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TARANAKI JOCKEY CLUB. CHRISTMAS* MEETING (FOR HACK RAC ES ONLY.) Tuesday and Wednesday, DECEMBER 26 and 27, .1005. N IRII-.S (with payment rf IsoV. each) will close at New Plymouth on MONDAY, November 20th, 1(1(15, ai y p.m., (or— FLUNG lIAND(CAI', of 80 sovs, 0 furlonfrs FIRST WELTER HANDICAP, o( 70 sovs, 7 furlongs. I FIRST HANDICAP HURDLES, of fiO sovs, lj mik's. | CHRISTMAS HANDICAP, of 100 sovs, 1} miles I LADIES' PURSE HANDICAP, of 70 sovs, 1 mile. I STEWARDS' HANDICAP, of 80 sevs, 1 mile. j MANOOTUKU HANDICAP, of 50 sovs, 1 mile. ELECTRIC HANDICAP, of 70sovs, 5 furlongs, NEW PLYMOUTH HANDICAP, of 100 sovs, 1 mite. SECOND HANDICAP HURDLES, of 00 sovs, IS miles. SUMMER HANDICAP, of 70 sovs, 6 furlongs. SECOND WELTER HANDICAP, of 70 sovs, i mile. FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 70 sovs, ,7 .furlongs, and on FRIDAY, December 15, 1905, at 9 p.m , for— UUATOKI PLATE, of 50 sovs, 1 mile. FIRST SCURRY ' STAKES, of 60 sovs, 5 furlongs. SECOND SCURRY STAKES, of 60 sovs, 5 lurloiigs. Acceptances (with payment of Isov each) for Flying Handicap, First Welter Handicap, First Handicap Hurdles, Ladies' Purse Handicap, Stewards'.- Handicap will close at New Plymouth, >on-December 15th, 1905, at. .9 p.m.,, find for the ChristDins Himlicap (with a payment of 2sovs) at same place and. time. For full ■ programme see ''New Zealand Referee." MUSSELL FLEETWOOD, Secretary. Taranaki Annual Regatal (Rowed muU'i* the rules of the New /.etiland Amuteur Rowing Association.) TO 'IK HELD ON THE WAITARA ItIVEK, on JANUARY 1, 19C6 I'ltOlißAMllE : Prizes. I.—MAIDEN WHALEIIOAT RACE.—No uKunhur of crew to have won any rate (youths' race excepted), 15 miles (i ] .-It (J YS' WIJ ALlilio.Vt' RACE.—For Ijrtys under IS years. Ahout J mile .'1 ] SEN 10 It ' FOURS.—Ahout J mile ... 12 I I—OIRI.S' WIIALKHOAT RACE.—For girls under 18 years. Aljo-it .1 mile. ... 3 ] 5 —CHAMPION \ AL EROAT R.VE. _ .About <i miles. ... ' 1,"; 5 .-it AI1) E N CLINKER FOURS.—Ahout -J milu 6 1' YOUTHS' WHA LF.HOAT RACE.—For youths under 21 years. Ahout 1> miles 6 1 .—IOO YARDS AMATEUR SWIMMING RACE.,-First prize, trophy value 45s ; second prize, trophy value J ' r,s 45s 15s 9.—S EKIOR CLINKER FOI'RS (Local).—About \ Inile f> 1 ilO.-LADIES WHALEIIOAT | RACE.—About -J mile ~ 4 1 II -FLYIN t; WHALEIIOAT I RACE.—Ahout mile , 6 2 12.-7.", YARDS AMATEUR SWIMMI NO RACE.—First prize, trophy value £2 ; second prize, trophy value 108 - ;; ».i 2 10s 3-.I UN;I olt .CLINKER . FOURS About j mile ... 8 2 lI.—PAIR - OAR :\VIIALEHOAT RACE, -p Ahout i mile ... . 2 1 15.-CJREASY ilOOii.-Post' . n »tO , 30s 13s Ifi.—HltJll DIVE (Amateur) —First prize, trophy value A.l ; second prize, t rophv value 10s ; pest .eniry 1 10s 17-WATER POLO MATCH.

