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The Daily News. THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1905. LOCAL AND GENERAL

T!i-' -\ap!<.'S d»sp;i'<h <>l ;• 'J."| arrival ill I.( HI<1« »n "Ml ill l ' a;'' itii'k-ii »f the 12.~.ih inst. Mcsms I'!. .1. Citriln'w ami Co.. i l ' having >i: 111 Mr K. oil's 'ill ■l' i*2t» art\->. FianM'W itoail, to Misms 1 *a.\ I< I sou I'ros., of Waipnpn. .Mid fiii\ ins; ivs'id tin- sank- farm lo Mr !•'. Uakir. Though last sprint; was considered i-M '. pt ioiiallv w.t here. writes the oi-.ain's Hay cirn-sponduit of» rhrisk-hnreli, \lYess. this -season far surpasses it : there h-as realU hu I. ng sp'll of line weather wt. ami ihe rains. I.eside* l).>ing fn,|iirnt. aiv \«-r.\ liciiv\, ilm grass is making rapid i! unul4) now il«» with some hard-i ninp; uIV. and Jiui. ttlMlil'T is ail\i<ai«.|\- I<jo|m;{ for. is in jx.ssdile. and much 'if U»* ji.iru'i uinj; is la 1 •*. ilu curlv ai<* ing well. An e\peri inforim d a Jlauera iSlur representative thai should tUr Opnnn'e railway join Hie main lino iit i'».id, instead of Te Jloti. it v., Mil.! result in a kss of out i*OI i-oiis of hut tor to liio I'ateu shipping. Sir .Irsi'jh Ward, at a batwpiet t";d 'if d him at Inu rrar-ili. said il ;;as amusing 10 hear ihi' sio'A arriiis advannd l>\ candidates oppos. d ! o :he (fOYcrmui'Mt why l!i- y -ho'ild )e i-i.'dtd 1o ollice. One na-,-"ti I he;, hit vi* un - lhat the f»o\'ernt. . ii 1 had I I'm in power jor a lout; . in.!'. hut t he\ admil Ihl ihe count ry i?as prosperous. If an employer had :i:id a faithful and capable servant : »i his < :npl»>ym:'ii! for a lon<4 time in- v.< nld rat place a st ranker i : :h.- position hist for the r. .tson iha« the oth<r had held il for some

.\cjrs. '1 ho Opposit ion had m-wr plac.-d .i polic.\'oiv the country. Ml had all itlnn.n Irmt satisi'ml to criticise ih.- policy of live (lovcrn:i. n\ e\it s i nee it had l;een in oHice. j iii ir only >1 ock-iu-t »*ii«i«' had h,en . l iiicisiu. and criticism uas one «•!' the < nsiest things in t !»•» wmJI i, i in. Some of the (Josein-

111 111 measures a'lini! 1 u'll h\ all In have l.ri'ii invalu.ible. had Kr-'ii l>iit rly opposed |>y "the other side, hill ,»!(«•»• a perii/d ai* voars had pass«*l an I experience had shown that the people had d ri\id a utvat deal 01' eood front ill.' h'iMat ion. these inns ■a ! r»i Id not repeal one of those laws." 'Hi • Motor lioal Clul. of New Sontli \\.il«-> was inaugurated a few days o\ a successful deinonst imi ion on •in- harbour. It was .stated ihat, Ihi •.lull's boat* represented a \aliic r.f ♦jTo.tiOti. ami wejv principally yf 10-4-nl 4-nl production.

An insight was t;i\eu hy .Mr Jlinrf'iinrvh. in a on rh. into Hi'- <ft lit* met hods i-inpli>\ I'll l«\ and ors in fi riv up \ U-- instancid cases ithai came und:-i his notice wh-re person- owniiii: land if till- r-aii.:; value in different sabirhs. lor f h-• purpose of estafdi.shiny valms. n.ureed .to vxchanue. and n ili: 1 'raii'si.-r slate I h.* price at a n ?,s deral.le -a:U aiict- mi iis woith m This was jo'i'iu mi nmi nualin \\ '-I li nii' on. ah I it was by 11n vsrin in allowing dialings in lanu •\lich. liowcXir h.ual. were morally :i,l'i n|.:, that wort.inu iti'-n and wO- - U'T.- Seine Mi i-c.'d.

hoiiv,.-kc.-prr at l'.«irr.*ni<M'\ \ew Smith V V\ its. ha* r.pii|..l i,. 'lie S.rietnt\ of the I'epilt 1 nielli if ia\ ion I hai diirin.u 'h" n-n n? jla-ne of noths 11 hj• iriserK manai:"A to yet down i II! v. 'hi- Wells ;j' 'he taiion. It is son;.'t)iiiiv that h,is >jeV ef nCriinvd Ih'fofe. he s.l>s. I t ojll til'' Well Iplicki' after hUlUel lull Ol r,c■! Is was hoislitl oul . The luoth.s !'(.uuil their* «ay into tin' pipt> leading front llti.* roofs of tho huihl»i„s a' 'he station, and Wjt'e <:iadial!y ti'i'ced dov\ n in'o il.,- welK. Ihe sjenal slaiion dep.-nd•• upon ihe \ !1 for i' s wa'er supplies. The |!ep.ii'tmeto «xloiiu' I hi* Ihe wat er-pipt s.

