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The Storyteller.

THE MAJOR. (CuDtinued.) Maybe the hitters .would gi u- him I'lfdn away. Should he read them and see ? Yet that hardly :i fair thing to do to the dead. He he knew what the Major v, i uld say. For a few minutes hv looked down at the marble face, which the sun's ni\s were touching with gohfon glory. Well, In* wouM risk it, anyhow. He'd see to the team first, and then To read them was a long -anti labtvr ous task lu C«ntgi*. Hut he forgot tiim; and space, us the fruih CitiiMi homo to him with startling .-i_;nifira»ce. <bi« was long and clos*»ly-word««d. He thai and turned his audition to the* shorter. <nie. uritien in a large ocrawlmg hand. Ii bt»re n'-ither dal'» m>r addtt'ss. "Itpor'Sir and Master.—l am for\»aiiKflg Sir Itwigv's h-ner, which came to-day. flow is Queen I less ? ie tr .Sir, • J ihiijk th*» mis are out. 'I hey buVO trac»-d ijueen was you. Sir, I'd gu-t rid of hef though I know .you won'i J'm k«t-|K my e\i-s o|>en. IJm di»u't wrile. li«|'ing trouble will soon blow b;Vtwir faithful senant. t'harlis Hookc." "So yeu wasn't thi» cleati pertater lifter nil !'' said fJidge. "Mell. T iiMi't going to pvy yuu away. liev.m'.m! you stood to tjuivn JWsn !" U' took hiu> a lontr time to make in; the olhn* Mlvr. lie re-read it > -\rrol times lnvoro getting th.» rivht. of things. It was fr« in fb '»ior's brother in Kttglaed. And J?i-» i« what (iidge mad** « ut "iVar brother.—Th«»y tell me I had en attack of brain fevvr after that . wful I've s'arti'd *cor.*s of \ " rs, but— <Hi, l>ick ! wh\ fijdn't t p:ev t!.n man, ami stand ir»y ground i.dtxl il hi setf-drfence. i'onr Ormisthiim«!f would say so ii !».• c. aid ?|iak, J'mtheiimst wrehli iu all Kokand. Kv<n as a b« > v <>i» always had Ktich notions about ijie h< n<»ur of lite family nann*, ami now . i.« cause 1 aiu the ckksl son. >ou l. r\e---. J'oor Madeline sii'--mt 1 the tniih. ai»d little littk* knows v. hen hi- :> lis-dug father he is—lih ! (•«»! ! T can't write it. The det»cti\es me h-iy < r.trsutrtly. .Some have l- ft for Australia. f J*hey gcrt on your 11ri elJg'h Qli4\n Jk*ss*. \ «Mi f'ick. buw i pbadi.l with \ou ia t;T l .e her. Jt was madness ; shii-r ma«hless. All tb*> disguises in the world wouldn't hide her hnul Put yf»i srtood firm, ami now- Mind. I'iVk, if yr.u jirc* ?dao d in a feb-n s dix\, I will make a cban l«n ast ot ei -rythiig I know Hooke will («[.•, care hj- can of vou. I \\d»

