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Union S team S h... G e. of ■ *^ ! ffg^nj*ffito* G. F. HING.STON. ____!™i^±—, WANTED. . N EW Z EAL*ND ' £'"'"»• ■ JMI I '& ES S&-; THE OZaS- 0?i" > ' FOR SALE. A»«.o rti semento are MM mw. ——_ jaamtmm x}xxAqt coxitract to the —suuius— column at the rate of Tweat)» Passengers MUST procure Tickets »t // N.Z. Government,) Prices'.Full-weight Candle 251b box, IMI firfl F<! qhfbrv vallpv 'words for One Shilling. Three In* werther anJjther circumitap^i _ pill A.. Best Kerosene i 9^ M case .' ?7jRQ ACRES situated in Slippery for Cash only . if book ed, one ahfih permitting. ..... (Oaptaui Hob^rt Goldje.) _ Best EngUsh Matches, 12 pkts., 4 ? . «O«7 Creek, Sherry Valley; unim- Wch insertion PIOTON * WFT,TTNfSTnw T .EAVES as follows (weather and cur- iLarge Tin Boxes Matches, 1000's, 6 l^oved. Contains a considerable quantity ' ' d*' SV I m i!i numatances permitting):- boxes for 2s 6d. of valuable Milling Timbe/. Offers a■- »- ; '. —— Pateena, Thursday, May 29,10.30 a.m. From m[sm for f ara koha, Takaka, and Safety Matches cheap.' splendid opportunity to Bawmillors to TfcST TO HAND: Jerseys, Blanfeets, Pateenn Saturday May 31, 7 a.m. . ColHngwood. • Almond Scented Soap, 8s 6d box, secure it in time. v Down Quilts, Counterpanes, Shee*^ Pateen»,Tae«Jay.Juaa 3. 9.15 a.m. Monday May 19 1o m ' 20 bars." I7QO ACKBS on the Sherry RWer, ing, Towels, Table Linen, Tea Cloths. Arahir », Wedneoday, Jane 4, 9 a.m. WednS&v Mar 21 2p m Silkstone Soap, 13s 6d box,, lid bar. 4 *5& improved to the extent of about Fleming & Salts. Ivvr t TiymTAM TYroTPrrr Friday May 23 330 o m " • Buttermilk Soap, 3 cakes for lid. v 420 acreß,. which have been felled and —~— « MoS3Jy^y2fe GpFm""1- Brown Windsor Soap, 7 cakes for 6d" grasßed. rpo OLEAR AT LOWEST PRIOR: •Map...jcika, Saturday, May 31, 6»0 a.m. Wedne.sday May 28 7.30 p m Sand Soap, 6 cakes for Is 3d. Applications for the abore properties, A Down Quilts, Blankets, Shoetiag, *No cargo. Friday, May 30th 9-30 pm " Carbonate of Soda, 6K)s for Is. either separately or in one lot, will be Hearth Rugs, Carpet Squares, Cooh- ..„""„ m>mv*fnn(Pn/ABn From Takaka for'Calilncwflflii Best Cream of Tartar, Is pound. received, and information supplied, by the torpanes, Bedsteads, and Bedding. ■WEbt'PORT. GREYMOUTHrAND rrom TaKaßa »r Collingwood. Madras Chutney, Is 6d large bottle. undersigned. Fleming & Sons. HOKITIKA. , -Menday^.May 19, 8 p.m.