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, Arrangements lor the reception and cufcrou-iaaici^ <•>'* I'm. oilicors ami men of .i-i.v.S. -"■•■--'■'■ >.■;;;'l.'uid on the occasion of her visit to Kelson on Juno Bth ana i>U ivtro nut :.m-</d another stage 4 a u'jcotiu^ vi iiic^uevul committee hold at tho Ciiy Caused Chambers last weuiiig. 'i-~ -v.:-A>i v>ir,.\V. Luck) prosiUoii, iiiui tuc-c .'■.i-s ii largo atkndTelegrams (a:roady published) received iru.n Cui.jt-.iit iiakoy in regard to thus bouro the ■.v::-iship would ba open for inspection v.xio read. Tiio sLciiii.!!'..' oi tiic Stoke Fruifcgro.venj* .'.ti.v.'.■.;■ ;-.'.)n v. rota in regard to the proiJi>tpt:a i;ii<- "' »ruit to the war-' ship. &ad;t.d tLial the matter Mould receive consideration at its next meet-, ing. Mr. P. (4. .Ifcoib-tt (.secretary of the Xolsoa Imiitgiov.xu-s' Union) wrote on the same oubif-eL and .stated that the ro-sjuraso to ;':is appeal to the fruitgrowers for gi^"- had boon most discouraging, lie noticed by a report in ''Tho"L!oi;;t': th::b a speaker had vttah-d t!:.;.. v!..- ■'; iit^rowovs had promised "200 ens?'-. -;K;t this iit:i.toa:onL hr.d! be;\i hukl. ;,'r,;i,Lit authority and had ] iiiivv.Uni tiu« !•■,-.■ .-'.Jiic.o, as many fruit-. griv.^iK fo;i: >:'-. >:l this quantity .suffici^aL. i:j. ' :;:.i.:.d whether ICO eases would bo I'lK'ti-c) :iin.'£, but he lwpod thai fruitgrower!'. .«;oi;ld respond gon'cr-ow-ly to 1 !:• .•; ; ■ -'I. ]~\w^r i:i .: ■ ■'■..;-i)ivj: a telegram was received u:i... "' .-. .".'.-(cuatt -stating that -M) replkl- '■ ■.! 'van received from fruitgrowers f.u i..i, but he expected further rov,li. r. ;•■ tVe next few days. Tiio MurchiL'.na I ■.■unity OouneL wiote rcgi'LyttiT;^ l\-...:t It would be unahio to ooiit;-i')i!t-y to.-,:•-<!;; the cost of tiio vbviC. A leit r w.v. :,:r:;l from tlio secretary of the- u;i iN'o-license League urging t!u^guucii.--J committee to re-jsp-oefe-tke Ti'i.vlx -• <n « large section of tlu.-*«>.:]!;!i:mit.;- by it*. I; supplying intoxicating lv, i.oii4 l ' tfxi; men. Tho comiitittcD x<'it t'■.:.:■>, ; iv% i.'i>rniuy by Captain lluiboy ■,;;::; .o .J..: ;::.i:hvhi\i to juKi.iiS the c:'T.i;.i'i.;■<.■••:■■ : . J<ii;ig as' l>y liio i~:r..;.-. ;.;...■ i.:-.;cjcticij, and tiiNS ,-n'ttii.v: -■ Jb"-1^- t - --i'-plo to the rest oi l.];o. Dyuii.iion. 'I IX ■Sjjjk.K.'i t »..: , ;lf i''i:Xl!UCO C'OHli.litti>»' watfioad. ij.rt:ji:ig ov.l (;,' i.!. 0 report, cfanva&s- (.'■;•,>'iy .•■;;;■.■;: .-.i <l canvass the town for subscript!;; if.. '['no KnUiil.ii.. •:•.:..L Gommittco rejuut^d that .::•;■:•.-.:ge-;;-LiitB had been j macio witii :\ir. ;■;. .-iaundors to supply lunch at i'u '>,) i-:s .:jad; to take place' ia iLio .On.! 01. ■' ..; i p.m. Arrange-' meats !i:.'4 .'>:■_■ i ii:;u:c> v.-ith Mr. Botte to supply 2ui;U ';j--jgranimeß. fihe Com-J mi^'ibo k-'.'i tj commonco the sporty at iO.oiJ a.m. In roply to Mr. o!iodgra«s, the Mayor k.'ui" that ia ytlifr \Aac- s ho understood hec-r had 'ix-fi r/.i;;j.:liL.-:l to tJio men. It wag fo-r tho uioetia^ iv docido th© questioai^ r ln reply to the i':-v. W. i3aumbor, i\^r. Hogg (;;:i-:| i'lct tho question ot supplying ;>•:■":■ vii i.he luncheon was iiAjll ociii;., o ;usiuUaca by tin? Commifteo. It waa resolved to refer the letter ol* tho iSo-.icbi-.'.e t'omrnittoo to tho Enix.'rt:unmoiii {_o;iu.;v loe. Mr. W. Itogers -.:..:anager of tlio An■dhor Co.up.'ur, | ■.-■tax.. ■.! that it was the iatu:itiy:i of hi> uo-rspany to have tixo sftßamors at k :•.?■'„ i.t Xelsou on tho oc<asion oi tha vi.-it m: t-iic warship, and thsso v.ould isuy l\acn 1500 to-lO^U people per tii;.;. Ylio fo:aix:;;y ivcro prc-parod W h:im- il,- -jn-n and guns., ashoro on iioaikv ii:.:.