I i* Elmslie. QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPEC- j lAUST. I Registered by the Governments of Great- Britain. New Zealand, and Kew South Wales. 13, WELLINGTON TEIUUCE. WELLINGTON. I THIS hlghly-qualifled Physician and Surgeon from the Hospitals of London and Paris hns hy 25 years of study and research become an Expert and Specialist in CHRONIC NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN, and SPECIAU DISEASES of Men and Women. i In his or his Representative's ver ! successful treatment of the above class of difficult cases there is "No Experimenting and No Failures." I Consultations are free to all, so' that a friendly chat, either personally or with my representative, or b letter, costs nothing, and may save you years of misery, so none need despair. New Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing Remedies of tha very best and purest are Honestly and Faithfully used. Moderate charges. Consultation Hours: 10 to 12. 3 to 4, 7 to 8,, YOUNG MEN ! If you are suffering, or weak, or sad, call or write to Dr. Elmslie, or bis Representative, 13 Wellington Terrace, Wellington, as he thoroughly understands your troubles and their causes. His Skilful Treatment and Scientific Remedies enable him to GUARANTEE' a Complete Cure in every case undertaken, or make no charge. Strictly confidential. Modcrate charges. Consulting Hours :10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. N.ll.—Patients at a distance may _ ENCLOSE A THE OF £1 hi their first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) of remedies necessary for their case.

i We Core Men Our Best Reference Is that ur Cures im 4 "yc-.n ' V Ml 'IU3U Speedy, Hcnabli 1 . ana ••expensive We Cere To Stay Cured. [ Varicocele. w* c»r» tn> n* ease without operation or ligature, and under our rreiitTient the congested condition iwithin en d;i.vr-) (jteappt ara. The parts or *t'?ii'rcd to iheir natural • .»i lri--n. an.] strength, ami clrcrr >-m >• "p P "tpluro. ■rtlv tbe : solving the rupture completely, by I 2ahnnk-r.|».,>irlcal and medfrtl tn i went. o»3r treatment In pain!?**, nnwi'if interferes with your h s duties. Loss of Vigour. Y«> lacking hi ii so, wo wii restore »•» \cu jn« «nap. vim, and vigour nf vitality, toss of which ronv be !!,p re-viU of lopsw, drains, eicep* or indiscretions. Contagious Blood Poison. It may he in its primary or it «nay have been hereditary or contracted in early days, thereby being con<HMttlonal. We cure all its complications. We eradicate every vestige of polfoti from the system, without the use of merctiiy or potash. Kidney, Bladder, and ProS'allc Dliaase. «•, cure all Irrlj vatlon. frequent desire or stnpP'K* ' pain In the back, and catarrhal (t-udi-tlcm. MEDICAL ADVlt'i'l FRLK. Our Guarantee to Cure is: •• Wc <'« re to Stay fttirtl." | Wc specially Invite all DlSrotTcAGKD and DXSSATISFIKD St/FinSttl£U»S, who have been treated without receiving a Cure, to call on us. Jt will com you nothing to consult u-i, and have examination of your case imiiie, and we shall be glad to tell you frankly what 1a your condition. WRITE a Full History of >our ca?e, and wt will by return mall give you our opinion, mailed to you iccurely i sealed, In plain envelope." MEDICAL BOOK FREE. Men Mode Vigorous at Home. u,u roi only. post paid, waled, to «very male reader mentioning Ibis paper; itj chary-.' »vhsitever. The best Medical Hook of !hl.« or any age with enKraving.s and nr»--»cri"tion<. Write To-dav for Uih nook. Consultation by letter or in p-rfon, Free of Char;:*. Thi;» iv>»k i? «<m. piled bv im. It. \VAU.ACE. M.IX, Chler of th»» Kinff «>f rii.vsk-i.j-ts ard Surgeons t<» the Institute, who is rtgiftrred Au: I »ali;ir:. fin.! American Medi-al Hoards. For 40 years the Frei-mnn rod u a |- lac* Medi-al bac b*t» n 'ix.M fact, and It will TrmMn 90. U Is as standard as Austialian Gold. Note the Address— The Freeman & WalJaoa Mrdrn-Mrilirnl mid Surgical Institute, om\ Elizabeth and Batliurst streets, ■SYI>NKY. ;nnl al Mollmiirue. Freeman, Director. M.D., i' M.D., W "'7j