;. fl this to him at the S\du»-v* Office. t\herv an*>i«u hiiim: in th- big heart of Australia? (Oi. if t'l-'v .should unearth \gu ! \v i open the papers I instinct,veh turn to th" AtwtraHan rerhles. c|r<»ading »u ; se* what I can't put into words I ;; . an'i write more. Coherent tin ucln is i*iipue»stli!e.—Your bioth- £ «i\—'Jeorge.'' i* For a few minutes (iid-e sat u.« i .V strange si'jiH* oi unnalily \vns i n h'nn. 'J'ho dead t miii, whose hist or;, h.- knew—the U£t;TS telling of the tragnly—-hi* quietly fcedir.g m*ur the ie»sl\ [. M^Virh—Qiitui, Hpss. Jut !uv .1 (piling e\w» in hrr dcuth—and. lasM\. hims!f hoWing tho key toth- n : L' Hue acntcnev in the leM«-r srrin.'rt ta b»*at iifm his ht jin. "Hh, if thv\' shfMilil Hvaring the Utirrs int»> p.hf M l lire to them, mi'l fit-r • , - . » th.- (harrnl pap«r th- ~«j-Jh. I Th'-n. with hastf. U.- h»s J"tk ami sh«»vrl oiul l.fjjan liio hard soil, sayings with a r'nioiis <h»ggrt||jfss as hj»» u[» ,-arh ?.hovHfuI t "Ihr 'l«r.s U'.f,r un»/>»ih you, Major, (•hlgf'll n.v to (hat ! ,? *i was a big contirfri, hut :|.i*pt*r l I ilcopor h<» tlug Into tlr-- hosom fc «" «inh till « tjr.-iit chasin wrd.-ly. It f*>«>ktwo hmrs. Thu swos»t st«»o,J u t |«»a#|s u i, / his sun-tai»iMt rncv. 'lb.- v. jf.s , ;M 1 forvh.-ad u.-ri l li'. iH; his luuk u« and -thoro was a «pii.Tt' [»;ii»> i?i titk. • ho set his t»v!h hard, nr..! »;n- ---| liitrb.fl Uimn. hs Irad.-r. he fas^'fj* * t I ihe chain round ; ,„ t j hid her dragged to' th** »•«!••♦• ».f Uht h-ib'. I.ookiirg rtt her wivij - u||y. s;,id I v i*-tiully, "My wi»r*i| ' U'H wns I; tin all right 'mi C II I nit!\ han w-n. f Bess !" ." r 'I h«*fi h»* urg.-d Uonu <p»ii-kh i«»rE: v.jrd. Then* was a h a\\ thini. a - tbuVing rattle oi th«- <-h«in. aid * llcsb mlhfl nvi-r into \u-\ , (.'idc«» had a spell i»» j:,*i Uirk his * f ii-tth. Then, lakintr a i'i-m li.' 1 hj;/(, v\hen> thf brushwood th'i,?i d ;i 1i1t!,., ho via'rt.-d n, • • :'ii-.-it. 'Jhf sun whs t <<- the hoii/in )ii„. uh* n lie iW, 1. ft a slant ra>s lit up the Ma.Mi s sfroiv f»a!ur»s. am-niuat in« tb« '.i with a wonrtroiis beaut \. Kor t tx'w seconds (Shlge ga/ul ai him it 11 owfullv. A l rout>liil. appealing 'ooh crept into S<»nn*thing i. iuu.d«i! slim I viithin h:m. r\:»!.in;; i,.\ 1 <*st of hs natur-v lb* cmildn't • r.v th rt Major as lie ha:l buri. <| i, *)'.<•,' ii Th**n* to lje s<wii.' r m'ni of prayvr said. lint it wasn't ;r« iris line at all. Th>n- had never i nn\ at his mother's ik.fje for Oidge. Yet hj- want«<l to

(In the fair tliiny i*» the Major, who "had stuck .to (Jumt lies,*. Well, he'd [have a' try, amhuw. I There was a curious tightening of the muscle in liis throat :an nn» I wonted cadence crept into his tones, as with rouyrh, bared head ami unjturned face, he kin-b beside medead b<*d> . saying, U|)ur rather, who -art in Ilea \ en, ij.- our trespasses. du>t to tills! . ttshes lo asll.-s ; the truth, tilt* luhiih- truth—mi help n;e, *lo,l. Amen h was o\.r at last. The i.ron/e had from Cfdge's fate. lie was jwhite lolly hps. Tears rolh .-j down his lunvwui face a- he turned to [the dead bod\ and unst.'adil\ : ■Co- (Wi> e, Major' I done the ■ »f>l I colli I. 1 duriMo as (.'od'll understand. Soim-how. 1 think He will. An\how. the traps won't ini-iutli . ou. So jest r«-st *;omf< rtable !" Then h<- sho\elhd jn the hard brown clay amfc .scattered s and brushwood ami branches aroun.l til> the t!round shoui-d hut little .-is:u< of being disturhiil. Climbing th«» bii; while iiuin. lv ivmained jn a i"i»rU i.j the ti»for ><•)!.»• liii M*. 'l'lii it hap •ny Jo th.' ground, he made for hi> •Aatrijii. aih'l wa> soon IoM 'in |h. WiV i' the i\e.i arri\«• I -al Hock Uallaby the neNt week fo nr-fi.-sl Itichard Uiirnham. alia.-, C) ; arl<•: H. Smith. for the susp vud mmll «i the Hon. (Jus. Ormisiou. the;, we; - mobd-m' ii.r\ had run their man to earth, an.l exp.Ti-d to umk< * smart capture. After a f« w da\s" fruitless search they Witc :| !< n 1 urn. balP.d au-l i,. f,dliv\v up anoth-T irail. Tii •. KorU had hariil;. <;m: ih e\ci;«m. tit when a man named Jlookr app<-ar««I. He also empiir. .1 { liar! » S 15. Slli;! 11.