- ghoice Jams, 4d tin. . ERNEST E. TEABK, •Arohura,-Sunday/June I, 8 a.m. Wednesday, -May. 21 9 p.m. Marmalade, 6d tin, apricot jam 6d. For-the Exeoi?tora. T INOLEUMS, FLOORCLOTHS, ®arMapounlra, Wednesday, June 4,.6 a.m. • J "day, May 23 10.30 p.m. Strawberry and Apple Jam 6d. - iJ pets, Hearth Rugs, Down Quiite, "Cargo (perishable only) until n6o» ■" r |" esd^, May 2/ la.m. - Haricot Beans 51b for Is, 3d per Ib. — —— — Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, Bed Saturday. , . . . Ihursday;, May 29, 2.3( a.m. Boiling P©as, >8d por lb, 61b for Is. APHIPIIITJIHiII lISSC Valances. . —: ___ Saturday; May 31, 4.30: a.m. pearl Barley, Split Poas, Rice, Sago, AfaWllULlUhflL Llfflt, Fleming & Sons. SYDNEY, VIA COOK STRAIT Firom ColHngwood, for Takaka, Tara- etc., 51b for Is. We are instructed by the Tarakohe Cement = •■ (From Wellington). koWe, and[Nelson. Teas.—Try our teas at 1® pound. Co. to now book orders for - rw , „ ™ » ~^2! . sa S^f ;» s ., m Ts n^,^ r ,^. B 't Ler: ay MELBOURNE, VIA BLUFF, , ' Thursda^ .May 29, 2 p.m ' Tea specially packed, 7 a 6d per 51b box. _~. , ~ B f tatlo^ . t w , " medium of. 6xchaug6 throughout »• (From Wellington) Saturday May 31 345 o m Own Special Is lOd Ib. Try this one. Wo dehver to Moutere, Motueka or Nelson, Dominion, because wo are Specia]uta. *^ 1 rm. vi t c c - 1 ~/... -^- Ll. . Nelson Moate and Co Teas all oriwe TARAKOHE CEMENT. Every item sold carries our guarantee. •Manuka, Thutrada-y, June.s, 5 p.m. From Takaka for Varakone and Nelcen. Arcadia Pknte^s Choice P MCAf CS, M/innnW LAWRENCE'S N.Z. MOTOR 85. * Wireless Telegraphy. Tuesday, May 20, 8.45 a.m. Book gift Sc It .rMrtlprice* ' NfcflLfc ffi HADDOW. CHANGE. 123 Lower High St^e«fc, GANADA UNITFD STATES AND ■ Thursday, May 22, 10.15 a.m. b ' ' ALSO : CHRISTCHURCH. UANAUA, UJNiI^D SIATJ^i, AND Saturday, May 24 noon. . White and Gold, and Pink Breakfast - *—m* mum WIMMMi^ • (Via Vancouver) ' l\ lGsdV'' M,rf o^-Jil*"™" cups and saucers, 3s 6d half doz. ¥ *M±S* TF you need a Motor Cycle or Oar,^ffl3 v x, * t, lhursday, May "4.15 p.m. White and Gold tea cups and saucers, n ■G" «ff Ror f^wß don't wi# to pay too much, : write Pwin From Due Saturday, May 31,"5.45 p.m. 3s 3d half dozen. STVIE '-PRn ns. We can »re J™ money. WeolwSydney. Auckland, \ancr ■ Toilet Sets, pretty patterns, cheap. II lIL I. -Ip^BE haul most urines, and every on© MA *Marama: June 2 Jtmob June a* Tonga. Bay.-Mond*yß. Tea gets , 'from 8s 6d sot. THAT IS RF VL rt^WK is RuaranteeTin good order or m^nes *Makura: June 60 July-i July 2J Totaranul.—Mondays and^ Fnd*ys. Table Lamps, Wall Lamps, - ''f^illS?/ back. LAWRENCE'S N.Z. MOM (Via Ban Frauci«co). . All cargo mtst be alongside ttuia at Hand Lamps, Lanterns, . ' !i KiKHN 1- EXCHANGE,' 123^ High Stree*, From Pue l^aat one hour 1/iiote advertised hour Hanging Lamps, a good assortment. Tdlffllllinff W&IS<T CHRISTCHURCH. W»llin^nn. 'Frisco *!>*%} m&\. +X „-~ N T Alarm Clocks, etc., etc. ldllUrlllM MW EdT ~ byOri^» of Royal Mail Steamers. 