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Wellington, July 15

The steamer Willochra; arrived in port last night, bringing 273 New Zealand officers and mon from Gallipoli. Tho cases on board are .scheduled as follows: — ♦

Invalids: Four officers and 106 men. Wounded : Eight officers and 155 men, 25 of which are stretcher cases.

Early this morning the Ministers of Defence and Public Health visited the ship, when the men were medically examined, paid, and arraiigenr-ents mado for their despatch to hospitals or their homes.

Later the Premier went aboard and welcomed the wounded, wbo were in charge of Captain Mitchell, medical officer, and Major McKcnzie, military officer.

The medical staff has been assisted by fight Australian nursing sisters, of whose good work tie men speak in high praise/ Except for intense heat in the R-ed Sea, the voyngo was most delightful and served to set; the men up in a. most wonderful way. The wounds are healing most satisfactorily. There was only one man on board who lost a limb. This was Lieutenant Peake, of Cambridge, who lost his right arm. The men look remarka<bly well, and are in excellent (Spirits. The city was ready on behalf of herself and the. Dominion fittingly to receive , the men. Bunting was flown from 'every public building, .and every ship in harbour,had'streamers of flags. The Town Hall gaily flaunted many long strings of gay flags from every pinnacle, and flags also extended down the' front' of the building and across the street. The day was observed as a half-holiday for schools and tho Public Service, and for most of the shops and business places generally. Crowds were in the streets' an hour before 2 o'clock, and the route was thickly lined all the way to tho wharves. The Glasgow'"Wharf was reserved for the nextof-kiu of soldiers, numbering about 2000. As the Willochra rounded the outer tee of the wharf, "Homo, Sweet Home," was wafted out from a. band ashore. Then arose great bursts ot cheering from the Glasgow Wharf, taken up by the crowd" on a fieighbour-in-i wharf * The liner came alongside, arcl relatives .of the nien in their anxiety burst tho barriers and shouted .welcomes as they rushed along. Tho arm n gementfi far the procession were excellent. One long line of motoi cars bearing the soldiers proceeded to the Town Hall, headed by the. Salvation Army Band. The procession set off through a dense mass of people. .Every vantage point along the route was 'packed with enthusiastic crowds. There was unmistakable cheering, and the neople waved flags, and here aruS there" flowers were tossed into the motor cars. The men themselves seemed to enjoy their home-commg very m^Wh'en all the returned soldiers had entered the Town Hall, the Mayor (Mr J P. Luke) addressed them. Soidiors from tho fighting-line and those that hay.> been invalided home./ ne said "to-day marks .an epoch m the history of the Dominion. On this memorablo occasion we welcome you back home, and tender you oair admiration and thanks for your work done in the interests of New-Zealand and of. the British Plmpiro. You have heroically encased the enemy in the fightine-une. I Avil) not take up your time- making a speech this afternoon, but I want to say -some words of welcome. I ask you to bear in mind the memory ot those who have not been so successful as the (soldiers who have returned to-day— the sons of Now Zealand who have laid down their lives in tho interests ot tho wholo people"of tho Empire. \\e should not, be unmindful of the wives, mothers, and sweethearts of those wlio have succumbed. All honour to their memory! New Zealand will always respect the memory of those who gave their lives in this great war. We welcome you all home to the most; welcome spot in the world. Tho whole people of New Zealand arc receiving you to-d-iv We are not here in the name ot Wellington only. Your hearty welcome is coming from every man, woman and child in tho country, who will see that those who have offered their lives do not want. J have many messages to cive you,,' nnd all express tho finest appreciation of your work." MrLuke then read a.telegram from Mr A M. Wrs on behalf of the' Mayor of Auckland, welcoming the courageous soldiers who were returning that-day. Tin' Governor, was' the next-speaker. ' "Fellow-soldiers," he sa>d. as a soldier mv address will be short. As th* representative of His Majesty tiiej

