn;,—Town section or sections to the va.ue of .-6250 or t:)st) ill part payment of first-class dairy farm of Kill acres close to New Plymouth, Fakmkiis and graziers will please note that I am in touch with cash buyers who are opeu to talk business if the prices are right, Send particulars now, and if your price is right, expect a buyer out within the week. G. LIVINGSTON, LAND, ESTATE and FINANCIAL AGENT. Eomiixt Stbkkt ... Ni;w Pivnorni. Telephone 2l)o. VJ ANTE J KIJOV>.n. tHeiidv's Egg »' Julep destroys daniirull and give* the hair a beautifully, soft, glossy appearance. Large bottle* Is. Obtainable C. C. Ward's, Draper, solo agent.

; An established Wputation of over a Quarter ol a century is the best guarantee of the absolute purity and uniformity of • AcCtoTP


HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS OURF THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. 3reathing,°Tlo^rsfcness, e Pafn ^ 8 '[7 I °' B , r ° nChitiS ' C ° u e h ' difficulty of Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Compile (Jure ItT most S \ h ° se " ho ar « to colds on tU i\ntl it neither allows a Cough nor Aa Oma to become chronic nor Conm.m +■ + & i Ji S irritation in the thioat and giving strength to the voice, 'Coughs" have been properly treated *" "»?"» 10 exist wher < nnd a Complete Cure is certaiD. nou la l,e w ' tnout as - taKen at thfe a dose is generally sufflcionl, " I liave used Hearne's llronchitis Cure with splendid results. Always keep it in the home for use. It acts like magic." (liev.) JAMES SMITH, Methodist Parsonage, Dunke'.d, Formerly of Oakleigh, Victoria. " Your llronchitis Cure suited Mrs Nicholson splendidly. Her cough is one. It eased her directly, and there really no stuiliness or shortness of breath present now. I must say the bronchitis Cure is wonderful. 1 did not think she xcould live until 1 morning, but. she surprised me by rallying and is now able to be out of bed lice more." A. M. WESTON, "Thorpe," Warrnambol, Vic. c/o A. ii. Massina & Co., Australian Jourhal Oflice, Melbourne. 'l''»r nine years m,y wife suffered from Asthma and llronchitis. 1 triud ,various treatments for her, but none succeeded until I got Hearne's llronchitis and Asthma Cure. She found benefit from Uje first bottle, and 3 bottles completely cured her. This was nine months ago. She is quite well now, and has never had an attack since." A. OUR, Clonbinanc, Sunday Creek, Broadford, Victoria. "Your Bronchitis Cure is a splendid jodicine. It is the best medicine I have ever used for Coughs, Colds on th; Oust, and Sore Throat." (Mrs) JOHN McKENZIE, Werona, Victoria. " I suffered very much from AsthJa for lour years, and. tried lots of so-called cures, without deriving any cnefit. I got a bottle of your lironhltis Cure, No. la, last Friday, and a bottle of your No. - Medicine, lor obstinate Asthma, on Saturday. Since the first dose of your No. 2 Medicine have noL hud the wheezing at all." V. CAMEIIOX, "Leongatha," Riversdale Jld. Hawthorn, Melbourne. " Your Bronchitis Cure really acts ike magic." (Mrs) K. 1,. SYMES, I Narracoorte Hotel, Xarracoorle, | South Australia. " As my purchases show, your remedies are increasing in sale. From time to lime J hoar people speaking it the good result obtained from them. Wishing you a very much enlarged sale and great prosperity." JOHN KING, Chemist, Ballarat. "1 have purchased a small bottle of >in- I'ronchitis Cure, and June only taken linn' doses, and am glad to tell m that f am Cured." J. WRIGHT, c/o Mr 11. McLean, Camperdown, Vic. "I was laid up for twelve months it Ii Bronchi I is. 'during which 1 tried any iviiir.lics, without success. I <crl two bottles of your Bronchitis Cure, and am now completely curecf." JAMES WILIJAMS. Iluntly-street.Elsternwick, .Melbourne. "The cough was. just terrific, but your Bronchitis Cure acted splendidy."—Youi'b very sincerely, l'\ C. CUIEEN, State School, Rosebud, via Dromana, Victoria. me great pleasure to marvellous effect your e has upon coughs and proved its value in my " II a fiords testify to the Bronchitis Cu colds. 1 haw n home." F. W. BfXNM, U'indorah, via Clutrlevillc, Queensland " I feel truly grateful to you for j our invaiuable medicine. It is nuu • vellous the good it did me." ISABEL WILSON, 'Coanwood," Drununond-strcet, Ballnrat, vicvoria. ''l am glad to tell you that I have beet? quite free from Ilrpnchitis for, tne last two years, the result of taking your Bronchitis Cure." W. UTTON, Little Railway Street, Durban, Natal, South Africa. "I have used your Bronchitis Cure, and am pleased to say that it is without doubt absolutely (he best medicine on the market for coughs and colds." A. E. ANDERSON, Telegraph Olfce, Freeman!le. West Australia. " My husband was cured of Asthma by your Bronchitis Cure, more than 12 months ago, and he has not had an attack since. I have now commenced to give it to my son, it years old, who has had a cold ever since ho was born. I have only given him a few doses, and he is better alreadv." (Mrs) W. J. WISHART, Warwick, Queensland. " Having' used your Bronchitis Curd in my faintly for years past, J wish to testify to the relief always afforded by it in colds on the chest, or any complaint arising therefrom."