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' Her Enigma," au interesting story adapted from the Polish, appears oil out fourth page. -Particulars, of Church Services for to-morrow appear under shipping. Ou this date, 303 years ago, the great •wet Johu Milton was born.

11l order to prevent damage to the turbines at the borough power-house, a screen has been lixed in the pipe iiead.

At the Courtrnny-strcet school yesterday morning two little dots received prizes for attendance who had not missed a single half-day in two years.

Messrs. E. J. Carthew A Co. report n-iving sold, on account of Mr McBride, of Wang.umi, [-acre aud resi'dice at l''itzfoy, to Mrs. Jas. Stanford, if Stratford.

Inspector Ellison has received word that a man named (Jrorgo lVwor was killed on Thursday iir bt at Kketahuna in a li;»ht »itli a man named Strid. The latter lias been arrested.

An aut imobile, driven by a meal •enlleman, got out of hand and collided with Ihe pavement near the Impel'Ml Hold. New Plymouth, on Friday. A crowd soon congregated. The ear sustained very little injury.

Mr fi. P. Wake 1 was late in the field i'or the Patea election contest. He is ■arly enough this time, having oil Fiiursday announced himself as a canlidate for 1!)0S, or at any previous bycI'lcclion. "The early bird," etc.

A Xrlsnn telegram states lhat whilst Messrs \\\ Downce and Godyer were driving to 'J'ophouso lo art, for ihe returning ollicer there, the horse boiled down a steep hill, and .Mr Downce, l»v jumping out, sustained a bad fracture of the ankle, and was much bruised.

Tlie borough engineer considers the result of his experiment, made more 'him twelve months back near the East End bathing shed, with the object of .irevcnting erosion, has been entirely successful. The row of boulders placed in tile bcachhiid never been uncovered, and he strongly re-ommended continuing tlie process lo (he Hcnui Hiver.

Adolf Scholia, a naturalised foreign .■naeiibuildcr, against whom a charge of .indecency was pending, attempted sui•ide on Thursday night at Nelson bv • iking l'aris green, ile apparently ■ ook an overdose, as, after a night of igony, the use of a stomach pump effected hi.s restoration.

"It too bail —too bail altogether. I ;o to take a walk round the old place diat gone away. My father, my grandfather, my iliey all buried there—they take them ill away. Too bad altogether." Such vas the plaintive wail of a Maori woman m the reclaimed land near the railway .station yesterday.

Court etii|iiette in frequently a stumiling block to witnesses. For instance, ,'estcrday morning a witness entered -he box and immediately kissed the look, without waiting to be sworn. The ■lerk repeated the usual formula, anil ■ hen Ihe Magistrate insisted on the .vitness kissing the Bible once more before proceeding with her evidence.

Th i next meeting of the New Zealand Defence Forces Rifle Association rakes place at Trentham on sth March. The programme just issued is in somewhat similar lines to those of previous meetings. The prize money, however, has been considerably in•reused, the total amount being ~£1122, if which £203 has been allotted to the iiiAl match for the belt. Colonel JolJins hopes to carry (he meeting in live days. Mr T. P. Jlughson's Ojmualce-Xew Plymouth roach yesterday was reiplcjiilant in /i brilliant new rout of Mint. The body of the vehicle was ol' i bright red, lined with yellow, the inder-camage and wheels straw colour .►ieke-A out ;md lined in dark brown ind royal blue. On the panel of the loor was painted a more or less faith.ul representation of Mount JSgmont. •he work was done by Mr West, ■oaeltbitilder ;i( Raliotu, and reflects .*ery great rredit uu the linn.

There is living at Chisl?hurst a man vlio served as " boy " to Dr. Livingtone in the heart of Africa. His name s \\ ale, and his connection with the ,'rcat missionary goes back forty years o the neighbourhood of Lake .Xvassa, rherc lie was rescued as a child by liishop Mackenzie from a slave-trader's <ang. He married an English wife, ■ irought up a family, and has for thirty .-cars lii-en a ga'Vener in the employ of Ur Vanncr, a well-to-do Cliislchurst gentleman. His wife was housemaid ;n the service of Napoleon 111.

