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{From the Sydney "Sun.)

Lcndon, May 17. ' A curious incident was witnessed in Brompton road, London, at daylight this morning, when somo individual attired in evening dross prosented a twoshilliug piece to each person he met. This unknown philanthropist afterwards organised a, queue of poor people, to each of whom bread was then supplied by a brker. A firo that did £200,000 worth of I damage occurred yesterday in Buffalo (U.S.). Tho outbreak started at a grain elevator, from which the flames leapt across a creek and partially gutted ksoiiio freight sheds. 'Jii-& destruction of the elevator involved the loss of 700,UU0 . lAishels of grain and flour. Tho story of a tragic incident comes from Galicin in Austria-Hungary. Three Ituesiun officers were waking along tin. banks of a river on the frontier when on:> of thorn offered to bet that ho would, ororrs a bridge on to ' Austrian territory, disarm the sentry doir-g duty thore, and carry him over to the Russian side. Tho wager having boon accepted, the officer crept along the. bridge, and getting behind the sentry pounced upon him and grabbed his rifk\ The Kussir.n brr.ggtirt, however, soon ■dir-i.<'-f>v''.v. fH'l' that lie had j reckoned without his host. The sentry un itched himself a»v.^y,-and r.eiziug his riflo bayonetr-d tlve oliicor, wli:> was so grievously wounded that he died withi;i a lew minuios. - Thoro Jin-s. btvon some heavy fighting at Guayraas between the Mexican rebels and tho Federal troops. Five hujulred mon wc-ro killed as a result o*' a three days' battle that was fought, and a train-load of oi] and firewood is now being n;;;h.d to the scene of carnage For thr- hurniag of tho bodies that litter the batt-k^eld. AU the -officers Mho wcro tr.ko:! ])r;soners o;i cither side wc-ro immi-diately executed. A Prussian officer, Major yon Lewinski was slvob load in a street at Munich ■ today by a- vinrraiith, \Straiißfr. A siTp^pinteadont of police ran to the assistance of the officer, and Stranser tihut i:im doxi ."1j:o. '.I'he murder.-r just escaped being lynched 'by the! crowd before being aj-rested. A motor-"bug.laden with passengers, was swervod by t.h.'- dri\or to avoid running -doY/n a iitilo girl yosterday afternoon. I'he 'bus smashed into an electric light ctundard. Tho ion of tho vehicle was crtniod away, and the passengers tiirowu to th-.- ground. Many of thorn were serkmdy injured. A rc-mnrkablo coincidence is reported from York. Du.rivg v. s^ectiort by t.iic-orchcvst-riv of a dramatic company is now playing in thv.b city tho dnimmcr burst his big drum, ;,r:;l ho subsequently discovered that at.that very instant his ri-inc-.-o die:-. Tho Oi-nterns officials in .A!-::xr.nflri;: found the:i!'S:;;v-n v.p a:-;;:i:^ : t tojr.e ingoaioi's siurr-do-i-ft to-d'-.y. Two Groek,v wa::,t to t!;:> and r.?.)olied -for th-o .f!r-.'>./;>r-eo () f two cuf^c contairv ; ing picrroi;:' r^^. T!:o' cr.s.s v.\-jt opCfed, and lm fug boon duly pr.i-sai:-; wcro «!:o::t !'> ho ro-naibd, wl;ori tlv' offirtv-s ' :u;!';'--:ly noticed^ that!,- tin" butco::?. or- i-.:^ ganncnta >'«-o oxceer!-; ingly !;i:-;^. fkf pli':c-:nV. t'cuhtlossji know t!Y: M\-!;tor's o:i .a. piorroc'sjnckcirwor-,. nl.r-ys big, but tho^o parti--cnlar buttoiih wcro ;:!):■ oraially largo' and thy Ciir-.-roms ppowla fecani©'' pusi. picious. j'uiljiig out'tho costnir.OvS, iiu.. ■ofT.ccrs n;Ki!icd <na>. of th-p buttons, nnri ion;},; 1, tl-.;it it w:>s OTammrd full oi h-^lus-h. X-.-odloss to r.ay, eX. th-e other ■ .biirt-;;;!;.! .I?'. o v.-to londod i\ ith tho same I BniKkjone dt's M'-vih'nni?!, c, daring i Vw.y.-h :un-v>n. wru; charged at the j!- i-.v}i P-Uc.e Court to-day with I ii.-. *!■.!"; r:; "■•"■. d o\lt certain magazines | n.'-vA r.:"--.•!!:;] : y v.ithuut permissiou. The i <h. f:'■■-:?;-;ifc r)]cr.'k-il ignorance of the | Inw, 0.-ori v, ~y. bc-Aiv.d over to como up | for rcritcvice if callod upon within a llve-Jyvi-Thaw, wife of Harry Thaw, -tho. millionaire and criminal lunatic, has beer, •c-ngaged to appear in- a ragtim& foaturo at the Hippodrome. Bqfore -her marriage . Mrs Thaw was a ,Ngw York actress well-known for hex great beauty as well as; her talent. Tho emigration from Scotland in the last four and a half months was 30,000 —an increase of 10,000, as comp.T-e;!* with tho corresponding .period of In si 3'ear. Less tl&n 50 per cent, of lite emigrants were agricultural labourers. Tho great scarcity of agriculturalists in many parts of Scotland has rcult!ed in improved conditions being offerled to farm workers, and .consequently men are content to stay in the country.