8. G. KIRKER, 81, ' «!N6Sl'o" iHuPiGS |J| M) siveaeents). „.. __ ""i7r^ r^c^nll^ "^ », "' : ' M«W. Q HALTsTREFT^'Phone 194 T^at Stand the O W T™i^rat^ tUIB"r V?S^SS OFFICE The Port — ' ;■ ' tumux &±uibn,i. uioneiJ4 «^M 'W and automatic drop head SEWINS WEAE-TJiSI \ }5 V MACHINE; 20 years guarantee, from , _ |\1 £5 10s..—At LOCK'S. _ HEW [[ST BOOKS. "WANTED^IO,OOO Ey^BTlTheSi - ■ i n/ti/ o T « w . Pn the finest display of Furniture Macgrath's Place HoncymooHs, 3s 6d. LUtm W IAYLcK. an<^ Furnishings ever seen in Nelwm. ' i - THEB.S Bucl^an's-ModflrnlloW.Ssed. High Art Costumiers & Tailors, -At LOCK'S Big Furnitm-e Wa^ \ K. uriffT a ■»■•*-* jt\ t Mitchell s John Sherwood, Ironmaster, " * ' house. //tV'HL JlNs W'A.lliyClA 3s 6d. « Trafalgar-st. Nelson . ■ ,- -. ,n x• ti tj- uix v Edward's A Mail's World, 3s 6d. -^^nntm^-rmfmt^mmimmu . CIIPDAQIMC (Captdin F. Raok©tti.) Deehiug's House Spies, 3 S 6d. OUUKUolnifc. \7S7LLL leave the Railway Wharf as Parrish's Molly Mac Donald, 3s (3d. ' The Greatest Live Stock Food gHIPPIHG ■ AMD fo u owaj weather permitting and Hart's Dream Girl 3g 6d DTT VCTT i TkTlO For Cattle, Fi ? s, Horßes, Sheep.& Poultry other circumstances:— Williamson's Lone Pirate, 3s 6d. KB H\^NlH A 1 S &HiW 11m PViftntTfißt m rhn Mjirkflt' POUNDRY COMPANY. L TD. . • Ward's Mating o^Lydia 3s 6d. O U I>l "^ffi^io?l^^ N«lson for Takaka, Sunday, Juno 1, Wraus y^^^ff 1r m SAVE MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS AND . On Wharfs elson or Motoeka. [ Pa Ba6DA era MUST procure Ticket* at Taka^fo 1?'Collin-wood Monday, Juno Hobby Book, Photography lsCd. BUY FROM THE MAKERS. NEALE & HADDOW, the Office bofore they embark. 2530 am ° ' Hobby Book, Pets, Is 6d. AGBN iS. Steamers will *>c despatched as under, Collingwood for'Talcaka, Monday, June Hobby Book, Gardening Is 6d. vnu^a. weather and othor circumstanceß per- 2 5.30 p.m. Dame Courtesyjs. Novol Entertain- r*u.v/i2/G. .^ raitting:— Takalsa for Nelson, Monday, June 2, ™ent<^ ss- , _ . _' . c* If* TO C*f\ I 15e IM o © WESITORT, GRMMOVT3, AND " 7.30 p.m. • Dame^Oourtesy s Guessing Contests, . 25/O .&%)!**■ "BAILIE NICOL JARVIE." ■ ALEXANDEF^Sx^May 31,2 pm. Neleon for" Takaka, .Tuesday; Juno 3, Dai^Oourteay'e More Guessing ALjG THE NE "^j T jMPORfTEI? J HE M WHIB^ °F" TH| ? ER™0\ 10 p.m. iM°n ' i +• • c^c -n STYLES AND SHADES IN M- I^. Webster,- —Sole Agent. ' WELLINGTON Takaka 1 for CoUingwood, Wednesday, 1W BungiOowß, containing 666 Draw- H 75 Trftfa] Qbte £ m NIKAIL Fri^May 30 130 p.m. i?'^ .Wednesday, ' selection of -NeWs T.y HANDLES AND MATERIALS. . _^^^__- ". ■■v-" (Via Motueka). ■ j^ ne 47 p m -■'*■' .. ' ■■Books'. • ■ ••- , . ... ■ . . f-\ . •-■;• ■■. v— ' ■■-■■:--- U ' NIKAU, Wednesday Juno 4, 4 p.m. Takaka W Nelson, Wednesday, June limtM( ,~7 .; _ ft ,_ n MADE TO SUIT ALL TASTES, ~ -'-———— rfr " (Via Motueku.) 