"He wen! home last night arid hrashed his daughter," said a man in ..'ourt yesterday morning, in support of in applira'ion order against a >'ew I'll mouth resident. "He is always Irunlc. 1 sec him drunk every day mil every night." A iolhcr witness

;;i\t cvidcuiT tliut I lie iiiiiii nils regularly dnmk, niul wlini lie came lioire in Thursday niglit lie nearly j>i!Hod all ilic elollies from a grown-up (laughter's hark, knocked her about." " Order made, was the laconic judgment of Mr Hutchison, iS.M. The next ca*e was oi a somewhat similar nature, whea a son put in an application to bavt' an order issued to prevent liis father obtaining liijror. The subject of this application was stated to be 1)2 years of age* and given to execsshe drinking, thereby injuring his health. The Magistrate made the rejnired order.

Whiteley Church, Sunday, December 10th : Anniversary Festival. Preacher. Kev. (lias. Porter (Organising Secretary \.M,'s Forward Movement), Services 11 a.m. and / p.m. At p.m, Special Address to Men Onlj\ .Special jfVerioi'ies for innovation Fund. Aniu;il Tea Meeting Monday.— Advt.

No longer need vou rpiake witlifear, I For I will tell you true I Where, you can get a decent shave [ And a d'-cenl haircut too. bur eutiiag hair and .-hflving clean The like oi' l/i'MW.i; r.eer was seen. THE ECMONT H\ini>nKssiNc; SALOON, Egniont Street, landed our first consignment of Xinas jewellery and solid silver ware Now on view in our windows a lovely display of new engagement rings, new brooches, new bangles, now solid silver goods. Quality the very bes.t. Good value beyond dispute. Carefully r.nte the address.—«T. 11. I'APKKIi, watchmaker jeweller, and optician, next Itailway Cross, Devon Street Central Now Ftymout-

The Works Coinmitteo of the Borough Council lm\e decided thill action be taken against the owner pf a horse found wandering in Molesworth Street.

The borough inspector reports that the sanitary (improvements of , the three public schoolsthe town are well under way, and promise to be all that could be desired.

The borough inspector has been instructed to take action against persons using hoses on the ashphalt footpaths without proper attachments.

Tho practical experience of a number of farmers in various parts .ol the Waikato goes to show that the Up-to-date potato, though not actu ally blight-proof, shows considerable power of resisting tie disease.

The greed ol gold has eaten like a canker into \our. national character. We do not say our public life is corrupt, but we have no hesitation in saying that the newspapers i of recent years have reported very many cases which might be held to justify the opinion that the old standard of. rectitude and I'honour English gentlemen- is not always strictly adhered to.—Commercial Intelligence.

A young New Zealander who early this year left the colony to tempt fortune in the Canadian North West, writing from Assinitrar on Oct, 8 to a friend in Gisbome, speaks disrespectfully of his newly adopted country. Candidly speaking he soy#,.Canada is not in the same street with New Zealand in any way one likes ito take it. Ho described his trip over the Rockies to Itegina; where he took train by a branch line to Lumsden (20 miles), and irom there journeyed 'by ox-waggon foi three days td his destination.! On : arrival teeed-planting was busily in progress. The. &orth-west townships are-described'as being very bare ami ugly, none of the rough frame houses being painted.

The feature and climax of the Tapanui) murder trial was (says the Otago Daily Times) Mr ilanlonls speech for the defence. As to the facts and i probabilities of the case, nothing need be saM ; but the counsel's presentment of the facts and probabilities, as they affected his clients, was no less than masterly, His skilful re-arrangement of tho circumstantial evidence to fit , it to prow the guilt ef a Crown witness, nypothetically placed in the tlodv to. point the moral, was perhaps the most striking section of tin: w-holt I address, lint the whole speech was .strenuous and magnetic, and when il was finished the ,verdict of the jury was generally foreseen In ,\ug-ust last the body of « littU ii'l six years of agei'Hvas' (mind in Ihe mountains near Valladofid. Tin parents W'ere -arrested, and the father made a full confession. He said his second wife always hated ami -illtreated the child, but he daml not iiitcrveiio. One day the girl returni-,! home without her hair riljbons, and thy woman threw-(he child to the ground and thras-b'-d -her, leaving the little one so wealt that she couh. only utter feeble groans. The parents then buried their victim in a heap of manure, and went out and lamented to their neighbours the disappearance of- their'child. A month later, however, fearing that theliodv wiuld be discovered, the inhuman couple unearthed the body, which they removed to | the mountains in the dead of night, in the hope that wolves would devour it.—'llalziel.'

