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(From "Tho. Colonist," April 17.) There was a large attendance- of tho public at the Stoke Horticultural am? Indus triad Show on Saturday. One of the chief attractions was an exhibition of cider making by Mr A. H. Maaurc, Government wine and vine instructor, winch is referred to elsewhere. Appended is the prize li&t :—-. CUT FLOWERS. . Judge: Mr. C. T. Kurtehals: 1 Rose: A. Wilkie 1 and h.c, Mrs. Andrew 2. .-''■■■ 3 Roses: Mrs Andrew 1, A. Wilkie 2. ! Collection of roses: Mrs. Andrew 1, !A. Wilkio 2. Cosmeas, white: A. Wilkie. 1 and 2, Mrs. J. Biggar h.c. Cosmeas, any colour: A. Wilkie 1, Miss' Adams 2, Mrs J. Biggar h.c. Dahlias, double: A. Wilkie 1, Miss Adams 2, Miss Saxon 3. «, Dahlias, cactiis: A. Wilkie 1 and 2, Miss Adams h.c. Dahlias, collarette: A. Wilkie 1, 2 and 3. Dahlias, single: Miss Adams 1 and 2. Dahlias, paeoily: A. Wilkio 1 and 2. Phlox: Mrs. Cook 1, J. .Bradstock 2. Antirrhinum: Mrs. Andrew 1 and 2, A. Wilkie 3. Fuchsias: A. Wilkie 1 and 2. Marigolds: A. Wilkie 1, J. Bradstock 2. " Petunias: A. Wilkie 1 and 2. Verbenas: A. Wilkie and 2. Collection of cut flowers: A. Wilkie 1, and equal 2 with Mrs. Andrew. Zinnias: A. Wilkie 1 and 2. Penstem-ons: A. Wilike 1. DECORATIVE. Judge: Mrs. A. R. Kitching. Basket of ■flowers: Mrs. A. Wilkie 1 and h.c, Miss M. Clung 2. Bridal bouquet: Mrs. Cooke 1, Miss Saxton 2. Hand bouquet: Mrs. Wilkie 1 and 2, Miss M. Chink h.c. Buttonholes: Mrs. Cooke 1, Mrs. Wilkie 2. Trimmed hat: Miss Clung 1 and h.c, Nurse Giblin 2. Decorated table: Miss Adams 1, Miss M. Ching 2,.Miss Langbein h.c Vase, arranged for effect: Miss M. Clung 1 and 2, Miss Adams h.c. CHILDREN'S CLASSES. Vase: Hazel Heath 1, Marjorie Allport 2, Lucy Ching h.c, E. Wither c. .Basket of flowers: Margaret Black 1, Nellie Allport 2, Lucy Ching h.c. Bouquet: Hazel Heath 1, Lucy Ching 2. Buttonholes: Florrie Taylor V, M. Black 2, W. Langbein h.c, L. Ching, C "Bouquet of autumn leaves: Hazel Heath l.Lucy Ching 2. Wreath: E." Wither 1, H. Heath 2. Decorated pram: Dorcas Davis 1, Nellie Allport 2. POT PLANTS. Judge r Mr. C. T. G. Kurtzhals. Begonia, foliage: Mrs. Black 1, A. Wilkie 2 and h.c. Coleus: A. Wilkie 1, 2 and h.c. Petunia: single: A. Wilkie 2. Petunia, double: A. Wilkie 2, E. Saxon h.c. Cactus:'A. Wilkie 1, 2 and h.c. Cyclamen: A. Wilkie 1, 2 and h.c Specimen plant, bloom: A. Wilkie 1, 2 an,l h.c. • . . Specimen plant, annual: A. Wilkie 1, 2 and h.c Maple: A. Wilkie 1 and 2. Best annual: A. Wilkie 1, 2 and h.c Maidenhair fern: A. Wilkie 1, M. E. Saxton 2, Mrs. Andrew h.c. Asparagus fern: Mrs. Black 1, A. Wilkie 2 and h.c. Fern, nnv other variety: Mrs Andrew 1. A. Wilkie 2 .and h.c. ' Tuberous Begonia: A. Wilkie 1, 2, and h.c. Red lkfgoh'fi: A. Wilkie 1, 2, and ■h.c. Impatieus: Miss Saxton 1, A. Wilkio 2 and h.c. Aspidistra: A. Wilkie ], 2, and h.c. Gloxinia: A Wilkie 1. 