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The flow of oil from tile bore nt M.iiuroa is improving d'aily. Mr is in Wellington, where he will lull;.bly 1 »w the pump, which it" e*|.ixi"d to arrivo at that port to-day. l.v.ishippod to New I'lymouth.

Owing to the original d-ate (July Sj elarfiing with t.hat of -the euchre ■arty in aid of the Western Hark, hj" second concert -to be given by the t. Cecilia Chonal Soi-ietv has been • vtponwl till Tuesday, July 2.".'. The Westow-n Hall was pa<*od or. •ioiiday evening, when another of he popular w nter evening concerts nok place. A variyd programme vas given. Consisting of instrumental nd vocal duets 1 , etc., th.■ local t.-il-nt tieing ably assisted by s-veral r ends from town. Tln-sc enjoyable ueeti >gs, which ore being held- ander -iie auspices of the Mutual improvement Society, arc doing ,;ncii to break the monotony of the l u ng winter evenings in that suburb. Tie Nelson Colonist learns that an -.ction luis tw-en commenced claiming 'he sum of £0097 lis 3d in eomiecion with destruction by fire oi Nelon College.

Smive schoolboys in Ot,ngo. who Considered their master kept them it. too often, sunt tim a typewritten let■r, duly signed by the class, ileinanng that overtime be abolished, auo lireateninp they would appeal to t+w vtiicnt ional powers if their request vas not ('.'implied with. The Suez Canal receipts for Afarc.) last amounted to francs •s against 10,«80,000 francs in March 190-1.

The. Wanganui dredge has b.'en tow■d dbwn the river and th» spoil '>ipes are being connected. A trial run >f the dredge was Ivld on Wedneslay.and everything worked satisfactorily. It it ■expected that t.he work -,f dredging the channel will l>e con>menced this *ock.

The Kaikoura has for the last fewflays been loading off Waitara. and hiiM taken us cargo :—3097 qtr* beef, 19:: ■arcasefl pork, 600 Uoxes, ami 8 pkgs aintf.'ies, 49 bales wool, casks, tallow. 8 casks pelts, 7 Imles leather. 1 :i casks oil. Brt sacks horns, 12 sack.tails.

On n recent morning, says the Opunnke Times, the parly risers were rewarded by seeing a well-defined mirage in the atmosphere towards 'Hihama- Those who .saw it declared it wan a reflected imago of a city, tin buildings being large, flat-roof«l and 'inift of masonry. .V few 'Maoris ulu saw the mirage wen' very anxious a! to the prophetic pronouncement n! the "CR«Ues in the air," the native mind iieing susce[rt,ible I!Vat its ap tiearanco forboded evil influences. Uh< rising of it* sun quickly demolishes the vapoury city.

It was with feelings of deep regret that the |ieople of Elthaiii iMreivto! informaliolii on Monday of an acodent which resulted in the death <>! Mr li. Dawes, oi* of their well-known farmers. I From the particulars to hand it appears that Mr Dawes was working ipi one of tho paddocks of liis farm on Anderson Road at about !) o'clock. He was feeding hay to his cattle and fell off load of hay. On? of tho younger members oi his family saw tho accident and. giving thfl alarm, hjs frauds immediately went to his assistance. Dr. Wake was sent for but on his arrival found that life «s extinct, Mr Dawes' neck having licen broken. He was about (i 3 yeiins of age, and was held in universal res|>rct. A lady j.s reported by an American pa[>er to have mado a startling rtiscmery in the fcivat fossil lieds of' Fossil, in tile form of an iron pin ten inchef long .and alrout an inch in thickness, lirmly imbeddtd in tho fossil rock The find proves that the secret of the manufacture of iron' was known at a much earlier age thalrr is gvner. ally supposed, the pin antedating afy other iron -implement hitherto ti'iscov■red. The pin was found in n rock formed many tiges before the Aztec or th'-Toltec. and indicates (Hit America has been inhalwted for thousafrtls if yeai-s. a standn,rd of civilisation exist inn 1 th(;re Iwfore Adam ami lOve are suppos*td tp Uuve occupied the Garden of Eden !

Mr .1. Hamilton, manager of the Matura Freeing Works, is just now making an interesting experiment in connection with the cool storage ol ruit. Mr Hamilton has (says the Emtign) secured a. full ra«v?p.«»f •sfimjtks ol HPJ.'les, representing the different .varietieiv gronta in Southland, and these he. has deposited in a cool chamlier with the object of determining which variety will keep liest. The test is to oxtend over three months. One iii'nith of the term has already expired, ynrl So far all of 'the various sorts are relating their origin il condition sfilendid'i.V; Unfile of the I'ruit is iti paper u'))| (lacked in eases and some laid out loose on traps in order ti> make the as comprehensive as possible.

