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Tho monthly meeting of the Waimea County Council was held yesterday. Present: Councillors H. Everett (chair, man), P. Best, A. Drumomnd, T. Hewetson, J. Corder, G. Macmahon, and H. Tunnicliff.

FINANCE. Tho bank pass book showed balances as follows:—

Payments were authorised as fol-J? lows:—General account, ■, £1941 Is lid; f land fund thirds account, £118 18s 2d;I 1 interest account ■ £27 8s sd. | J ' i] " ENGINEER'S REPORT. The County Engineer (Mr. G. S. Whiteside) in his monthly report stated, inter alia:—Maitai riding: Rocks road—The work of removing the slips from the Rocks road was continued during the month. During the- forepart of that period a quantity of the debris was disposed of by throwing it over the sea wall. The Harbour Board threatened legal proceedings, but as the Council had by this time made arrangements for the earth to be carted to Tahuna by paying a royalty of 6d per yard, no more earth has been thrown over the wall since. I have made further tests and observations as to the set of the current, and they all confirm what I have previously pointed out to the Council. If the whole of the last slips—nearly 2,500 cubic yards—were distributed over the bottom of the inner harboiir, which has an area of 310 acres, it would raise the bottom of the harbour almost onesixteenth of an inch—surely not a menace to navigation. But hardly an atom of this but what would be taken by the current towards Tahuna. Unless the Council directs otherwise I purpose disposing of spoil material over the wall should an emergency arise. Maitai riding: Repairs up the Maitai Valley road were being attended to. Notwithstanding notice not to do so, a landowner in the Maitai Valley, after the fence had been demolished by the late flood, re-erected a fence across the public road leading to the Education reserve at Almond Tree Flat. This act of defiance to the county authority impelled him to have the fence obstruction removed. This road is a full chain wide, and runs down the bank of the Maitai river for 4or 5 chains. It was proclaimed a public road 16 years before the date of the- Richardson Crown grant. Some years ago this part of the road was much frequented by the public for picnicking and health and pleasure purposes, until it was monopolised. Three years ago, on the peti-: tion of ratepayers, the Council ordered', the fence to be removed, but nothing further was done till the late flood destroyed it, and nest it was removed by his instructions. However, the road had again been fenced in with a barbed wire entanglement and the road reservation planted in crops.— Richmond borough: A committee of the County Council met the Richmond borough authorities at Appleby. It appeared to be the wish of those present that Mr. Blick should be notified to remove obstructions in the watercourse passing through his property in terms of section 62 of the Land Drainago Act, also particularly to remove a fence post blocking the channel alongside the Hope main road. As to bridging the same stream where it crosses the boundary road, the Engineer was instructed to prepare alternative designs for a motor and traffio bridge, and submit for consideration of the Richmond Borough Council, and this had been done.—Wangapeka riding: The bridge being built out of grant near Hopgood's is completed. A second bridge was also required to enable the first bridge and road to be used. The second bridge was therefore put in hand while the builder was in the locality. He inspected the nuisance complained of in Orinoco Valley by Mr. Sixtus. If the Council filled up the hollow in the road or Mr. Sixtus put a stop bank along tho road inside the fence his trouble would cease, or the Council and he might share the cost. To build a traffic bridge in wood at junction of Orinoco and Rosedale roads was estimated to cost £135.—Motuekfa. riding: He had surveyed the site for the footbridge over the Big Pokororo river. Some, of those interested had asked him if- it was not possible to make it wide enough to take a motor car over at a pinch when the ford was unworkable. The span is 140 feet, and the estimate is £200 if tho load is restricted to . 2 tons. According to arrangement a committee of the Council inspected the new Motueka harbour and reclamation. After considering the matter a question arose, which made it seem not improbable that the Harbour Board land, and roads were within the Motueka borough. He had been instructed- to prepare a plan, and if this interpretation and delineation is correct, the reclamation would also be controlled by the borough.—Moutere Riding: He estimated a wooden bridge over Missionary stream to cost £200, ferro-concrete £250. He thought the latter would be preferable. Arising out the Engineer's report, Mr. Macmahon said the Council had been stopped throwing spoil over the Rocks road, and he contended that it should not have been done by the County Engineer. Ci\ Best pointed out that no objection was taken at last meeting when the Engineer had stated his intention to 'do so. Tho chairman said according to the legal opinion, it would be necessary for the Harbour Board to prove that the depositing of 'spoil was detrimental to tl\e harbour. On the motion of the chairman, seconded by.Cr. Best, it was resolved that the Council is willing to join with thp City Council in a test case. It was resolved to notify the occupiers on the upper and lower side of the ivafcpreonrse at Appleby to remove the obstruction. On the motion of Cr. Hewetson, seconded by Cr. Tunnicliff, it was resolved that the landowner concerned be nntifieri to remove the fence in the Maitai Valley when the crop is out. Cr. Drmr-.mond moved, and Cr. Mncmahou seconded,-that'a'motor bridge ho r v OC .terl over crook at the junction of; the -Rrispdfile and Orinoco roads. .An nme-hduiPTit .was proposed by the chairman, seconded by CivCorder* that, the .'matter be deferred .'until the mail route is decided. .' The motion was withdrawn and the -amendment carried. •; On Cr. son's motion it was decided .to erect avferro-cohcrete bridso over Missionary creek, Moutere. ; : ; ;ilt \yn s resolved, on Civßest's motion, to obtain the opinion of Mr. T.-F. Martin, solicitor to the "Counties Association, as ,to ...whether. the Mokieka