2, and h.c. Exotic i'-'ern : A. Wilkie 1 and h.c, Mrs Andrew 2. Lobelia: A. W rilkie 1. Collection: A. Wilkie 1 and 2. Best Palm: A Wilkie 1, 2, and h.c. 7'alm. any other variety: A. Wilkie 1, 2, and h.c. VEGETABLES. Judge: Mr. A. B. Hall. French beans: Biggar 1, Langbein •2_ Beet, long: Biagar 1 and 2. Beet, round: Biggar 1, Feehan 2, Bradstock h.c. Carrots, long: Saxton 2. Carrots, intermediate: Saxton 1, Bradstock 2. Carrots, short: Saxton 1. Eschalots, white: Biggar 1, 2 and 3. Eschalots, brown: Feehan 1 and 2. Onions, best: J. Ching 1. Do, heaviest: Feehan 1. Do, strung: Bradstock 1, Edmonds Do, pickling: Bradstock .1, Edmonds 2 and h.c Artichokes: Miss Saxton 1. Mangolds, red: Langboin 1, H. Ching Do, orange: H. Ching 1 and 2, Biggar h.c Potatoes, red, early: Feehan. 1, Biggar 2 and h.c Do, reel, late: Biggar 1 and 2Do, early, white: J. Ching 1, Feehan Do, late, white: 'Bradstock 1, Biagar 2. ' " ' ' Do, collection: Bin:gar 2. Pumi>kin. host- Biggar 1 and h.0.. Do, heaviest: Bigg'fir 1. Parsnips: Feehan 1, Saxton 2. Turnips, white: Miss Saxton 2. Vegetable marrow white: Bradstock. 1. ' ' Do, green: Biggar 1. and 2, P;.\-e h.c Cabbage, Savoy: Biggar 1 and 2. Do, best: Biygar 1 and 2.Do, red: Bigcar 1 and 2. J:>ie melon : Biergar 1. l\ock melon: Frost 1. Water melon: Frost ] and 2. Cucumbers, short: Henderson 1, i Beo'tson 2. Pe«<s: Miss Saxton 1 and 2. 'lavishes: Biggiir ']. Lp>^ks : Feeban 1, "J. | Coierv: Feeban-1. Brndstocl- 2. Collection of vegetables: Bradstock 1, Bitnrar 2. ' PJieubarb, giavt: Giblin 9. Do, nnv ether variety: Pickup 1. , Mhs Sax'tou .2. . Maize: Goodman 1, Biggar 2 and n.c. | FRUIT. ; Judges: M- D. Ft'v (apples), Mr H. EvtM-otfc (pears). ■ Stunners. :A. P. Allport ]; Airmen Smith 2, Allport anc. Scott 3, Len. Frost ' h.c. (29 entries). Jonathans: A. P. -Allpnrt J. 2, and 3, ! Allport and Scott h.c ."''P- entries). Adams' Peormain: Mi* Robin-son 1, ) Alloort and Scott 2 and 3. : Cox's Orange: A. P. Alluort 1, 2, and '3. Oineniit''-'i : Henderson 1, Allpnrt find Scott 2, Mrs Robinson 3. RokeMood: A. P. Allport 1, 3, and ■ h c, Allport and P-T'otr, 2. : SV'iMWd's Perfection: A. P. All.n.'t . 1, 2, and h.c. , DplVioiK!: W Bifo;f !r 1. A. P. AllI port 2.and 3. Allport and Scot-t h.c (13 > entries). • [ Lord W^lsoloy W. MeM'urtry 1, E. . Tat<> 2,' Allport' nnd Scn>t 3. , Five-Crfi-vns: A. P. Allport 1, Allport and Scott 2, Mrs Robinson 3.