Two lads, Norman Francis and Iteggie Davy,' mot with somewlial serious injuries when on the 12.10 'litis from Fit/roy to'town on Thursday afternoon. About th« middle oi | the Hcnui Ilill one of tire horses started kicking 'violently, and the two boys, who were on the front [seal of the 'biifj) facing the driver, received some nasty impacts. Francis had a Rash on the ear and a'blow on jthe wrist, while Dav.v was kicked in the side. I'oth sufferers Were taken to theirresidences, and attended te Iby Dr. Home. The other passengers |\vei'e alarmed but -ujiinjurix'. | During t hij nie.rttli ol' November there were slaughtered «t Ihe local abattoir 20M cattle,'Sflii sheep, 111 l.nm;,s, ll."> pigs, and il calves. ®_~n head of -cattlu were : '<ibn;k imiwl toi itubcrcuiosis, -and a 'like iuiiki'xu' foi emaciation.

'l'hc following "official" statistical figures of the Russian popiilat'jim—only just compiled—may he of intereat. They 'Uii! token from the census of May 10, 1897 (translation) ■' —Of the" 126,586,525 souls which were counted in liussin, 87,123,004 tire n.eurl/ers of the Orthodox (Jrcvk Church. It was further elicited thai 2,' Jill ,59(i >are Old Orthodox and belonging to similar sects, 13,i)0fi,(i72 Mnhomniertnnv 11,407,9 4 Roman Oat holies, 5,215,805 .Jews, and ■T,'<72,(15:1 Lutherans. The following sentences are also" of groat interest. : "Ami now follows the number that one should underline three times in order to properly annotate it, viz., 90,070,180 of the population are entirely unable to read and write, or 7!) per cent. of tile -whole population. Students at universities or other institutions for -higher cduca"tion numbered J01,5!21.

Inuring recent eavalr.v manoeuvres at Cnrragh, Ireland, a Holdi-er, Private was .killed. Waunderson was one of a party ef men who were •<letim'(!ing ( .t.ho ,guns upon which an attack was "to be made -b t v three squadrons of the I.l'th Hussars under Lieutenant Sutton. As the squadrons reached the guns Lieutenant Sutton gave the order of v Left turn," and at the same twiwt-lK? di*iVnding parly charged out from hihind tlve guns. A collision was seen to be inevitable. The command to halt was given on both si'des, but was of no avail. With a crash the opposing forces cainc together, and in a moment, men, horses, and guns were mixed in ~ indescribable eonj fusion. In the anclee that ensued I'rijvate Sannderson Was killed outright, his neck dislocated, Private llmsley, of ctho same regiment had his ankle broken, and a -horse ridden by a private* iiv the "I H,h lliussars was killed. The jury returned a verdict of accidental 'death, and exonerated all 'parties from blame.

Investigation of the American in-l-surancc companies now in progress j reveals thr Actual- cost ol')« policy |iakdi out at the age of ISO is tiljout j £:i 10s for £2OO, while the ion] cost ill the level preniiuiii companies lis nl/Out £."> a year. The family o; -Mi" M' Curdy (I'resi-ilent .of the New I York Life Insurance Company) got £8(10,000 for services not worth n I tithe of that Kinii. Kxtravag-ant commissions were paid to fino solicitors, while large- sums were handed over I n corrupt legislators, lo piiitical parties, excessive fees to poor legal counsel for toanqiuet? mul socials. The expense to income of four companies havinir »KBTVgat« assets of £21.000.000 was H>.o per cent. l-'or t'oiir saving's banks whose aggregate assets were £28,000,000 the percentage of expense was !' per/cent. -As a conw\'|Hcnce ol these revelations rresident Roosevelt will urge upon Congress-.the need for passing a Hill lo regulate the man agement of insurance coinimnies. Tile several States will take the matter up, and do what they can to remove the temptation t(j misuse trust funds.

