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'|^WO sisters would like positions as Housemaids, together if possible, in station. State terms and particulars to Miss Todd, 7 Young Street, Dunedin. . 2882 1 Fruiterer prepared to buy •*- it,P to 500 Cases' Stunners. All interested kindly write,' stating size, quality and price, to "Fruiterer," Box 311, Dunedin. 2333 Tf OR SALE.—Throe Draught Horses. -*- Apply W. Moffat, Redwood's Valley. . 280b fIPHE Early Closing Movement won't ■"- worry you if you get your bottle : from the chemist—a "Unique" stopper Hot Water Bottle, the test of cold I weather comforts. . CSTY OF NELSON. /"lITIZENS are requested to allow their \^ employees an opportunity of attending the •Farewell of the 44th Reinforcements, leaving by the b.:at at 10 a.m. on TUESDAY. • W. W. SNODGRASS, 2878. Mayor. PETROL REGULATIONS, .1918. vacuum oil~co. fty:,'ltd. desires to inform Patrons that in conformity -with., "above Regulations, no orders for PETROL SUPPLIES can be accepted xxnless accompanied by a Declaration, as follows: — "The quantity of Petrol herein ordered, added to my presentheld stocks, together with quantities already on order, doo& not jexceed my average ' require-, ments for a period of . four weeks." To suit Customers' convenience and to save them expense when orders are telegraphed, customers vnay use the words "REGULATIONS OBSERVED" to signify that they, are aware of, and are complying with, the above Declara : tion . Wellington, loth July, 1918. ' ' ■ 2585 Sf^ALL FARM FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. OWNER GOING INTO CAMP NEXT MONTH. ABOUT 12 acres of good larid in Thorpe, of which 9 acr»>s is freehold and has been cultivated; the balance is leasehold at 10/- per year. The property is well watered. Five acres jb in crops, balance subdivided into 6 paddocks, and now carrying 3 cows, 2 heifers, 'i horse--, 20 bheep. The BUILDINGS comprise new Dwelling of 6 rooms and conveniences, large Workshop, Stable and Hay Shed. Easy terms will be given to effect a quick gale. Terms and particulars from ; ERSES'I1 WIN, Licensed Laud Agent, 2870 Richmond. ,A FULL ASSORTMENT OF VOTES' NEW SEASON'S SEEDS . JUST RECEIVED. AGENTS, CALEDONIA HOUSE, "Where 'tis True.'Economy to Shop. 1' ■;■ ' v" "/:: ■••;,.-: 283? ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Eyesight ..'Specialist AND has arranged to pay a roturn visit to Nolson, commencing TUESDAY NEXT, for a few days. Dr. Bickerton is returning to tho district owing to the fact that a large number of clients during the last visit, could not be attended to. The consulting rooms will be at 78 Hardy Street. Hours of consultation: 9 a.m. till 8 p.m., or by appointment. 2821 FOR SALE BY TENDER. ' 1--.liit first class Freehold - , -Land :situated at 'Kaitiina^ Colluagsvood. -All fenced .and .subdivicfed;/ v»ith seven-Toomed dwelling -house and outbuildings erected thereon. All land felled and in good cow and sheep pasture. Title: Land Transfer. Ternis:—-£IOO cash with acceptance of tender, balance at 5 pcl 1 cent, for o years. Occupation to be given Ist Sept., 1918. Right of residence in small cottage on property to be reserved. Tenders close on the 3rd August, and to- be addressed to the undersigned at the Aprere Post Office. No necessarily accented. . ' G. HICKMOTT, sen.. 2874 Aorere P.O. 4gpi£^y^— •■ •■■■■■