to'are in the county or in the borough. The report was then adopted. DEPUTATIONS. ' Mr A. J. McKeany waited upon the Council in reference to a dispute between himself and the Engineer in regard to tho quantity of stone crushed by him under contrlact to tho Council. —Referred to the chairman and the Engineer, with power to act. A deputation consisting' of Messrs Peppin and Bartlott waited upon the Council in regard to the extension of ijio Richmond borough by the inclusion of ■ certain sections on the east side of Hill street, in the Waimea County. The object was to enable properties' oa both sides of tho street to be rated for loan purposes. It was stated that the Stoke Road Board would be glad to be relieved of the portion of tho area pro-1 posed to be taken. j The chairman suggested that the Borough Council and the Stoke Road Board should make a special rating area.

Resolved that the chairman and Mr Best meet representatives of the Richmond Borough Council, Stoke Road Board, and settlers interested in tho matter of the extension of the Richmond borough, and report at the next meeting of tho Council. Messrs Walter Snodgrass and others, representing Nelson District Fruitpackers, Ltd., waited upon the Council and asked permission to erect a cart bridge over the company's ditch at Edwards' road.

Resolved, that provided the settlers interested contribute the sum of not less than £120 a. traffic bridge bo erected over the company's ditch at Edwards' road, and that tho Engineer submit an estimate of same.

Messrs F. A. Bamford and Tosswill, representing the Tahuna Progressive Association, waited upon the Council, and asked that additional provision be nade by the Council to carry away flood water at Tahuna.

It was resolved that the Engineer visit the locality and report.

CORRESPONDENCE. Amongst the letters dealt vrith were the following:— j From the Recruiting Board, asking the Council to use every means in its power during the enrolment period— September Ist to 16th—to impress on j the men concerned tho obligation that; is cast upon them. J

, From Mr T. P. Martin, solicitor to the Counties Association, giving his opinion re new valuation rolls. He stared that in his opinion it was not necessary that the new valuations should take- offpet simultaneously in all the ridings. The rate having, in his opinion, been validly struck, he saw no objection to tho rate book being made up from the oid rolls, even should the new rolls come into force before the rate book was completely made up and signed. The compilation of the rate book was a subsidiary matter, being largely of a mechanical nature. The chairman remarked that if the Assessment Court had sat in respect of any riding, the new valuation would have applied to that riding. As the Court had not; yet sat the new valuations did not apply to any ridings.

From State Advances Office, notifying that tho Advances Board had resolved to entertain the Council's application for a loan of £500 for the purpose of metalling the Moutere Inlet road.—Resolved that the loan be applied for as from January Ist, 1917; also that the Engineer apply to the Department for the Government grant to supplement tho amount of £500 raised by the residents.

From Messrs Adams and Barley regarding procedure for raising special loan over portion of county.

Fromß. P. Hudson, M.P., re advertising the attractions of the Motueka and Takaka districts, and getting the districts better known. He suggested the issue of a booklet.—£s granted towards cost of booklet.

From Korere Farmers' Union regarding road from Motupiko School —Resolved that the road be attended to, and settlers be asked what they will be prepared to contribute towards the protection work abovo the bridge. From S. A. Quinnoy, Tapawera, re Glenrae Creek undermining road.—Left to Engineer. From Bat-on residents petitioning for reinstatement of suspension bridge over Baton river.—Resolved'that the bridge be re-decked.

From Matafiki Farmers' Union re bridge over Goodall's creek. The structure, they urged, should be a cart bridge, and not a. motor bridge.—The Engineer reported that the motor bridge had boon erected.

From F. W. Gft>bs, Tapawera, r? track from Rolling River up Wangapeka.—Resolved, that a- sum not exceeding £o be spent. From settlers of Thorpe and other districts, applying to. take telephone wires across road.—Granted, subject to the direction of the Engineer From C. G. Stebbing and other Pokororo settlers, re track leading to their properties.—Resolved, that ia sum not exceeding. £10 be spent. From 11. Marshall, Lower Moutere, applying for permission to'erect swing gate-;-—Granted ou usual conditions. From J. A. Guy and others asking for the company's "ditch near Mr Mackay's, Moutore, to be bridged. Dealt with at deputation from Fruitpackers. Ltd.