Romo Beauty: Allporfc and Scott 1, J. Jollymarv '!.''' . Dougherty: A. P. Allport 1 ~3and 3, W. Briggs 2, Allport and Scott'h'.'c'(ll entries). j Spitzenbcrg: E. Tate ]. King David: Alljwin; and Scott 1, 2\ \ and 3. , Rcinottc dv Canada:1 Mrs Robinson , 1, E. Tate 2 and 3. . ] Washington: A. P. Allport 1 and 2, ' Mrs -Robinson 3. Alfriston: J. Biggar 1 Allport and l Scott 2 and 3. Russets: A. Frost 1, E. Tate 2 and ' h.c. . 1 Commerce: ' Allport and Scott ], 2, J and 3. ' . i Senator: Mrs Robinson 1, W T. MeMur- { try 2, Allport and Scott 3 and h.c. Epps's.Seedling: A. R. Frost 1, All- i port and Scott 2\ind 3. . i Scarlet Pearmain: Mrs Robinson 1. Cambridge Pippin: W. .Brigg .1, Mrs ] Robinson 2. ■ < ■ Statesmen •A. P. Allport 1 and 3, E. ; Langbein 2. Democrat: Allport and Scott 1 and 2. Premier- A. P. Allport 1 and 3, All[.ort and Scot-t 2. 5 Dessc-rt: Allport- and Scott 1 and 2, D. Giblin 3. 5 Cookers: Mrs Wither 1, Allport and Scott 2, E. Langbein 3. Champion Class, 6 varieties, 10 of each: Allporb and Scott 1 and 2. Best Collection: Allport and Scott 1 and 2. Case.Stunners: A. P. Allport 1, T. C. C. Scott 2. Case Jonathans: T. C, C. Scott 1. , Delicious: T. C. C. Scott 1, J. Biggar 2. Case, any other variety: A. V. Allport I,'T. C. C. Scott 2.' Heavieso Apples: Stoke .Training Farm 1, Allport and -Scott 2. 5 Pears, Vicar of Winkficld: Mrs Robinson 1, Allport and Scott 2. . ■Hose: Allport and Sc;>tt ], Mrs Rob-in.-^on 2. . ■ Diel: Allport and Scott 1. Winter Nel;fi: J. McCracken 1. . Winter Cole: J. McCracken ] and 2. | W. McMurtry 3, J. Jollyman h.c | Conference: Mrs Robin-son h.c. Koiffer»s Hybrid: H. Cliisnall 1, J, McCracken 2," E. Tate 3. P. Barry: Allport and Scott 1, and 2. Clairgeau: Mrs Robinson 1. f; Dessert: Allport and Scott 1. 5 Cookers: Allport and Scott 1. .-. Clr.'.mpion Class, G varieties, 10...0f each: Allport and Scott 1. Poshes: A. 11. Frost 1. Quincos: Miss Adams 1, lirs Robinson 2, W. Giblin 3. Passion Fruit: Msis Saxton 1, J. Ching 2. Walnuts, largo: J. McCracken 1. Walnuts, small: J.Jiitrgar 1 and 2. Cajve gooseberries: J. Biggar 1. DOMESTIC. Judge: Mr K. P. Forster. Butter, separator, lib: Mrs W. Ching 1 and 2. P-utter, not separator Miss Saxton i ], Miss Godfrey Tavlor 2 Bisciiits: JVir-s Chambers 1, Miss L. Ching 2. .• Fruit Cake: Miss M. Ching 1, Mrs Black ?. Currant Cake •. Mi^s E. Clang 1, Mrs Black 2. Ginger.Nuts: Miss E. Chi:ip; 1,1 Mrs Chambers 2. S.iusnejo Rolls: Mrs Phillips 1, Mrs G. Taylor 2. Gingerbread: Mrs T. Scott 1, Mrs Birrgar 2. Eggs, lion's, heaviest: Mrs Phillips 1, Miss Saxton 2. ~."„* , Eggs, duck-, heaviest: M.iss Saxton 1 and 1? Jam Tarts: Mrs D. Wood 1, Mrs Phillips. 2. . _ Cream Puffs: Miss F. Jellyman 1, Miss L., Frost 2. Scones: Mrs L Frost i and. 2, Miss Godfrey Taylor ii.c- • . Shortibread: Mrs D. Wood 1, -Mrs Blhck 2, Mrs J. Biggar h.c. Ouoen Cakes: Mrs J. Biggar 1, Mrs Phillins 2. , Ar . Cockles: Miss F. Jellyman 1, Mrs .1. 