Wanganui, June Ist, 1004. Dear Or. Klm«lie.—l received your kind letter, the medicine,.and the girdle, and .your kindness and benefit to mc I shall .never forgot; I really can not find words half sufficient to convey to you the opinion I have of you, oi the amount of thanks X would like t' ,ive yen. But there is one thing J v. ould like to say, that is, "Jt is a great pity that there are not more doctors like you."— Your grateful patient, W. McLAUCriLAN. OF MOST DREADFUL EXIIATSTION CUR 151) AND MADE HAPPY. MY DEAR DOCTOR,-I have no n reply to your letter received today, in which you nslc me whether 1 am willing to let the public know the benefit I received at your hands; When I saw you upon the recommendation of Mr Oridith (whom you had previously completely cured of a similar complaint) I think I was in about as bad a state of misery and depression in both mind and body as any human being could bo; in fact, I thought life was not worth living, and my future was a blank, I was an object of misery and despair. You told me plainly and han* -fitly that you could and would euro mc, so that I should no longer be and stupid in society, and oulil take my part and inteiest in 'he amusements and sports of others ind have an ambition in my business. At first J thought your promise was too good to be true. I am thankful to say I tried your treat tncnt. I swear solemnly 1 feel a dif< ferent man to-day. I have put oi flesh and muscle, and have any amount of confidence ir. myself, an? perfectly healthy and quite happy, and capable of enjoying myself an others do. and I don't mope about by myself and shun society. I earnestly recommend all my fellow-suffen ers to put their con6dence in you, a your treatment is perfect and your charges are *mall.—l am, yours trul

ijrfjrjtr Is Gkxi'ixk Swiss Mii.k Chocolate. WRIT a TO-DAY FO 1 Frt!l- SAMPLE, 3C ; S H $ *1 ft ;i-i M tftmPTTITION. CAILLEI'3, '.ifs Suitding, WfWin Place, SYDNEY. New Zealan 1 Govei rim int State Fire] Ins Tiisc Office. EVERY HKyCRIW.ION OP FIRE RISKS SYPECTED. ADV rvMTAOIVS ; INSURI-i?) SHARE PROFITS, STATE OUARANTEE, LOWEST HATES. EQUITAIIf.E AND I'IiOMIT TLEMENTS. If you have been very ill, and are not recovering as fast as ycu cipected, Ayer's,i will mako your blood pure and will give you strength and energy.

LACHLAN CAMERON. visiles of the subscribers ?' THAT DREADFUL GROUP! Mother's 'Terror n IfigM.' But with a bottle of HEWS BABY COUGH SYBUP at hand the mother {sets safe. She knows all danger can be quickly averted with this simple, sale, and wonderful Baby Cough Syrup. Croup comes suddenly—it gives but little warning of its approach Baby wakes in the middle of the night with a rough, coarse cough, or bark. Attention must be prompt, or the result may bo serious indeed, even fatal. A teaspoonful, or more, of HCAN'S Baby Cough Syrup every io, 15, or 20 minutes for several doses, or#«ntil the phlegm is cut away, and the mother can Dut baby back to sleep feeling content and cheerful that all will , be "well. But prompt attention ( means a bottle in the house so that there will be no waiting, nor , delay, in giving the first dose. ' Let us impress this point— ' wherever there is a child there should be in readiness for every .cough emergency a bottle of's Baby Cough Syiicp. It is sold by chemists and stores, 1/G per bottle. The genuine " llt's's " lias j little children j on c:'.ch label. TAISTg TOILET POWDER is'pre- 1 parcel and used because cu its clean ing, healing, soothing, and antisepnr realities. No skinailmenk ever bothers baby where Talsic Toilet I'owpkr is dus'ed -on after every change of clothin:,'. Talsic Powder makes pud keeps baby's skin clean, pti h.-aUliv, <u.d active. 1/- per psrk"i a! and Stores l)e sure and ask for 41 Talsic Toilet l'oU IM.K " buio ilciuuhctuicr, <5. W.Kka! , Clicwirt, Avenue V»..v,v»..: 16*