King I want to welcome you back to these shares. I speak personally as a soldier to soldiers. We are all proud of what you have done, of the name you have earned for New Zealand. You have- com,? back with your minds enlarged, with your ideas broadened ?n respect of matters, meu, and peoples. I should like to have & chat with every on© of you. As tho Mayor said, the citizens ltavo given you a, royal welcome, not, only from th© capital city, but from every town, village, and district of New Zealand. You have seen the enthusiasm with which they have greeted those who suffer in a. righteous cause, and for them wo are glad to see you home once more. I have been on active service, and knojv what it is to be;home again. 1 hope that all in this room will soon bo well again, surrounded as tiiey arc with kind relations and friends. That is all I have to say. The best of luck go with you wherever you go." Mr Luke rose to say that he had omitted t<» mention th© Australian nurses who had cared for the mon on the voyage, and expressed his appreciation of their good work. "I am sorry that I cannot address you as a fellow-soldier," said the Prime Minister (Right Hon. W. F. Massey). "I can only say, soldiers of the King, I join with, the Mayor and the Governor in a hearty welcome to you all. Wo on the platform speak for this whole dountry individually and collectively, and extend the heartiest welcome it is possible, to convey. Only a few months ago you were sent off from the city, and it.was predicted that you would dr> your dwty and do credit to yourselves and us. You have done all that (Applause), and have not 'been found wanting. You ha*vo proved yourselves good men and good soldiers, worthy descendants'-of your ancestors who under the great captains of past years founded tlie Empire tha.t we are bound to protect. You went away gay, bright-faced and happy. You have come back gay but battle-scarred —with scars to which you will bo able to point at some future day as haying been received when Germany tried to smash Grcax Britain, who was preserved by the courage and heroism of her soldiers and tlie .self-sacrifice and patriotism of her citizens. The battle of Gallipoli will go down in history as one in which our soldiers fought against great odds. When the war. came New Zealand took up tho burden of ■Empire, and she will never lay it down. We mourn and will never cease to mourn for the fallen. Our sympathies go out to their relatives. But 'we will fight on, and intend to do so until the war ends and a peace is proclaimed satisfactory to Great Britain and her Allies. That is the position. We do honour to the brave men fighting for us on the other side of the world. I endorse what the Mayor said about the nurses. I went, on 'board the AVillochra, and spoke to the men, who spoko; of them in the highest possible terms. They were glad to got home, yes. but they were sorry to leave the ship and the nurses. I thank the nursos on behalf of the country for taking such good care ot our men And when the war is over, and their duty done, I hope they will cast in their lot with New Zealano. I say to the soldiers, in conclusion: You have come back to your country and your friends, and your friends and I wish .you many years of health and happiness.' " ' The Minister of Defence (Hon. James Allen) read a telegram 'of congratulation from the Mayor of Hokitika ' 1 have not many words to say. ' said Mr. Allen. "I am glad to see the wounded men back again, and would that you could have come home without wcunds. 1 am sure you wish that you were rid of your wounds and back again in the trenches. I know how the parents and next-of-kin feel in welcoming ytui back. We join in this welcome. I am grateful to the captain and crew of the Willochra, as well as to the nurses who brought you back in safety. Captain Neville's cheery manner must have done you all good. I hope those that have come back will settle down. Some may have an opportunity to again serve the country, anc this time I hope they will return without wounds. I wish you all a good time, and can fully understand your parents' gratification in having you home again." Sir Joseph Ward was received with a tremendous burst of applause, which continued for some time. "Your Worship the Mayor, Your Excellency €he Governor, ladies and gentlemen, and soldiers of tlie King," he said, "I do want from the depths of my heart to extend a warm welcome to the men who have returned to New Zealand to-day. The feeling swaying the Dominion from end to end is one of profound pride in the work her men have done. This is the most glorious epoch in the history cf New Zealand. The representative of the King, the head of the Government, Ministers of the Crown, members of Parliament, the Mayor and citizens have assembled to pay a tribute to the soldiers' work. What has occurred will never be effaced in our history. The deeds performed at Gallipoli, in my opinion, stand unrivalled in the history of the war (Applause.)—in any country in the world. It is a supreme joy and satisfaction that New Zealand 'feels in welcoming brave New Zealanders who have fought and returned. We regret that some of their comrades have fallen, but we feel that these men are not only a credit to New Zealand but to themselves. They will leave their individual mark for the future youths to see by reference to them the grand way in which they discharged their duty and added to the traditions of their forefathers. Wo recognise that bloqd has been spilt, but it has not been spilt in vain. We have put our hands to the plough, and will not desert it till freedom and liberty are obtained. I, too, want to pay a tribute to the nurses. Eighty wounded men were carried on to the Willochra, but only fifteen were carried off. The energy of the nurses and the physique of the New Zealanders have ensured success. I hope that- the men on their

return will find their dear ones alive and well to welcome them, and that the wounded will be soon restored to health. I wish them long ant' happy lives. Their great work on behalf of the Empire will ever be remembered." (Applause.)

Three resounding cheers were given for the soldiers at the call of the Mayor, and the men themselves gave three cheers for the Australians.

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Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13825, 21 July 1915, Page 3 (Supplement)

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PUBLIC RECEPTION. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13825, 21 July 1915, Page 3 (Supplement)

PUBLIC RECEPTION. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13825, 21 July 1915, Page 3 (Supplement)