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LOS il, near Bolgrjvw Hotel, 1 Leather Legging. 3y<tl , G. Eatwell, Belgrove. S"ED POTATOES.—Vermonts, Early Regent?, Charles Downing, Robin \dair Keading itusset, ran Chief, and Red Skm, goodsaiuplea; Bolton's. 3942 riARKATIONS, Nemetsias, Geuuis. Calv-/ liopaia, abbage and i. auliflower Hants ; also fresh and re! Vegetable Seeds ; at Bslton's. 3943 RHUBARB, Thyme, and Marjoram Plants, Raspberry Caneg, Gooseberries, Black and Red Cm rants, Walnut, Lemon ana Orange Trees; at Bolt.m's. 3941ST. JOHN'S METHOOIST SCHOOLROOM. r ECTURE by MR P. V.. FNAPP, ot> ■«-« " The Social Customs of the Ancient Maori," TUESDAY, JULY 29th, at 7 30 p.m. | Public iavifced. 3047 ON VIEW, At fc'AJB^Y'S Butcher Shop, A LOCALLY-GROWN FAT BULLOCK, Fattened by Edwards Bros., Pofcoror;). One Guinea for anyone guessing his correct weight! To be weighed at 2 o'clock on TUESDAY. 8916 ?H£ NELSON PEOPLE'S TERMINATING BUILDING SOCIETY. nnHE usual Fortnightly PAY-HAYS ■mdTO-MuBKOW (Tuesday). x ; D E. EDWARDS, 8939 -^ Secretary. NELSON AMATEUR nPPRATIC ANO DRAMATIC SOCIETY. Production'" PAUL JONES." rF!HE PRACT[OtT^ tho above Opera * wi Ibe held in the Sh el bourne street schoolroom THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 8. Anybody posses-ing scores of this Opera would assist greatly by loaning them to the Secretary. H. SATJNIVEK'S. 393° Hon. Secretary. NELSON EDUCATION BOARD. , ELECTION OP MEM BKB— NOR I'll WAED. XT is hereby publicly notified that SIR SAMUEL BltiwEE CiNAVIN of Motueka, being the only Candidate nominated, is ELECTED a M mber of tho Nelson Education Board for the North ■Yard of the Eural Area. N. R. WILLIAMS, Returning Officer. Nelson, July 25th, lyiy. 3910 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND. NELSON DISTRICT. IN DIVORCE. T° J(?S HENrFwARD, formerly of the City of Nelson, cook. T AKE notic-e that a citation lias been issued out of the Supreme oourt of New Zealand at Nelson citing you to appear and answer the petition or Grace Aroa Ward, of Nelson, wherein she prays for dissolution of her marriage with you on the ground of |\viltul desertion, and such citation inJtimates that in default, of your so doing I the Court will proceed to hear the said I petition and to pronounce sentence therein notwithstanding your ab- | sence. Now, therefore, take notice that- for the purpose aforei SI Jo^ are itllin si* weeks l aiter the last publication of this adveritisoment on 28th July, 1919, to attend m person or by your solicitor at the bupreme Court office at Nelson, and there to enter an appearance, without iwhich you will not be allowed to address the Court at any sta^e of the proceedings. A copy of the said citation and petition will be supplied to you on your applying for the same at the Supreme Court Office at Nelson Dated this 18th day of July/1919 at Nelson. v ' J. H. CARRAD, Deputy Registrar. n Glasgow, Hayes and Rout are the .•solicitors for the Petitioner, whose nddress for se.rvien is n fc their office in Trafalgar Street, Nelson. NOTE,—Frills cf the s*espondont are particular! ■.- requested to forward him the foregoing advertisement. 3834 CARS F9§ SALS. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX, 5-p*ssen-ger Touriug Car, recently painted; in best of condition all through. DODGE 5-pasaenger Car. done BCOO miles, b-en well looked after. A Bargain. FORD GAE. FIVE-Paasenger TOURING CAR, recently overhauled and repainted; in be-t condition all through.— J G 1 CARPENTER, Oakland Garage, nest Jf. 0., Trafalgar street. 3927'