4 9pm w. » HOUNbELL & CU,, LTD. , ~ ~ .1 t NELSON TOMOTDBKA. NclAm for Tak aka, Thursday, Juno .5, -—— — f f| RVfIFR "'' WEARING 'BROS ''f KOI, Thursday, May 29. noon. . 10 p.m. li Ui I&lilLlli BSl.KIIII«U UllUWi (Via Western Entrance,) Takaka "for Collingwood, Friday, June Qjf^TTmTrf T>TT> THSnT^IW Late Letha-by's.) BSUPMBWOMfI KOI, Friday, M»y 30, noon. 6,8.30 a.m. . oUtlil J>Xiill©Jtl J • HIUHIBUnIItI. NTK.AU, Friday, Mny HO, 1.30 p.m. Collingwood for Takaka, Friday, Juno INSURANCE COMPANY, — ~ Have now opanwd a fiae lot KOI, Saturday, May 31. 1 p *v. 6, 8.30 p.m. .. of KOI, Monday, Jute a, 6.80 pm. Takaka for Nelson," Friday, Juno 6, UMIIJiD. . NEWMAN BROS.' „..„„ uumi , lß ,ncn>«CllD -— 10.45 p.m. - r-onnnnhn «QYAL MAIL COAGHSS fflfcN b W^KlVi IiNUcnWCAH, ' MOTUEKA TO NELSON. a Pltal, . , £• , Wo^l MAIL C°^GWE»KOI, Thursday, May 29, 4 p.i«. No cargo after 4 p.m.- and me hour Accumulated Fund. ov«r £700,000 NBa^o N TO~BL3xNHEIM including Flannel Single^ KOI, Friday, M»y 30, 4pm before B ailiC« time. MARTVF * ACCIDFNT _ * Pants, Sookß. eta, which fer KOI Saturday, May 31,5 p.m. No <«rgo after noon on Saturday. FIBE & MARI^^ ACCIDENT M<)n qua hty and low pnc-. 3 , cannot KOl,lWa y , J un ll ß.3o,, l , - M «dii« .Bm^r.' ■ li.biKl^ for ' days, & Wednesday B, and Friday, 1-beaten any where. MOTHEKA TO WELLINGTON CoZesation 11 AcTs^MorWa^lndeS' Club Hotel, Bbnhexm, on return We invite your iii.pection. NIK,U, Friday May 30 5 p.™. . Thursdays, B nd Bat l3 , ._,.„.„ ,»»f ir - - either singly or in conjunction with D.lLut m^ •♦ mo^Hfe fat«« We also have hundreds of other NIL.AU. Wodneaday, June 4, 8 p.m. _ _ gickness enefitg Bur J g]ary , P l ate Fg^oa^rt^og"*£j£j»- '.; seasonable lines you'll be in(DlcQCt^ Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, etc. ;. T^ -. tereetod in--Warm Overcoats, WESTERN—NTEANCE, N.T.'K. ACCEPTED AI r LOWEST CURRENT NSWMAL BROS, i^opn^, I^^^/^?^ KOI, Thursday, May ,9, noon. m , mAL JAPANESE HAIL UNE "- ' To Sub-Agents, for District: M L lilvlli NOi^ EVERYTHING NEW AND 000 D MANILA, CHINA, AND JAPdN. cityj RobGr tson Bris.; Mouteka, W. ™ „ j mViRRANW TOwfjJvTTTP AND Mclnnes; Richmond, WR. May; IMPROVED AIW UNIMPROVED «' I , BITIBPANE, TOWNSVILJ^L., AJNU Takaka, J. J. Langndge & Co. j Wake- JiAND —TGWN LQT& „.. . m K£®fi%tfgßi«: SUir^a?