The Equitable Lite AssuninCt Society forwarded a, rather unique' booklet, wfijjth H.t the present stagi in the scheme /njitualisation £>t the Society will pipvu ipl.tyiaitinK 'o policyholders and intending insurers. Ir eo'iftaina the Society s repiorl and lralaoewshoet /or I lie year 1001. and also a detailed statemenl Of each security ill which the vast funds of the Equitalilo are invested. In ruses where stocks and bonds form the inxestmeuts, the rate of interest, book,par, and market values for eaeh security art» shown separately. The list of mfirtyatfcs Vf.s tty' toWu l t ajr*' strfeti ill which the morticed proper*}' is located: the amount lent-. and the valuation of <'<ch. I'pvrtirdS of I '.OO separate securities are The publication of this statement is a reply to the rc-Ceii t criticism colt rerning the iiivesttneiit, of the funds. The S|>ectator I New York) ol .May 4 publishes a st.fttniuvi't l>y .Vr 11. C. l-'rick. chairman of the committee formed for the purpose of investigating the investments of th" Society, in whlcja it if stated that "the interest of evcrc jjic\-hold<T is absolutely safe.'V'tfie .liaiiui p! tin* Society are all in its possession." "t£ry are alisolutelv fiou'.d. nnd the integrity .<?' >'YITV one <■? the Society's contracts ia unimpaired'"

Thomas Borgiit, .vocalist, at one time wnl! kaoivn ii' Dunodin, figured in a tlianiaiic court scene in the Mclbounin I'iilicc toint the other day. A/r Pantoli, was about to coinImit him on a o'nu go of lara-ny, and [ was in the middle of} the usual warnI ing to accused, when the Police Band, ! |at the head of the fiimvnl of a late constaljk", Kti'uck up IX-ad March just outside the court. The magistrate's voico was drowned in tho doleful melody. a'id tne whole proceedings were interrupted. Accused was .seized with a violent shaloinp, cu!minatting in his crashing to the floor in a dead faint. Tie was removed from the court, and on regaining consciousness explained that when td lie and a friend were ensafivd in collecting money to bury an oM mu-sic-hall artist. Jack I^vans.

The Mayor of New Plymouth (Mr Richard Cock), who is paying a visit to Wellington, in Hie course of conversation with a Times reporter on Monday, relet red to an article which recently appeared in that paper, dealing with the prevailing fitness of money, or. rather, the difficult) I merchants were experiencing through I the frequent solicitation tor extra accommodation for clients. The ai tide pave the opinions ot Wellington merchants, whose business embraces the lower half of the North Island, and there was a concensus ot opinion that the "pinch" was particularly noticeable in Tarnnaki. Mr Lock xloes not contest the .statetm-nts made, but lather offers an explanation as to how the existing state of things has been brought about. He says that a very Wet spring and early summer, followed by three dry months, had a bad effect on the pasture, and the result was a diminution of milk supplies, and farmers may have lieen forced to keep creditors waiting for money. An erroneous impression might have thus been gained that money was scarce, in the district. That. Was not so. In fact, it was rather the reverse. He was interested in several financial institutions in the district, and these held more money t|ian they could find investment for.

The Australian Hardware and Machinery Journal learns that a small company is in process of formation by Mr A. J). Willis, M.H.R., to work Taranaki ironsami under a new process which Mr Willis saw in England. | The proposed oompany is to take up two miles oi beach.

At the Court, Sydney, riCcmtly, ,a man ntanod Granville was mulcted in the ■Hum of "is, with costs Cs fid. and 8s witness' expenses for refusing to pay the fare of one peniny in respect of a child who occupied a scat in a tram car.

The IH-Lirera S-tar reports that early on Friday morning the house of Mr (!. Hryant, who lives near Okaiawn, was burnt to the ground. Tl-e fa(rJy wi r - hastily got out of the burning building, Mr Bryant's mother having to be passed through the wiu(low of her ro «m. Tho furniture waf insured for £6O, Sir Hryant, being l heal?.' loser.

At a by-election for the llumu-i Road Hoard the two candidates wtao he-ad 'd the list, polled an eqjliil number of votes and the returning officer put tlio two names in a ha!, dravv:ng out that of Mr Stunbridge. but it. was discovered thai tile other piece of paijer had stuck to the lining of Ihe hat so a new draw wis decide.) on, and Mr Lockwoiwi's name \vu; drawn. Subsxpiently tho election was quashed by the Magistrate on an ap peal. Tho secretary tof Uic Education Hoard received a notification from the Department on Tuesday that £llO had'been gmlitod| for additions to the Mahoe school.

According to the New York World's Koint' correspondent, Mr Pierponl .Morgan, during his recent private audience with the Pope, volunteered his .services to reorganise the finances of the Holy See on a mote productse basis. The World correspondent says Mr Morgan referred especially to the low rate of interest, only two per cent-., earned by the Vatican's moneys, and expressed himself as certain that the same amount invested in sound American securities would produce doxhle, and increase fie Pope's annual income by £IOO,OOO. His Holiness, continues ■ (he cablegram, thanked Mr Pierpont Morgan for his suv&'jslions, and "promptly '>rdert.l a report from his Treasurer on the Vatican's investments, which are undoubtedly managed in a most oldfashioned way.