Books Wafifi Raading. 2/3 each, posted 2/6. . "GENBSAIL JOHN BEGAN," by I George Birmingham. "WATCH BELOW," by "Taffrail." "SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" by Harold JbJell Wright. "HES "COMPENSATION," by Ethel Dell. * "GETTING TOGETHER/ by lan Hay. ■••./■'■' At '' Booksellers - - Kardy Street. LETHERINiT~ri; t C olou7~"card *-" showing standard colours, shows colours on real leather. Read opinions of experts and users. - ; HHEA CLOTHS, Tr^y^loth^DucheTs a Sots, D'oyleys, Sile board Covers, Cosy Covers, Cushion Covers, Counterpanes, " Pillow Shams.—Fleming and Sons., WHAT 90-"YOU KNOW? • Large Set* Squares, metal or -wood, 6d pah*. Stand at ease on Hixopad Eubber Heels. Ladies' odand 1/-, Men'sil/3; easily fixed on. '- ■ Draught-men 1/-, Boards 1/3, 1/6, 2/-. Indoor Gam-HS, good range, 1/6, 1/9, 2jQ. • Suit Cases, in Leather and Fibre Oane, etc, Lavge lot of Oddments at clearing prices. See them fly— juat like die Austrians. PEACE OPPEEINGS in Toys, Dolls, Teddy Bears, Toy Books, Trumpets, Flags. Whistles, Battles, Toy Tea iets, etc,Fine, bright, clean stock. Good Gifts for Returned Men and Departing soldiers—always treated in asoldierly spirit at " Novelties," ' ■ -Clearing lines in Tumblers, Glassware, China—all at quick-march prices.' Don't squander your ; monev—W to "NOVELTIES" for- honest, straight dealing, without bluff, bell-ringing; leadswinging, or blarney. ■ .; HOW YOU -KNOW!'- '" 2514 1< Only Ladies' Smart Bain Coats, to clear, 10/- to 15/- rtjduction. These are the las* sour of a big lot we had sent from our London buyer. Latest shape and real good material. 3 Only Ladies' All-wool Sports Coats, good quality, to clear at your own price, The last three of a big shipment, and'we can afford to clear at any reasonable price. It will pay to buy these for next season. Come and see them. We've ■a- few L dies' Button ;*hoes to clear at 15/6, and a few Ladies 5 Button Boots clearing at 18/6; also few Strap Shoes, 12/6 to 15/6. .These;.are. exceptional Boot Value, "We can't pay postage, and sold for cash only. You can save 7/6 to. 12/6 on these-gbods. Ask to see I hem. 27 Dozen Boys' and Youths' Fancy Top Stockings, real hard wearers, which we're offering at. 3/6 to 4/11. vVorth your while to send for a pair of these. " Money back if not satisfied." Just a few Boys' Tweed Sport Suits to go at 17/6 to 22/6, to j fit toys up to 13. We have not many of these, so hurry up. You can save 10/- on any of these. Send cash with order. 15 only left of onr Graranteed Oil: Coats at 70/% This coat will fee a lot .higher price ia : future. It's the only coat on the market with guarantee against leaking. It's a sure water resistor, good wearer, and does not need re-oiling. 7 Big Boot and Suit Store,

SLEEP t«-~--^~~.^ u ,_^—^__ , MUSH . I I. A'" DOWNELLO n QUILT N f . 26/6 eaoii.' • I 1 "DOWNfiLLO" QUILTS are real sleep producers A- cosy and I I warm a, a pair of Blankets, hut only I botSShe tligS "* I uS^wn^r Vf T Wtem8™handeome flor^ designs on,*' ■ B^^^^ S aS^- tne choice, of Sa,e, C^, \ "B°S^Z" Q^TS arepouble Bed Size, 6 feet by 5 feet, and are generous.y filled.- Note the low price-26/G each by return mad. Encicse Cash. We Pay Postage, > ■• GOtWHEIICES V I ■ If you would' study True'li@^@niy 5 1 € iiurry U Towsi asid claim;yonr. I I shmr® In the Big Bargaiii offer- | I ing In eweiy iipartmenf - - I The Pleasant Way to Wake Up IS TO LET His Clear, Tuneful Bing gets you . ... /o^l out of bed feeling cbeerful, tit for if a 1 the day's work. yf*^? on the dullest morring j | there is no "eJeepingin," for the j^^^^^^^S^^ voice of "BIG BEN" i>- in- mrfFnM, I^^^ | sisteut, yet gentle and friendly. iKf^\ \\ * j^CM» jls calls you every day at any time SI if 10 N^ Vffiil^fii* ,; 'f BIG BEN " means punctu- ■ m4if*w^^» if alifey, aud puoctuaiity meano %/W«- ' .-.everything. Get a " BIG BEN" /> I at all Prices, f 109 Trafalgar Straot - Nelson i.,...„,„,.,,, mLJ[ _ J __ l __ 8

.*H£toQUTB3ERN STAB LODGE, No. <Sls? ■^•C.—Lodge of Instruction / SW\ This Evening, at half-past seven, : '28S8 THE ANNUAL MEETING of Subscribers to the Richmond Library will be held in the Institute on THURSDAY, July lstli, at 7.30 p.m. Every Subscriber requested to attend A. J. FITTALb, 2589 Secretary, AN ORCHARD PRUNING DEMoNorchard of Mr Chas. H. Mackay, Lowet Moutero, on Wednesday, July lftli commencing at 2 p.m., when all inte^' ested are invited to be present. Orchard Instructor, Department of Agriculture, 2884 ; Nelson. * N ORCHARD PKUNING DEMONA- STKATIOiV will be holds in the orchard of Messrs Hurst and Stewart at Redwood's. Vatley en THURSDAY, July 18th, commencing at 2 p.m., when ail interested are invited to be present. Oichard Inst-uetor, Department of Agriculture, -890 Nelson. ■ NOTICE.