NELSON RETURNED SOLDIERS' ASSOCIATION (Inc.). ■ A GENERAL "MEETING' of the Members of the above Associ--ation will be held in the' Clubhouse, • Sehvyn' Place, on SATURDAY, 2nd August, at 7.30 p.m. 1 3909 '"•■ N- A> VERC°E > dJU^ Secretary. APPLICATION FOR LAND. | HEREBY notify" that I have applied to the Nelson Land Board tor a_lastoral License under the Miamg Regulations over Section 69, BIocj; i., V\aitapu S.D., containing about 65 Acres. , p „. , ■ H. A. BISHOP. July, 1919. 3922 FOR SALE BY TENDER. that valuable Property situated corner Halifax and Tasman-sts., nearly rj-acre, with dwelling of 6 rooms all 60ft. Glasshouse, 2 sheas. Must be sold, owner leavinoJSelson. The highest tender not neees° sanly accepted. -QTTT nC!?/ S addres«Ki T. WOODWARD, <3 Halifax Street. temders.for land. nTV NDERs arc invited for the purchase -*-_ On 'ota or as a wIioIb) of Lota 30, 11 and 12, Henley Estate. Salisbury Road Richmond. Three splendid Building Sifc^s.' Tenders, addressed to the undersigned marked "Tenders for Land," closh * n July rfisfc, 1919. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. OD ,, J- E. BAETLETT, Jd44 Box 25, Richmond. ADVERTISEMENT WRITERS ARE IN DEMAND. There i s keen competition amon^ business hnos for the services of Ad Writers who can make good. A properly trained and efficient Ad-i vfirtisemeat- Writer increases the turnover and is obviously invaluable to the business; consequently he can al-i ways command a big salary. Leading experts are convinced that our printed and specially prepared Correspondence Course of Instruction m ADVERTISING is pre-eminent nm-nSn i°« ing ™ the opinion of the manager of the largest Advertising Agency in Australasia:— "^ '^ ln inducing as many men as possible to take up your Advertising Course, and from perusal of same 1 am satisfied that it is the very thing that is required; especially by those ™ are or wish to become connected wren the Advertising business." Men and women desirous of earning more money, and all who have anything to do with the sales part of a business should write for particulars of our ADVERTISING COURSE withoufc delay. Hemingway and Robertson's Correspondence Schools, Ltd., P.O. Box 516, "Auckland. Sale df 1 During salo our Ladies' Tweed Costumes will be sold at prices that will astonish you. Hero are a few of the snips." I Black and White Costume, usual price £8 15s, Sale price I £6 ss. l j 1 Navy Fine Coating Serge, beautiful quality, usual price £9 10s, Sale price £7 15s. Smart-' *weed, i n Grey and ' El&iiMF mixture, usual price rMlOa, Sale price £5 Brown Costume, small check, j with belt and buttoned pockets, I usual price £8 15s, Sale price £6 ss. . . A few to lie cleared regardless of | cost, good, useful costumes, in 1 dark shade. Sacrifice price £3 I «aiy. I [ I 17-M HARDY STREET, 1 3 THERE IS NO CSFT more acceptable to a lady than a COLD WRISTLET WATCH. We have a very wide selection of newest designs, in both band and oxpanding bracelet styles. ; They are particularly dainty and models, and the watches i are all WARRANTED TIME-KEEPERS. The prices range from 90s to £11 5s Call and inspect tuem. <. \ ■JEWELLER, HABDY STREET NELSON.

. Removal Sale. PUBLIO NOTICE. FOR nTnTdaYS pPJOR to and during REMOVAL Of x OUR BUSINESS to MORI COMMODIOUS PREMISES at NoT tt HARDY STREET, we are offering ioi ■ Cash at very Low Prices to clear. ; Bancy Goods, Leather Goods, OrnaIfinents at Discounts of 25 per cent. 3( per cent., and 33* per cent-, off marked prices. SEE OUR STANDS. STATIONERY and BOOKS at 10 per cent, off usual rates on parcels 5s and vpwards m value. Customers are requested to call and make their selection early . r A^^^ JLES carryin g discounts are tor LASH, to avoid time lost ir booking. The Sale starts at 9 a.m. on Tuesday 22nd inst. Our shop will be closed on Saturday, 19th, and Monday, 21st instant. INSPECTION INVITED. We take this opportunity of thanking the public for their very generous support, and with better facilities at our disposal we trust to have the pleasure of increased patronage in the future. Alf. Robinson Ltd. HARDY STREET. If ERlT~Tdis7"The pfcenpmenaTTales ttx ™ the Nortll Britisk Rubber Co.'s Eot Water Bottle with the "Unique" stopper is the best evidence of its undoubted quality and service. All retailers. FRUIT TREES FOR SALE. 2000 WELL-GROWN 2-year-old wUUU MUNROE'S FAVOURITE, £16 per 1000. 1000 STATESMAN, and other varieties, £25 per 1000. • Apply— H. BASHFORD, 3713 Redwood's Valley. j^/TEN know they can rely upon receiving Clothes of remarkable character. One of the reasons is that our 54 years' trading amongst you has shown successful trading. This record I is back of the spirit v.hich prompts the active buying of returned men, and the attention th>n- give our Suit Department says a lot for our goods. Always in our eiothing proper Value has been placed upon style and upon I reliable make, and the maintaining of j j the high standard our Clothes have j earned. Parents find our BOYS' I I CLOTHING economical, mostly be-- j i cause we sell reliable mak93, Clothiit>! that healthy, rollicking boya need, and our prices are pleasing, and we show a good selection of shapes and shades. ' I Our Clothes System you can't at"-; ford to pass. You'll find plenty of; good things that you did not expect, and you'll find our stock so big that it makes buying easy. Whilst you're looking over our Cloth-j ing Department, it's worth while to step into our BOOT DEPARTMENT. Big things going on just now. Our prices i well worth a look. j j BIC BOOT AND SUIT STORE.