— Yours, etc., E. V. GODDARI'/, 19, Kitzgerald-st., South .Yarra, Melbourne. ..."Your Bronchitis Cure has a great reputation here. We sell more of it than any othT chest medicine we flock," WILLIAMSON & CO., "Your Bronchitis Cure is -- i best medicine I have ever taken." D. WILLIAMS, Hill-street, N.S.W, " I can thoroughly testify to the wonderful efficacy of your Bronchitis Cure in a Consumptive cough, it having relieved me when other prescriptions had no effect whatever." T. LEWIS, Kimbolton, via Wellington, Now Zealand. " Your Bronchitis and Asthma Cure has been more to me than money can ever pay. I am quite free, from asthma now, and ieel very grateful to you." ISA S. TOSACH, V i rgi ni a-sit ree t, (3 eel ong. " Your Bronchitis Cure is all you describe it to be."—Yours most respectfully, R. J. M'CLELLAND, Red Jacket, via Walhalla, Vic. " I have used your Bronchitis Cure myself, and have recommended it to others, with most beneficial results." Rev, E. J. HENDERSON, Gumeraclia, - South Australia. "Uptm looking through our books we are struck with the steady and rapid increase in the sales of your Bronchitis Cure."—ELLIOTT BROS. Ltd., Wholesaale Druggists, Svdney'. N.S.W'. " "The bottle of Bronchitis Cure' I got from you was magical in its effects, -CHAS. WYBROW, Enoch's Point, via Darlingford, Victoria." "I used your Bronchitis Cure foi three of my family, and it cured each of them in from one to three 'doses. —P. F. MULLINS, Cowio's Creek, Victoria." \ our Bronchitis Cure relieved my son wonderfully quick. I only gave him four doses, and have some of the medicine yet ; but I am sending for another bottle in case I should want t. 1). M'DONALD, Trinkey, via Quirindi, N.S.W."- " Your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medicine.—A. B. SIMMONS, J. 11.,I 1 ., No. 7, Kenny-sl., Paddington, Sydney." " I am very pleased with your Bre.nchiiis Cure. The result was marvellous. Jt ease'd me right off at )iipe. —(?. SEYTEII, Bourke, N.S.W." M suffered from Asthma for about f'teen years ; was that ill at times Could scarcely walk from one room (r. nother ; often had to sit up in be'l part of the, night. Tried doctors,patent medicines, and herbalists, with: out success ; was almost iired of tr\'. lig anything, when, one day, hearing ahout your Bronchitis Cure, 1 decided to give it a trial. I used five bottles of your Bronchitis and Asthma Cure, with the result that the difficulty of breathing! and distressing) tough fhavo all' disappeared.. I canot speak too higbfy of your valuab e medicine, and I recommend it to all my fmendsu" ELIZA LANGTON, Wiseman s Ferry, New South Wales. "My wife is 82 years oM, and I am 9. I am glad to inform you that your Bronchitis Cure has done us a woivdertul d .il of good, having quickly cured us both." 1 a . R. BASSETT, Strath Creek, via Broadford, Vic "I have used one bottle of 'your Bio,,cutis Cure with great benefit to myself, as the smothering lias comletely left me." , (Mrs) JOHN RAIIILLY Gleii/naggie, Victoria vn,'L ha - V< \i rie>l lots of n'odicine, but youis is the best I ever had I ■ ecoininending it to everybody." S.STEELE, Yanko Siding, N.S.W r,rl T^° m Chn>nic Asthma »»rn T ol ' which 1 Obtained n lehef until I tried your medicine, ut I can truly say that I am asmushed at my present freedom, as a i ct result of my brief trial." T .. JOH^ T C. TRELAWNEY, p rn River, via Jnverell, N.S.TO Brnfrl y<!ar 1 fl,fferoti severely from nnb! anti tllU dOCtor ' 10 wh< »» paid seven guineas did not do me •i?! ■ : lJ,lt 1 heard of »'•«»- lntis Cure, and two bottles of it nade me quite well," ■rooklands, Avocp-st., South Yarra, Melbourne. 1 send me half a dozen of vour f)ionehj'tis Cure. This medicine cured Hie 11. the Winter, and has now cured lilend of mine of u ra-y bad Bronhitis. \ n A. AU.EN, Ozone House, Lome, Victoria. " Kindly forward another bottle o 1 oti" famous Bronchitis Cure without jC ay, as I I'md it to be a most valxibic medicine." (l\rrs) J. SLATER, Warragu 1, Victoria. . , U>o undersigned, have had occasion to obtain llearne's Bronchiti» lure, and we certify that it- was periectly and rapidly .successful under circumstances which undoubtedly prove its distinct healing power." Shuied by the Rev. JOHN SfKCLATR, Myers street, Geelong, and 59 other leading es dents.

HEARNER'S BRONCHITIS CURE-Smali size, 2s 6d ; /Large, 4s 6d Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors op by [the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELO> T s, VICTORIA, Forwarded by post to any Address when not obtainabL llcally. • New Zealand Branch Office, No. 11, First Floor, Hume's Buildings, vkl Sti'Aet, Wellington L Sold ISMesale andt Retail bv Ttfid.iiiall and Tend. and hv W PrasAr flMmidJl™ ni,.L,,rt, - v

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8012, 26 December 1905, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8012, 26 December 1905, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 8012, 26 December 1905, Page 4