^™^.,^.,,,,, faring irss. ■ , . -s^a^el r^nl C^m" D^~ p. J. Boekmann: Wetsport, J. J. ft in this coming district . ——- .. . TawatuMaru 4000 M. SeJrine May 14 Mo 1™? > Murclnson, V. Spiers. TOURS OF THE STORIED ISLES Inaba Maru 5200 M. Vagi June 11 • n~7nwftßD«s 383 Acres U.1.P., rent £8 per annum ; . „ , OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC Nikko M« B 55G0 Winckier July 9 F- &D- EDWARDS, 7i miles from Murchison; 300 acre ß OMMt Jl_ IRViriu- 1 , — AGENTS, are cleared and grassed, 75 acres p. 0. Box 102. TONGA' SAMOA.' FIJI! Saloon amidshipß, two-be.rth cabins TRAFALGAR STREET. being excellent flat. In its present ' ' Telephones: 143; Private, 191. iuinua. oivjau^. xiuxi onlyj oach cabin fitted w?tH electric (Next National Bank) state will carry 25 milk cows and , The Mashifictn.t T.S.B. ATHA (3444 tans. Linen washed on hoard at mod*r- , ■ ' ' 300 sheep. SAVAGE & SONS. Si bv V?S AS UCI'SfuT tZ^Zs) 'on ' atFa^Tfrom Wellington to London, via —~ — 600 Acres L.I.P. 5 140 acres sown, of LIFTED. ST" . IUFUA (13" 7 A " «« .wn. « n Sd^uSTndTawS 0^- A. Leading House in **. i« .j 7 d Orient, £ISo,. - SUR^NGE COMPANY OF NEW bargain English and American. FIJI, , . 'USLE.Y s *oO KALA-IVL.-1T.,. LOUR M EM The T.S.S. Fav.UA 295t) tonN) leaves NELSON BRANCH. cleared and 50 acres flat. Will ar >A Auckland for Suva direct op 18th June. . —■ „ —. carry two sheep to the acre, as well *uu -„«.«., R\ROTONGA! TAHITI I Fire > Employers Inability, Accident as cattle. HIGH-CLASS PICTURE FRAMEBft. leaves Auoic gEAW, gAVIL ANT t^^^^^ST £?2 Apply- n , Ra>pw . A L^tt°^vtg^^ tf^^- ( - 3? 15 leaves Wei- COMPLY, ferSe/^li^t^ Sj LAND AND ES^AiSeNTB, SHEET ANITPLATB GLASB hnsrton on 23rd May for ban Francisco TeE BIKEC!T LiNE cf BTBiMERS pi ate Glass. Pohcios isoneel at, Lowes,! . MUROHIBON MERCHANTS. via Rarotoaga and Tahiti. 1176 -f or PLYMOUTH and LONDON, via Oirrent Bates -MUKWtiioui ~ MONTE VIDEO and TENERIFFE. _.. . VUun and itevellod Mirrors up to 7 fee*. The Largest 'Fmseasfit dteamers m ike The Company is a N<w Za.aland insti. . -X ..< «> v n « nAM . ii'urt, iMAtoe Now Zealand Traie. All Twin Screw tution, with funus lnyssteJ locally ami sappiy Eaober Stamps of th- Patterns and Wall Papers Sont an STANLEY BROOK ANO WAKb and Fitted with Wireless Tekgraphy. oS^ra Absolute Security, Simpl&xty m. TVy, Bst , without; vexations d& Application. Flhl.u WMI~ . Contract, Prompt »j>d Liberal &ottl«- jo V m «« fl o, ,—« o SaJing^ ..eiiCTmßJ^w permittm^):- mellfc of claims. , . WHonlst" Jobhing D^artmsirt ESTIMATES GIVEN. f EAVIDS Stanley Brook every Vnes- ~ ■ , • t.i a V* <k -VinCTirVtO ¥% . Snh-Aj»enta • DAY, THURSDAY, tmd SATOR- , f l. A.. BAMPORD. — ■ v. ~ -? S«^, r^nan DAY" mornings at 8.46, calling at .8 o I Pors or 'MANAGER ' Yorkshire Fire Insurance Company. ■■^tO^SSSw^LaSX 1!!- St— ||l|l^— . TRAFALGAR STREET., Q TELENIUS, OIL, OOLOUR, SIABB. AND WALB •i.w."' Returns same day, leaving w 2«a ' . .■ ~ 7 PAPER WARtHUUjfc. ■ IVakefieid at 1,! Dovedale at 3 ______ = WAKEFIF.LD. HARDY-STREET, NELSOHL a.m., and Thorpe at 4 p.m., arriving at A cLShle 6Z!rS Conveyance \^°* # . ■• W»3 Ma* 15WelUngton. «OVAL WIUL COACH now opeD6d i atg e ss hi pal ent. — tor-Paaaengera. Parwls.earned »J a *•«^ °T. ;;; 12^a2 Jul 10 .do POKORORO-t[PPER MOUTERE- -of- ROYAL WIAIL COACH. refcsonahle rato. All ordora entrusted V oriu*VJr ' "' T^,% .