TWO SPECIALS! These splendid coats are made of special quality gabardine-that is I specially treated to stand hard rain. I ♦ They're smartly cut in the fashionable trench style, with smart I I I Foi; style 'warmth and rain-resisting qualities, there are no better I | coats on the market. ' v I The .Auckland Clothing & Drapery- I $ I iii vis n.u H UfiJPOQal* f +*♦♦♦♦++++++++*+ I S Whe" the w'ntf b!ows -cow -blasts « € U^P around one's anatomy, it is then a Good £ % &d Warm Overcoat !S m?st appreciated. C /^^^W^^ "H. 8." Winter Top Coats are warm % # JWkiwSli 3S tOaSt ' ExceHenlt in Quality, stylisn % %. |i«M|ia ln Cl!t and Smai*t 'n Appearance—afl S f ■^ W I Models ' mcl«d '"S tire Rightly f i r TRENCH coat- C | BS ||i Wear .an "H.B" i > iill MEN'S D>B- TRENCH OVERCOATS 3 \ / 'SyP^iyyP^ as style shown, WINDPROOF AND * }• / BBTTWr RAINPROOF in Fpwn Gabardine, C \ ff vm Wo§ checked linings £ I New HH filDtllillg I iCnce igain Pease Reigns I ♦♦♦♦' 1^ j^&G&t Wh- y not celebrate this glorimmgt ons event by giving. "The X?W a Wristlet Watch. I V \ *8 most useful and a haad- #| J> V some piece of jewellery as I\^@^#/ There's no need to pay an IV jl/ extravagant price. Vj^j^ The L.K. Cadies' Special i SilVer Wris«Qt Watch makes I • Ji a charmm 8 Present at areaI >^!^^P^?t <*W^^^:!<?:;f^J SCfl- afc!e figure--1 In** 3® ?<9 Wr**^ Daintily designed and eiegaat V;i_^_r—-A \"S JT^JMI in .aPP eara"ce it has a fine \/C® &.yj/ jewelled lever movement x^^iiii^^* whicn ensui'es long and^faithful service. As a timekeeper this watch is unsurpassed; a« a present it is Dis- | tinetive, and will Give Pleasure for Years! | ♦♦♦♦ LftlllQ Iff! Trafalgar-st. UUIo. Hull LlUii Mason,

PtSrlllW Rpfillpfinite 8 only ii^^iw ? cst*jmes» Ladi?f'. Trimmed- Models; One; 2 Pieces only mrlp^- Crepe de _ , fyi ÜbCT n&HUb&HJIHi usually £5 10s to 7 guineas; Price, 9/11 each. Qhsne, 40-in -wide white' FStßf^* 1 . ■_ •• \ Clearing Price, 69/6. 10 only Ladies' Padded Silk " ground, with navy stripe; " »<<*V*rtmmX I 2 only Tweed Skirts, in Black and 2 Dozen Voile Blouses, m plain Dressing JaoketSj all good usually 12/6; Clearing- Price, , r White Shepherds-Plaid; us- White and Coloured Floral colours; usually 25/-; to 6/11 per yard. vV s been fortunately able nally ST/6; to clear at 39/6. and Stripe Effects; usually clear at 8/11 each. Shantung Silk,.-32-ih. wide;-us- to secure another parcel of 20 Ladies' Tweed Goats, with or i 5/ 6 e uGh; Clear':i- Ladies' Japanese.Silk Bloomers; l}ffl ~fn J™ d '> Clearing at Iten Black Silk Hose. "These without Fur Collars. These R'lce, 4/11 each. usually 12/9; Clearing Price, ft , 4/?.p^3! l ard' ... -. , are manufacturer's rejects and are all this season's goods, ~ • 2/11 pair. Only limited quantity m good are" worth" to-day T/rf to 8/i ~! excellent styles and comfort '-' = 'HllHllfirV " * mi "a few Pieces of Stylish g"w" Jl l^?***' -r; Our lot nil ? able usually T5/-, millHlWrjf ■ ViyeSia left; Clearing at 3/11 « LlOT '^ aaJ B^- --^ 1 rice, 3/11 per pair. - £3 19s 6d, £4 15s, £5 L, — . per yard. 8 ' 2 ?ie*% onl/ .cW«ed Velweteen, | Ladies' Gaiters, in Black-, Navy, " 1^ 48/6j La(li?f- one These goods cannot be bought 7 57/8, 63/-, 75/-, 89/6. j Pnce , 4/11 each. • Wholesale at 4/9 to-iay. To Clear at 2/6 per yard. Price, 1/6 per pair.' S • LOUISSONS' LTD.,. TrafaSgar Street

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Colonist, Volume LXI, Issue 151034, 28 July 1919, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LXI, Issue 151034, 28 July 1919, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LXI, Issue 151034, 28 July 1919, Page 6