'A^'ple^Pio: Mrs T. Scott 1, D.j Tiost rLunch-.Mrs J. Biggar 1, Miss Myra Ching 2. ' j Honey in a>mb: 1. Smith 1. Jams, 3 varieties: Mrs J. BiggAV 1, Mrq Bradstock 2. Jam. 1 jar: Mrs Edge 1. Picklos, 3 varieties: Mrs J. Biggar 1, < Boys' Training Farm 2, Mrs W. KonniT?mato Sauce: Miss B. Humphrey 1, A. Wilkie 2, Mm W. Konnhi«; 3. Worcester Sauce: Mrs W. Kenning 1, MSS" A. Wilkie 3, Mrs Phillips 2 Miss Humphrey 3. . Potatoes, in skins: Mrs Biggar ±. Bacon, smoked: J. Jollyman 1. Bottled Tomatoes: Mrs J. Biggar .1. CHILDREN'S CLASSES. Scones: Esther McConchie 1, Marjorie| Allport 2. tii Cocoanut Cakes: Grace Johnson 1, Esther MoConchie 2. . . Toffee: Nellio Allport 1, Marjowo Allport 2. , _ ■ School Lunch : Grace Johnson 1, Margaret Black 2 "■Sponge Sandwich: Nellio Allport 1, Grace Johnson 2. INDUSTRIAL. * Judges :»Mrs Lyoll and Miss Marsden. Point Lace: Miss Saxton 1 and 2. Crochet Lace: Evelyn Clung .1, Miss A. Duirs 2. Pillow Sham: Miss Duirs 1. ■ Cushion:* Miss V. Kennirg 2. Table Centre: -Miss Doirs-1. White Shirt; starched and ironed: Mrs W. Kenn'mc: 1. Fancy 11;:: ik-i :'■■ \oi': Miss Saxton J, Miss Duiio Ll. Collection of Fancy Wrrk: Mrs Black "' Article from Sugar Bag1: Miss -B. Hunrphreys. 1, Mrs Black 2. Article from Kerosene lin: J.Biggar 1" and 2. ~ Arti'jlo from Floar Pag- Mrs iJlsiok 1, " Mrs Kenning 2. Carved Table: A. Wilkio 1. . , Carved Picture Frair.c- A. | Collection Maori Mats- A ...llkie 1. Collection Carving: A. Wilkie 1. Collection Maori Curio:-.!: A. \\ ilkie .1. CHILDREN'S Ci.ASSKS. Judge: Mr K. F/:iridgc Dressed Doll: Hazel Ingham 1. He-m-stitohcd Handkcrcluet.: Amy Shirtliff J. .. , p.rnsh Drawiiifj;, undor ll: Hazel ' Irmh-im 1, Olive PaynUw 2. Brush Drawing, under 12. Momi Gilbert 1, Val. Dyce 2. 3 Buttonholes: Phyllis Oakey I, Ivit•tv Sherwood 2. . . 1T - „ \ , ■Freehand, from nature: H. Cavanagh 1. L. l^rmento!' 2, E, Wnll.-rd 3.. Freehand, under 12: Marjorie Ahnoru 1 Monsi Gilbert 2. Writing, under 11: Hilda Johnstono i 1, A. Cuilimore 2. , t Wricilia:, under 8: Jim Crow I, HnzeiHeath 2/ . ; . Writing, under 15: Doris \\ ilkins !, H. Nevin 2. . Essay on t-lm War: 11. -N< v;n 1, lahuna 2. ...__..,., i Addressed Envelope- is. i\.ii-simtii 1, H. Nivon 2. Grace Johnstone 3. ! In. tho o\onin</ Mr-.Alfred Gould ilisnosed of wvnl skeop, produce etc., I In- auction, in aid of the Kcd Cross Fund, a sum of £9 7s boing realised.

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Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 14156, 19 April 1916, Page 4 (Supplement)

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THE STOKE SHOW. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 14156, 19 April 1916, Page 4 (Supplement)

THE STOKE SHOW. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 14156, 19 April 1916, Page 4 (Supplement)