From' Teece Bros., Harakeke, re water flowing on to their land.—Resolved that tho landowners be called upon to clean out tho church ditch. "

From Messrs Snodgrass and Milner, enclosing;-account for damage to fences, which it was stated had teen buried 'and smashed by the roadmen..—Resolved that, the account be paid. From W. F. Cresswcll, Lower Mo-n----tere, asking permission to widen ditch in front of his property.—Left to Engineer.

From E. C. Little, ro state of Bush road, Lower Moutero.—To be attended to.

From R. P. Hudson, M.P., re track running to Mount Arthur Tableland country .—Mr H. R, Cooke, Auckland, also wrote asking: the Council to expedite matters.—llepolved that Mr Cdoke be informed tlvat the Council's jurisdiction ends at the Flora saddle, and the Council had no money to carry out the work asked for. • -'

From W. Stade, Rosedalcj and F. Hudson, Ngatimofci, re reduced rate of horse hire.—Cr. Hewetson gave notice to move that the rate be increased to the former rate.

From A. Inwood, Motueka, ro Mount Campbell track.—Work to 'bo done. From J. W. Smith, Hau, re metal carted from his property.—The Engineer to reply. From E. C. Howron. Wakefield, ro state of road afc head of Quail Valley.— Work already authorised.

From H. Baaijont and others, re repairs to Lee Valley road.—Resolved Ih&t the Council subsidise the £10 contributed with v similar sum, and that the,work bo proceeded with. From Albert Griffiths, Wai-iti, re Trass Valley roa<L—Resolved' . that a sum not exceeding £5 bo spent. From Brightwatev School .Committee' ■asking for grave! outside school.—Left to Engineer. From K. R. Snmvden. Brightwater, claiming £6 10« for dam ago to his threshing mill through a culvert giving way on River Tor race road.—Consideration deferred pending inquiries foeine mode as to Council's liability.

From K. R. Snowden. ro ford, Waiiti river.—To ho attended to.

From 'Job P.ilmer, Pigeon Valley, re oiilvp-rt alongside his proi-ertv.—Deft to

From G. S. Haycook, Brightwater, offering stones on hia property to, the Council, and £10 for taking them away. rr-Offer accepted. From ratepayers, asking for ditch alongside road at Spring Grove tone filled in.—The Engineer to. report. From Stoke (and Riwaka Road Boards re price of birds' heads and eggs:.—To be considered at next meeting, but in the "meantime tho old rates be paid. I From Crown Lands Commissioner, stating that until the final legalisation of exchange of roads in the Maitai he did not think his Department could take any further action in the matter of issuing a title.—Received; matter being held over tintil the Minister's visit to Nelson.

From R. Richardson, enclosing copy of letter received from the County Engineer stating that no permission could be granted to re-erect fences upon the road, land in the Maitai Valley where such fences had been pushed over by the late-flood. Miss Richardson stated that they had not asked for permission to straighten the fences, and the conditions of exchange of tho Maitai road and boundary could not ho altered at this late date.

From Richmond Borough Council, applying for hire of stono crusher.—Declined. :

From G. Webby, Richmond, re hire of traction engine—Referred to Engineer.

From Stanley Win, Thorpe, appljing to erect telephone post on road. — granted subject to Engineer's approval. From Tracy- McCarthy, Matariki, re culvert in front of-.Gray's.—Referred to Engineer to deal with. From F. C. Greenwood, Ngatimoti, re the road leading to his house.—Left! to Engineer. From H. Mutidy and others, Lower: Moutero, re Lower Moutere Cemetery road.—Overseer to attend to the matter. From A. Best, Lower Moutere, applying for few loads of gravel for Edwards' road.—Granted. GENERAL. Resolved that the footbridge over the Wai-iti river in Quail Valley be converted into ia, motor bridge provided the settlers contribute £30 " towards the cost. On Cr. Best's motion, it was resolved that the attention of tho Railway Department be directed to the state of the fence at the Appleby railway station.

The Engineer was instructed to have necessary repairs effected to Appleby bridge.

Several others matters were dealt with, and tho Council rose at 4.30 p.m.

Dr. ■'.£ s;d. County fund account 6102 9 6 ■■■■:•■ '■■■ ■•■■• : ■■'•'■■Cr. "•■•,' Contractors' deposits account 0 7 0 Interest accountsNo. 1. (Rocks road) , 147 14 11 No. 2 (Ngatimoti bridge) 18 6 11 No. 3 (Baton bridge) 16 8 10 No. 4 (Sherry bridge) 13 5 8 No., 5 (Peninsula bridge) 86 0 1 No. 6 (Stoke Waterworks reserve) 53 19 8 Land fund thirds account 109 1 0

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Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 14185, 8 September 1916, Page 2

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WAIMEA COUNTY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 14185, 8 September 1916, Page 2

WAIMEA COUNTY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 14185, 8 September 1916, Page 2