CONDITION'S. Kntiies close with the Seirotarv al Wait ma on TJJIiRSII.YY, DEOEAI- - 21st. at H.:iu p.m. Nominations! for the Amateur Swimming Events close «t the same time, entrance Is. All swimming events to lie conducted under the rales of the N.H.A.S.A Hand in Attendance. Special and deUued (rains, i l*or complete programme see posters. 11. SPtrUHLK. lion. Secretary, Waitnra, f.O liox 2H. MOVEMENT INSURANT DEPARTMENT. I.cff Premiums. Large lionusci Staic Security, Liberal Treatment. £1,020,000 added co Policies as Bonus. a. UfTiiAi!.n.- iN, i\r EE EE Use Fifty over Years Steedmans SOOTHING Powders For Children Cutting Teeth Relieve FEVERISH HEAT. Prevent FITS, CONVULSIONS, etc. Preserve a healthy »tMe of the constitution during the period of TEETHING. W Please observe the EE In STEEDMAN, and the address! I Walworth | cc SVRREY. I tt

& Mrs. M. McShane, Hobart, sends this letter, with her photograph: "After recovering from a long attack of typhoid fever 1 suffered from a poor appetite and great depression, and was bo weak I could hardly walk. Having seen Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised as fucli a good Wood purifier and general tonic, I thought I would try it. I did so, and soon my <») d strength camo back, my appetite returned, and before I had finished the second bottle I could do all mv work j-i?t a* well as before." There are many imitation Sarsaparillas. Be sure you get "AYER'S." Prtrircdl" Dr. J. C. Aj-crS C»„ Urell, Maw., U. S. .V ATSH-B TILLS, the best fnnity UintW*

HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE mumMß II 11111 | |||| MMMMMMBMH THE FAMUOS REMEDY FOR COUGHS. BRONCHITIS. asthma and consumption HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Swathing, 'nonrwiicsJ 6 wonderful influence. Sufferers f/om any f o nn of Flrouchitis, C o «gh, Difficulty ot Clirst it, is invaluable' a.s it eflecl? n Comitilpinf' ir ' dcliglilf ill and immediate ivliuf ; and to those xvhn are suliject to colds on tte i\nd it neither allows a Cou-h nor \s linn t Irw ° i m c " m| o r l |n !,' in allaying irritation in the thro at and giving strength to the voice, troughs have bcTn proiwrlv ""e;ite d v n >l r nf j m " "on to develop. Cowumptton has .ever taw known to exist wber. anil a Cumulcte Cure iH certain. 1 ° ho,lß ° should be without it, as, taken at the giuiiing, a dose is generally sufficient, £ARNE*S BRONCHITIS CURE Small s i ze 2s 6d; Large, 4s 6d ..old by Chiri'iEis rrd (Medicine Vendors by the Pfoppietoi* »V.O. HEARNE. CHEMIST GEELONU- VICTORIA ,OR\URBED BY POST l'O ANY iDDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE i('.W ZEALAND MUXCH OFFICE No. IX, FIRST PLOOK, HIJME'S BUILDINGS, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON «.„j Sold Wholesale and Retail by Teed> Hall & Teed, and W.j F sen CHamlsta Ni v Plymouth ***

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7999, 9 December 1905, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7999, 9 December 1905, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7999, 9 December 1905, Page 4