PARKER'S1- ROAD, Tahunanui, will] ■*; -be CLOSED for Repairs from Monday, July 14th, to Saturday, Jmv 19th. . ...'..■"." By order. 2886 STOEE ROAD BOARD. FUNERAL NOTSCE. Friends of John Harling are in- i ■"- formed that the Funeral of h&j late daughter, Annie Louisa, will leave.' his residence, Morrison street, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at 2.30 o'clock, for the Nelson Cemetery. i G. FLEMING AND SONS, i 2387 Funeral Directors. : AUGUST sth CELEBRATIONS. A MEETING of the Eetumed Soldiers' Luncheon Committee will* be held in the Oity Council Offices on TUESDAY, the 16th mat, at 7.30 p.m. Ths Italian lied Cross Committee will meet at 8 o'clock same evening. W. W. SNODGIJ \SS, 2879 Convener. S©id Humes t§is iiiws ? #THE COLONIST" .■ . SUMMARY -, WILLj BE PUBLISHED .'on . ' ' ■ • -.; V/edsiesday, July 17th. iPric© : Threepence. Coj)ios may be obtained from the Agents for "The Colonist" in various parts of the Province and ■ at this office, but to avoid disapi pointment it is advised that orders be given in advance of the day of publication. The Summary number is published regularly on the Third Wednesday in each month. -

.' ■' • FOE A' SHORT PERIOD O^LY. GOSTUSV3E SPECIALS. WINTER GOATS AT SPECIAL ; SKIRTS. fl piece only Lavender Pyrenees Cloth,| Guipnre and Net Irsertions nnl T 13 only Tweed,ndGaWine^^^. . The wllole of Winter - 18 " £V& • S^ yST% tois^Jil Usual price, £4 4s. Sale price 53s 6d. &^ &t reducedprkes _ A j p ricG 2s 6d each. ' *" 1 piece each Navy and Black Gabardine, Wto as tid yard" CGS 1 only Navy Coating Costume. . few specials include:— " in Wool and. Cotton; Mixture, 52in. ' Csu'iliv £6 10s Sale Prece 843. ' 1 only Black Coney Seal Coat. ~ SEASON'S BSI.LLINERV.' - Wlde- Usually 6s lid. To clear *ancy. Dress Inmmings at quarter 2 Only Kliapoi, 1 each Navy **»»• ™* *™> 1? ■ VIS Wfi ' FreJSSSSe in S OS e and CardinaL C^Wto S S yUrd ' £6 6.. 4Ot^^f dCO^ USUaily69S Model ?^ in Btal and Str^ O nr Clearing Pnoe 693 6d. 1 only Wey T^eed Coat. Usnally 635, ' Vofe Usnady 19s 6d to 3os. Black Allover Laces ami Flouik- " !is 6d to 2|^ %& • 1 only Fawn Gabardine Costume. for 355. Sale Price 1^ Gd each. ings, Usual prices 1 3 lid to 15s Price, is M,i S, 2s 11^38^! n^alP-it* 87sGd. Sa!e Pncs 39S 6t!. 1 only Fawn Tweed Coat. Lsnaily G3s, - 6d yard. Sale Prices 9d to 6s 11tS to S3 11 d. "" " " "' „ t- -n for 355. , , DRESS SPECIALS. i'ard--1 only^Grey Flamie^ l®s^*' Uraa% 1 only Grey Tweed Coat, IJsunlly 455, 2 5 pieces 40-incli Crepe de Chi.e, all ' ' " 8-is. &alo.x'iice49s6d. . ■ for 19S 6d. . on colours, including White and Black. FANCY DEPARTMENT. S/SMo^k ■ lOn^^^ COat .HABERDABHE.rtYSPEO.ALB.' }.»* ei^^»^ staffie'GIBLS> Co^i^s l ss E3 WHICH srs^s^d^: 1111 ■>*■few f-^»^ •»* *■ '«• ouuallj =Lo lbs. oa.«. »*:,. 2 only Mairons , Black ojofttSt Trimmed Wine, Li>H Grey. TJsnhflv 3s lid Ladles'" Navy, Black s »nd Wluie G.iilors Dress 6|e! pair. J only BotLie Green Engatline Cosfcnme. Black Braid. Usually 57s 6d, 59s to 4? Sd. SrUe Prices Is lid to Usually 4s lid. Sale Price* 23 11d Feather Stitch Braid, 9d dozen Usually £7 10s. Sale Price 6d. To clear 19S 6d-each. 3s 6d yard. * pair. * Nickel Plated Safety Pins, 4d dozen.

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Colonist, Volume LX, Issue 14825, 16 July 1918, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume LX, Issue 14825, 16 July 1918, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume LX, Issue 14825, 16 July 1918, Page 6