I n mll l isWijl Vj!:11T Will", w i <<! circular <inji\ . S\ ilin*\ . ill.- Plln.-r (l.iv. i hiri up fix- thick liii/r.'.i '.<t . i • \ r-i I\ alVrt ,I by ,he iiriisf ill it, -SJ i.' ;r. iihtihii -1 on ■ ii.' <|iia.\ in nn i»\haiul >■.] rm..liiion. ]'h.-\ rcinaiiK'd in I In* \irhiity i»t Hi* i»'n\ >»ijihit Miis lor si'\cr«»l hour>. but <lisil|ipf*;i»'rrl «U MjJllt'all. At f> t l]i T jM el of I hi' lut rlioni' i!i.- uiiiilt.T jil--ft lI.HI a P'TH'MI* i-iiffi «.p .Hill it wMs 11 Cc.: 11! 111 Ml m:;!H to my- * fi.'in living ji i- v. . iii'hcs above ihe "Off. i. ml. slni-10,- 1., KHKUMO .STANDS Till; TI'.ST (IK TIMK. Tlic text of lime is the infallible li a lemrdy has real merit U will stand this seartliiiii; trial. Hheit;no stands tin- lest 1 rium]>hantly. Kvrr since il was introduced some I lire years js;o i!s sales have straili !v increased eaeh monih, anil now it is found at every ehemisl's anil s(oi t ', ii -m I lie North Cape lo 1 lie JiJulY.' There is but one reason fur Hheunio'y veeeess : It is an absolutely reliable •in,' lor eheuiiiatiwii, gout and t;m'li. >) diseases. Thousands have been . nve.l by It ; I hey have reeoiiinielided i: to their friends Willi equally satis» iaclory results. If you suffer (mm rheumatism, give Hlietinio a fair trial, and il will cure ynu. Sold by all ehi'iuists and stoles at 2s lid and is Oil ii bottle,'

Seldom have we (says the Manawatu Times) heard ui a ii.hi,? remarkable case of plurk, perseverance, anil adaptability to circumstances i lun is tojtl In the Post and Telegraph Advocate, of a .Miinig New Zealander, Mr E. (J. ! Aloon, iiostmaster at Te Vku. Owing to a physical infirmity hi- cannot use his hands, anil is unalil<- to walk. Nmt having the use of his bauds, lie learned to write and do everything with his feet. As a child he develops! a love for nature, became an expert ganleirei - am) maintained an excellent flower and \egetahle gardon. lie uses a mason's trowel for digging, and lie can sow sc":I And plant out almost as well as a man that lias the use of his hands. Al the nftv of tilt ecu his love of nature led him to fl-nvei- and landscape painting in water colours. veral of "his paintings have been e\hiliiled at the ail industrial exhibitions. obtaining three lirst prize goM m<'dais, ;il'.~iird, l'e Aw. limit u. "When painling in the touches l.v ho\ls the brushes in his in on til. tlai'dening and painting do not complete thv list of 'Mr .Moon's pastime. l ?. lie is also a carpenter, and can use all carpeiiler's tools with iiis feet. As though his official duties were not sullicient, Mr Moon undertakes other responsibilities of a ■lericai nature. lie is Nsecretnrv, treasurer, and librarian of the local (library and agent and correspondent (for the,district to two papers.

"1 will let you into a secret," said vbe Fremier at Grey town last Friiu\ nighl.. when referring to the jeci'sshy of opening up trade with •he East. "'There have," he declared, "been agents from Japan in this ;cuntry for months past, and thej have been buying heavily. but tlu produce purchased ,has been through Australia, and not direct *n,m New Zealand." A Sydney journal observes "It. is *. significant fact that while three States in which U-g'islat ion to compel the fruit pests in •n force have developed a profitable »xport t ra<le in apples with London. New Sout h Wales, which has no legislation. does not ship a solitary *wise of apples."A metluvd of measuring turbine power has been invented by Mr Johnson, of Messrs Denny and Hrothers, Ihi urbarton, builders of the bulk of the Fuion Company's fleet. All that can yet be done is to speciiy power equivalent to so much horse-pcwei as developed by reciprocating machinery. though horsi-power of the turbine is net capable of exact measurement in the same way. Ihe new instrument measures I>\ electri eal means the -torsion of the shaft river a certain length. The Admiralty has been r.-ceiitly trying the instrument on a turbine desi royer. and if the results promise well it may be tried on the A,meth\st. the turbine hir;i-cla w s cruiser.