> of ch.argo. (Appxiu&o.) v a. teh'gr;:.!!} ,vo:; j-^t;d from Captain1 lfelsoy accc.-ijti.:;;; ;co iiivi^itiovi .of the y..U:s'.v. !ii> ..-:iiV'rf..::i-tlK.'vinyir&t teoOH' biu:d;r.- t, c:. i ..oau, aad'-biating that 200 izen anhore! ■ JMr. d. /i. tl-rj.ijiv,;.;, c!iair.-i-n of tho oan.^roa-.s v.;.:..i,:!;', ivp^rlcd inter alia aw ]oii>\.;^ ;; ■..■■.;-. fj-r^rin irialsoy' bo as.a::,d t: ;-o,;-r,o ;>:u ij^i^cchip. K>r"tho inti;\v<:u::>:L <..i cji;.:•..;or. ot)l>- on Aloachy U.lttil :)...:.-•) n.i,;. ; GiDijS bo i>.p-IKUiit-e-d enki \r::-:>:hi:\ ior tho transport (rt. c;i:.;<.'-e;! ; t■':.■.c J:,-. Knv.^p laarehal tha_bo.v.i ;;!;. ( i:l!i. 'Mr. Cr^vford - fciia V/aimoa chili!-f,:. ::,d "vir. ll:irk:ie:-;; the <jicahr;ps to 'Koiu'tu children; ii th<-. w:it;:i'r c-r.-:»-:."i.Ir_-ix-.-- were u::kj;ouriiblc Mr. .r^uii.•.-;•. ] :u i kindly co-;. ( need to put on a jjj-ci.r'..' show at the Drill Mad.CLllO 'i.'iCMi.O l;..;:.-^ nUuM-.vir.C ui-j p^Hi;; that ,'.;.::)!- ;.i!!»;ing faciiitk^ | Ji:id.>.-yjn >>i-r>viu:--u : cirildron from tr-ch-1 mcvi and pmate .schools wore t-> be in-! vikxl t:) v-if=ifc t !: ,o , ;;: ;vhi|); Vi ,; :; , IJ!0 . por-od ti.v.^ town chiicL- ;i ■':c■^lv<^ i-.t ;}! a.m., tho Vv>Jir:er. c!:i3c!--;.';> .-f, ]()";"■■ j a.m., and the Glcnhopo ' cbihlrca 'at I 12.'J0 p.m. j th?.t ;■.;•:•:'• Ji:.;crn;•■■.;, s ii.-.. • ' been made by i;r. >.Mwa-ds, ti^)' rail-! iv.r:y manrge:^ to m?.k... the lliv.'-'-i ■•o^'l i school the terminus. ' ' Soma disc-usyioi! took ijl.-^c in r-^'-r 1 j tp. a proposal that O« t >tc:i:i .hl:' : 7.s: ; v aliCHild bo j:sko:T to u!k;w t.'io warsiiit> to bo-opcui for inspection by children only imtj! 1.30 r>.tn., but tlio proposal vras negfiiivod on the- voices. T!ib.l\i::yor informo-d the meeting tfi.;i.t a patriotic poem had boen co-m----pasc-4 by v ncsidont of tho district, who desired it road at one of tho functions. jYo action 'was taksn in tho matter. in rep.y to a qnostion. Mr. Rogers stated thirt. tho Anchor Steamers would moot tho war,-;hij). -*b:n 6-k-. dropped rfachor m the Bp.y. It was rofxjlved' to ask Captain Collins, the harbourmastertft take charge of tho flotilla o f vessels meeting tho warship At Mr. If. Atmoro's rcqu-st it was resolved to ask Ca-.nt.iin Ih.isvy wbotber young children, v.-ith their" parents, would bo allowed to board t]io w-rsliip on Sunday. On tho motion of Mr. Snodgrass. sec-onded-by Mr. Hogg, it was resolved thit an .exicutive committee consistina of the crmv-cn-'jrs of tl^e sub-com-mit toss and Messrs. H. R. Duncrn H Atmore, A. A. Grace, D. R. Edwards, IN. Adams and Cecil King'bo appointed to comjjyto PA-rnmromants for tJio-ci-tcrfcsmm'cnt of-the officor« mid \vr.s rcf.-t>:rod to -approve of t)ip. ffUK^ostiou that the wharf should ho barricaded to facilitate transport rrrai'f.;omouts. Tfc wi\sj rC'Rolvod that tho 12th llo'nmorjfc Bund bo ask?.-7 to co-ovx-ratc wl?h the warship's band in .KM^ard to music at tho sports. My. Atmoro snid-ti-.e members of the Dofonco Rifle Club wcro desirous of having n shooting match with » team from f.i.i v.'v,'T.!np. - n< ]_ it wag resolved tc>_ ,-jnk (h\}frim Halßoy to grant permir.f,:ty.\ for a :r;atch. T-l.'-fv q;'?f.tio!i -nf decorating the landin ,c :it -tlio wh.nrf was rof&rrwl to the Railway D-erwrtwnfc. Tho moeting then closed.

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Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 6

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THE GIFT BATTLESHIP. Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 6

THE GIFT BATTLESHIP. Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 6