A Chair of Bacteriology j s to be founded at Edinburgh University with tho proceeds of a bequest' of £30,000 left by tho Lite Mr Robert Irvine. Tho sum in question . represents the accumulate;! dividends on ' 230 £10 shnrc-s in a:\o of the companies working thn deposits of Christmas Island in tho

. Kmid Anmiiwson has .reached Oopenr hagon a^ter. threo yoars' exploration In His- observations proved that the so-called Peary Channel, does not exist. ■

Satisfactory trials have bee-n in Paris with an apparatus for taking down tox?phone messages automatically i:i the nfeonco of tho subscriber. On the subscriber's return the apparatus will repeat mossages which may be spoken into.

A special article in the "Times" predicts a crisis in tho picture show business. "The multiplication of picture palaces,'^say/the article, "means that sooner or later there- must como a serious financial collapse. It is impossible to ignoro tho fact that tho promotion of picture , palaces' in places. where they aro not wanted and will never pay, has become a business. "Between January 1 and April 30 this year, 161, new companies hare been registered, with a total nominal capital of £930,500. During last year 59 companies wem registered, with a capital of £771,475." Investors aro warned not to touch stock in euch companies. In) .ft. leading arjacle on the recognition pf Chioa/ the, "Times" cay©;—

"What China needs before all else, is a cessation of civil strife and tho establish mant, of a financial modus vivondi between Pcldn and tho provinces. These things must necessarily precede any national education in the principles ofi representative government. "The immediate recognition of Yuan ...Shih Kai's Government by the Powers would tend to secure them, and to relieve the situation, which, still contains many elements of danger and unrest." In a leading article, tho "Times" commenting upon tho Greek manuscripts of the Gospel that have juai been discovered in Egypt, says:—"A' find of this magnitude ought to ptimuJato immensely tlio general interest in antiquarian research. -There is much yet to be won which is hidden by tho earth. There aro young scholars in plenty who haro knowledge and enthusiasm ; all that is lacking is funds. Will none of our millionaires spr.r'a a fow thousands for tho work of -pro-spec-. in<«; for tlik; buried knowledge." Monsignor l")row.. senior Roman C".thnlic chaplain to tbo i'oircn, hns declined an invitation to attend the Pcacs Roei-ety's meeting at tho : Mansion R:onso. Tlio prelate's letter of res Cnsnl r.tates that, although the Catholic Church is a dear lover of poace. slie admits tho lawfulness and .even the necessity for war in certain conditions. Tho church, continues the letter, improved oF aggressive wars on especial occasions. Paris, May I<V Speaking 'to-day at the, Sneiat My.'r.ion'l Cop/ivp'-t. .now being held inVr-,{■■■, ?«T. Toon Province, declai-od that rs m stirs hrd been taken to remedy j-hr- ].-v,v birtb-r:'.te i« Franco, all the sacrilicM made on behalf 'of tho -finny ;'.