The Otago Daily Times s*ays thai the railway carriage reserved for the use of His Excellency the Governor has recently 1 ! -been fitted with tho St dim* system of electric 'generators illuminating the ear. The dynamo i.s for the purposes of ventilating and placed unfler the car, and is operated by a 'belt from the carriage axles Wlmi* in) 'motion the current passes direct to the lamps, the surplus current being -absorbed by two accumulators, which are Capable of .storing sufficient energy to light and ventilate the car lor eight hours wher. stat iomiry. Thy main compartment is fitted with TJ-bixteen-camllc-power lamps and an electrically driven fan, and by an ingenious arrangement of switches an\ number oi lamps desir'ed may l.e Kept burning. Ten six-tecn-candle-powcr lamps are installed in the smaller compartment, t-he.gen-eral arrangement being the came as in the larger compartment. After tho installation a trial run was made from Chrlstchuroh Ho' Duneflin and back, under the charge of Mr H. If. Jackson, locomotive Hiiperinteivdent, ami Mr Hriggs, the Australasian ropresentative of the Stone, Company, i and the Installation worked perfect-1 ly. The lights burned! without a | flicker, and with remarkable bril- j liancy and steadiness.)

The bulk of the electrical machinery, has been, carted to the powerhouse.

The sanitary inspector .reports that there are no cases of infectious disease in the borough.

The annual prize-giving ceremony at the ; Central School takes place this afternoon.

The borough engineer has teen authorised. to lower the water main in Devon Street .between Morley and Mount Edgecambe Sliccts.

The Swimming Ciu-b have been granted t-lve use of t-he'toaths for a sports meeting oil Dec. 14, on usual conditions.

Pursuant 'to the /sanitary inspector's recommendation, three old, insanitary buildings in l'endarves Street have 'been demolished, thereby greatly improving the appearance ol the street. The JBaths ; Committee will havu under consideration, at their next meeting a suggestion by the Swimming Club 'that school children practising for life-saving competitions be allowed free use. of the 'baths.

In consequence of rho possibility of iriction arising between rival ominous ; owners,] the borough inspector has requested the owners to submit their time-tables to him so that a satisfactory adjustment may be arrived at.



The symptoms -of rheumatism usually leave no -dou! jt ■as to what is the matter with the suflerer. Sharp pains ore felt in the knee,; wrist, elbow, ankle, or other joints, which are usually hot,) red, and swalien. The pain often shifts from one joint to day it might be, the iSand, the next, perhaps, -the foot -is seized with t'ho lance-like pains—while tho part first -affected might be much easier. No -matter how severe the symptoms of rheumatism, ttheuino will completely banish them. Hundreds of well-known people testify its wonderful power of conquering Gd, from all chemists and stoics. 1

"The J.P." was repeated to a fair audience at the Theatre ltoyal last night. The piece was splendidly stage.l, and, as usual, the audience thoroughly enjoyed it.

The anniversary services in connection with the Whitelcy Memorial Church will he liehl to-morrow, when liev. C. Porter will preach morning and evening. In Ihe afternoon at 3 o'clock he will address men only, and at the conclusion of the evening service will have something to say to young men and women.

The offices of the Board of Schoi 1 Commissioners in New Plymouth will be closed for the Christmas and New V ear holidays from Saturday, 23rd December, to Saturday, tith January, both days inclusive.

Mr P. P. Corkill reports the sale to a gentleman from Ihe South Island, of u capital farm of 670 acres in the Raglan district, near the Aotea harbour; also the lease of the linghm Hall for ten years to Messrs. Wong, Sent & Co., of Hawcra, who arc opening a branch business there.

New postal regulations have been gazetted providing in future that stamps must be placed on the front, or address aide of letters, and upon the right-hand upper corner of that side. Stamps placed on the back of letters will not be re cognised, and letters will be surcharged as insufficiently prepaid.

Anxi' u- mothers and tearful children were much perturbed yesterday when it became known that no prizes were being awarded to Central School scholars for regular attendance. Mr Dcmpsey -S answers to enquiries implied lhat in future all prizes must be earnedby work.

Discipline is a strong point with Mr Deinpsev, headmaster at the Central School. Yesterday afternoon the playground was in a slate of uproar, caused by the Mayor's lolly scramble. In the midst of the hubbub the principal's bell rang. In a second all was still as the grave, and a couple of hundred children were expectantly awaiting iheir master's command. Mr Dcmpsey said it was only to tost the efficacy of the system, and then the scramble went on. "If those children were running to a fire," said Mr Dcmpsey, " each one would stop at the sound of that bell."

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7999, 9 December 1905, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7999, 9 December 1905, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7999, 9 December 1905, Page 2