found liiiri cut. an:! r.:i • <!; i; qui"lh took I) m ::J» Ihe !.!,»if--oil road. and ' pasl Hie Humps \vh*T«- ; 'h" brum) !•-. watered. am' Ihen alrupth into rh - dense scrub ti ill.- b-n. Seat. I on ;t while tliv bush winds sang a .lir-. among the„;!nd the }'••%. an • '.he «I-! rjt* larks ard w.<--w.:as ch. ep.v Liin'l;. . 1'.!.1 hi> .«i<'iy. Tin n. climbing the big gum and f.ack an overhanging branch. hj» '•iiovvi d n.»iuh tei ir.ii ' ■ w«u • Is. •<>i vi \ anhtih: u.umi* • In •:: t ••;—(!.«> s. w h-i ifllort. Wallalj.v would ; v s U c»: -i i _ th • if>>! <.p.c,ra, n .> r.: h<rsef!.-h the Hocl:,a.l . r s.l 11. .-I'M '-1 V would -,ar rack for Ifielan- (!«-. u- ! I:»!•[■>• er's (Juandong or lbionev s Wara'ah. tlidi:u would chip ui . "\n? i'org< t 1 !*n:, r the Me.ior's Oijeen I Th " I" 111!M-.. 1 1' } : u ou!d add. \V. I I|," J !'«»!•> di.\.'t 1 :i« ait h V

L\\KM-;n, not imt'cirr. | * |si;cn is tiik kiuttatiox oi TfiK " i.rrn.i-: con-u'kk^H" I JN M-;U l'l.Y\:(M HI. How it is to earn a good pupation, a;wl how euj.\ it is In lost one. As u ith a teput;;Uon. HO it is uitf, orner things. Soli;. ll;»r.u> arhii»*i- a n-putat ion which .sta\s- wuJ ( th*in . They an founded on intrinsic \aiue. T)h-\ face ttie public hacked up b> boM«'St> and work their way quietly but thoroughly. .V w |\ mouth peopU* want, no hetlt'i pt.-oi of merit tJun is contained m the following ex pe: jence of a ci< i/« u - A lad* res-idettl of \ ou'"l< <, neai Xevv lMymouth. sa.\s " l-*t»r a tiumhi rof yc»ii'-s I "na\' k b.i-n alllictw! Willi kidl:e\ trouble, ii. l';;t J. t!;i-se organs wip s»> disoidered ibut 1 was rniite u mart\r to pain. I useij a lot of remedies. 1/ut ihe only that e\er rr.iie\e«l me was I'oan's itackaciie l\idn.;- I'iils w}i:<h 1 got from tho ( o-opeja r i\e Store some months ago. Since using these Pi!l> I hav.- b«e n peM'v;lv free of ll.e pain nnd i am row pleased to recommend ■this ren.erh t,» a ll sutTerir.g with backache nr any other symptom of ! disordered kidneys." | Take no substitute. You want the remedy which cured this lady, therefor ask lor l>oan's )*acka.rh«* Kirlnev I'ills. and see that ihr» word "llaok- ' ache "is in the name. (loan's Is;\ekache Tills arc Sold by all and storekeepers at o' j>er b.-\ (six boxes His f'«tl) or will 1." pos'ed on receipt of price by Foster-.\!H'!e';-an Co., 7'i I'itt Street. Sydi-fy. N.S.W. Itut U» hoc they are Pi)AX'S.

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7991, 30 November 1905, Page 4

Word Count

The Storyteller. Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7991, 30 November 1905, Page 4

The Storyteller. Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7991, 30 November 1905, Page 4