The Christehurch correspondent of i lie New Zealand Herald wires:— Some months ago the Physical Cutlure Society announced in it's sea* Fiji's programme thrie lectures to men by Dr. Thacker. 'lwo oi these were delivered, the third was never givi n. the reason j'being that the character of the first' two lectures aroused so mucli public disapproval thai -the Physical! Culture Society announced that tile 'third lecture V.ould not take place, as the ton'' of (he lirst two was not in sympathy with their aims. After the second ■ lecture Dr. Thacker was severely ■taken to task by the Lytlelton Times for the character of lis hvlure. On Friday night, in th.-cours" of a speech' at a physical culture ine -tinu. Dr. I'hacker made a violent attack on the Christehurch newspapers. which, he said, had not him fairly. Ih\ Thacker aiso'atlack-.-.I i.lic Wmivii's Institute, and for the same reason, namely- that it h:d passed a resolution condemning his public utterances before the Physical Culture Society. lie said that ihe Women's Institute consist, d lot of •"broody hens." They were persons who. like a broody hen. would sit til a China egg for weeks, and bring forth nothing, and would all the time prevent, respect abb' liens from getting to the nest. They y\vrc a '"thorn in the flesh" to all derent mothers and wives in the community. Most of the m. tubers of thi Women's Institute had never been young women, not true young women. Altogether the Women's Inslitute yvas a most unsafe guide fcr • It'- young women of the community and If warned all those present against being misled bv its teaching#.

"There was a large assemblage at. the Town Halt on Wednesday evening) when Addresses wvnj delivered b.y Messrs tiilruth, Kinsella, and Captain Young. Our report is unavoidably left over.

The proprietrr of ihe Criterion Hotel mtities that luncheon will be served there to-day at 12..'!0 p.m.

The polling places lorjhe •iect or<Ti are s< t forth in another column. In connection with to-da\'s proceedings at the Agricultural Show Preen will give demonstrations ->f but ter-uiaking. llr C. T. Mills will address the <1 -clors at Westowa this evening. I'it/re.) on Friday, and the Theatre lioyal «>n Monday. On Saturday evening Mr .las. Paid rtill deliver an address at the Theatre Koya! on % Fr« and Moderation." and the evils of Prohibition. There should br? a. crowded house. No collection will be made. The body of named McPher on. aged <><> years, was found floatnir bet wen tile wheneg at Dnnedin on Wednesday night

A. P. Dradley, a candidate for \uti land Central, had another rough -.•spprience on Widnesda.v evening. He gave an open air a<Klre:;s for awhile, ind was then pelted Willi rot lea •ggs] chased-down the street, andig'ot iwa\ by the police. who iiuriied him rtu a tramrar.

St. .Inst ph's Choir Will gi\e a sari' I (unci it on Sunda.v nighi next ill l memheis have been putting in •time goo.l practices. .„:.>J the concert . roll :s-'S 111 |,e one <n tile 'best thc.\ have given Tlu» choii brt w-sisl-.l )-\ a strong- orchestra, and are also fortunate in Inning the assistance of Miss S'. Clair, of Wellington. a scprano oT undoubted -ability. The concert will at p.m. and a musical ilea! is in store lor hose appreciating good music. Just landed—Out nrst consignment of Xmas jewellery and solid silverware. Now on \ iew in our windowtings, new broot'fus, new bangles, new solid silver goods. Quality the vcr> !>est. (loort value beyond dispute. Carefully note the address : J. 11. Parker, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician, next railway crossing, Devon Street Central, New Plymouth.*

NKW AIIVKRTIsr.MKN'I'S. Keluniirrg illl'uvr tor ICgmont. Li-I'l-lislng pull. I! turning (Hiker fc>r Kgiuont. i-'lec! oral notices. Criterion I Intel.—j unci) at I o-da\ . I'epart nient of Agriculture.- Hatter making doino»sl rat ions. ' ■ ' ■ Mills. —l'olit ical's I'anl.—Address mi Mvils oi !'i i.hiiiii ion on Sat nrd-iv*. Montgomery s Fat ei't aiih-i's. lJ#ri"in>anee this evening.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7991, 30 November 1905, Page 2

Word Count

The Daily News. THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1905. LOCAL AND GENERAL Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7991, 30 November 1905, Page 2

The Daily News. THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1905. LOCAL AND GENERAL Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7991, 30 November 1905, Page 2