„* „ , %1 NGATIMOTI k> the-undersigned will he eareftUly at-1 Araw»t - W7g 7 do • SPRING AND SUMMER DRAPERY, NELSON-RICBMOND-MOTU-tendedto p amm+ - 9J57 bePC * d 0 JAB. HEATH, Proprietor. ... ' EKA-RIWAKA. ' All Parcels, etc., not paid for withn> ; . 1 t> l- «- * mr n English, Frencl- &nd other ,^en-dayß of delivery will be eharßed + - lwm screw . - ac per Foreign Dresa Materials, NEWMAN BROS., Proprietor,, doable. Ifee same rates as railway t cm ftt Ri<> de Janoiro aa well M P£[ ~ & P ° . The PROPRIETORS call «he attenb«rTt Wl9 1a madsfrOmb°Vem- Montevideo , + .. . Wednee- , -*- nor isi.wu. Special facilitios given to residents m and Fridays at 7 a.m.., meeting ' that the Richraon<l-Riwaka Coaen berH. WKIJJB. Mail C«ntr*«tor. the Dominion to bring out friends from Neisos Coach at Price's Corner, 9,35 ! Also a .great • ariety of vice has been extended to Nelson, and Home, either by pre-payment of passage a m ' " Coaches now leavo the Crown btablee, ... .._. . ; .—. .._•—- money in New Zealand or by guaran- 'Leayea Prfoe'e Comor on arrival of *W «««* Men's Neleon, Daily from Riwaka, ac per tees. ■ Nfiinnn «ioach 12 35 p!m., arrivinc ut timetable appended. _ • CITABLEa, Fot farther particulars .aprly to Pokororb at 4 p.m. " PANAMA AND STRAW HATB. " All parcels and orders-receive stnet > " Ageata. All parcels and orders receive strict ' c T . and bueine ßß like attention. 'COL/jINGWOOD 3. fl. fJOOK db CC. LTD. attention ' Direct from the manufacturers, London, -— ' "_ . c LRVra & CO.. liTJ*. Tourists and Miners wißhing to visifc ex s.s. Athenio and Corinthio. Daily Timctawe. IJOPBBB *ad VEIDCLEB .-( Hire » ■ . Tableland and Mount Arthur district Leave Nelson for Riwaka at 9 a.m. n°S WabUn^ Parties driver u"^ ' can book through, changing for Fatk V ' r"vlf« f RI^ T k. a 2M. SB" alt parts of vho di a tru:fc. Horses .at Pokororc. Stores provided -^- Leave Riwake for Nelson at 8 a.m. Coach leave- to* Maogamkao ev»ry |> ÜBBER STAMPS.r-We m^affte :f sufficient notice given. U7KTB supply Rubber Btampi *»f the arriving Wilson 1.30 p.m. ffedcasdav: • **'knre every-ojaoa .of. Stamp. CaJ . JAMES HEATH, »^test quality, without vexateii do- Luncheon: Redwood's Valley* ■■1. V 8C jfITT and inspect specinumo. 'Prices-righf Accommodatitai House, i«, T NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietora, Prcprietor. "Tl» Cofonlat" Jobbing ■Dapartmen.ti PokQnw*. ufhb CilWrtst* 1 Jobbing Peparf nl.

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Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 1