->.■ u:h prove sterilecv.-, n f.. r . A_ y ilihnt took .-^n ntarmiivi; \i^w of tb.c Fivwh vital stntisfics. T!io. speaker d;-c' that tho French raor> •.-,•:*<; m iti'Tinj; bccauSo of nlcoholip,rn .and tuberculosis. The of iiitellkron-i hyginno avo.s denimatinethe country. Some startling r.t.otnrontc worr mode in th.o irr-onch Chamber of Ikvprifcios todVv durinfytbo debate oil the proT>(?«or( State control of gambling. One of the •flnpritios for Srino, 31. Berry, iVrlrrc-d. that a confidential report which hnd bcv»n rerrivo-rl from detective^ jnrii-rntp-'l that a oort/un doputv and'more than ono member of tho Senate wore flnrvjicirrllx interested 'in a large casino near Prvris. By ?-31 votes to 220 tho Chamber of Dn-vitips-hi's n\ice+-pd the anti-gnmbi-ing jvmropnl. the' ncceptance of which ■■vin'.'l ]>n'-fl invoh-ori the closing oP all clubs end casinos. Now York, May 16. A-Toy Dog Club has been -formed in i r.!'Tvn J > of Now York, and it is pnt-••o'ri-nd by wealthy women who have 'inh (!-);:<-•, to ciierish. Each dog firs «i- ---•; 1 bn.".kot. upholstered in satin, nvd fv.r:iislio.d with ernbrridorod plvrreto of the .'-inO'St linen find cevoir. of.the. ■.:■->iT"^-1. silk. Attendants look ntw>r tho daily toilets of tho, animals. They v> ?:i their I tc-otn • vrith tir?v nr^rl-':r.:v!b-'l tontbbrushers, '• polish' tlwir popts v/jt'i pluph prulK -clipiiwl in oo'r',- -and mariictiro tiieir. p'a-ws. The clog's fond consists nf* oggs <>n, j otul the bof-t of 'bopf-steals. 'M-vk r>.y-o ?>r.'par?-c3 by a ]iighly-Sakrieil; Tl--?::rb cbef. Every day the • postman v-;-,rrc; -c-te'ir-ds addror-sed to tiro'dogs I -vyi >;rneying loving maspagos from '■'vt-ir'" rr-ifitypsecs. TJi-oso cards-arc- al-•-nvs onr;:'fu!ly rend over by thoir pf%rtir'drr FP-rvr.n'tp. to tb.o dr?g-s t-o whom Mipv oro addrosseri. Tb.r- p-O'Stmon also briu'Vß thorn boxos of lollies and bunch°s of their mistresses' favoxjrito flowers. Riotous scenes were witnessed in New York to-day in connection with the strike of barbers which is now in progress there, and in which thousands of mou aro taking part. Tke most serious outbreaks occurred in Broadway, where the strikers forced their way into the various hairdressing saloons and compelled tho barbers who wore still at work to como out. When finally tho police sot about preventing business places from being invaded in this, fashion a collision with tho strikers occurred, and in the conflict many were injured, a few rather seriously. As a result of the strike thousands of New Yorkers were unable to havo their daily shavo. One tobacco firm achieved groat popularity by making a fi-ee distribution of safety razors to all jiits customers who had been unable to get a shave at the public saloons. ■ ' * ■

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Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 6

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CABLE NEWS. Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 6

CABLE NEWS. Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 6