Mr Gvorge Hutchison, who ruiurnxd to En.irlfind a shoit time ago. after a very satisfactory visit to South Africa, has now finally decided (writes a London correspondent.) to return to New /eal.ami, with a view to permanent residence there. "1 cannot staii.l South Africa any longer." he said to inc. "I consider it is spoilt as a British colony. The introduction of Chinese labour was a fatal ■step, and I I'orseo much trouble in the future. So fan at' I can juldgoat present South Africa will not see me again."

Tho committee of the Canterbury Agricultural and I'astoral Association have discussed the question of eradicating footrot in sheep by forc« of legislation, ais scab wan dealt with. A member contended that sheet, suffering from footrot should not Ix: j allowed to li'avel either 'by road or rail, as tlm disease is very contagious and dillicult to cure.

| Tho proprietor oi the paeoa flaxmill at Maketu, Hay of Plenty, has purchased from the natives a large quanta ty of cultivated flax, the first yet used in New Viinland. Mr Gray His had considerable experience -in the flaxmilling industry, and he pronounces this flax to be the best yet passed through his hands, the fibre having the appttorance of silk. Mr John Holmes is persuaded that the cubivation of flax on suitable lands will pay well.

A mooting of those interested in the formation of a. Trotting Club in New Plymouth will be held in the Town Hall to-morrow, not in the Criterion Hotel, as slated yesterday. j The Bqrougli CflUftCU incites tenders for the I'l/etioii of an electric j power station ToX Mangom, returnable at 4 Wednesday, July |l<J.

| Poultry fanciers arc reminded that entries for the Taraiiaki Poultry and Pigeon .Society's Show close at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday next. The "long niglil" arranged by the committee ol the La Mascette assemblies will take place this jingDry feet is one of the essential coifc iditions for the maintenance of good health, and the fact that with niosi [ordinary boots such a desideratum is well-mgfi impossible has been the cause of muWi discomfort and inconvenience. Now, however, conies the welcome news thai a waterproof sole lias been placed on the market. The insertion of a rutlber sole between the upper and lower leather soles readers the 'boot impervious to water. The A. 0.0. Pprjt and Shoe Company stock these goods.

HAVK YOU 118 EL) THE GEA'UI.NE and experienced the delight of immediate and liennancnt relief ? Medjcal authorities all over the globe announce that the genuine SANDER & SON'S EUCALYPTI EXTRACT out distances all known remedies in colds, infloeii/n, all fevers, diarrhoea, dvscnlery, nj,eunuiti(ui\ etc. A local application wjlt iif. oupe plop neuralgis pains ; skin disepsps, wounds. ulcers, it heals without inflammation. In.halations (,") to 8 drops to a cupful nf boiling water) give certain relief in diptlieric. throat nnd bronchia) troubles, asthma, pneumonia, consumption, etc. Thirty years' use has proved the merits of SANDER and [SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. The I ill-effects following the use of the common eucalyptus products need not. he feared ; the cures are legion. Try it.! Hut. to avoid disappointment, be sure and get SANI>ER & SONS' I'JJPE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT.

Mr .Thomas, at present head-master at Omnia School has bcon selected by tho Norfolk Itoad committoo tot tii« .vacant head-masteraliip at that ■school. The committee are to be congratulated on thoir w so clioice. There was some discussion at a meeting of the Utility Poultry Club at Christchurch last week reaarding the selling ol eggs (says the Lyttelton Times). A member suggested that the municipal authorities should be asked to prohibit the- sale of "chilled" eg'gs as "fresh." Another member said that lie had seen in a shop in Christchurch three lots of eg);s labelled "fresh eggs," "limed eggs," and "new-laid eggs." The "ircsli eg'gs" were chilled. It was slated that a grocer had found, when he mixed fresh and chilled customers objected, but when he sent all chillled eggs there was 110 trouble. As a matter of fact, chilled eggs would keep for four months and be practically as good as fresh.

Till! J apanose entertainment in aid of the funds of the new lVi-mit-ivo Methodist Churcln, which was given ko sucoeaifully in New I'lymouth & few weeks ago, was rrjM'ated at tho Fitaroy Ilail ,jn Tuesday eve/ving. There was a largo attendance, and everything went off with eclat. l'ur Bronchial Coughs take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. .1b 6d. 8 HEALTH HINTS FOH RHEUMATICS. Diet plays an important part in lUicumatisra, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, and kindred complaints. Those troubled with these disoasow should ba careful, for some foods encourage the formation of uric acid. Avoid red m((ats, use spici«, tea, and coffee sparingly, and—most important o[

all—tako EHEIJMO. It is the only one medicine that will quickly attd .effectively cure Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago* and their attendI ant evils. The first dose of RHEUMO gives relief, and its use will qo fotnd to effect a complete cure. Your chemist or storekeeper sells it, 2s 6d Us tid a bottle. Give it a trial.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7870, 12 July 1905, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7870, 12 July 1905, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume XLVII, Issue 7870, 12 July 1905, Page 2